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文案本意是指放书的桌子,后来指在桌子上写字的人。现在指的是公司或企业中从事文字工作的职位,就是以文字来表现已经制定的创意策略。文案是一个与广告创意先后相继呈现的表现过程、发展过程与深化过程, 多存在于广告公司,企业宣传与新闻策划工作等。


文字润色:修饰文字,使其更有文采。  历史:  《论语·宪问》:“为命, 裨谌 草创之, 世叔 讨论之,行人 子羽 修饰之, 东里子产 润色之。” 《玉娇梨》第一回:“昨赖老先生大才润色,可谓点铁成金。”  基本介绍:  润色就是在原有的基础上进行更加深入的考究和修正,一方面要将文字中的错误进行修正,另一方面从语境词意上找到最恰当的表达方法。







润色是指通过对文字进行修饰,使其文采丰富,以下例子是对句子进行润色,希望对理解有帮助: I realized the importance of English when I entered senior high (强调句强调句强调句强调句) It was when I entered senior high school that I realized the importance of E We can live a happy life only by this (倒装) Only by this means can we live a happy He fell The lights were still (with结构) He fell asleep with the lights When I heard that, I was much (非谓语动词) Hearing that, I was much They carried out a survey among 260 (被动语态) A survey was carried out among 260 They were faced with many They didn’t lose (非谓语动词) Faced with many problems, they didn’t lose heart. It was getting And it began to (插入语) It was getting What was worse, it began to He worked very He made great progress in his (改为复合句) He worked so hard that he made great progress in his He offered me a piece of advice that I should cheer up and start all over (what引导的主语从句) What he offered me was a piece of advice that I should cheer up and start all over I got on a There were already too many people on (定语从句) I got on a bus on which there were already too many 50% of the students surveyed choose super stars as their (强调数字) As many as 50% of the students surveyed choose super stars as their


回答 稍微润色了一下:就是稍微变得更加湿润了。 润色是一个汉语词语,读音为rùn sè,一指修饰文字,使有文采,二指使增加光彩,三指湿润,四指装饰点缀,五指粉饰,六指犹加工、使更完美。



embroidery;retouch;polish;larded with



润色是指通过对文字进行修饰,使其文采丰富,以下例子是对句子进行润色,希望对理解有帮助: I realized the importance of English when I entered senior high (强调句强调句强调句强调句) It was when I entered senior high school that I realized the importance of E We can live a happy life only by this (倒装) Only by this means can we live a happy He fell The lights were still (with结构) He fell asleep with the lights When I heard that, I was much (非谓语动词) Hearing that, I was much They carried out a survey among 260 (被动语态) A survey was carried out among 260 They were faced with many They didn’t lose (非谓语动词) Faced with many problems, they didn’t lose heart. It was getting And it began to (插入语) It was getting What was worse, it began to He worked very He made great progress in his (改为复合句) He worked so hard that he made great progress in his He offered me a piece of advice that I should cheer up and start all over (what引导的主语从句) What he offered me was a piece of advice that I should cheer up and start all over I got on a There were already too many people on (定语从句) I got on a bus on which there were already too many 50% of the students surveyed choose super stars as their (强调数字) As many as 50% of the students surveyed choose super stars as their



润色拼音:rùn sè释义:1、修饰文字,使有文采。使增加光彩。湿润。装饰点缀。粉饰。犹加工,使更完美。中意stp保温工程的回答,请采纳。

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