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1、Consciousness 表示知觉,是感知到自我或外界的意思,这意味着你没有睡着、没有失去意识、没有行尸走肉。比如:Witnesses say he was bleeding profusely but conscious and (Washington Post) 证人说他当时大出血,但是有意识。2、Conscience 意识是良知、道德感、判断正义和邪恶、判断对与错、判断好和坏。卡通片里以天使和恶魔来形象化。比如:They went out guiltily, as men whose consciences troubled (Richard Marsh)


空灵清澈天籁之音Sissel—Carrier Of A Secretarrier of a secret No one wants to know Show a little conscienceGuardian of the palaceNo one wants to goBroken hearted monsterTell me the words that'll touch meTell me what's hurting you soCarrier of secretLet your secret goCarrier of secretWhispered in the darkWhat are you afraid ofCarrier of secretHidden in your heartShow me what you are made ofNow put your hand to the quiverNow to the bend of the bowLet it fly let it light the sky above youLet it fly let somebody try to love youCarrier of secretToo unhip to showToo uncool to mentionCarrier of secretLet your secret goMore like confessionNow like a bird from your windowNow like a song from your heartLet it fly let it light the sky above youLet it fly let somebody try to love youHow many mountains must you climbHow many tears must you cryHow many seasons must go byBefore you let your secret flyHow many mountains must you climbBefore you let your secret fly歌词大意:Carrier of a secret 守着秘密的人No one wants to know 没人想知道Show a little conscience 也没人同情Guardian of the palace 那心灵殿堂的守护者No one wants to go 没人想离开Broken hearted monster 那心碎的恶魔carrier 运送人、搬运人、送信人I applied for the job as a mail science 良心、良知、道德心I got nothing to My conscience is uardian 保护者、保卫者、维护者The legal guardian must act on behalf of the palace 宫殿、皇宫A guide will show you round the P故宫博物馆 The Palace Museum颐和园 The Summer Palacemonster 怪物、怪兽、恶魔Do you believe in the Loch Ness monster?Tell me the words that'll touch me 跟我说能打动我的话Tell me what's hurting you so 跟我说是何事令你如此伤心原声播放--请用心收听、理解Carrier of secret 守着秘密的人Let your secret go 放开你的秘密吧let go 放开、释放He let go of the pole and let it Carrier of secret 守着秘密的人Whispered in the dark 在黑暗中低语What are you afraid of 你在害怕什么Carrier of secret 守着秘密的人Hidden in your heart 深藏在你心底Show me what you are made of 让我看看你到底是什么样的afraid 害怕的、焦虑的、担心的be afraid ofThere's nothing to be afraid hidden 隐藏的hide 隐藏、隐蔽Are you trying to hide something from me?be made of 用…造成

consciousness 英['kɒnʃəsnəs] 美[ˈkɑnʃəsnɪs] 意识,观念;知觉;觉悟;感觉 名词复数:consciousnesses [例句]And what is consciousness anyway?conscience 英['kɒnʃəns] 美[ˈkɑnʃəns] 良心;道德心 名词复数:consciences [例句]I suggest you start a support group for bankers with a


fly to the moon  歌手:michael smith 专辑:healing rain  Fly to the moon  Well, you could do it if you wanted to  Try flying high  The only limit is the endless sky  So, go on and fly to the moon  Live in the sun  You know your living has just begun  So much ahead  Don't let the night leave you for dead  So, come on, live in the sun  Fly to the moon  And when you find your wings I will celebrate with you  Watch you as you soar  Take the wishes that are yours  And let them fly you to the moon  Dream on a star  You can let it take you near or far  Feet on the ground  Don't let anybody hold you down  So, go on and dream on a star  Fly to the moon  And when you find your wings  I will celebrate with you  Watch you as you soar  Take the wishes that are yours  I know you can fly to the moon  You can do all things  I will celebrate with you  It's hard to let you go  Still, you have to go,  I know  So go on, fly to the moon  And as you spread your wings  I will celebrate with you  Hope we taught you good  Hope you know that if I could  I would fly away with you  Gotaa take it all the way  When you follow dreams  Follow far  Flying high and away  You're flying all the way  To the moon


Science: 科学;理科;科学业部分;科学杂志科学最新研究指出,要做买房子或买车子这种复杂的决定时,需要仔细、意识清醒的审慎思考、这与2006年科学(Science)期刊中发表的研究结果完全不同,2006年的报告显示,快速决定与无意识的思考(象是睡觉时想到方法)是解决难题的最佳方法。理科 总之,属于文科(ARTS)的感性,浪漫,激情,愿景之类的我不缺乏;属于理科(SCIENCE)的理性,规划,严谨,科学之类的急需得到训练。所以,去考一下GMAT也许能够进一步了解自己,用理科的方式。科学业部分应聘职位名称翻译精选 Subcontractor(Programming) 承包商 Technical Engineer 技术工程师 Science (科学业部分)Science Writer 科学作家 Zoologist 动物学家 科学杂志在美国「科学杂志」(Science)即将出刊的研究报告,13位科学家呼吁废除这个有漏洞的管理规则,因为所有生质能源排放出来的二氧化碳,无论原料为何,都可免责。-Leadership Science: 领导科学;率领科学;科学;领导艺术领导科学2440门大学课程中英文对照大汇集(8) 零件设计 Element Design 领导科学 Leadership Science 流场数值计算及性能预测 Numerical Calculation of Flow Field 率领科学机械制造系统论文 大学课程中英文对照(二) 零件谋划 Element Design 率领科学 Leadership Science 流场数值计划及性能预测 Numerical Calculation of Flow Field 科学2000个行业术语翻译大全-人文词汇 零件设计 Element Design ****科学 Leadership Science 流场数值计算及性能预测 Numerical Calculation of Flow Field 领导艺术0302254 德育管理专题研究 Monograph Study on Moral Education Management 2 0302255 领导艺术 Leadership Science 2 0302256 宣传心理学 Psychology of Propaganda 2 -medical science: 医学;医学科学;医科学専攻;医学


名词,科学;自然科学;理科。拓展:science fiction科幻小说,scientific形容词科学的,scientist科学家

science 是科学


科学。---在西方,该字由拉丁语的动词「scire(分析并寻求答案)」而来,後来转成为「scientis(熟练、拥有技术)」之意,并派生出属格型态的「sciens」一词。中古时期,该字进入英语而转写成名词的「science」,意思是「经研究而得的知识」。在十七世纪以後,「science」逐渐变成「自然哲学(Natural Philosophy,即牛顿时期的用法)」的另一种称呼。到了现代,成为与人文艺术学科相对的知识领域。而在汉语方面,「科学」这两个汉字,是由日本知识份子由 Science 译过来的。在清末民初,进入中国,从此我们汉语便直接采纳至今。

science英 [ˈsaɪəns] 美 [ˈsaɪəns] 科学;理科;学科;技术,知识

science [`saIəns; ˋsaiəns]《源自拉丁文“知识”的意思》名词1 (U) (作为体系化知识的) 科学; (尤指) 自然科学; 理科a man of ~科学家the laws of ~科学的法则S~ is verified 科学是被证实的知识 (细分的各) 科学,…学applied [practical] ~应用 [实用] 科学medical ~医学→ natural science,political scienceEconomics and sociology are social ~经济学与社会学是社会科学2 (U) (由运动、烹调等训练而获得的) 技术the ~ of cooking烹调技术He has more ~ than 他的技巧优于他的气力have ? down to a science掌握…的秘诀,熟练于…

名词 科学, 自然科学; 科学研究; 自然科学的学习与研究; 理科 This discovery is highly appreciated in the circle of 这个发现在科学界


名词 科学, 自然科学; 科学研究; 自然科学的学习与研究; 理科 This discovery is highly appreciated in the circle of 这个发现在科学界

science[英][ˈsaɪəns][美][ˈsaɪəns]科学; 技术,知识; 学科; 理科; 复数:sciences例句:Few voters understand the 很少有选民相信科学。 At the bronx high school of 在bronx区的理科中学读书。


science 是科学

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