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摘要:战略管理会计(SMA)是近年来兴起的一支新的会计学分支学科,是企业战略管理理念与管理会计理论相结合的产物。它将对财务信息的使用占主导地位的管理会计扩展到一个注重前瞻性、长期性和关注企业如何适应、协调、利用瞬息万变外部条件与内部条件的关系以取得整体上更优的战略效果,帮助企业确立长久不衰竞争优势。战略管理会计的理论与应用在国际上还处于摸索阶段,在我国更是如此。为推动战略管理会计在我国的发展,本文介绍了其产生背景与主要内容。 Abstract: Strategic management accounting (SMA) is a relatively new developed approach to management accounting that address issues and concerns which are strategic It places management accounting in a much broader context beyond the use of purely financial information to develop superior strategies, in order to derive a means of achieving sustainable completive Compare to conventional management accounting, strategic management accounting is future focused, long-term focused and consider the external business The theory and applications for SMA are not well developed at present internationally and that is especially the case as it is in our This article introduces and analysis the background of SMA and the main contents of it, in the aim of support the developing of SMA in our C 关键词:战略管理会计、战略成本管理、战略管理会计信息系统、战略绩效评价 Key words: Strategic management accounting (SMA), Strategic cost management, strategic management accounting information system, strategic performance measurement 随着现代科技的进步和生产力的迅猛发展,顾客消费水平提高,世界经济趋于一体化,全球竞争日益激烈,加上政治、经济、社会环境的巨大变化,许多企业对其经营方式做出重大调整与创新。尤其是现代企业在管理理念上从 “职能管理”向“战略管理”理念的转变,对传统管理会计的理论与方法体系造成全面冲击。事实上,长期以来,管理会计理论与实践脱节这一问题一直没有得到根本性的解决。为适应企业战略管理的需要,英国学者赛蒙斯(Simmonds,1981)于上世纪80年代初提出战略管理会计(Strategic Management Accounting简称SMA)的理念,强调管理会计应与企业战略相结合,尤其指出企业的管理信息系统应为企业提供其竞争对手的相关信息,以适应日益激烈的竞争。

二、 战略管理会计的内涵 那么,什么是战略管理会计?由于战略管理会计属于一个新的研究领域,对于如何界定其概念以及如何进行操作等问题,均尚无统一定论。 “战略管理会计” 一词的首创者是被公认为战略管理会计之父的英国学者赛门斯(R R Simmonds)。在他1981年出版的《战略成本分析-从管理会计到战略会计的演进》一书中将战略管理会计定义为“对关于企业及其竞争者管理会计指标的准备和分析,用来建立和监督企业战略”。他对传统管理会计理论的挑战在于,他不再从企业内部效率的角度看待利润的增长,而是从企业在其市场的竞争地位这一视角,重新看待这个问题。布朗维奇 (Bromwich)等学者在其研究报告中着眼于最终商品市场,将战略管理会计定义为“对企业的产品市场和竞争者的成本和成本结构的财务信息进行的提供和分析,以及对企业及其竞争者一定期间内在这些市场上的战略所进行的监督”。Wilson在《战略管理会计》中则强调战略管理会计的外部指向(Outward looking)和前瞻性(Forward looking)。 我国在80年代就对管理会计的发展较为关注的余绪缨教授认为“战略管理会计”是为企业战略管理服务的会计,它从战略的高度,围绕企业、顾客和竞争对手组成的“战略三角”,即提供顾客和竞争对手具有战略相关性的外向型信息,也对本企业的内部信息进行战略审视,帮助企业决策层知己知彼地进行战略的制定和实施,借以最大限度地促进本企业“价值链”的改进与完善,保持并不断创造竞争优势,以促进企业长足、健康发展。 从不同视角研究战略管理会计的学者很多。关于战略管理会计的这些文献从不同的侧重点反映了人们对战略管理会计的多方面理解。有些观点主要着眼于美国学者迈克尔 波特(M E Porter)在1980年发表的《竞争战略》中所提出的五力战略分析模型与他在1985年发表的《竞争优势》中提出的成本优势、差异化与目标集聚三种基本竞争战略优势中的成本优势战略。有些学者如Wilson的观点则更侧重于产品寿命周期。即便如此,这些定义都有一个共同点,体现了战略管理会计的一些基本特征,即重视外部环境和市场,注重整体性和前瞻性,注重使企业长期发展,从而为企业的战略管理与决策提供信息。 三、现行的管理会计是否会被战略管理会计取代? 对于传统管理会计不适应现代企业的决策,到底应该从传统的基础上稳步推进管理会计的发展,还是进行全面创新,这在学术界一直争论不休。这一争论基本分为两大派别。一派是“传统管理会计学派”以美国斯坦福大学的霍恩格伦教授(Charles T Horngren)、哈佛大学的安东尼教授(RN Anthony)、英国曼彻斯特大学的思盖本斯教授(RW Scapens)等为代表,主张一切以成本为中心,将数量方法及其它先进的管理方法,如战略成本管理方法引入管理会计体现,在传统的基础上稳步推进管理会计的发展。另一派以哈佛大学的罗伯特卡普兰教授(Robert S Kaplan)、太平洋路德大学的托马斯约翰逊教授(H Thomas Johnson)为代表的“创新管理会计学派”,主张以全方位创新为目标,注重学科间的交叉发展态势,通过不断创新改进现代管理会计的控制系统,建立各种数学模型,有效地控制、评价企业的绩效。 但是,不管理争论是否激励,双方学者都不否认应该建立适合战略决策需要的管理会计信息系统,都主张管理会计向战略管理领域的延伸和渗透。战略管理会计是以传统管理会计的基础为适应当代企业保持和创造长期竞争优势的决策要求而做出的新的改良与探索。尽管战略管理会计是为了弥补传统管理会计的缺陷而产生的,但这并不意味着传统管理会计已失去其存在的必要性。我们坚持现代管理会计应由战略管理会计和战术管理会计组成。传统管理会计注重内部控制,从战术的角度提高企业的内部效率;而管理会计则追寻高屋建瓴式的决策理念,站在全球竞争的角度,思考企业与其外部宏观与微观商业环境的关系,同时使用财务信息与非财务信息,采取长期性、全面性、前瞻性、外向性的理念,采用新的绩效评价方法,运用如“客户盈利能力分析(Customer profitability analysis)“产品赢利动态分析(product profitability analysis)”、价值链分析方法(value chain analysis)、成本动因分析方法(activity based cost analysis)、产品生命周期成本法(life cycle costing),经验曲线(learning curve analysis)、成长与占有率矩阵(Boston consulting Group- growth and share matrix)等这些灵活多样的管理会计的新方法。因此,战略管理会计是管理会计从微观到宏观的扩展与补充,两者是相辅相成的。

cost much more because of the theoretical concept of Cooper Kaplan in 1987, in an article entitled "Cost Accounting System to distort what Qu product costs, "the article which first proposed the" cost drivers "(cost driving factor cost) theory that, in essence, is a function of or interaction with the various independent factors (variables) to drive So what factors are driving a cost, or what the motive force for the cost? Traditionally, businesses (eg, yield) as the sole cost driver (variables) At least that distribution plays a decisive role in restraining its cost, and other factors (motivation), both According to this thinking fluctuation, the full costs into variable costs and fixed two Based on this understanding, as a fundamental analysis and dependent on the volume of production costs in the budget management flexibility in the specific This can be regarded as an effective cost management However, the volume of business is not the only factor driving According to Cooper Kaplan's "successful action by the theory of" cost drivers can be grouped into five categories : number of factors which installment cause, products cause, motivation processing factories From this point of view, we should on the basis of analysis of the various cost drivers, open up and find new ways to control For example, According to activity-based costing (ABC --Activity Based Costing) Cost Driver analysis of the cost of doing business can be divided grounds driven by short-term changes in business motivation costs (such as direct materials, direct wages, and so on) and the motivation driven by the volume of long-term changes in operating costs (mainly indirect costs) Based on this understanding, management may consider in the cost of doing business through the appropriate scale of operation to effectively control costs, usually more conducive to large-scale small scale units to reduce product If procurement costs are not simply constrained by the volume of procurement, and the frequency of purchased large quantities of lower unit cost of procurement; Marketing costs to be incurred by sales volume are not simply restricted, The installment sales with a large number of domestic unit sales to reduce the burden of marketing In such cases, if the analysis of the motivation (variables) and the costs (variable), the relationship between The specific function of cost model can be further used mathematical methods to determine the optimal size of the Management accounting policy described in the optimal order quantity model is a concrete example of Through further analysis can be found, in addition to the objective factors driving Cost will be artificially driven by subjective factors, that is, cost function can be expressed as : cost = f (objective subjective motivation) It is precisely because people have the greatest motivation, man subjective motivation driving the cost of doing business is also an important For example, workers cost management, quality, collective consciousness and awareness of business ownership, work and responsibility, among workers and between workers and the leadership of interpersonal relationships, the level of subjective factors are affecting the cost of doing and thus may be considered as the driving cost From the point of view of cost control, people's subjective motivation has tremendous Practice shows that the responsibility for cost accounting center, controllable cost, the cost of research and analysis actively work to improve cost management in a practical In short, enterprise cost management, it should establish a motive theory based on more than the cost of management Based on the analysis of the establishment of such a fluctuation in the cost of management and often can be induced to produce new ideas and effective cost management


(四)战略业绩评价 自从美国学者亚历山大沃尔创建综合财务评价指标体系以来,企业业绩评价问题一直是财务、会计与统计学等学科研究的重要问题。从战略管理的角度看,业绩评价能有效连接战略目标和企业经营活动,将企业的战略目标具体化。市场与客户需求变化、产品与技术更新等速度的不断加快使企业提高对客户的要求做出快速的调整以满足客户的需要的能力成为提高企业核心竞争力的首要条件。业绩评价体系也应将管理者的决策与行为引向企业长期、综合的战略目标的实现与核心竞争优势的巩固与建立上来。现行管理会计中使用业绩评价指标,在国外普遍是以一定期间的会计收益为基础来计算的“投资报酬率(Return on capital employed 简称ROCE)”占主导;在我国许多国有企业运用改进以后的功效系数法 ,但这些都是单一的、注重对结果的考评的纯财务性质指标,它忽略了对过程的控制,易导致决策者与管理人员的短期行为。而现代企业所面临的竞争要求其管理者在这同时更应注重对市场占有率变化、技术革新、顾客满意度、服务水平、产品质量、人力资源、市场战略等多方面的变化的控制、管理与应变。而在这些方面的表现与能力的评估则更需要对业绩进行多方面的非财务计量才能达成。 战略管理会计趋向于运用综合的、财务和非财务指标相结合的,前瞻的战略性业绩评价,并把企业战略、具体行动和业绩考评进行组合,对不同的战略灵活地采取不同的评价指标来达到导向、保持与实现企业长期竞争优势的目的,例如提倡使用标杆法(又叫基准化分析法,Benchmarking)和平衡计分卡(Balanced score card)。 由美国施乐公司创建的标杆法是指从企业或部门主体的外部寻找绩优操作作为标准,评价本主体的产品、服务或质量等以了解它们目前在行业中所处的位置及与绩优企业的差距,并持续加以改进的方法。采用标杆法的业绩评价方法选取外部评价标准,这一外部的标准不受行业或地区限制,如英国铁路公司成功地向英国航空公司借鉴清洁车厢的经验,美国汽车工业协会成功向英国天然气公司借鉴电话处理程序。 平衡计分卡是一个增强公司长期战略计划编制的工具。它起源于1992年卡普兰(R R Kaplan)教授与诺顿(D P Norton)在《哈佛商业评论》上发表的文章《平衡计分卡:能驱动绩效的评价工具》(The Balanced Scorecard: Measures that Drive Performance)中所提出的从财务、顾客满意度、内部业务流程、创新与学习等等相互联系的四个方面将企业的战略目标进行系统化、具体化的评价。这一综合业绩评价观念一经提出便以惊人的发展速度为世界上许多大企业所接纳,根据Gartner Group调查表明:在过去的十几年间,《财富》杂志公布的世界前1000位公司中有70%的公司采用了平衡计分卡系统,Bain & Company调查也指出,50%以上的北美企业已采用它作为企业内绩效评估的方法。它很好地平衡了财务与非财务指标(财务指标相对于顾客、内部业务流程、创新与学习这三个指标)、近期与远期目标(财务、顾客、内部业务流程这三个指标相对于创新与学习这个长期指标)内部与外部因素(内部业务流程这一指标相对于顾客满意度这一指标)之间的关系,将企业为实现长期战略目标而制定的所有目标和指标系统地结合在一起。实施这一方法成功的案例如美孚石油公司,该公司在成功引入平衡计分卡后,每一位员工甚至连送油的司机都会从他的角度去思考战略的实施,当运油去加油站时会同时观察该加油站是否达到服务要求,了解客户的满意度,客户新需求等等,并及时将这些信息反馈给公司,因为公司的战略执行和绩效与每个人的浮动薪酬密切相关,形成了一种双赢的效果。在实施平衡计分卡之前,美孚石油1993年赢利率行业倒数第一;实施平衡计分卡之后,它从1995年起赢利率便连续四年保持行业第一,并于1999年成功与埃克森合并为埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil)集团公司,根据2006美国权威《财富》杂志世界500强企业排名,埃克森美孚以营业收入以将近3400亿的营业收入名列500强榜首。

中级高级财务会计 Intermediate and Advanced Financial Accounting 管理会计 management accounting 税务会计 tax accounting 成本会计 cost accounting 审计学 auditing 会计制度设计 accounting standards design


ManualAccounting Versus Computerized AccountingProceedings of InternationalConference on Accounting Education Reform and Development Conference —James As many professional accountants andauditors state - accounting is a language of business which is accepted in alldeveloped and developing Every company applies accounting because itis generally accepted that companies have to reveal certain financial andmanagement information to the government and public users and of course becauseaccounting is indispensable tool in business decision-making With thedevelopment of information technologies there were developed many computerproducts (software) that make accounting as easy as ABC for those who From this point accounting can be divided into two basic categories:thosewhich apply manual accounting and those which prefer computerized This paper is targets the main features of manual and computerizedaccounting, their benefits and shortcomings, and their From the accounting theory it is knownthat accounting cycle includes the following steps: journalizing thetransactions, posting them to ledger accounts, preparing trial balance, makingadjustment entries, preparing adjusted to end-of-period trial balance ,preparing financial statements and appropriate disclosures, journalizing andposting the closing entries, and preparing after-closing trial balance at From the first look it is not very difficult and it is so indeed, but whenthere are thousands or millions of transactions the situation Lots of transactions that must be processed in the accounting cyclemake this process routine and even a little mistake or inaccuracy can cause allthe cycle from the very beginning in order to find and correct the Soas to shed some light on the matter lets examine accounting cycle Every transaction (event that change the financial resources orobligations of the company) must be recognized, classified and documented; inaddition there must be corresponding accounts identified and Thetransactions are recorded in appropriate journals (general journal, salesjournal etc) with transaction data, affected accounts? titles, debit and creditof each affected account and explanation specified in the journal Theabove procedure is used for each All the journal records must beposted to the ledger on a periodic basis (daily or weekly), which is a group ofaccounts put together and classified (assets, liabilities, revenue, expensesand equity) ? in other words general ledger summarizes all the transactionswithin a period of In addition there is a subsidiary ledger can be used,which is a more detailed source, where individual items comprised (inventory,accounts payable and accounts receivable) General ledger contains controllingaccounts which summarize the content of subsidiary At the end ofaccounting period with the help of general ledger there is a trial balancecalculated to make sure that debit and credit are in balance (if they are notequal it means that there is an error somewhere) Then there must beappropriate adjustments made like depreciation and income tax expenses,adjusted records posted to the ledger and adjusted trial balance After this there are financial statements should be prepared, which includebalance sheet, income statement, statement of retained earnings and statementof cash Then journal entries of temporary accounts are closed topermanent accounts and posted to the ledger, and at last after-closing trialbalance can In order to stay on top companies have toanalyze the performance of all organizational cells (starting from unskilledworkers and operating personnel, and finishing with top managers and other keypersonnel) and discover all the deviations from the plan, their causes, andfinally companies? management has to take corresponding measures to avoid suchdeviations in the These procedures are called internal controls andinclude the following five elements: control environment, risk assessment,monitoring, information and communication, which are assessed separately andput together a single rate of organization's Control environmentmeans the way of organization's internal control? which manager controls theemployees, how and whom does that manager reports next about the planperformance Risk assessment implies measures to determine all thepotential risks in advance, their causes, probabilities and counter-measures toavoid and manage them; how can those risks influence company's performance andfinancial state; how to minimize the costs of facing financial risks Monitoring implies quality control of company's operations and Information and communication element means the control over communication flowand the quality of information flow within the organization in order tominimize the time of communication and information Internal controlprocedures allow to keep companies? assets from dissipation and controlproductivity and usefulness of all Let's return to the main issue of Manual accounting implies that employees perform the whole accountingcycle manually on a periodic basis: they calculate trial balances, journalizetransactions, prepare financial statement reports and other Of courseit takes much time, resources and effort in large Computerizedaccounting implies that the only thing that employees do is recordingtransactions into the computer which processes the other steps of accountingcycle automatically or by a But this is a very simplified view on thecomputerized accounting because transaction is a complex category whichincludes not only sales or acquisitions, but depreciation, premiums and wagescalculation, dividends So computers provide accurate calculations andsmart reports but it takes much time, resources and effort too and it ' sdifficult to assess which accounting type is more fast and If manualaccounting requires qualified accountants to keep a record of businesstransactions, computerized requires accountants which can use specific softwareand thus they cost Computer software calculates faster but it does notknow what you need until you can clearly explain what exactly you Inaddition good computerized accounting system can cost thousands and evenmillions dollars, depending on the complexity and the size of Computerized accounting provides better internal control report system for anygiven period of time (computer can control thousands indicators simultaneouslyand create notifications to the appropriate departments or workers if someindicators do not correspond to the normal state), while manual control takesmore Among the advantages of manual accounting there are: comparatively cheapworkforce and resources, reliability, independence from machines, skilledworkers availability; the disadvantages include: reduced speed, increasedeffort of accountants, relatively slower internal control reporting, routinework and some Among the main advantages of computerized accounting thereare: high speed and mobility of reporting, reliability, no routine work,increased accuracy, internal control system of increased productivity, easyback up and restoration of records; the disadvantages include: extremely highcosts on developing, introducing and using the system, special trainings forpersonnel, increased personnel costs, dependence on machines Obviously bothcomputerized and manual accounting have advantages and disadvantages but theyperform the same task, and the final result is the The main differencesbetween them are the costs ,speed and Thus small and medium businesses usually prefer manualaccounting without detriment to quality while large corporations apply complexaccounting systems which cost millions dollars but the effect from theirapplication exceeds all the 还有中文翻译,2100左右,是经济学家詹姆斯撰写的手工会计与电算化会计会计教育改革与发展—第四届会计与财务问题国际研讨会论文集


企业的社会责任:一种趋势和运动,1但社会责任是什么,是为了什么?企业社会责任( CSR )已成为一个全球趋势,涉及企业,国家,国际组织和民间社会组织。但这远远不能清楚CSR的主张,有什么真正的趋势,是从哪里开始,在哪里发展,谁是项目的主要行动者。如果把它作为一种社会运动,我们必须要问:什么运动和谁执行?讨论有助于我们反思形成的趋势和如何管理某些特点来迅速和广泛地在全球各地进行扩展,并增加了以下体制变革,特别是对变化中国家之间、企业法人和民间社会组织关系之间的界限的作用。企业社会责任的趋势在三个方面:作为一个管理框架,新的要求,地方企业;作为动员企业行为,以协助国家的发展援助;和作为管理趋势。每一个这些画像表明,中心的某些行为,关系,驾驭团队和利益。我的例子表明,没有人对这些意见似乎比别人更准确,而是,活动包括规范的不同利益、作用因素、起源和轨迹。这些多重身份的趋势可以部分描述其成功以及它的争论,脆弱性和流动性。许多公司现在有具体的计划和小节在其网站上处理企业社会责任。在过去,软条例和指导网络,国际公认的规则一直是一种重要机制,作用在公司、国家和国家间组织的需求,例如,发布指导方针和条例的公司。在这背景下,国际组织仍然是重要的行动者,他们正在寻求与跨国公司进行对话,而不是试图通过国家控制企业社会责任。各国际组织不是对企业的社会责任监管机构;而他们却是监管和自我约束的倡议之间的经纪人的最合适人选。对社会负责行为和监测这些行为的需求越来越多地以国家以外的这些组织为渠道,并强调赞成高比例的自律。因此,我们看到了软法律(Morth, 2004)的出现,或者是Knill 和 Lehmkuhl (2002) 所说的“被规管的自律”, 和Moran (2002)所归纳的“精细”或“非正式”规章。我更喜欢“软法律”和“软规章”的说法,因为他们并不总是非正式的。软规章常常包括正式报告和统筹程序。还有,从统筹和行政的观点来看,那些规章和精细还是相去甚远的。社会责任的措施和规章在公司和他们的利益相关者之间的对话中发展。 联合国全球契约是发展中的软规章框架的中心。它是自愿的,没有法律约束力的制裁。适用于没有遵守规章并被笼统制定的企业。它为理解条例提供许多余地,从而以适合它们自身情况和期待的某种方式,实现将规章转化为行动的改变。该倡议是建立在菜单上的书面原则基础上的国际宣言和协定的成员契约遵循。然而,契约本身并不是一个法律框架。此倡议依赖于承诺,信誉和能见度遵守,而不是对不符合原则的企业发出明确的制裁。全球契约从全球影响力和道德权威的联合国和增列角色创建社区发出的原则,增长其信誉。软规则,换言之,是嵌套在更广泛的监管范围( Jacobsson和萨赫林-安德森,2006年)英文:Corporate social responsibility: a trend and movement,1 But what social responsibility is, what for?Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a global trend, involving national, international organizations and civil society But it is far from clear that the idea of CSR, there is no real trend, from where to start, where development, who are the main actors of the If you take it as a social movement, we must ask: What sports and who performs? Discussion helps us reflect national trends and how to manage certain features to expand rapidly and extensively around the world, and adds the following institutional changes, especially changes between countries, corporate and civil society organizations Relationship action between the Trend of corporate social responsibility in three ways: as a management framework for the new requirements, local businesses; as the mobilization of corporate behavior, to assist the country's development assistance; and as a management Each of these portraits suggest that certain behavior center, relationships, control team and My example shows that no one of these comments seem to be more accurate than others, but, activities include different interests norms contributing factor, the origin and Trends in these multiple identities can be partially describe their success as well as its argument, vulnerability and Many companies now have specific plans and sections deal with corporate social responsibility on its In the past, the soft regulations and guidance network, internationally accepted rules has been an important mechanism in companies, national and international organizations needs, for example, published guidelines and regulations of the In this context, the international organization is still important actors, they are seeking dialogue with multinational companies, rather than trying to control through the national corporate social International organizations for corporate social responsibility is not the regulatory body; and they are the most suitable candidate broker regulation and self-regulation initiatives The need for socially responsible behavior and monitoring of these acts increasingly to countries outside of these organizations for the channel, and emphasized in favor of a high proportion of self- Thus, we see a soft law (Morth, 2004) the emergence of, or Knill and Lehmkuhl (2002) said, "is self-regulated," and Moran (2002) summarized in the "fine" or "informal" I prefer the "soft law" and "soft regulation" argument, because they do not always Soft regulations often include formal reporting procedures and co- Also, from the co-ordination and administrative point of view, those regulations and still a far cry from the CSR measures and regulations in the development dialogue companies and their stakeholders The United Nations Global Compact is the center of the development of soft regulatory It is a voluntary, non-legally binding It failed to comply with applicable regulations and general development of the It provides a lot of room for understanding the regulations, which in some way appropriate to their own situation and expectations to achieve the regulatory change into The initiative is a member of the contract on the basis of international declarations and agreements in principle to establish written on the menu on the However, the contract itself is not a legal This initiative is dependent on the commitment, credibility and visibility of compliance, rather than sending a clear sanctions do not conform to the principles of Create Global Compact principles emanating from the global community influence and moral authority of the United Nations and the additional roles, increase its Soft rules, in other words, is nested within the broader scope of regulation (Jacobsson and Sa Helin - Anderson, 2006), an original source and the author: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE VOL 6 NO 5 2006 Kerstin Sahlin-A


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环境会计产生的环境 回顾环境会计产生和发展二十多年的历史,可以看出环境会计是在自然环境遭受严重破坏、生态环境严重恶化、经济发展的物质基础受到威胁的背景下,人们在分析了传统会计理论和方法的局限性基础上提出的。 环境状况的恶化对经济活动主体提出新的要求。 人类在生产和生活过程中,不断从自然界取得资源,同时又将生产和生活中产生的废物排放到环境中去。随着经济的发展和人口的增长,人类要求从自然界取得的资源越来越多,同时排放到自然界中的废物也越来越多,超过了自然界的承受能力,导致生态破坏、环境污染等一系列环境问题。目前,世界各国都不同程度的存在着环境污染和生态破坏问题,各国的环境问题又共同造成了全球性的环境问题。 面对越来越严重的环境问题,各国提高了对环境问题的重视程度,在世界范围内寻求合作以解决治理环境的国际协调问题。1987年,联合国世界环境与发展委员会提出了可持续发展战略,作为指导各国环境与发展实践的共同战略。所谓可持续发展是指既满足当代人的需要,以不对后代人满足其需要的能力构成危害的发展模式,其实质在于限制、调整人类的各种活动特别是经济活动,在经济社会的发展过程中解决各种环境问题,使经济社会的发展建立在环境资源可以承受的基础上,并促使其充分、持久地发展,从而最大限度地满足当代人和后代人的需要。 我国20年来的改革开放促进了经济发展和国民经济高速增长,创造了巨大的物质财富,人民生活有了较大提高,但由于对资源开发强度过大,造成环境污染,水土流失,耕地面积减少,资源耗竭速度提高,大量物种濒临灭绝等环境问题。98年特大洪水在一定程度上就是由于沿江植被遭到破坏,水土流失严重造成的。 我国政府近年来加大了环境保护方面的法制建设和资金投入,取得了一定的效果,但也存在着投入总量不足、环保效益和经济效益差等问题。在总量上,发达国家环境保护投入平均占GNP的1%-2%,我国仅占7%,且由于我国环保历史欠帐较多,投入总量更显不足。在效益上,由于对环境资源的过度开发和浪费缺乏有效的监督和控制,现阶段仅仅从法律监督和行政管理方面对破坏环境的行为进行控制,而没有健全、系统的量化指标把企业的环保责任和经济效益联系起来,把保护环境变为企业的自觉行为。企业还没有把环境保护作为企业生存和发展的一个必要条件,没有把环境保护作为企业扩大市场占有率、提高经济效益的重要手段,认为进行环保投入和技改得不到切实的回报,积极性较差。为提高环保投入产出率,改善环保工作的效果,确保人类社会的可持续发展,利用会计手段对环境资源和环保责任进行计量和控制,研究专门的会计方法体系是十分必要的。 企业适应环境要求,提高经济效益的必由之路。 企业要实现长期生存和稳定发展,必须树立适应环境的观念,社会环境是企业生存和发展的制度基础,而自然环境则是企业生存和发展的物质基础。传统观点认为:企业必须尽可能地适应社会环境,寻求最佳投资环境、融资环境、市场环境和政策环境,才能求得长期生存和稳定发展。而从可持续发展观点看来:企业的生存和发展需要不断地从自然环境中取得资源,又要不断地将废物排放到环境中去,如果企业没有一个持续、稳定的自然环境作为物质基础,求得与自然环境的和谐共生,企业的长期生存和稳定发展只能是空谈。 现实生活中,人们的环境保护意识不断增强,越来越要求企业提供更多的绿色产品,企业立足自身经济利益,也应增强环保意识,增大环保投入,降低能源消耗,细化环保投入和产出的计量,计量取得的环境资源、负有的环保责任和发生的环境费用,确认取得的环境收益或损失。这样才能全面的衡量企业的效益状况,为企业目标的实现提供真实、可靠的信息。 传统会计模式的局限性 传统会计的目标是借助会计对经济活动进行核算和监督,为经营管理提供财务信息,并考核经营责任,从而取得最大的经济效益。传统会计侧重于从人类经济活动的角度出发,着眼于对自然资源的开发利用,没有将环境所带来的经济问题纳入会计研究的范围,表现为会计信息披露不充分和会计循环过程的不完整。传统会计没有将环境所带来的经济问题纳入会计研究的范围,缺乏对企业环境资源、环境责任和环境费用的计量,缺乏对企业取得的环境收益或损失的确认。传统会计没有把企业视为与环境共生的经济体,没有认识到经济运转和自然环境循环是紧密联系在一起的。认为经济循环从企业从环境中取得资源开始,到企业实现其产品,取得经济收益结束。忽视了环境对企业的影响和企业对环境的影响,忽视了环境自身的物质补偿过程和企业环境中取得资源造成的企业对环境的补偿责任。具体而言,没有将环境资源确认为资产,没有将企业应承担的环保责任确认为负债,没有将环境资本确认为所有者权益,没有确认环境收入和费用以及环境利润。导致上述问题的原因是,传统会计认为没有凝结人类一般劳动的环境资源是没有价值的,不必对之进行确认和计量。应当看到,环境资源具有社会产品具有的有效用性和稀缺性,应当并可能对其进行确认和计量。environmental accounting environmental Recalling the development of environmental accounting and have more than two decades of history, can be seen in the natural environment, environmental accounting is severely damaged, a serious deterioration of the ecological environment, the material basis of economic development against the backdrop of threats to people in the traditional analysis of accounting theory and methods On the basis of the The deterioration of environmental conditions on the economic activities of the main new In the production and life of mankind, made from natural resources will have a life of the production and discharge of waste into the With the economic development and population growth, from the nature of human resources to achieve more and more, at the same time released into the nature of the waste more and more, exceeding the tolerance of the natural world, leading to ecological damage, environmental pollution, such as a Series of environmental At present, all countries in the world there are different levels of environmental pollution and ecological damage, environmental problems also led to a common global environmental In the face of increasingly serious environmental problems, raised the importance of environmental issues, around the world to seek cooperation to address environmental issues of international In 1987, the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development put forward a strategy of sustainable development as a national guidance on Environment and Development, the common practice of the The so-called sustainable development means not only meets the needs of the people, not to future generations to meet their own needs the ability to pose a hazard model of development and its essence is to limit the adjustment of human activities, especially economic activities in the economic and social development In solving environmental problems, so that the economic and social development in the establishment of environmental resources to bear on the basis of, and to its full and lasting development in order to satisfy current and future China's 20 years of reform and opening to promote the economic development of the national economy and rapid growth has created tremendous material wealth, the people's living standard has improved greatly, but on the strength of resource development is too large, causing environmental pollution, soil erosion, reduction of arable land , To increase the speed of resource depletion, a large number of endangered species such as the 98-year flood to a certain extent is due to the destruction of vegetation along the river, caused serious soil In recent years, China's government increased the legal system of environmental protection and investment, has achieved some results, but there is a total lack of inputs, inefficiency and poor economic In total, the Environmental Protection developed into an average of 1% of GNP accounted for -2%, China accounted for only 7 percent, and as a result of China's environmental history, more debt, the total investment is even more In terms of effectiveness, as a result of over-exploitation of environmental resources and a waste of a lack of effective supervision and control at this stage only from a legal and administrative supervision of the destruction of the environment control, and no sound system of quantitative indicators of the enterprises Responsibility for environmental and economic benefits linked to the protection of the environment into a business conscious Environmental protection enterprises have not as a corporate survival and development of a necessary condition, not as an environmental protection enterprises to expand market share, an important means to enhance economic efficiency, environmental protection that are not practical technical inputs and the return of the more active P In order to enhance environmental protection input-output, improving the effectiveness of environmental protection to ensure sustainable development of human society, the means of accounting for the use of environmental resources and environmental responsibility and control measures, the study of specialized accounting system is Enterprises to adapt to environmental requirements, the only way to increase economic To achieve long-term business survival and development of a stable, we must foster the idea to adapt to the environment, social environment for enterprises to survive and develop on the basis of the system, and the natural environment is the existence and development of enterprises on the basis of the The traditional view: companies must adapt to the social environment as much as possible, to seek the best investment environment, financial environment, the market environment and policy environment in order to achieve stability and development of long-term From the point of view of sustainable development: the survival and development of enterprises need to obtain resources from the natural environment, but also will continue to discharge waste into the environment, if companies do not have a sustained and stable environment as a material foundation, To achieve harmony with the natural environment, Symbiotic, enterprises and the steady development of long-term survival can only be empty In real life, people's awareness of environmental protection, growing more and more requests to provide more green products, companies based on their own economic interests, should also enhance environmental awareness, increasing environmental protection input and reduce energy consumption, environmental protection, investment and Refinement The output measures, measures to achieve environmental resources, has the responsibility for environmental protection and environmental costs, to obtain recognition of the environmental gains or Only in this way can a comprehensive measure of the effectiveness of business conditions, corporate objectives to provide a true and reliable Limitations of the traditional accounting model Traditional accounting with the goal of accounting for economic activities and supervision of accounting, business management for the provision of financial information, assessment and accountability, so as to maximize economic The traditional emphasis on accounting from the human point of view of economic activity, focusing on the development and utilization of natural resources, not the economic environment into the accounting of the scope, accounting for the performance of inadequate disclosure and accounting of the cycle is not complete Traditional accounting does not brought about by the economic environment into the accounting of the scope, lack of resources in the enterprise environment, environmental responsibility and environmental costs of the measures, lack of access to the corporate environment or loss of revenue Not the traditional accounting business environment, Symbiotic and as the economy has not recognized the functioning of the economic cycle and the natural environment are closely That the economic cycle from the corporate environment to obtain resources from the beginning to achieve its business products, to obtain the end of the economic Ignoring the environmental impact of corporate and business impact on the environment, environmental neglect their own material and the process of compensation and business environment to obtain resources of the corporate environmental In particular, there is no environmental resources will be recognized as assets, not companies should bear the responsibility for environmental protection recognized as liabilities, not the environment identified as the owner's equity capital, there is no confirmation of income and the cost of the environment and environmental These led to the cause of the problem is that traditional accounting in general do not think there is condensation of human labor, environmental resources is of no value, no need for the confirmed and It should be noted that the community has the resources and the environment with the products and effective use of scarce, it should be and could be identified and


一、会计职业道德面临市场经济的挑战 市场经济是法制经济,是诚信经济,但市场经济带来的利益之争也时时在拷问每个人的道德操守,特别是处在财经一线的会计工作人员,更是面临着诱惑和挑战,这主要表现在以下几个方面: 1.会计的遵纪守法观念受到了挑战。会计工作处在各单位经济管理工作的前沿,会计人员身处财经大权的关键地位,在一些不健康的消极环境的影响下,其价值观念不可避免地受到影响,出现了一些违法违纪问题,这突出表现在会计资料虚假、会计信息失真,个别人员更是利用手中的权利,贪污挪用、化公为私。 2.会计的公正性受到了挑战。会计工作要求客观工正,严守会计工作的原则,但在目前条件下,部分会计工作者或由于自身认识不足,或由于受到了各方面的干扰。其客观公正性大打折扣,这主要表现在,会计报表不能准确地反映单位的财务状况,在处理收入、费用、成本的确认上存在着人为操纵,造成会计信息失真。特别是个别企业的领导直接授意会计人员编造、造假。如部分公司为包装上市,将亏损变成盈利,取上市资格,动摇了证券市场的成信基础。 3.会计的业务能力受到了挑战,当今世界是学习型时代,每个人的知识技能随时都可能被陶汰,只有不断地学习提高,才能跟上时代发展的步伐,这就要求会计人员同样要与时俱进,不断完善自己和知识结构,高水平的搞好会计工作但上前情况是有相当一部分人员对市场经济下会计工作的新变化缺少足够的认识,其知识结构也跟不上形势的变化。如个别会计人员曲解市场经济的效益性原则,只顾眼前,不考虑长远持续经营的经济利益,形成“寅吃卯粮”,甚至长期虚盈实亏,造成国有资产大量“含水”流失。 4.会计的监督检查职能受到了挑战。这突出表现在会计监督弱化,形式化。一是监督流于表面,“对下不对上”,对单位重大的经济事项和单位负责人的经济活动,从内容到形式几乎都不存在会计监督,更有甚者,到了出谋划策、通同作弊的地步。二是不够深入,对于个别违章行为不能深究细查,从而引发了不少经济案件。 二、会计人员应树立良好的职业道德 一要爱岗敬业、忠于职守、善思勤练。古人云,在其位谋其政,会计人员的爱岗更是会计人员的一种意识行动。爱岗就要忠于职守,要将责任感和义务感化为一种巨大的精神力量,在履行自己的职责时,将“不得不为”的行为转化为“自觉自为”的行为,形成自动干好本职工作的一种动力。敬业就要善思勤练,对会计工作要勤于思考,对业务技能要勤于锻炼,争取让业务做的更好。 具体工作中,要做到爱岗敬业,会计人员还必须树立全心全意为人民服务的思想。安于其业、乐于其业、专于其业。同时还要树立正确的会计职业观,要有真心诚意献身会计事业的精神。深刻理解会计职业的本质,方能真正做一个优秀的会计人员。 二要诚实有信,严禁弄虚作假,保证会计信息的真实性。要做到诚实,会计人员就要杜绝弄虚作假,求真求实。以会计工作的特性来看,“诚”字是会计工作的第一要务。《说文解字》云:“计,会也,算也,从言,从十”,对“言”的解释是“直言曰言”,从“十”,而“十”乃“数之具也”,以此可见,诚实在会计职业道德中的含义就是:真实反映、正确记录,如实反映、正确核算可以说是决定会计工作成败和质量好坏的根本标准,是对会计工作者最起码的职业道德要求。 从守信方面而言,我国近代会计学奠基人之一潘论先生,即将“立信”作为会计职业道德乃至整个道德体系的重要内容。恪守“信以立志,信以守身”,从而推动了会计工作的良性发展。在发展社会主义市场经济的今天,会计工作同样面临着竞争和挑战。目前,国家引进国外会计事物所对上市公司进行审计,也是有感于国内会计事物所的质量和信用问题。引进国外事物所,看似舍近求远,实则给国内的会计人员敲了警钟,所谓“诚招天下客,誉从信中来”,如果会计工作遭受诚信危机、信用危机,将引发一系列的连锁反应,进而影响到整个社会的道德体系。 三要廉洁自律、遵纪守法、务除贪念。会计人员势必与经济打交道,与钱物打交道,也会面对这样那样的腐蚀和诱惑。要真正做到廉洁自律,就要做到以下几点: 一是自尊自爱。自尊就是做人的组尊严,要有高尚的情操和会计人员应具有的优良品质。自爱就是爱惜自己作为会计人员的身份,珍惜自己的品格和荣誉,“清清白白办事,老老实实做人”。 二是不贪不占。会计人员在自己的岗位上保持洁身自好、不贪不占的高尚品德,必须彻底摒弃“金钱至上、金钱万能”的人生哲学,在不义之财面前绝不动心,在执行财会法规时刚正不阿,决不利用手中权利贪占便宜。 三是自我约束。自我约束就是一个人的自觉性以及自我控制能力。正人先正己,无私才无畏,会计人员由于处于管家理财的特殊地位,随时随地都可能遇到不道德的行为,特别是面对金钱的诱惑,可能不知不觉地产生不道德的欲望。只有提高自我约束能力,才能做到保持廉洁清正,不为金钱、私利所诱惑。在不断提高自己政治觉悟的同时,依靠个人的良心、内心信念的力量,严格约束自己的行为。 四要客观公正,保持自身独立性。会计人员要做到客观公正,必须从实质上、形式上保持自身的独立性。实质的上独立即精神上的独立,即是会计人员在执行业务时不受个人或外界因素的干扰,保持客观且无私的精神和意志;形式上的独立即会计人员表现出适当的独立身份。 当前,随着市场经济体制的逐步完善,会计事务所作为独立的经济实体被推到市场去竞争,出现了一些不良现象,如个别事务所和会计师靠支付佣金、回扣、请客送礼等手段联系业务,有些会计师经不起诱惑,违背了客观性和公正性原则,迁就上市公司意见,出具无保留意见的审计报告,从而数次引发了证券市场的民事纠纷,如“琼民源”案、“银广厦”案,至今仍让人心有余悸。 由此可见,会计工作客观公正的重要性。会计人员要保持独立性,一要应回避可能影响独立的审计事项;二是恪守职业良心。不贪私利,方能一无牵挂,真实反映会计工作的现状。 五要提高职业技能,精益求精管好帐。会计工作政策行强,涉及面广,技术性高。这就要求会计人员熟悉国家经济法律、法规和统一的会计制度,掌握会计的基本理论和专业知识,时时在学习中不断提高自身技能。 随着市场经济体制的日益完善和WTO体系在我国的深入,需要会计人员提供财务服务的领域将更加广泛,专业化、国际化服务的要求也会越来越高。同时,会计行业要在市场竞争中取胜,也必须与时俱进,注重开拓创新。会计人员要不间断地充实、调整、提高自己,用科学的会计理论,高超的会计操作技术武装自己,以适应会计发展的需要。

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