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internal verdict external verdict 我开始和楼上一样想 我猜这里是verdict 楼主的审可能不是审计的意思

你好!论文被抽出送外审The paper was withdrawn from the trial

首先说一下,这是美国试的英文哦~美国人一般是这么说的如果是你自己审理一篇报上或书上的文章就是。judge the article如果说你是审理或批阅别人的文章就是。check the article 或 correct the essay用try 我想不对~

edit the essay 我在加拿大的老师都这么说。。。 应该算是美语吧


try the article 是审理文章的意思

The establishment, implementation and maintenance system System of the establishment, implementation and maintenance Which words? OIA also outside the trial management accreditation

话说内审是internal audit,外审是external audit吧?

edit the essay 我在加拿大的老师都这么说。。。 应该算是美语吧


版面设计 layout design,layout 整页报纸 whole page of the 编辑技巧 editing 审稿 manuscript reviewing这些术语都是名词形式,所以如果要用到句子里,请根据情况改变形式。比如我正在审稿,就要变成:I am reviewing a manuscript, please wait a


Layout (Page Design) Full-page newspaper (News Page) Editing techniques (Publication Skill) Reviewer(examination)

Thanks to the American workers and business owners, whom always pay their support and insistance on our Therefore, our economy is getting stronger and stronger every The employees have been increasing 3 million In the 55 The longest period growing has been breaking the historic record in C Meanwhile, the number of job openings are rising up to its highest level in the 13 We have been putting lots of people back to works are more than Japan, Europe, and others advanced economy And the unemployment rate is failing at a faster pace than With regard to the greatest challenge of the recession is that the umployment keep rising in the long There were quite a few Americans lost their jobs because of the economy recession for long And lots of Americans keep looking for Right now, our strong economy growth is ready to help 由于美国的工人和企业主,他们总是一如既往的支持和坚持对我们的经济。因此,我们的经济正变得越来越强大的每一天。员工已在55年中增加了1030万。在这最长时期的增长已经打破了中国的历史记录。同时,对职务空缺人数升至13年来的最高水平。我们已经让很多人回到工作超过日本,欧洲,和其他先进经济国家。而失业率正在以比预期更快的步伐下降。 关于经济衰退的最大挑战是,保持长时间的不断上升的失业。有相当多的美国人失去了他们的工作因为长时间的经济衰退。和许多美国人继续找工作。现在,我们的强劲的经济增长是准备好去帮助他们了。


International Scholarly Journal


International academic journal


你好!论文被抽出送外审The paper was withdrawn from the trial

首先说一下,这是美国试的英文哦~美国人一般是这么说的如果是你自己审理一篇报上或书上的文章就是。judge the article如果说你是审理或批阅别人的文章就是。check the article 或 correct the essay用try 我想不对~

应该是check the paper或者是edit the

try the article 是审理文章的意思

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