Tess was a beatiful Every man even girls would be made an empression on T The story told us that Tess’s family name was D His father----a lazy, poor and wasn’t much respected by other villagers man was told he was a direct descendant of the most ancient and noble family and his real family name was d’U This changed the distiny of T Tess would be distined to difficulty and There are two men affected Tess’s One brought sadness and suffering, he damaged Tess’s life, the other brought happiness and olso hurt, he was the man who Tess In my mind Tess is an obstinate After she lost her She still left A She refused to take anything from She tried to earn a little money for her She kept depending on At a dairy, Tess made herself She made her life honesthy and work As a dairymaid, her new life was She made friends with three other honest and generous She soon loved the second man who affected her He’s name was Angel Clare who was thoughtful and At last, Tess persuaded herself to marry him but life was not as Tess had Angel left her at As soon as Angel persuaded himself he came back to find Tess who had just married Alec and had already lost her After Tess had just knew she was cheated she killed A During her last few days, Tess stayed with Angel who had loved her purely and believed in her as 环游地球80天My favorite novel is <
《气球上的五星期》:《Five weeks in the balloon》《奇异的旅行丛书》:《Collection of travel of amazement》《格兰特船长的女儿》:《Gerrant captain's daughter》《神秘岛》:《Mystical island》《从地球到月球》:《From the earth to moon》《海底两万里》:《Bottom of the sea 20000 miles》《在已知与未知的世界漫游》:《Is konwning with the world don't konw is roamed》希望对你有帮助。
百度百科里有:《弗兰肯斯坦》是英国诗人雪莱的妻子玛丽·雪莱在1818年创作的小说,被认为是世界第一部真正意义上的科幻小说。“弗兰肯斯坦”是小说中那个疯狂科学家的名字,他用许多碎尸块拼接成一个“人”,并用电将其激活。《弗兰肯斯坦》已经成为科幻史上的经典,现在很多幻想类影视作品中经常出现这个怪物的翻版。弗兰肯斯坦 【故事缩写】 夜黑如墨。科学家弗兰肯斯坦坐在一个插满了各种导线的男人人体前。这是一具用基因技术合成的举世无双的人体,它的相貌英俊、体格健壮,没有一丝缺陷,是个 “完人”。但是,到现在为止,它还只是一具没有生命的人体,它的创造者弗兰肯斯坦在静静等待着,等待着来自天空的雷电赐予它生命。 一道蛇形闪电从天而降,随后是“轰隆隆”惊天动地的雷声和倾盆大雨。闪电准确无误地击中了人体,在电光中,弗兰肯斯坦看见人体直身坐了起来,然而他的脸上、身上、四肢的皮肤都龟裂开来,沟壑万千---雷击在赐予人体生命的同时,也把他变成了一个奇丑无比的怪物。 “爸爸---”怪物向弗兰肯斯坦伸出了双手。然而,心情复杂的弗兰肯斯坦却把他赶出了门,赶到了暴雨倾盆的荒野上---弗兰肯斯坦为自己像上帝一样成功地创造了生命而高兴,但怪物的丑陋又激起了他内心的厌恶感,所以他把怪物赶走了! 怪物从此孤独地在山野间游荡。他虽然形容丑陋,但心地却非常善良,常常暗中帮人类做好事。在山间的一座小木屋里,住着一个盲人老头和他的两个女儿。一天清晨,怪物乘盲人儿女都不在的时候闯进了小木屋里,与盲人聊了起来,并倾诉了自己内心与人交往的渴望……就在怪物与盲人谈得非常投机的时候,盲人的两个女儿回来了,她们看见怪物吓得晕倒在地,盲人的女婿闻身赶来,用棍子把怪物赶跑。 又一天清晨,有个男孩不小心落水了,怪物听见呼救赶到,将男孩救起。就在这时,许多人来了,他们以为怪物要杀死落水男孩,便群起围攻他,怪物只好抱着男孩逃跑,由于他力大无穷,不小心把男孩给掐死了…… 怪物知道人类社会既不可能原谅他的失手,也不可能接纳他,便找到了他的造物主---弗兰肯斯坦博士,请求博士为他再造一个女性伴侣。怪物保证一旦他有了伴侣,将带着她躲到茫茫丛林中,再也不打扰人类社会。弗兰肯斯坦从大局考虑,答应了他的要求,投入了研究。但是,就在他即将成功的那天晚上,弗兰肯斯坦产生了一个担心:女怪物如果被制造出来的话,会不会比男怪物更凶恶?万一她不喜欢男怪物而离开的话,男怪物会不会更孤单,更加恼怒,最后迁怒于人类?如果这两个怪物真的结合了,那么怪物的种族将会在地球上繁衍,人类的生存是否会因此受到威胁?……一种犯罪感涌上博士的心头,在雷击到来之前,他捣毁了女怪物。 怪物彻底绝望了,他愤怒地向博士发起了报复,制造了一起又一起谋杀,将博士的妻子、女儿及其他亲人置于死地。为了制止怪物继续行凶,弗兰肯斯坦开始追踪怪物。怪物也向北逃窜。弗兰肯斯坦追怪物一直追到了北极茫茫冰原。他没有追上怪物,自己却心力交瘁离开了人世。 怪物失去了对手,跳进了冰海自杀了。他将和他的造物主一起上天堂还是下地狱呢?没有人知道。——————————————————————————————————————————————————————《弗兰肯斯坦》的全名是《弗兰肯斯坦——现代普罗米修斯的故事》(中译本有《弗兰肯斯坦》《人造人的故事》等),讲述了一名科学家利用死人器官拼凑出一个怪物的故事,而怪物因得不到社会的理解和同情,最终走上了弑主愤世的毁灭道路。 按照我国著名科幻作家吴岩的分析,《弗兰肯斯坦》有如下特征: 一、是一部以哥特式传统创作的感伤主义文学作品。 哥特式小说流行于18世纪,内容多为恐怖、暴力、神怪以及对中世纪生活的向往,因其情节多发生在荒凉阴暗的哥特式古堡(流行于18世纪英国的一种建筑形式,类似教堂)里而得名;故事充满悬念,以毁灭为结局;有许多同类的著名作品。感伤主义则指工业革命后、法国大革命前的一种文学流派,主要特点是作家以感情和仁爱代替理性作为批判的工具,主要是歌颂善良、同情、忘我无私以及合乎自然,但其塑造的人物有些迂腐和天真。 二、人物发展有着极为清晰的轨迹。 在作品中,作者所塑造的怪物本来心地善良,乐于助人,最后却发展为一个社会秩序的破坏者,变成了一个地地道道的魔鬼,但即便如此却仍保有一定的良知;而弗兰肯斯坦本人开始认为自己的行为没有任何错误,后来逐渐变得内疚,最后终于勇于承担责任,与怪物进行决斗。此后的科幻作家们——包括如凡尔纳和威尔斯 ——在这点上都不如玛丽·雪莱。 三、采用了书信体和记叙体相穿插的形式,因而使形式不致过于单调。 书信体是当时较为流行的一种文学创作手法。 四、主题深刻,表达了作者对科学技术引进人类社会的一种忧虑。 科技发展使人类社会和人类本身都感到应接不暇,怪物在某种意义上正代表着正在发展和渗透进人类社会的科学技术。我们可以看到,作者忧虑的心情充分表现于作品,阴郁的情调贯穿全书,并投射入文字当中。比如作品中的四次暴风雨,正是预示着变革的来临。读罢整部作品,我们会发现作者有一种非常紧张、躁动的心情。 《弗兰肯斯坦》梗概 作品以四封信为开篇。 这些信件叙述了作者在北极探险时所遇到的一个怪人讲述的故事。 原来,这个人是瑞士贵族弗兰肯斯坦,他曾留学德国,研究电化学和生命,发现了死亡的秘密,于是决定着手制造生命。他先从尸体中寻找材料,然后进行组装,最后借助电化学方法予以激活。但是,本来全都是由好材料制造的、高达8 英尺的怪物在被赋予了生命之后,却变得奇丑无比,弗兰肯斯坦被吓得昏了过去,醒来之后发现怪物已经失踪。 其实怪物刚刚诞生时还是十分热爱这个世界的,他躲藏在山里并学会了使用火,并遇到隐居在山中的一位盲爷爷和一对青年男女,由此受到感动,开始热爱人类社会。怪物白天趁青年男女外出时偷偷帮助盲爷爷打柴,并偷出书来自学了阿拉伯语和法语等各种语言,阅读了《少年维特之烦恼》等大量文学和哲学名著,于是开始渴望艺术和爱情。但他同时又十分感慨自己现在的情况,认为“撒旦才代表我目前的处境”,强烈地希望能够改变现状。于是怪物潜入这一家中,发现只有盲爷爷在家,便与之海阔天空地聊了起来;这时青年男女突然归来,小伙子气愤地把它打出门去。这严重地伤害了怪物的自尊心,他冷静后想到,自己与其向别人求情,还不如去找缔造者。但它刚一出现在大街上,就受到了很多人的打骂,屡屡遭到大家的厌恶和恐惧,甚至有人朝它开枪。怪物终于丧失了最后一丝善良,认为这一切都来源于它的制造者。 从此阴影便开始笼罩在了弗兰肯斯坦身上。怪物杀死了他的弟弟,又嫁祸于女仆。弗兰肯斯坦赶到现场后,终于发现这些都系怪物所为,于是开始了对怪物的追逐,一直追到阿尔卑斯山上。怪物认为自己没有受到公平的待遇,得不到异性的爱。“我要获得一切”。因此它要求弗兰肯斯坦再为它造一个女人,然后两人一同远离人世。 弗兰肯斯坦开始同意了,但在造好通电的那一刹那,他突然产生了犹豫:如果它们真的恋爱繁衍,又会给人类带来多么大的麻烦?于是他马上毁掉了女怪物。怪物看到这一切后暴跳如雷,对人类社会和自己的前途彻底绝望,杀死了弗兰肯斯坦的好友,又在婚礼上杀死了弗兰肯斯坦的新娘。而这时弗兰肯斯坦也愤怒了,两人开始了互相追杀,一直追逐到北极…… 最后的结局是,造物主弗兰肯斯坦在对作者讲述完这一切后终于死去,而这时从远方走来一个大个子,爬在放弗兰肯斯坦尸体的雪橇上忏悔,然后声称报仇结束,义无反顾地走向冰原……
Frankenstein is enormously important as a prototype for science fiction and as an early feminist Background of FrankensteinMary Shelley was born in 18th-century London to two influential Her mother, Mary Wollstonecraft, was a radical feminist who died after giving birth to Mary, and her father, William Godwin, raised her Mary left home at 16, married Percy Shelley after his first wife's suicide, and wrote Frankenstein in a writer's challenge from Lord Byron in 1816- The story, based on a horrendous vision, was composed during sweeping life Frankenstein was published anonymously in However, the story is enduring in its psychological drama, questions asked, and memorable The story has adapted to many forms, with each adaptation telling a very different version of Shelley's original Frankenstein is an advisory notice done up in gothic costume, warning post-industrial society about the explosion of scientific knowledge and its potential misapplication and the subsequent dehumanization of Much as the silent sci-fi film Metropolis warned of the need for labor unions, Frankenstein warned of the need for considered action in the use of knowledge, and the alienation in store for driven knowledge In Frankenstein, Shelley asks who exactly the real monster About the Novel: FrankensteinIn the beginning, D Frankenstein is rescued from an ice flow in the sea near the North P Chased through the Arctic by his Creature, Victor Frankenstein is saved by Captain Walton, who listens to the tale of the quest for knowledge--all gone Victor describes his childhood as a paradise, where his mother and father indulged But, his parents also failed to teach him reality, cause-and-effect, or the principles of With these deficiencies, he considered his adopted sister Elizabeth a possession that he married to Elizabeth could not help Victor overcome his addiction to creating a superhuman Victor achieved the goal of his addiction and was subsequently repulsed by Elizabeth was quite literally killed by his addiction as Victor's Creature destroyed everything that was dear to His parents had abandoned his soul in their enabling, and he abandoned his own creation without a name and without a Frankenstein reveals three generations of monsters--personified in Victor's mother, Victor, and the C In addition, Elizabeth was reduced to monster status in her treatment as an object, and Mary Shelley herself was a monster (an educated feminist) who could not put her name to her own Victor, the Creature, and Mary Shelley were all different from the mainstream society that rejected them as monstrous: a radical scientist, an inhuman creation, and a feminist without a Victor lost everyone of value, Shelley lost her mother at birth, and the Creature could not fit in The Creature's abandonment by parent and society is similar to that of the feminist for over two Feminists were scorned and abandoned as they obtained knowledge and subsequent power to participate more fully in As portrayed in Katja von Garnier's 2004 film Iron Jawed Angels, feminists were attacked, beaten, and shunned, just as was the Creature in F Shelley must have felt such abandonment and rejection, considering that her father educated her extensively, but she could not sign her own _htm
Herbert George Wells (21 September 1866 – 13 August 1946),[1] better known as H G Wells, was an English writer best remembered today for the science fiction novels he published between 1895 and 1901: The Time Machine, The Island of Doctor Moreau, The Invisible Man, The War of the Worlds, When the Sleeper Wakes, and The First Men in the M Wells and Jules Verne are each sometimes referred to as "The Father of Science Fiction"[2]He was an outspoken socialist and a pacifist; his later works becoming increasingly political and His later novels were more realistic; they covered lower middle class life (The History of Mr Polly) and the 'New Woman' and the Suffragettes (Ann Veronica) He was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction, and produced works in many genres, including contemporary novels, history, and social The Invisible ManFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchNot to be confused with Invisible Man, a novel written by Ralph Waldo E For other uses, see The Invisible Man (disambiguation)The Invisible Man First edition cover Author HG Wells Country United Kingdom Language English Genre(s) Science fiction novel Publisher C Arthur Pearson Publication date 1897 Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback) Pages 278 pp ISBN NA The Invisible Man is an 1897 science fiction novella by HG W Wells' novel was originally serialised in Pearson's Magazine in 1897, and published as a novel the same The Invisible Man of the title is Griffin, a scientist who theorises that if a person's refractive index is changed to exactly that of air and his body does not absorb or reflect light, then he will be He successfully carries out this procedure on himself, but cannot become visible again, becoming mentally unstable as a Plot summaryThe story starts in the English village of Iping in West Sussex, as curiosity and fear are started up in the inhabitants when a mysterious stranger arrives to stay at the local inn, The Coach and H The stranger wears a long, thick coat, gloves, his face is hidden entirely by bandages, large goggles, and a wide-brimmed The stranger is extremely reclusive and demands to be left alone, spending most of his time in his room working with a set of chemicals and laboratory apparatus, only venturing out at He quickly becomes the talk of the village as he unnerves the Meanwhile, a series of mysterious burglaries occur in the village in which the victims catch no sight of the One morning when the innkeepers pass the stranger's room, they enter in curiosity when they notice the stranger's clothes are scattered all over the floor but the stranger is nowhere to be The furniture seems to spring alive and the bedclothes and a chair leap into mid-air and push them out of the Later in the day M Hall confronts the stranger about this, and he reveals that he is invisible, removing his bandages and goggles to reveal nothing As M Hall flees in horror, the police attempt to catch the stranger, but he throws off all his clothes and The Invisible Man flees to the downs, where he frightens a tramp, Thomas Marvel, with his invisibility and forces him to become his lab Together with Marvel, he returns to the village where Marvel steals the Invisible Man's books and apparatus from the inn while the Invisible Man himself steals the doctor's and vicar's But after the theft, Marvel attempts to betray the Invisible Man to the police, and the Invisible Man chases after him, threatening to kill Marvel flees to the seaside town of Burdock where he takes refuge in an The Invisible Man attempts to break in through the back door but he is overheard and shot by a black-bearded American, and flees the scene badly He enters a nearby house to take refuge and dress his The house turns out to belong to D Kemp, whom the Invisible Man recognises, and he reveals to Kemp his true identity — Griffin, a brilliant medical student whom Kemp studied with at a Griffin explains to Kemp that after leaving the university he was desperately poor, and determined to achieve something of scientific significance, he began work on an experiment to make people and objects invisible, using money stolen from his own father, who committed suicide after being robbed by his Griffin experimented with a formula that altered the refractive index of objects, thus ensuring that the light would not bend when passing through, thereby making them He performed the experiment using a cat, but when the cat's owner, Griffin's neighbour, realised the cat was missing she made a complaint to their landlord, and Griffin wound up performing the invisibility procedure on himself to hide from Griffin theorizes part of the reason he can be invisible stems from the fact he is albino, mentioning that food becomes visible in his stomach and remains so until digested, with the bizarre image passing through air in the After burning the whole house down to cover his tracks, he felt a sense of invincibility from being However, reality soon proved that sense After struggling to survive out in the open, he stole some clothing from a dingy backstreet shop and took residence at the Coach & Horses inn to reverse the He then explains to Kemp that he now plans to begin a Reign of Terror (The First Year of the Invisible Man), using his invisibility to terrorise the nation with Kemp as his secret Realising that Griffin is clearly insane, Kemp has no plans to help him and instead alerts the When the police arrive, Griffin violently assaults Kemp and a policeman before escaping, and the next day he leaves a note on Kemp's doorstep announcing that Kemp will be the first man killed in the Reign of T Kemp remains cool and writes a note to the Colonel, detailing a plan to use himself as bait to trap the Invisible Man, but as a maidservant attempts to deliver the note she is attacked by Griffin and the note is Just as the police accompany the attacked maid back to the house, the Invisible Man attacks Kemps house by smashing the windows with rocks and an axe, he then breaks in through the back door and makes for K Keeping his head cool, Kemp bolts from the house and runs down the hill to the town below, where he alerts a navvy that the Invisible Man is The crowd in the town, witnessing the pursuit, rally around K When Kemp is pinned down by Griffin, the navvy strikes him with a spade and knocks him to the ground, where he is violently assaulted by the Kemp calls for the mob to stop, but it is too The Invisible Man dies of the injuries he has received, and his naked and battered body slowly becomes visible on the ground after he Later it is revealed that Marvel has Griffin's notes, with the invisibility formula written in a mix of Russian and Greek which he cannot read, with pages washed
Herbert George Wells (21 September 1866 – 13 August 1946) [1] was an English author, best known for his work in the science fiction He was also a prolific writer in many genres, including contemporary novels, history, politics and social Together with Jules Verne, Wells has been referred to as "The Father of Science Fiction" [2] Wells was an outspoken socialist and sympathetic to pacifist views, although he supported the First World War once it was under way, and his later works became increasingly political and His middle period novels (1900–1920) were less science-fictional; they covered lower-middle class life (The History of Mr Polly) and the 'New Woman' and the Suffragettes (Ann Veronica) 补充: Personal life HGWells's home, Maybury H In 1891 Wells married his cousin Isabel Mary Wells, but left her in 1894 for one of his students, Amy Catherine Robbins (known as Jane), whom he married in [8] He had two sons with Amy: George Philip (known as 'Gip') in 1901{1985} and Frank Richard in [9] During his marriage to Amy, Wells had liaisons with a number of women, including the American birth-control activist Margaret Sanger [10] and novelist Elizabeth von A In 1909 he had a daughter, Anna-Jane, with the writer Amber Reeves, [9] whose parents, William and Maud Pember Reeves, he had met through the Fabian Society; and in 1914, a son, Anthony West {1914-1987}, by the novelist and feminist Rebecca West, twenty-six years his [11] In spite of Amy Catherine's knowledge of some of these affairs, she remained married to Wells until her death in [9] Wells also had liaisons with Odette Keun and Moura B "I was never a great amorist," Wells wrote in Experiment in Autobiography (1934), "though I have loved several people very " 追问: 请问可以很详细的那种吗???你这个是哪里找到的谢谢~~ 回答: _G_Wells求采纳
the father of modern china 当代/现代中国之父 --- 孙中山 the father of new china 新中国之父 ---- 毛泽东 后面的答案是本人的自己的理解