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My favorite magazine Susan: What's your favorite magazine?Eddy: Off hand, I'd say the Reader's Digests is my Susan: What kind of magazine is it?Eddy: It's instructive and Susan: Really? It is a weekly, isn't it?Eddy: No, it's a Susan: Does it enjoy popularity among the young generation?Eddy: Yes, it's so popular that it's sold out as soon as it reaches the Susan: Oh, I think I should try to read 译文:苏珊: 你最喜欢什么杂志?艾迪: 这么说吧,我最喜欢《读者文摘》。苏珊: 那是本什么样的杂志?艾迪: 它知识面很广,具有启发性。苏珊: 是吗?它是周刊吗?艾迪: 不,是半月刊。苏珊: 它在年轻人中很流行吗?艾迪: 是的,它很受欢迎,每期一到书店就卖完了。苏珊: 哦,我想我也应该读一本。

al people, because people feel respected when their customs and behaviors are understood and and by doing things in their way, you become unconsciously a member of them and thus will no long experience culture however, others also have strong reasons to believe that a country should tolerate and embrace foreign in the first place, no country should cling to its old customs and traditions at all cost and expect others to follow-

我大概根据百科的汉语介绍用英文翻译了一下(不是用机器)READERS is a integrated abstract magazine published by Gansu People’s P Its used name is Reader's D It regards carrying forward the human outstanding culture as its own The magazine adheres to its tenet of gathering Chinese and foreign culture's best features and awakening people's thought and broadening people's Its aim is maintaining high grade and hgh quality The great magazine attracts all kinds of different 满意吗?翻译这个太费劲了。希望你能满意。



It is an unarguable fact that we are facing too many magazines, journals and other For English learners it is even true with this Many people have got lost in front of a list of Here I would like recommend a good English journal that is called'English Street' If you would like to read short essays, stories and brief introductions about new cultural products, 'English Street' is the right one for You can have a read in our city libaray before you buy It is indeed one of the best journals for



My favourite magazine is called " FalkLands"I'm a university student who has been in love with history (especially ancient history) for years, and when I discovered this magazine, I was in It's a weekly Since I began reading it two years ago, I never missed a single It's a comprehensive magazine published in the US it has been translated into several I prefer to read the original It owns millions of readers around the Everything is covered in it, just like an encyclopedia; colonial America, ancient Egypt, you name it, it's probably in The photography is breathtaking, and the information is I've spent more than one night up late, just reading through It's quite a good magazine - though I'm just speaking from my own It might not be entirely accurate, but I'm not It enlarges my general knowledge and broadens my I enjoy the feeling of curling up in the sofa with a Although surfing the Internet is the faster way to get information, you cannot feel the sense of touching Trust Is it a magazine for pretty much everyone! Go and get it if you like any bit of history, Egyptian or Mayan or A 你筛选一下好了


It is an unarguable fact that we are facing too many magazines, journals and other For English learners it is even true with this Many people have got lost in front of a list of Here I would like recommend a good English journal that is called'English Street' If you would like to read short essays, stories and brief introductions about new cultural products, 'English Street' is the right one for You can have a read in our city libaray before you buy It is indeed one of the best journals for


意林杂志创刊于2003年8月。意林倡导积极健康的思想理念,关注现实生活,贴近现代人内心世界,弘扬博爱宽容的为人处世之道,表现人与人之间最真实的情感接触。力图通过温馨的故事、生动的语言,补充读者的生活经历,延展读者的精神边界,打造中国人最真实最贴心的心灵读本,是目前最有影响力的励志杂志之一。意林》创刊以来,扎真之根,绽美之花,结善之果,与万千读者风雨同行。很多读者从中领悟到爱、希望和信心,其心态、习惯和性格发生了很大转变,进而改变了他们的生活。我们相信,这一定源于她独特的内涵:《意林》一直倡导积极健康的人生态度,使我们追求梦想与憧憬,做乐观的人。 《意林》持续播撒人间的真情真爱,给我们爱的温暖与慰藉,做洋溢爱心的人。 《意林》坚持传递智慧的火种,给我们以启迪、指引和力量,做充满智慧的人。 《意林》不断完善我们的人格修养,提升人生境界,做思想深刻人格独立的人。 《意林》将继续点亮真善美的人性之光,伴我们穿越泥泞、黑暗和迷惘。 《意林》在永远创造:唯自强不息者成就梦想;唯厚德载物者超越平凡。 《意林》始终坚信:真之所至,善之所及,美之所钟,心自成林,意自达境。我们将一如既往,以真诚灌溉,以真心培育,以真情奉献,永远与您同行希望对你有所帮助 还望采纳~~~

意林 主要是给人予思考 对生活的感悟 从中感化心灵

《意林》始于公元787年,唐朝封疆大吏马总集诸子百家精华,编成《意林》6卷,流传至今。《意林》杂志秉承前人意趣,取“意林”二字为刊名,“意”就是意境、意韵、意义、意味,意有所得,“林”即智慧之林。即通过很多故事营造生命意境、展现哲思意韵、阐述人生意义、透析生活意味。  《意林》以“一则故事,改变一生”为宗旨,通过“小故事大智慧、小幽默大道理、小视角大意境”,坚守“励志、感动、启迪、提升”的办刊理念,打造中国乃至全球都深具影响的励志传媒。  《意林》倡导积极健康的思想理念,关注现实生活,贴近现代人内心世界,弘扬博爱宽容的为人处世之道,表现人与人之间最真实的情感接触。力图通过温馨的故事、生动的语言,补充读者的生活经历,延展读者的精神边界,打造中国人最真实最贴心的心灵读本,是目前最有影响力的励志杂志之一。  《意林》创刊于2003年8月,2005年5月由月刊改为半月刊,也相应增加了一些新栏目。“妙于策划, 妙于编排, 意味深长, 意趣横生”是期刊协会前会长张伯海先生对《意林》的评价。《意林》是中国最有影响力的励志杂志。


The National Geographic Magazine,later shortened to National Geographic,is the official journal of the National Geographic SIt published its first issue in 1888,just nine months after the Society itself was It has become one of the world's best-known magazines and is immediately identifiable by the characteristic yellow border running around the edge of its 国家地理杂志》(National Geographic Magazine,或简称为《国家地理》)是美国国家地理学会的官方杂志,在国家地理学会1888年成立后的9个月开始发行第一期现在国家地理杂志已经成为世界上最广为人知的一本杂志,其封面上的亮黄色边框及月桂纹图样已经成为其象征,同时这些标识也是国家地理杂志的注册商标

ey have scattered their brains They have investments in this, or that, or the other,


《国家地理》是1888年10月国家地理协会出版的图书,现在已经成为世界上最广为人知的一本杂志,其封面上的亮黄色边框以及月桂纹图样已经成为象征,同时这些标识也是国家地理杂志的注册商标。杂志每年发行12次,但偶尔有特版发布则不在此限。杂志内容为高质量的关于社会、历史、世界各地的风土人情的文章;其印刷和图片之质量标准也为人们所称道。这也使得该刊成为来自世界各地的摄影新闻记者们梦想发布自己照片的地方。早在20世纪初期,国家地理杂志即已经开始使用一些当时罕见的彩色照片。2013年10月,《国家地理》迎来了创刊125周年纪念,10月号为特别纪念号。美国国家地理杂志创刊于1888年10月,它由美国的一家非盈利科学教育组织——“美国国家地理协会”(National Geographic Society)创办。国家地理杂志近千分之一的选片率虽然显得苛刻,但一大批充满理想和浪漫主义的优秀摄影师、记者在这里诞生,而那些有灵魂有激情的作品则往往代表了一种标准。在大多数读者眼中,国家地理杂志意味着权威、科学性、准官方,它更像是一本百科全书而不仅仅是一本杂志。

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