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第一篇亲爱的编辑 告诉您的我上午文字关于我们有关于的讨论前辈3的学生是否应该采取体育运动。 55%学生认为他们应该每天采取锻炼,例如做早晨锻炼,打乒乓球和打篮球,但是它shoulddn't占去时刻。锻炼建立andf减少疾病的你的身体。体育让他们的脑子有休息,以便他们的修正将是更加有效的。 在另一只手, 45%学生相信采取锻炼是浪费时间,并且那它是令人疲劳的。以后有体育,他们长期太被激发注意他们的教训。受伤在体育也是可能的。 通信第二篇Three方式 Communication在人的生涯中扮演一个重要部分。邮件、电话和计算机是最常用通信三个的方式。 People给交换信息、想法和想法经常写信。虽然邮件是慢的,它是其中一种最便宜的通信方式。第二个类型是temephone。用电话,人们能互相听见,即使他们是离得很远with现代科学技术的发展, 电脑形成了。与的电脑通信是快速和容易。这样,人们互相送电子邮件。 In词、邮件、电话和计算机帮助带来更加接近的人全世界。 旅行的第三篇while,我总是采取与我的以下事是我的ID卡片,照相机,指南针。 我认为ID卡片是一个基本和必要的文件,并且它由游人是常用的。照相机被用于拍照片或记录它可能带来我们很多乐趣的什么我们做了在tripand期间。指南针是非常根本为了我们能移动在without钛,我们也许得到in一个词,在所有之中上面,我认为ID卡片是最重要的。 第四篇dear编辑 I上午一名中学学生。 写给关于计划的抗议的I'am为一家新的工厂在兴趣附近地方在我们的村庄上。许多村民也是反对想法。 所有在howeverm知道的We工厂带来我们工作和结果,地方经济很大地将,以我所见,它将破坏我们的村庄字符。其外,工厂将导致空气,并且噪音污染,明确地将做害处对我们的what是更坏的,地方的风景利益从未将被恢复曾经毁坏了。 我盼望读更多报告关于在您的报纸的这件事并且建议政府应该认为weice和wtop它。 你的忠实, 王华

Dear Editor: Because of our carelessness in the final proofreading, I did not find the article typographical errors, so as to cause such a we apologize For such a mistake This error is not allowed in the academic I know this will cause great inconvenience to your job, but I hope you to give us a chance to do it right , Most sincere thanks for your help! I guarantee that in future work we will pay attention to the detail, no make that mistake! If it can not be modified , I hope you can tell us, what we can do to make up for this


第一篇Dear editor 尊敬的编辑:I'M writing to tell you about a discussion we've had about whether students of Senior 3 should take physical 我写信是想跟您说一下我们关于高三学生是否要参加体育活动的讨论。55% of the students think they should take exercise every day,such as doing morning exercises,playing table tennis and playing basketball,but it shoulddn't take up to much Exercise builds one's body andf reduces Sports let their brains have a rest so that their revision will be more 有55%的学生认为他们应该每天锻炼,比如做早操,打乒乓球和篮球。但是也不应该占用太多时间,锻炼能够强身健体。运动能让学生的大脑得到休息,使他们的复习更有效率。On the other hand,45% of the students believe taking exercise is a waste of tiome and that it is After having sports,they are much too excited for a long time to pay attention to their It's also possible to be hurt in 另一方面,有45%的学生认为,锻炼会浪费时间,而且让人疲劳。在做完运动以后,学生会长时间太兴奋而无法将精力投入在学习中。运动也容易受伤。第二篇Three ways of communication 交流的三种方式Communication is playing an important part in people's Mail,telephone and computer are the three ways of communication most commonly 交流在人们的生活中起着很重要的作用。信件,电话,网络是三种广泛使用的主要交流手段。 People often write letters to exchange information,idea and Although the mail is slow,it is one of the cheapest means of The second type is the By telephone,people can hear each other even if they are far with the development of modern science and technology,the conputer has come into Communication with conputers is fast and In this way ,people send e-mail to each 人们经常写信以交换信息,想法和理念。虽然邮信很慢,但是邮信却是最便宜的一种交流方式。第二种是电话。即使离得再远,人们也能够通过电话听到彼此的声音。随着现代科技的,发展,网络应运而生。使用电脑交流是最快捷便利的,因而人们以发送电子邮件联系彼此。In a word,mail,telephone and computer help to bring people all over the world 总之,写信,打电话,上网这三种方式使世界各地的人们距离拉近了。第三篇while traveling, I always take the following things with me,which are my ID card,a camera,a 在旅游的时候,我总是带着我的身份证,照相机和一个指南针。I think the ID card is a basic and necessary document,and it is often used by 我想,身份证是一个基本的和必须的携带品。旅游者经常要用到。The camera is used to take pictures or record what we have done during the tripand it can bring us a lot of 照相机是用来记录我们旅途中所见所闻的,它也能给我们带来很多乐趣。The compass is very essential for us to travel in the without ti,we may get in a word,among all above ,i think the ID card is the most 指南针对于在森林中旅行的我们是很重要的。没有它,我们可能会迷路。总之,在所有上面三者之中,我觉得指南针是至关重要的。第四篇dear editor 尊敬的编辑,I am a middle school I'am writing to protest about the plan for a new factory near a place of interest in our Many villagers have also been against the 我是一个高中学生。我想就在我们城镇的旅游景点附近建工厂这件事情发表抗议。很多居民也对此表示反对。We all know that the factory bring us jobs and as a result,the local economy will greatly in howeverm,in my opinion,it will ruin the character of our Besides,the factory will cause air and noise pollution,which will definitely do harm to our 我们都晓得工厂能带来就业,能拉动当地经济。在我看来,工厂破坏了我们城镇的特色。另外,工厂也会造成严重的空气和噪音污染,这无疑会损害我们的健康。what's worse,the scenery of the place of interest will never be restored once I look forward to reading more reports about this matter in your newspaper and suggest the government should think weice and wtop 更严重的是,一旦被破坏,游览胜地的景色将无法重现。我希望能在您的报纸上看到更多关于这件事的报道,这些报道是用来建议政府三思而后行。 yours faithfully, 你诚挚的朋友 Wang Hua 王华



“编辑”的英文是edit,如果是工作者的话,英文是editor。edit[英][ˈedɪt][美][ˈɛdɪt]剪辑(影片,录音); 编辑; 校订; 主编; 编辑; 第三人称单数:edits过去分词:edited现在进行时:editing过去式:edited例句:Do we have the time to shoot and edit? 我们还有时间拍摄编辑吗?editor释义:1、编辑;主笔;主编;编者。2、校订者,审校者,校刊者。3、社论撰写人。4、剪辑者,剪辑员,剪接师。5、影片剪辑装置; 影片剪辑机。6、编辑器。7、记者。8、编辑程序。例句:The editor hacked the story to 编辑把那篇小说改得面目全非。




I am school English editor我是学校英文版的编辑

“英语书的主编和编著”翻译成英语是“Chief editor and editor of English books”关键单词“editor”详解一、音标:英 [ˈedɪtə(r)]  美 [ˈedɪtər] 二、释义: 编辑;记者;剪辑师;编辑程序三、变形:复数 editors四、近义词:compilation , redaction五、双语例句:We're losing a first-rate editor in J 我们即将失去珍这位一流的编辑。The editor struck out the whole  编辑把整段全部删去了。Michael Rosen is the editor of the  迈克尔·罗森是该文集的主编。

英语书的主编和编著的英文翻译是Editor in chief and editor in chief of English books重点词汇:editor词语分析:音标:英 [ˈedɪtə(r)]   美 [ˈedɪtər]   编辑, 编者, 校订者短语:script editor 脚本编辑器;脚本语言编辑器photo editor 图片编辑器例句:The editor hacked the story to 编辑把那篇小说改得面目全非。A good editor never once leaves a misprint 一个好编辑决不会放过一个印刷错误。The editor omitted the third paragraph from the 编辑删去了这篇文章的第三段。近义词: 编者,编辑;社论撰写人;编辑装置 compilation,redaction

english editor


编辑部用英语咋说Editorial Department; editorial office

newsroom 新闻室,编辑部的意思


Dear editor: I have something to trouble you !My English is very poor at When I work choic ,I often hesitate betten two Untfill the answer come out ,I often choose the wrong answer,And ,when I doing cloze,I usually forget the front when I doing the next hese are most difficults to face and to dsal with Due to these reasons,I couln't understand what's teacher's say,what's more ,I fall behand with others ,and lose heart to learn it ! Facing these quesions ,could you give me some Hope you write to me soon ,and I will appriate you very much ! Your student

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