指导老师:academic advisor。
Dea Sir, How are you ? This is XXX from xxx. Firstly, thanks for your kindly help in the near futur. That is my great pleasure to be your student of my paper. Many ideas comes out and I don't know how to organize everything until now. Is that possible for me to talk with you on the paper? If ok, could you please kindly arrange a time for my request ? It's so excited to get your reply. Best RegardsXXX
问题一:如何用英文给教授发邮件请教学术问题 邮件主题 邮件主题(subject)不需要写自己的名字。名字是在邮件系统设置里设定好的,在发件时会替换显示实际地址,所以无需在主题里再写一遍。 [关键内容是要在主题里就写明白是否有推荐人,以及主要是什么事。很多教授只看主题。] 一个好的标题,要能简洁地概括邮件的目的或内容。如果你对教授的某个研究项目感兴趣,就可以用这个研究方向作标题,例如Deformation and fracture of hexagonal close-packed metals或者Fabrication of semiconductor through chemical vapor deposition等等。然后在邮件的正文里,可以谈谈你对这个方向如何感兴趣,你有什么相关的学术背景,还有你对这个研究领域的任何见解。 如果你对教授的某一篇文章很感兴趣,并且你的邮件正文里要谈到这篇文章,那么用这篇文章的标题作为邮件的标题也是个不错的主意。如果文章的标题过长,可以把它压缩 一下。 此外,还有人喜欢用一种开门见山式的标题,比如Inquiry into graduate admission of fall 2011。这种标题我本人没有尝试过,不知道效果如何,有兴趣的同学可以自己去尝试。最后,我想说的是,套磁信的标题并没有一定之规。大家不要拘泥于我 上面提到的这几种,一定要勇于创新。 在主题中包含course number ,Question about 3009 assignment 或者question about English 2011 essay.听起来很真实,而a question看起来像垃圾邮件。Question about English assignment or question about assignment, without identifying the class you're in, may leave your professor with the chore of figuring that out. For someone teaching large lecture classes, that might mean reading through hundreds of names on rosters. But even for a professor with *** aller classes, it's a drag to get an e-mail that merely says I'm in your English class and need the assignment. All your English professor's classes are English classes; she or he still needs to know which one is yours. 称呼 Salutations matter. The safest way to start is with Dear Professor So and So (using their last name). That way you wo......>> 问题二:给导师发的邮件,求翻译成英文 我的工作是和老外打交道的。 你这个信写给老外的话,按我个人经验,有几点不足。 很冒昧的给老师您发邮件耽误您宝贵的时间,(罗嗦啊~~~人家时间都很宝贵了,你还写这么长的句子) --> 冒昧写信打扰。 我是你研一课上的一名学生,下学年想申请做您的研究生。(在这里你可以吹捧对方一下,因为对方很好,所以你想做他的研究生,了?) --> 我是你研一课上的一名学生,对您的学识和教学方式非常admire,下学年想申请做您的研究生。 我大学是在中国大陆读的,暑期读一些英文版的土力学,土木材料等教材,希望推荐。(你希望,人家就给你推荐了?你是人家的什么人呀?这里的口气不够客气尊重。) -->我大学是在中国大陆读的,这个暑期准备读一些英文版的土力学,土木材料等教材,不知您有没有什么好的推荐? 我非常希望能做您的研究生,我知道,可能我不是十分优秀,(“可能我不是十分优秀,” 很多老外都会反感这种不自信的口气,并且很多老外更看重的不是成绩,是能力。) 我盼望能成为您的研究生。我的卷面成绩可能还不突出,但是我。。。。。(说一下自己的实际能力。比如做成什么案例。工作中的成绩。社会活动中的成绩。一些想法。) 但我会好好努力学习,认认真真做好每一件事情。(这个属于空口承诺。还不如说得实际点。比如我现在工作很努力,从开始怎么怎么,到现在怎么怎么,短时间是怎样巨大的方式。我的学习也一贯是这样的方式。) 如果有机会,我希望可以和导师约见一面,请教应该在学业上有什么准备。(这个听起来,就是不地道。很中国的感觉。) 如果有可能,您能给我几分钟,对我的学业准备当面给我一些意见,我将万分感谢。 ---------------------------- 你看看你的信是不是需要稍微改一下。改完了再翻译。 ------------------------------------ 专业翻译 来自英语牛人二团 不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~ 问题三:给导师的邮件,望翻译为英文 Dear , (为表示尊重,最好是称呼对方为XX博士,或XX教授,不要不出现具体的姓) Sorry for disturbing you with this letter. I'm one of the students of your class for first-year graduate. I admire your knowledge and teaching style, and next year I hope to apply to be your graduate student. In my first and second graduate years, I was so busy with my pany affairs that I didn't select a tutor. My GPA score is . As my original plan was to develop myself in structure area, I didn't take too many lessons in soil mechanics. In the next half year, I plan to continue my study and finish the lessons for Advanced Soil Mechanics. I do hope to be your graduate student. Although my score on paper seems not excellent, I've put a lot of efforts in practice by my hard work on site. I had been a construction quality inspector in XXX Construction pany for XXX and got high appraisal for my work. I applied my knowledge on the site and now I've the strong feeling that it's time to strengthen my knowledge. (你的工作经验中,工地施工员是比较有价值的。我加写这一句,就是说原来你是到工地学以致用,现在用完了你又感觉到自己不足,回来再学很有动力。) The current task I give to myself is to read again the soil mechanic books of the university period. As I finished my university lessons in mainland China, in this summer vacation, I plan to read some books related to soil mechanics, civil engineering materials and so on, in English versions. Do you have any good remendation? If it is possible for you to spare me several minutes, and give me some advices for ......>> 问题四:如何用英文给教授发邮件请教学术问题 假设你和教授不是很熟,你要先弄清他的职位是否是教授,是教授用professor xxx或prof. xxx,如果他不是教授,比如说是讲师,就不要喊他教授,而用先生或小姐做称呼 Dear Prof. xxx (Mr. xxx), This is xxx(你的名字),I am a student of your xxx(哪门课程) class. May I ask a question on xxx(关于什么的问题)? 叙述你的问题,说明你的兴趣点或关注点,以及你的见解(即你为了解决这个问题做了哪些尝试。提问前应该先思考和查资料) Thank you for your time. Best regards xxx (你的名字) 问题五:如何用英文给教授发邮件请教学术问题 Dear XXXXX Professor, Have a good day , I am xxxxx from 某地方, sorry to disturb you I want to ask some questions Is it convenient for you to hava a interview with me that I can consult face to face? Thank you! Best regards! xxxxxxx 问题六:如何给国外导师发英文邮件,要论文拜托各位了 3Q 已经有国外导师了,当年怎么联系的就怎么写。绝对不能用中文写了翻译成英文,那基本人家不懂得。不满意好,爱会不会。 问题七:如何给老师写英文邮件 How to E-mail Your Professor some fate without deliberately 问题八:用英语回复导师的回信邮件 教授您好: 收到您的回复我感到万分荣幸,并且备受鼓舞,我会全力准备考试。 祝您工作顺利身体健康。 Dear Professor _____ (这里写上老师的姓,如 Professor Zh偿u), I am honored to receive your response as well as your encouragement. I will put all my efforts into preparing for this test. Best wishes, _________ 发邮件这样就可以了 ~ ? 自己认真翻译的,应该比较地道,敬请采纳、 问题九:用英语给英语老师写电子邮件。怎么写? 主题也没有,还是只要个格式?格式如下: Dear Ms./Mr., I hope this email finds you well. 后面写内容XXXXX Sincerely, 此处为你的姓名
本科毕业论文:bachelor thesis指导老师:supervisor 我的本科毕业论文指导老师:the supervisor of my bachelor thesisadvisor 是美式用法
不要单独使用thisWhen the journalist wrote the report, he wasn’t aware the driver had left the scene of a serious has created an unfortunate situation.大家看这个句子,你能看出this指的是什么吗?既可以理解为“这个记者不留神”,也可以理解为“司机的逃逸行为”。那么应该如何避免这种歧义呢?答案就是不要单独使用this,而是应该搭配一个所要指代的名词。如果this指的是“记者不留神”,就把this换成“This lack of awareness…”如果this指的是“司机的逃逸行为”,就把this换成“This driver behaviour…”
尽可能少使用.和 suggest that we pay attention to just one area of interest, ., pollution.看到这个句子,可能我们一般会想到两种不同的理解:I suggest that we pay attention to just one area of interest, this is, suggest that we pay attention to just one area of interest, for example, pollution.但到底是哪一个呢?其实:.是拉丁语 id est 的缩写,意为that is(即). 是拉丁语exempli gratia 的缩写,意为for example(例)既然容易让人误解,那在写作中就尽量不使用,而是使用“that is”和“for example”。
注意多个短语产生的歧义Dave is working on a project plan. He will mail it to you to proofread by April 1st.看这个句子,4月1号那天到底是谁要去干什么呢?既可以理解为Dave把项目书发给you,也可以理解为you来校订项目计划书。如果是第一个意思,可以写成:Dave is working on a project plan, which he will mail you. Please proofread it by April 1st.如果是第二个意思,可以写成:Dave is working on a project will mail it to you by April 1st so that you can proofread it.
不要混淆代词的单复数为了表达的更清晰,确保they, their, our指代的是复数的东西,如果不是的话最好重写句子。错误表达:There is a guidebook at each guest’s table. They include the itinerary(行程).They指代的是什么呢?这个they的使用就是混淆了代词的数。正确的表达:There is a guidebook at each guest’s table. The guidebook includes the is a guidebook, which includes the itinerary, at each guest’s table.
避免弱逻辑的陈述你的句子要支撑起你文章的论点,它们应当是简洁和逻辑严密的,不要写一个被普遍接受的、不需要争辩的观点。例如,不要写:The glaciers are melting more rapidly than ever recorded.相反,你可以这样写:The glaciers are melting more rapidly than ever due to human activity.这个句子陈述了一个论点,加上支撑的观点会使你的论证更加严密。
避免教条的语气教条的主张是指那些以一种自负的方式陈述你的观点的主张。例如:While business models will ultimately drive the sustainability of a program, the curricular objectives must be what drives the program experience.这个句子中使用了“must”这个词,给人一种命令的感觉,这就是教条的语气,写作中应当避免这样的语气。应该这样写:While business models will ultimately drive the sustainability of a program, the curricular objectives should be what drives the program experience.上面句子中的“must”换成了“should”,命令教条式的语气就变成了建议的语气,这样就会好很多。
1. 一定要切记!邮件是永久性的。一旦把它发出去,就不可能会再收回来了。只要是教授收到了邮件,他就已经主宰了这封邮件的命运,或者保存,或是把邮件转发给同事们博取一笑(这是最糟的情况)。所以这里要提醒同学们的是,在邮件发出之前一定要仔细的检查哦!比如教授的称呼(后面会具体提到)以及一些低级的语法拼写错误。
2. 邮件要发到你被告知的邮箱里。检查,再检查,看“To(发送到)”那一栏的地址是不是正确。因为你的妈妈和你的教授的名字都可能是“Sue”,没有理由把你所有的爱都寄送到了Sue教授那里吧。提醒,发送完以后,再到“Sent(已发送)”里面看一看,是不是发送正确。
3. 教授可能不使用大学的乱七八糟的邮箱系统。所以把邮件发送到他们真正在用的邮箱地址,而不是大学通讯录上的邮箱地址。(检查一下他们的个人摘要或者任务分配表来寻找一些线索。)
4. [email protected] [email protected] 的邮件, [email protected] 如果你想联系你的老师,最好用学校的邮箱,不要用私人邮箱。
5. 主题栏要紧扣主题。在主题栏要对这封邮件有一个简要的解释,千万不要包含一些要求,比如说“紧急请求 - 请立即回复”,否则你的邮件可能会直接进垃圾箱。
专家提醒:教授们也是有自己脾气的呀!看到这种主题名字,多半以为是垃圾邮件。在取名字这方面,我自己也没有多少经验,但绝对不会为了吸引注意用各种符号,例如:“%¥#&*(%#)”等等,或者用什么“紧急情况,急急急,在线等”之类的语气。就个人建议,还是取常规一点的名字,不出彩,也绝不会引人反感,例如:请假的“Absence on Wednesday”,找学校退钱的“About Refund”,关于考试的问题“Question about final examination”。关于这点也可以请童鞋们互相交流经验哦!
6. 称呼很重要。最安全的开头方式是用“Dear Professor xx”。这样的话你就不会再考虑这个教授是不是个博士或其他,并且当你称呼你的女教授“Ms”或者“Mrs.”也不会显得像是个性别歧视者。
7. 清楚简洁是最好的。你的教授每天会收到25至30封邮件,所以如果你的问题很简洁明了那是最好的(一般把问题一条条列出来比较好)。如果你的问题表述的很详尽或者多层面的,最好在教授的办公时间面谈,这样教授就能够更有效地帮你解决问题。
不要单独使用thisWhen the journalist wrote the report, he wasn’t aware the driver had left the scene of a serious has created an unfortunate situation.大家看这个句子,你能看出this指的是什么吗?既可以理解为“这个记者不留神”,也可以理解为“司机的逃逸行为”。那么应该如何避免这种歧义呢?答案就是不要单独使用this,而是应该搭配一个所要指代的名词。如果this指的是“记者不留神”,就把this换成“This lack of awareness…”如果this指的是“司机的逃逸行为”,就把this换成“This driver behaviour…”
尽可能少使用.和 suggest that we pay attention to just one area of interest, ., pollution.看到这个句子,可能我们一般会想到两种不同的理解:I suggest that we pay attention to just one area of interest, this is, suggest that we pay attention to just one area of interest, for example, pollution.但到底是哪一个呢?其实:.是拉丁语 id est 的缩写,意为that is(即). 是拉丁语exempli gratia 的缩写,意为for example(例)既然容易让人误解,那在写作中就尽量不使用,而是使用“that is”和“for example”。
注意多个短语产生的歧义Dave is working on a project plan. He will mail it to you to proofread by April 1st.看这个句子,4月1号那天到底是谁要去干什么呢?既可以理解为Dave把项目书发给you,也可以理解为you来校订项目计划书。如果是第一个意思,可以写成:Dave is working on a project plan, which he will mail you. Please proofread it by April 1st.如果是第二个意思,可以写成:Dave is working on a project will mail it to you by April 1st so that you can proofread it.
不要混淆代词的单复数为了表达的更清晰,确保they, their, our指代的是复数的东西,如果不是的话最好重写句子。错误表达:There is a guidebook at each guest’s table. They include the itinerary(行程).They指代的是什么呢?这个they的使用就是混淆了代词的数。正确的表达:There is a guidebook at each guest’s table. The guidebook includes the is a guidebook, which includes the itinerary, at each guest’s table.
避免弱逻辑的陈述你的句子要支撑起你文章的论点,它们应当是简洁和逻辑严密的,不要写一个被普遍接受的、不需要争辩的观点。例如,不要写:The glaciers are melting more rapidly than ever recorded.相反,你可以这样写:The glaciers are melting more rapidly than ever due to human activity.这个句子陈述了一个论点,加上支撑的观点会使你的论证更加严密。
避免教条的语气教条的主张是指那些以一种自负的方式陈述你的观点的主张。例如:While business models will ultimately drive the sustainability of a program, the curricular objectives must be what drives the program experience.这个句子中使用了“must”这个词,给人一种命令的感觉,这就是教条的语气,写作中应当避免这样的语气。应该这样写:While business models will ultimately drive the sustainability of a program, the curricular objectives should be what drives the program experience.上面句子中的“must”换成了“should”,命令教条式的语气就变成了建议的语气,这样就会好很多。
致谢辞在学位论文中扮演重要的角色:它不仅是学位论文中毕业生用来向自己研究期间所得到过的帮助和支援表达真挚感谢的不可缺少的一部分,而且是毕业生研究发展轨迹的真实记录。本文是我为大家整理的论文感谢信范文英语,仅供参考。 论文感谢信范文英语篇一: Thanks to my tutor professor XXX, he wrote to a doctor of letters are careful meticulous, conscientious and meticulous style has always been my work and study of the model; They described the teach and outside-the-box thinking gives me endless inspiration. Thank my *** all white teacher, this paper details and each data of each experiment, cannot leave your careful guidance. And you, cheerful personality and tolerant attitude, help me to quickly into our new laboratory Thank my roommates, from distant home came to this strange city, is you and I jointly maintain the brotherly feelings between each other, sustained by the family harmonious dormitory. For four years, as if just yesterday. University graduation thesis thank-you note thank-you notes. Four years, we have no red face, no oral fight, not happen ago college to worry about any unhappy things. Only in the future we rarely get together for a year again yuan hajek said meal, it doesn't matter, go their own way, you take good care. I wish to . C in peace, left-behind fudan D, E&F happy, diversionary measure G the *** ooth, also want to leave our bedroom H&I open happy heart. The time we share together, I'll remember for a lifetime. Thanks to my mom and dad, how much breakwater grass, tree back, gratefulness, repay you, you always healthy and happy is my biggest wish. In the paper the pleted, my heart can't calm, from began to enter the subject thesis is pleted, how many respectable teachers, students, friends gave me speechless help, here please accept my sincere thanks! 感谢我的导师XXX 教授,他写给医生的感谢信们严谨细致、一丝不苟的作风一直是我工作、学习中的榜样;他们循循善诱的教导和不拘一格的思路给予我无尽的启迪。 感谢我的小白老师,这篇论文的每个实验细节和每个资料,都离不开你的细心指导。而你开朗的个性和宽容的态度,帮助我能够很快的融入我们这个新的实验室 感谢我的室友们,从遥远的家来到这个陌生的城市里,是你们和我共同维系著彼此之间兄弟般的感情,维系著寝室那份家的融洽。四年了,仿佛就在昨天。大学毕业论文感谢信感谢信。四年里,我们没有红过脸,没有吵过嘴,没有发生上大学前所担心的任何不开心的事情。只是今后大家就难得再聚在一起吃每年元旦那顿饭了吧,没关系,各奔前程,大家珍重。但愿远赴米国的C平平安安,留守复旦的D,E&F快快乐乐,挥师北上的G顺顺利利,也愿离开我们寝室的H&I开开心心。我们在一起的日子,我会记一辈子的。 感谢我的爸爸妈妈,焉得谖草,言树之背,养育之恩,无以回报,你们永远健康快乐是我最大的心愿。 在论文即将完成之际,我的心情无法平静,从开始进入课题到论文的顺利完成,有多少可敬的师长、同学、朋友给了我无言的帮助,在这里请接受我诚挚的谢意! 论文感谢信范文英语篇二: Three years of study life is ing to an end, reviews three years of study life, feeling is quite deep, rich harvest. In the process of thesis writing, there are lots of difficulties in both theoretical study stage, or in a paper topic selection, data check four polling, opening, research and write every link, all get mentor's guidance and help. Avail ourselves of this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to you for me to tutor! At the same time, I want to thank the teachers of vocational and technical college teaching of shaanxi, it is because of their mission, knowledge, solutions, let I learned the professional knowledge, and learn from them how to research knowledge, people skills. At the same time I also want to thank my clas *** ates give me help, they write papers for me to provide a lot of advice and help. I want to thank, thank you very much my mentor Han Ying teacher. He is easy-going enthusia *** , scholarly carefully. He is always in the chat can encourage you, like a bosom friend in paper writing and rhetoric aspects of her to "professional standard" are always strict with you, from the choice and will start, until the last of the paper again and again modification, polishing, Korea is serious and responsible teacher always gives me deep and detailed guidance, help me to explore the research train of thought, intellectualize, warmly encouraged. It is Korea's teacher selfless help and warmly encourage, to be able to plete my graduation thesis, thank you Korean teacher! Would also like to thank three years of university life, thank my family and friends who will never forget, they support and emotional, is my eternal wealth. 三年的学习生活即将结束,回顾三年的学习生活,感受颇深,收获丰厚。在论文的写作过程中,有很多困难,无论是在理论学习阶段,还是在论文的选题、资料查四询、开题、研究和撰写的每一个环节,无不得到导师的悉心指导和帮助。借此机会我向导师表示衷心的感谢!同时,我要感谢陕西职业技术学院授课的各位老师,正是由于他们的传道、授业、解惑,让我学到了专业知识,并从他们身上学到了如何求知治学、如何为人处事。 同时我也要感谢我的同学给予我的帮助,他们为我撰写论文提供了不少建议和帮助。我要感谢,非常感谢我的导师韩莹老师。他为人随和热情,治学严谨细心。在闲聊中他总是能像知心朋友一样鼓励你,在论文的写作和措辞等方面她也总会以“专业标准”严格要求你,从选题、定题开始,一直到最后论文的反复修改、润色,韩老师始终认真负责地给予我深刻而细致地指导,帮助我开拓研究思路,精心点拨、热忱鼓励。 正是韩老师的无私帮助与热忱鼓励,我的毕业论文才能够得以顺利完成,谢谢韩老师!还要感谢三年的大学生活,感谢我的家人和那些永远也不能忘记的朋友,他们的支援与情感,是我永远的财富。 论文感谢信范文英语篇三: First I want to thank my tutor, professor. Teacher knowledge, open-minded, always grasp the forefront of knowledge, under the guidance of him, I know the xx theory, greatly broadened my view of the academic, also has laid a theoretical basis for this paper. In thesis writing is to give the direction and the direction of constructive opinions and Suggestions. In addition to giving guidance on learning, life also gave me unselfish help and advice, especially during my help let me very moved. Teacher wang yongxiu, rigorous and meticulous work style, earnest, diligent, and tolerance of attitude towards life will always inspire me work in the future continue to work hard, go forward in life. 首先我要衷心的感谢我的导师教授。 老师知识渊博,思路开阔,总能把握知识的最前沿,在他的引导下,我认识了xx理论,极大的开拓了我的学术视野,也为本篇论文打下了理论基础。在论文撰写方面更是给予了方向性的指导和建设性的意见和建议。 除了在学习上给予指导外,生活上也给了我无私的帮助和指点,特别是期间对我的帮助让我非常感动。 老师严谨细致的治学态度,认真勤奋的工作作风,以及宽容无谓的生活态度将会一直激励着我在今后的工作生活中继续努力、勇往直前。
Dear Prof.*
Acknowledge First and foremost, I appreciate my college which gives me a comfortable learning atmosphere. Second, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Miss Zhang, who has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her illuminating instruction and patience, this thesis could not have reached its present form. I am also greatly indebted to all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence. My sincere appreciation also goes to all my classmates, who are my proud of my life. Last but not least, I want to thank all my friends, especially my three lovely roommates, for their encouragement and support.