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读杂志 用英语怎么说? Read Magazine 通过电视看运动节目Watch sports program on TV

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Reading magazinesSee campaign through television programs

“杂志”的英文是Magazine,读音:英 [mæɡəˈzi:n] ;美 [mæɡəˈzin, mæɡəˈzin]。双语例句:我读了她从杂志上剪下来的一段文字。I read a snippet she had cut from a 弗兰克·德福特是杂志《名利场》的特约编辑。Frank Deford is a contributing editor for Vanity Fair 他不久就接手负责杂志的编辑工作。Before long he took over the editing of the 这家杂志刊登了一篇讽刺政府的文章后被停刊。The ban was imposed after the magazine published an article satirising the 公司一直通过在商业杂志上刊登广告扩展客户群。The company has been expanding its customer base using trade magazine 他看见杂志的一角从毯子下露了出来。He saw the corner of a magazine sticking out from under the



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读杂志 用英语怎么说? Read Magazine 通过电视看运动节目Watch sports program on TV

Read magazines[原文]看杂志


Read the magazine Read 阅读read the book读书

杂志的英文是1、读音英 [mægə'ziːn]   美 ['mæɡəzin] 2、解释杂志;弹盘;弹药库3、例句Her face is on the cover of a dozen or more 她的面孔出现在十多份杂志的封面上。扩展资料:periodical1、读音英 [pɪərɪ'ɒdɪk(ə)l]   美 [,pɪrɪ'ɑdɪkl]  2、解释 期刊;杂志; 周期的,定期的;时常发生的;定期发行的,期刊的3、例句She made periodical visits to her 她定期去看牙医。journal1、读音英 ['dʒɜːn(ə)l]   美 ['dʒɝnl]  2、解释日志;日记;期刊3、例句He was a newspaperman for The New York Times and some other 他是《纽约时报》和其他几家报纸的记者。

Read magazines[原文]看杂志

Reading magazinesSee campaign through television programs


read a magazine

read a magazinewatch sports programs on TV

magazine英 [ˌmægəˈzi:n] 美 [ˈmægəzi:n] 杂志;弹药库;弹仓;胶卷盒复数: magazines双语例句Her face is on the cover of a dozen or more 她的面孔出现在十几种杂志的封面上。

read a magzine或read magzines

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