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现代经济就是信用经济,在信用经济下越来越多的企业更多的采用了信用销售的方式进行交易,而在这种更适合企业发展的交易方式中也存在着它的弊端,表现最突出的则是应收账款风险的问题,由于很多企业在信用交易的方式中缺乏对应收账款的足够重视,缺乏对应收账款科学合理的管理,加大了本企业的应收账款风险,为企业带来了更多的财务风险压力。本文就人人乐集团应收账款管理问题作一个浅度分析,希望在研究中能找到人人乐集团应收账款管理方面的弊端,并能够提出合理化建议。关键字:应收账款 信用经济 人人乐集团 The modern economy is actually a credit economy. Under the environment of the credit economy, more and more enterprises are using this sale approach to do their business and it is the more suitable way for enterprise devopment but also has its flaws. The most obvious problem is the risk of the accounts receivable. Because of many enterprises not paying enough attention to the credit transaction's accounts receivable, lack of scientifc and reasonable management on the accounts receivable, which has created the risk of accounts receivable for the enterprises, bringing more financial risk pressure for them. This paper is carrying out a shallow degree analysis based on Everybody Is Happy Group's (Ren Ren Le Group's) problems of the accounts rceiavble management. Hope that the research would be able to find their accounts receivable management's shortcomings and could put forward a reasonable suggestion. 关键字: 应收账款 Accounts recevable / receivable accounts 信用经济 Credit economy 人人乐集团 Everybody Is Happy Group / Ren Ren Le Group

With the growing of national enterprise competition, whether the multinational corporations into China or Chinese companies to become multinational companies to the world, we need a high degree of executive power with a management team to support the enterprise to obtain long-term, highly competitive And development potential. Despite the ongoing multinational corporations around the world localization process, from the management localization, production and R & D localization, localization and other aspects of staff tireless efforts, but in practice the results proved that multinational companies are still faced with the brutal execution of lack of middle managers Problem. Multinational corporations in corporate personnel management, business decision management, faced with lack of execution, have resulted in an important reason for these difficulties is the corporate middle managers due to lack of execution lead to problems, to the execution of multinational companies to bring a very Challenge. Based on the special nature of transnational corporations and middle managers to perform as a research focus, this article tries to find middle-level managers for multinational companies to improve the execution of the measures. Finally, a summary of the hope that these studies can improve the middle managers of multinational implementation force generation reference.

(英文)In internet high speed development today, the website is becoming the school, the company, the enterprise, the government and the association carries on the image demonstration, the information issue, the service development, the customer service, internal communication critical position, not only it has the characteristic which, does not have quickly is away from and may renew anytime and anywhere, can provide some interactive function, like the message center, the member make, discussion area and so on, causes the website fill vitalities, lets the human feel urgently school website construction is the school edition informationization construction important aspect, is adapts the modern education technology and the information technology development, enlarges the school foreign exchange and propaganda dynamics, enhances the teaching, the scientific research, the management efficiency important way; The school website is the school foreign propaganda window, also is demonstrated the entire school teacher and student ability, strengthens to the extracurricular relation, studies mutually, the communal development position, the school website construction goal is promotes the teachers and students and the school communal development, therefore, needs the entire school teachers and students to participation together, works together heart and soul constructs the school website.绝对正宗,English相信我,没错的,希望楼主多给点分。这么多,打下来,啊~~~~酸死了!





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[5] 何爱香. 交替传译笔记[D]. 厦门大学 2006

[6] 侯海强. 交替传译笔记在不同阶段的规律及成因[D]. 对外经济贸易大学 2007

[7] 易引. 探索汉英交替传译中译语时间过长的原因[D]. 上海外国语大学 2012

[8] 孙晓芳. 《自传:那些只向朋友讲述的事》(2-4章)翻译报告[D]. 河南大学 2014

[9] 郭婷婷. 《旧径漫行》(第十至十一章)翻译报告[D]. 河南大学 2014

[10] 李素奎. 《驯马记》(第一章、第二章节选)翻译报告[D]. 河南大学 2014

[11] 武微. 交替传译的特点与策略对译者要求探析[D]. 辽宁师范大学 2013

[12] 潘梦云. 房地产董事长年会致辞交替传译实践报告[D]. 河北师范大学 2013

[13] 熊玮. 交替传译的认知研究及其对口译训练的启示[D]. 武汉理工大学 2004

[14] 赵军峰. 论口译的翻译单位[J]. 中国科技翻译. 2005(02)

[15] 仲伟合. 口译训练:模式、内容、方法[J]. 中国翻译. 2001(02)

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[21] Gentile, Interpreting or Not. The Critical Link:Interpreters in the Community . 1995









1、文献应以英、美等国家公开发表的文献为主(Journals from English speaking countries)。














英文翻译 (黑体、四号、顶格)






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学校的数据库,中国知网应该都有,根据专业也可以选择国外比较有名的数据库,推荐几个我用过的吧ABI,ACM,ASTP,American Chemical Society ,Blackwell Science-Blackwell synergy EBSCO综合类,强烈推荐,Engineering Index 工科是离不开EI的,IEEE 电子类必备,HighWire Press,ISI学术权威 ,National Technical Information Service 个人比较喜欢的,推荐



The research result indicates that: to develop high-yield, high-quality and high-efficiency agriculture is the main source of the increase in farmers' income and the basic approaches; Widen the channel is diversified agricultural production of the increase in farmers' income important way; Promote the processing industry of agricultural products is the development of the increase in farmers' income extension path; To speed up the development of tourism and service is the new way of the increase in farmers' income; Increase the transfer of rural surplus labor force is engaged in non-agricultural industries of the increase in farmers' income basic way; Strengthen rural infrastructure construction and the integration of urban and rural areas construction is an important guarantee of the increase in farmers' income. The proposed increase the popularization and application of the agricultural science and technology achievements; Take effective measures to actively promote expanded scale farm management, improving farmers' scale economic benefit; Adjust the industrial structure optimization; To speed up the development of new agricultural cooperation organization, promoting the industrialized operation of agriculture, to enhance the agricultural and farmers' market position; The development of the local of high quality characteristic agricultural products, improve the quality of agricultural products; To promote agricultural mechanization, improve agricultural labor productivity other measures. The government at all levels to put forward the urban and rural planning, promoting the industrialization, the urbanization and the agricultural modernization synchronous development; Increasing financial investment, improve the support of a compensation mechanism; To strengthen the agricultural technical service, improve the agricultural product market management; Strengthen the education training, cultivating modern agricultural producers and policy Suggestions.



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