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参考文献在论文中发挥着重要的作用 ,但往往被许多作者、编辑、读者忽视。下面是我带来的关于商务英语毕业论文文献的内容,欢迎阅读参考!


[2]Brewster, Dorothy. Doris Lessing\M\. New York: Wayne, 1965: 161.

[3]Spilka, Mark. Lessing and Lawrence: the Battle of theContemporary Literature,1975(16): 218-240.

[4]Ghosh, Tapan K. Boris Lessing's the Golden Notebook: a Critical Study[C]. New Delhi:Prestige Books, 2006.

[5]Rexroth, Kenneth, trans. One Hundred Poems from the Chinese [M]. New Work: NewDirections. 1956.

[6]Haffenden,John. Novelists in Interview [M]. London: Methuen,1985.

[7]Rayner,Richard. Giving Angela Carter her Due [J]. LA Thnes,2008 (2): 1-6.

[8]Nida,Eugene A Meaning Across Cultures [M]. New York: Orbis Books. 1981.

[9]Cryer,James, tran. Plum Blossom: Poems of Li Ch,ing Chao [M]. Chapel Hill, N. C.:Carolina Wren Pr 1984.

[10] Qihong Zhao. Cyclic Behavior of traditional and Innovative Composite Shear Walls[J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, Feb. 2004:271-284













[13]Carter, Angela. The Passion of New Eve [M]. London: Penguin, 1993.




[4]施旻.《金色笔记》是女性主义文本吗·一关于多丽丝·莱辛及其《金色笔记》的论争[J].东岳论丛,2000(5): 132-134.










[14]佘海若.迟来的正义:被缚的自由女性一记2007年诺贝尔文学奖[J].今日科苑,2007(23): 19-24.


(1)独着[1]Mackendric,Paul.The Greek Stones Speak:The Story of Archaeology in Greek Lands.New York:St.Martin's Press,1962.此种格式中,作者的姓在前、名在后,姓与名之间用逗号分开,后面加点号。论着标题必须完整无缺,后面也加点号。接下来是出版地点、出版商和出版日期。(2)合着(两到三名作者)[2]Meltzer,Milton and Walter Harding.A Thoreau Profile.NewYork:Crowell,1962.此种格式中,只把第一作者的名与姓颠倒,其余作者姓名保持不变。(3)合着(三名以上作者)[3]Scott,F.S.,et al.English Grammar:A Linguistic Study of Its Classes and Structures.London:Heinemann,1968.(4)合着(a)以单位名称开始[4]United States Capitol Society.We,the People:The Story of the United States Capitol.Washington D.C.:National Geographic Society,1964.(b)以标题开始[5]We,the People:The Story of the United States Capitol.By the United States Capitol Society.Washington D.C.:National Geographic Society,1964.(5)着作(一卷以上)[6]Graves,Robert.The Greek Myths.2 vols.Baltimore,Md.:Penguin,1955.如果你引用的资料分别来自着作的两卷,则采用这种办法;如果只来自其中一卷,则把卷数列在该书目的末尾。如:[7]Graves,Robert.The Greek Myths.Baltimore,Md.:Penguin,1955.Vol.11.(6)编着[8]Dreiser,Theodore.Sister Carrie.Ed.Kenneth S.Lynn.NewYork:Rinehart,1959.如果引用的资料来自编着中的某一作者,则把该作者的姓名放在开头。如:[9]Lynn,Kenneth S.,ed.Sister Carrie.By Theodore Dreiser.New York:Rinehart,1959.(7)引用同一作者在一本书中的内容[10]Thomas,Lewis. “The Long Habit.” In the Lives of a Cell:Notes of a Biology Watcher.New York:Viking,1974,pp.47-52.(8)引用多名作者在一本书中的内容[11] Dimock,George E.,Jr. “The Name of Odysseus.” In Essays on the Odyssey:Selected Modern Criticism. Ed. Charles H,Taylor. Blooming:Indiana University Press,1963,pp.54-72.(9)再版[12]Orstein,Robert E.The Psychology of Consciousness.2nded.New York:Harcourt,1977.(10)系列出版物[13]Downer,Alan S.Recent American Drama. University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers.(11)译着[14]Freud,Sigmund. (1950)。Totem and Taboo.Trans.Hames Strachey.New York:Norton.如果译者的内容在论文中被引用,译者的姓名则要放在目录条的开始:[15]Strachey,J,trans. (1950)。Totem and Taboo.By Sigmund Freud.New York:Norton.(12)援引百科全书中的某篇文章[16]Spilhaus,A.&Jane J.S.(1974)。 Pollution Control. Encyclopedia Britannica:Macropaedia.如果文章作者姓名不详细,就可以把文章名放在前面。[17]Pollution.(1963)。The Columbia Encyclopedia.(13)编页码的报刊或杂志中的一篇文章[18]Delbruck ,M.(1978)Mind from Matter?The American Scholar,47 . 339-353.(14)报纸上的一篇文章[19]Strout,R.L. (1978,Nov.10)。Another Bicentennial. Christian Science Monitor,p.27.Col. 1.(15)编着中的文章或章节[20]Burghardt,G.M. (1984)。On the Origin of Play.ln P.K.Smith(Ed.),Play in Animals and Humans (pp.5-42)。Oxford:Basil Blackwell.即使当文章作者和编着者是同一个人时,作者名和编者名都要列在其相应的位置,例如:[21]Olney,J. (1980)。Autobiography and the Cultural Moment:A Thematic,Historical,and Bibliographical Introduction. In J.Olney (Ed.),Autobiography:Essays Theoretical and Critical (pp.3-27)。Princeton:Princeton University Press.(16)网络上的文章[22]Taylor,C. (1992,August 10)。Reflections on Windows Word Processing. Buffer:The Newsjournal of Computing at the University of Denver [on-line].Available Internet:… No. 7. Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1961.必须特别指出的是,英语专业学生写毕业论文时,“参考书目”中应该包括英语和汉语两种资料。先列英文参考书目,后列中文参考书目,最后是网络参考书目。英文按作者姓的字母顺序排序,中文按作者姓名拼音的字母顺序排序。

这些都是名字的缩写,学位的缩写只有PhD,MD,BD啊,英文文献好像是不标学位的.给你几个示范一下,都是根据国标写的。 作者. 文章名. 刊物类型. 刊物. 年度,期卷号:页码范围 [ ] Nikolaev Yu A, etc. Gas Detonation and its Application in Engineering and Technologies[J]. Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves, 2003, 39(4): 382-410 [ ] L.C.Yang, P. H. Do. Key Parameters for Controlling of Function Reliability in “None1 Tube” Explosive Transfer System[C], 1999: AIAA99-31211 [ ] Peng Jinhua, Tang Mingjun. One of the Applications of Dust Explosions – Nonel System[J]. Archivum Combustionis, 1989(9): 223-229 [ ] Liu Dabin, Jiang Rongguang, Yang Dong. The Pressure Characteristics of Nonel Tube in Its Detonation Growth Process[J/OL]: 93-96

毕业论文参考文献规范格式一、参考文献的类型参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识,具体如下:M——专著 C——论文集 N——报纸文章J——期刊文章 D——学位论文 R——报告对于不属于上述的文献类型,采用字母“Z”标识。对于英文参考文献,还应注意以下两点:①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是: 姓,名字的首字母. 如: Malcolm Richard Cowley 应为:Cowley, M.R.,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norris, F. & I.Gordon.;②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:Mastering English Literature,English Weekly。二、参考文献的格式及举例1.期刊类【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号):起止页码.【举例】[1] 王海粟.浅议会计信息披露模式[J].财政研究,2004,21(1):56-58.[2] 夏鲁惠.高等学校毕业论文教学情况调研报告[J].高等理科教育,2004(1):46-52.[3] Heider, E.R.& D.C.Oliver. The structure of color space in naming and memory of two languages [J]. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 1999, (3): 62 – 67.2.专著类【格式】[序号]作者.书名[M].出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码.【举例】[4] 葛家澍,林志军.现代西方财务会计理论[M].厦门:厦门大学出版社,2001:42.[5] Gill, R. Mastering English Literature [M]. London: Macmillan, 1985: 42-45.3.报纸类【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次).【举例】[6] 李大伦.经济全球化的重要性[N]. 光明日报,1998-12-27(3).[7] French, W. Between Silences: A Voice from China[N]. Atlantic Weekly, 1987-8-15(33).4.论文集【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码.【举例】[8] 伍蠡甫.西方文论选[C]. 上海:上海译文出版社,1979:12-17.[9] Spivak,G. “Can the Subaltern Speak?”[A]. In C.Nelson & L. Grossberg(eds.). Victory in Limbo: Imigism [C]. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988, pp.271-313.[10] Almarza, G.G. Student foreign language teacher’s knowledge growth [A]. In D.Freeman and J.C.Richards (eds.). Teacher Learning in Language Teaching [C]. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1996. pp.50-78.5.学位论文【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[D].出版地:保存者,出版年份:起始页码.【举例】[11] 张筑生.微分半动力系统的不变集[D].北京:北京大学数学系数学研究所, 1983:1-7.6.研究报告【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[R].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码.【举例】[12] 冯西桥.核反应堆压力管道与压力容器的LBB分析[R].北京:清华大学核能技术设计研究院, 1997:9-10.7.条例【格式】[序号]颁布单位.条例名称.发布日期【举例】[15] 中华人民共和国科学技术委员会.科学技术期刊管理办法[Z].1991—06—058.译著【格式】[序号]原著作者. 书名[M].译者,译.出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码.三、注释注释是对论文正文中某一特定内容的进一步解释或补充说明。注释前面用圈码①、②、③等标识。四、参考文献参考文献与文中注(王小龙,2005)对应。标号在标点符号内。多个都需要标注出来,而不是1-6等等 ,并列写出来。


国贸方向/ James E. Anderson/ Cambridge University Press/2008、8 /Thomas A.Pugel / Boston University Press/2009、5中小企业方向OECD,Greening Tax Mixes in OECD countries:Preliminary Assessment,2000.U.S Department of the Treasury office of Tax Policy. Selected Tax Policy ImplicationsGlobal Electronic Commerce, Novermber, 1996Liu BW, Peto R, Chen ZM, Boreham J, Wu YP, Li JY, et al. Emerging auto in China:Peto R, Lopez AD. Future worldwide health effects of current driving model, Chapter 18. In:Koop CE, Pearson CE, Schwarz MR, eds. Critical Issues in Global vehicle. New York, NY:Jossey-Bass; 2001:Blecher E, van Walbeek C. An Analysis of Cigarette Affordability. Paris: International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease; 2008.财务方向Beneish. The Detection of Earnings Manipulation[C]. Working paper, 1999W.Steve Albrecht. Fraud Bring Light to the Dark Side of Business.Richard D.Irwin Inc,2005Philmore Alleyne,Michael Howard.An exploratory study of auditors’ responsibility for fraud detection in Barbados[J].Managerial Auditing Journal.2005(20)可能你需要的是专门经济类的,如果这些不行,建议到知网上找个硕论之类的,那上面都要英文文献哦



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Lin G C S, Yi F. Urbanization of capital or capitalization on urban land? Land development and local public finance in urbanizing China[J]. Urban Geography, 2011, 32(1): 50-79. Robalino J A. Land conservation policies and income distribution: who bears the burden of our environmental efforts?[J]. Environment and Development Economics, 2007, 12(4): 521-533.

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参考文献著录中的文献类别代码普通图书:M 会议录:C 汇编:G 报纸:N 期刊:J 学位论文:D 报告:R 标准:S 专利:P 数据库:DB 计算机程序:CP 电子公告:EB 参考文献表中,文献的作者不超过3位时,全部列出;超过3位时,只列前3位,后面加“等”字或相应的的外文;作者姓名之间不用“和”或“and”,而用“,”分开;中国人和外国人的姓名一律采用姓前名后著录法。西文作者的名字部分可缩写,并省略缩写点“.”。

Lin G C S, Yi F. Urbanization of capital or capitalization on urban land? Land development and local public finance in urbanizing China[J]. Urban Geography, 2011, 32(1): 50-79. Robalino J A. Land conservation policies and income distribution: who bears the burden of our environmental efforts?[J]. Environment and Development Economics, 2007, 12(4): 521-533.



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[9]Douglas. Holtz-Eakin, David Joulfaian & Harvey.S.Rosen. The Carnegie Conjecture:SomeEmpirical Evidence〔J〕.Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1993,(108):413-435.

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