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World record

WR:World rocd世界纪录

你好!记录record 英[ˈrekɔ:d] 美[ˈrekərd] 唱片; 记录,记载; 档案,履历; 最高纪录; 记录,记载; 标明; 录音; 创纪录的; [例句]Keep a record of all the payments所有付款都要作记录。

田径世锦赛出现的“WR”"CR"英文缩写字母:CR: Championship Tournament Record 锦标赛纪录。“WR”"CR"相同,说明世界纪录是在世锦赛上创造的!奥运会出现的“WR”"OR"英文缩写字母。其它英文缩写代表的意思:奥运会出现的“WR”"OR"英文缩写字母:WR:World Record 世界纪录OR:Olympics Record 奥运会纪录田径钻石联赛出现的“WL”"MR"英文缩写字母,钻石联赛每年14站。WL: World Leader 当年世界最好成绩:MR: Match Record 赛会纪录亚运会出现的”WR""AR"英文缩写字母:WR:World Record 世界纪录AR:Area Record 洲际纪录在比赛最后成绩显示中:SB:seasonal best 个人赛季最好成绩有时还会出现“PB”的字样:PB:personal best 个人最好成绩田径中还有很多的字母缩写,如:NR:nation record 国家纪录WJR:World Junior Record 世界青年纪录AJR:Area(or continental) Junior Record 地区或洲青年纪录NJR:National Junior Record 国家青年纪录GR: Games Record 运动会纪录


He broke the world record

break tha world's record

break tha world's record

break world annal


He've just created a new world

he has made a new world

He creates a new world

He has set a new world


break world annal

He had broken the world record for 5 times within 45

he broke the world records for five times in

break the world's record



please think about my kepp the world hot and too ready be careful

the world record keeper

Keep the world record of

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