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高中英语整体性教学复述法的实践和体会为了使高中英语教学达到新大纲的要求,我在教学实践中作了些尝试,把课 堂教学由注重语言知识的讲授 课转变成注重语言能力的训练课,把培养和训练 学生的语感、语言习惯当作英语教学的中心任务。我在教学中 利用现行高中精 读课文,采用整体性教学复述法,努力把传授新知识和训练运用语言能力结合起 来,使课文教 学成为教师、教材、学生相互作用的积极过程,在培养学生语言 能力方面收到了良好的效果。在此谨从实践的 角度谈谈我的具体做法。复述是口头表达课文内容的言语过程,是给学生提供施展运用语言能力的机 会。这一训练不仅能提高学生 的听力、语感、改进语音语调,还能促进学生的 记忆、思维和自学能力。在实际教学中它已成为语言知识转化 为言语能力,培 养听、说、读、写能力的重要途径。为了获得有效的复述效果,我始终遵循记忆 规律,重视各 教学环节的密切配合,利用行之有效的方法,使学生积极参与到 这个有纲可循,有词可用,有话可说的四步教 学活动中来。第一步:(不要求预习课文)由教师将课文复述一遍,在复述过程中出现部 分生词短语,并用简明英语释 义。(可用板书、幻灯、投影等伴随教师复述。)第二步:根据教师复述的内容要求学生回答问题,目的在于检查学生是否理 解课文大概内容。在提问题时 要简略、清楚、易懂,注意调动所有学生的积极 性,可多用些"yes"、"No"questions。第三步:学生在阅读课文后回答一些比第二步复杂些的问题。(在回答问题 的过程中学生会自然地使用第 一步中所出现的生词短语。)然后再引导他们将这 些问题的答案串成复述内容。下面是高中英语第二册《体育运动》一课复述法三步的具体设计。Step1.Teacher Presentation Retell the text with the following words and expressions onthe blackboard:joyful and relaxing;have a game of;be of great value;popularform of relaxation;amusement;go all about;build our bodies.Step2.Learner Presentation According to what the teacher says answer the following:(1)Is it joyful and relaxing to have sports and games?(2)Do many people take part in different kinds of sports?(3)Some people seem to think that sports and games are unimportant things,don't they?(4)Do people have different ideas about sports and games?Step3,Learner Presentation Read the text again and try to pick out a topic sentence foreach paragraph.Retell the text paragraph by paragraph.The first paragraph:Sports and games are perhaps the most popular forms of relaxation.We can learn that from. Swimming in a river in summer Having a game of table tennis almost all can enjoy Watching a close game of … … …The second paragraph:They should not be treated only as amusements.(We can learnthatfrom the third and the fourth paragraph.)The third:Sports and games build our bodies(We can learn that fromplaying table tennis).The fourth:Sports and games are also very useful for character-training.(We can compare the lessons at school with activities on thesports fields.) 以上三步如下简示:teacher retelling→students answering"yes"or"NO" reading the passage questions→students answering further questions retelling it paragraph by paragraph它以递进的方式给学生提供了从内容到语言材料理解和掌握的渐进过程,为 第四步复述全篇课文创造了条 件。第四步:复述全篇课文,这一环节是对前三步所做大量训练工作效果的检测, 也是对学生大面积进行能力 训练的时机。利用板书、表格、表演以及主题画来 组织学生复述课文,周密组织好这一环节才能最后达到预期 教学目的。我在《体育运动》一课在第四步的板书是这样设计的:(以正中sports and games为中心,先由上至下, 再从左至右进行复述)。板书必须做到重点突出,具有概括性和条理性,并且简明生动,这样诱导学 生复述全篇课文不仅能达到对 课文内容及语言特点的理解,还能培养学生口头 造句和作文的能力。 复述法的实施过程也就是利用内容设置情景引导学生进行交际的过程。针对 不同的教材,不同的教学对象 和不同的时机灵活利用各种行之有效的方法,使 复述发挥更大的效用,以提高实际运用语言的能力,这是我在 课程设计中的首 要原则。

Computational chemistry that can predict the spectra of a variety of compounds that cannot be obtained aspure compounds was used to study the highly sensitive detection of bromate in ion chromatography. Severalpossible ions, molecules, and their complexes were constructed by a molecular editor, and optimized bymolecular mechanics (MM2) and MOPAC (PM3) calculations. The possible electronic spectra of theseions, molecules, and complexes were then obtained by the ZINDO (INDO)-Vizualyzer in the CAChe program.The lambda maximum (ìmax) of the spectra and the transition dipole were calculated using the ProjectLeaderprogram. The comparison of the experimental and predicted results indicated that Br3- was the probablereaction product, and that NO2- and ClO- accelerated the reaction.1. INTRODUCTIONBromate is considered a carcinogen and the World HealthOrganization (WHO) has recommended the provisionalbromate guideline value of 25 mg/L, which is associated withan excess lifetime cancer risk of 7 10-5, because of thelimitations in the available analytical and treatment methods.1A highly sensitive analytical method was therefore developed.Bromate in ozonized water was detected with veryhigh sensitivity by ion chromatography with a postcolumnreaction detection using ultraviolet absorption. With theaddition of nitrite for the postcolumn reaction, the sensitivitywas improved 738-fold. The detection limit was 0.35 mg/L, and the linear range was >4 orders of magnitude, from0.5 to 10 mg/L.2 The addition of ClO- improved thesensitivity 327-fold.2Chiu and Eubanks3 examined bromide spectrophotometrically;they proposed a reaction mechanism and suggestedthat the end product is tribromide.3 The proposed reactionsare as follows:In addition, bromate and chlorate were determined bypotentiometric titration after reduction with sodium nitrite.4Sodium nitrite was added in sodium bromide for the on-linehydrobromic acid generator in this system, and highlysensitive detection was achieved.2 However, the reactionmechanism and the final product have not been determined.Tuchler et al.5 studied bimolecular interactions and directlydetected the internal conversion involving Br(2P1/2) + I2initiated from a van der Waals dimer. The reaction complexwas formed from a van der Waals dimer precursor, HBrâI2.The resulting product, highly vibrationally excited molecularI2, was monitored by resonance-enhanced multiphotonionization combined with time-of-flight mass spectroscopy.The HBr constituent of the precursor HBrâI2 was photodissociatedat 220 nm. The H atom departed instantaneously,allowing the remaining electronically excited Br(2P1/2) toform a collision complex, (BrI2)*, in a restricted region alongwith the Br + I2 reaction coordinate determined by precursorgeometry. Sims et al.6 reported the fentosecond real-timeprobing of bimolecular reaction Br + I2, and summarized anumber of trihalogen intermediates observed in matrixisolation studies.Computational chemistry can predict the electronic spectraof a variety of compounds that cannot be obtained as purecompounds. This tool was applied to study the highlysensitive detection of bromate in ion chromatography.Several possible ions and molecules and their complexeswere constructed by a molecular editor, and optimized bymolecular mechanics (MM2) and MOPAC (PM3 and AM1)calculations. Their possible electronic spectra were thenobtained with the ZINDO (INDO/1)-Vizualyzer in theCAChe program. The lambda maximum (ìmax) of the spectraof the transition dipole were calculated using the ProjectLeaderprogram. The properties used for the calculation ofthe molecular mechanics were bond stretch, bond angle,dihedral angle, improper torsion, van der Waals, electrostatic(MM2 bond dipole), hydrogen bond, and cut-off distancefor van der Waals interactions (9.00 Å). (van der Waalsinteractions were updated every 50 interactions.) Theparameters for the MOPAC calculation were geometry search* Author to whom correspondence should be sent.† Health Research Foundation.‡ Yokogawa Analytical Systems.Br- + 3ClO- f BrO3- + 3Cl- (1)BrO3- + 5Br- + 6H+ f 3Br2 + 3H2O (2)Br2 + Br- f Br3- (3)J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 1998, 38, 885-888 885S0095-2338(98)00084-5 CCC: $15.00 © 1998 American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web 08/14/1998options (precise, minimized by NLLSQ, optimized geometryby BFGS), and properties [Mulliken population, energypartitioning, polarizabilities, localize, thermo, rotationalsymmetry (C1)] in the CAChe program. The predicted datawere compared with those obtained experimentally.2. THEORYAccording to the Lambert-Beer law, the ratio of theintensity of the light of the inlet site (Io(î)) and the outletsite (I(î)) is given by the following equation:That is, absorbance A ) log10I/Io ) k(î)Dx, where the molarextinction coefficient (molar absorption coefficient) I ) Io 10k(î)Dx, and k(î): molar extinction coefficient is the molarabsorptivity.The following equation is given as the relation betweenabsorption intensity as measured experimentally and thatestimated theoretically:7The intensity of the spectrum is given by the followingequation:where jájjköâerjiñj2 is the transition dipole.That is, molar absorptivity, k(î), is related to the transitiondipole. The following parameters are found in eqs 4-7: D,concentration of analyte; x, pass length of light; c, light speed;N, Avogadro’s constant; h, Planck’s constant; V, frequency;j, excited state; i, ground state; k, Boltzmann’s constant; er,transition dipole moment; and kö, polarized light vector.3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe computational chemical calculation was performedby the CAChe program from Sony-Tektronix (Tokyo) usinga Macintosh 8100/100 personal computer. The molarabsorptivity of several ions, molecules, and complexes weredirectly measured on spectra obtained by ZINDO-Visualizationafter their conformations were optimized by MM2 andMOPAC (PM3 and AM1). Their transition dipoles werecalculated by the ProjectLeader program using MM2and MOPAC (PM3 and AM1). The values of molarabsorptivity and the transition dipoles are summarized inTable 1. The values of their complexes with nitrite andchlorite are included. The energy values of angle and vander Waals obtained by the MM2 calculation are also givenin Table 1.The relation between the transition dipole and the molarabsorptivity was:where Y is molar absorptivity (I/mol-cm) and X is thetransition dipole (debye). The chromatographic sensitivityis directly related to the molar absorptivity of the analytes.The molar absorptivity of Br3- and the Br2 + Br- complexwas very high, 190 000. The measurements of molarabsorptivity and the ìmax wavelength were not easilyobtained, but these values can be automatically calculatedusing the ProjectLeader program. The Br3- and the Br2 +Br- complex have similar structures, as shown in Figure 1.The complex between Br2 and Br- was automatically formedafter the optimization of the structure, and the heat offormation energy value was the lowest among the analyteslisted in Table 1; the values were about -106 kcal/mol. Thevalue of the complex was the same as that of Br3-. ThisTable 1. Properties of Analytesaanalyte HOF, kcal/mol ìmax, nm td debye ma, L/mol-cm angle, kcal/mol vwv, kcal/molBr- -56.00 - - * 0.00 0.00Br2 4.92 602 0.277 81 0.00 0.00Br3- -105.69 258 12.300 188200 0.00 0.00BrO3- -39.59 462 0.927 595 3.28 0.00NO2- -42.93 208 4.005 24660 0.00 0.00ClO- -32.97 234 0.409 458 0.00 0.00Br2 + NO2-/1 -98.49 224 7.227 74550 0.00 -0.26Br2 + NO2-/2 -104.80 239 8.183 91440 0.03 -0.05Br2 + NO2-/3 -99.93 230 5.550 43370 0.00 -0.22Br2 + Br- -105.69 258 12.327 188250 0.00 -0.36Br2 + ClO-/1 -113.02 228 4.758 30670 0.00 -0.33Br2 + ClO-/2 -74.52 228 10.385 148400 0.00 -0.46Cl- -51.22 - - * 0.00 0.00Cl2 -11.57 410 0.464 336 0.00 0.00Cl3- -91.06 214 10.615 168200 0.00 0.00Cl2Br- -95.30 247 10.727 148760 0.00 -0.32Cl2 + OCl- -87.51 243 5.220 34 0.00 -0.36BrO3- + NO2- -51.11 209 4.117 30166 0.00 -0.75I3 -85.58 221 12.738 236800 0.00 0.00I2Br -87.59 229 12.276 209360 0.00 0.00a HOF: heat of formation (PM3); td: transition dipole; ma: molar absorptivity; angle: dihedral angle (MM2); vwv: van der Waals energy(MM2); *: molecule lacks electronic state information.Y ) 1057.422X2 + 3017.582X - 2368.256r2 ) 0.993 (n ) 14) (8)[I(î) Io(î)] ) 10-k(î)Dx ) e-ln10âk(î)Dx (4)103âln 10âcNhs k(î)îdî ) 8ð3h2jájjköâerjiñj2 (5)f(theoretical) ) 8ð2mî3hjájjköâerjiñj2 (6)k(î) ) 1Dxlog10 I/Io µ jájjköâerjiñj2 (7)886 J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., Vol. 38, No. 5, 1998 HANAI ET AL.result indicated that Br3- can be formed where Br2 and Brco-exist as the BrI2 complex.5,6The question arises as to how NO2- and ClO- acted inthe reaction: did these ions form different compounds orcomplexes with bromide or bromine for the highly sensitivedetection of bromate? The Br2 + NO2- complex wasthusconstructed, and we optimized the structure by MM2and PM3 calculations. The Br2 and NO2- formed three typesof conformations, as shown in Figure 2. The structures Aand B were obtained as molecules and the structure C wasobtained as a transition state. Their energy values of heatof formation are given in Table 1 as Br2 + NO2-/1, Br2 +NO2-/2, and Br2 + NO2-/3, respectively. Their heat offormation energy values were low; the lowest energy valuewas -105 kcal/mol, about the same as that of the Br2 +Br- complex. The structure with the lowest energy valueis structure B in Figure 2. However, its molar absorptivitywas less than half of that of the Br2 + Br- complex. Thisresult suggested that NO2- may form a complex with Br2;however, such a complex may not be the final productbecause of the low sensitivity. The ìmax wavelengths ofstructures A, B, and C in Figure 2 were 224, 230, and 240nm, respectively, and were different from that of the Br2 +Br- complex and Br3-, whose ìmax was 258 nm. The ìmaxof 258 nm was the closest wavelength to that observedexperimentally (265 nm). This result also suggested thatsuch a complex may not be the final product. The formationof these complexes was supported by the negative values oftheir van der Waals energy calculated by MM2 (Table 1).Bromide did not form a complex with NO2-. Bromide,bromine, bromate, and nitrite were not highly sensitiveanalytes, due to their low transition dipole values and ìmaxwavelength.Another question was why the sensitivity measured in theexistence of ClO- was about the half of that measured inthe existence of NO2-. The reaction processes were estimatedaccording to the proposal of Chiu and Eubanks.3The value of molecular absorptivity of Cl2Br- (148 760) waslower than that of Br3- (188 200), and the ìmax wavelengthof Cl2Br- (247 nm) was also lower than that of Br3- (258nm). Therefore, the final sensitivity using ClO- as thereaction reagent was less than that using NO2-.Bromate formed a complex with nitrite; however, thecomplex may be unstable due to the high energy value ofthe heat of formation. This complex is not a candidate forthe highly sensitive detection of bromate because of the lowtransition dipole value and ìmax wavelength. Bromine canform a complex with ClO-; however, the energy value ofheat of formation was high for a complex with a highertransition dipole. This means that the Br2 + ClO- complexmay be not a candidate for the highly sensitive detection ofbromate. The results just presented indicate that the highlysensitive detection of chlorate and iodinate can be achievedby using the techniques employed for the bromate analysis.The sensitivity of chlorate and iodinate will be 90 and 111%of bromate; however, the ìmax wavelengths of Cl2Br- andI2Br- are 10 and 30 nm lower, respectively, than that ofBr2Br-. IfCl3- and I3- are the final products, the specificion generator should be constructed; however, the detectionwavelengths of Cl3- and I3- are further lower than those ofCl2Br- and I2Br-, and the selective detection may not beeasy. The computational chemical analysis of fluorate couldnot performed due to the lack of stable electron stableinformation for fluorate.An AM1 calculation can be used to optimize thesestructures; however, the present AM1 calculation did not givecomplex forms because of the fixed atomic distances. Theìmax wavelengths were usually shorter than that obtainedby PM3, and the values of molar absorptivity were smaller.For example, the maximum atomic distances of Br3-calculated by PM3 and AM1 were 5.065 and 4.575 Å,respectively. Their ìmax wavelengths and their values ofFigure 1. Electron density of the optimized structures of Br2 +Br- complex and Br3-.Figure 2. Possible conformations of Br2 + NO2-.2BrO3- + 4NO2- + 4H+ f Br2 + 4HNO3 + 2H2O (9)Br2 + Br- f Br3- (10)2BrO3- + 4ClO- + 6H+ fBr2 + Cl2 + 2HClO3 + 3H2O (11)Br2 + Br- f Br3- and Cl2 + Br- f Cl2Br- (12)可以预测有机混合物中一系列有机物色谱的计算化学能在离子色谱中进行溴离子的高灵敏度色谱分析。一些能测的离子,分子和他们的复合物分子结构能通过一个分子编辑器得到。再通过分子力学进一步优化和用MOPAC进一步计算来完善它,这些离子,分子和配和物的电子光谱就会在高度缓存程序中通过ZINDO (INDO)-Vizualyzer方法获得。那色谱和过渡偶极子的最大波长可以通过ProjectLeader程序计算出来。通过实验结果和预测结果的比较表明Br3-是可能的反应产物,而且其中的NO2-和CLO-加快了反应。1. 前言溴酸盐被认为是一种致癌物子和世界卫生组织已建议它的含量准则为25mg/L,这与人一生超过7*10-5 的癌症发病率有关,这是由于以前溴酸盐在有效分析和处理方法上受到限制。因此,一种高灵敏度的分析方法就发展起来了。溴酸盐在溴氧水中通过离子色谱能被精确的检测到,而离子色谱是使用紫外吸收进行柱后反应测定的。随着亚硝酸盐在柱后反应中的加入,灵敏度提高了738倍。检测线0.35mg/L,并且从0.5-10mg/L的线性范围大于四个数量级,CLO-的加入也使灵敏度提高了327倍。Chiu和Eubanks审查了甲基溴光度法,他们提出了一种反应机制,并认为那最终的产物是三溴化物。此外,溴和氯在减少硝酸钠加入量后可通过电位滴定法测得,溴化钠中加入硝酸钠是为了溶液中出现氢溴酸,从而获得精确的测定结果。但是,反应的机制和最终产物仍然是没有确定。图兹勒等人研究双分子的相互作用和发现内部转换Br(2P1/2) + I2开始于范德华二聚体。那反应产物形成范德华二聚体,HBr.I2。那最后产物是高聚物分子,他是通过共振性强的多光子电离法和质谱法相结合而测到的。那HBr.I2的反应产物溴化氢的键长是220nm。氢原子的瞬间离开,使得其余的电子激发Br(2P1/2),彼此发生复杂的碰撞,形成(BrI2)*。在一个限制的区域伴随着Br- + I2同样取决于反应初始条件。Sims et al,他报告了双分子反应Br- + I2方面的探究结果,总结出了反应中间体在进行分离实验研究时能被观察到。计算化学可以预测混合有机物中一系列有机物的电子色谱,计算化学还应用于精确检测离子色谱中的溴。一些可测的离子,分子和配合物的分子结构通过分子编辑器能被构造出来,再通过分子力学进一步优化和用MOPAC进一步计算。那么他们的电子色谱就会在高度缓存程序中通过ZINDO(INDO)-Vizualyzer方法获得。那色谱和过渡偶极子的最大波长可以通过ProjectLeader程序计算出来。计算化学中的程序还可以计算分子的键长,键角,二面角,扭转力,范德华力,静电力,氢键和由范德华力分离的距离(9.00 Å)。用MOPAC 计算方法计算的参数在下表1,并且各种特性都通过那CAChe程序显现出来了。然后,我们预测的数据就可以和这些实验得出的数据进行比较。文献第三部分:2. 结果与讨论计算化学的计算是由CAChe程序来完成的,这个程序是由东京的索尼泰克公司开发的,更适用于个人电脑。一些离子,分子和配合物的摩尔吸收率能在光谱中直接测量得到,而它们各自的光谱是离子,分子,配合物分子在经过进一步优化和计算后通过ZINDO-Visualization方法而得到的。那ProjectLeader程序用MM2和MOPAC方法可以计算它们的过渡偶极子。摩尔吸收率和过渡偶极子的测试值总结在表1中。它们的复合物如亚硝酸盐和亚氯酸盐的测试值也列在表1中。角度和范德华力的测试值通过MM2计算也被列在表1中。摩尔吸收率和过渡偶极子的关系是:Y = 1057.422X2 + 3017.582X - 2368.256r2=0.993(n=14)(8)其中Y是摩尔吸收率(I/mol-cm),X是过渡偶极子(debye)。那色谱的灵敏度直接关系到样品的摩尔吸收率。Br3-的摩尔吸收率和Br2 + Br-配合物的摩尔吸收率都很高,大约是190000。摩尔吸收率和最大波长的大小是不容易测得的,但是这些值可以通过ProjectLeader程序自动计算出来。Br3和-Br2 + Br-配合物有类似的结构,如图1所示。在Br3-和Br2 + Br-之间的复合物是在结构的优化中自动形成的,它能量中的热量值是上述表1样品中最低的。那测量值大约是-106kcal/mol.那复合物的测量值是和Br3-的值一样的。这结果表明Br3-能形成诸如BrI2之类的复合物。那么问题就归于了解亚硝酸根和亚氯酸根是怎样参与反应的:这些离子之间可以形成不同的化合物吗?或者由于溴的高灵敏度能与溴化物和溴酸盐形成复合物吗?Br2 + NO2-形成的配合物被构造出来,并且我们通过MM2和PM3计算来优化那结构。那溴与亚硝酸盐就可能有三种不同的构造,这些构造都列在表2中。那A和B是获得的分子,而C是过渡态。它们的热量值分别列在表1中。它们的热量值都很低,其中最低的能量值是-105kcal/mol,这能量值是和Br+Br-的能量值一样的。在表2中可以知道最低能量值的构造是B化合物的结构。然而,它的摩尔吸收率比Br2 + Br-复合物的一半还少。这结果表明亚硝酸根能和溴形成复合物;然而,由于那低的灵敏度得知这种复合物不是最终产物,A,B,C的最大波长列在表2中,一次是224,230和240nm。显然,这是和Br+Br复合物不同的。那最大波长258nm最靠近那理论波长265nm。这结果也表明了那产物不是那最终产物。这些复合物的范德华力通过MM2和PM3计算得知是负值列在表1中。溴化物不能和亚硝酸根形成复合物。溴化物,溴酸盐,溴离子和亚硝酸盐都不是高灵敏度样品,这是由于他们的最长波长和过渡偶极子决定的。

题目:合成和溶液性质高分子两性离子铵betains 摘要:季铵盐, N , N -二烯丙基氮carboethoxymethyl氮methylammonium氯化物( 8 ) ,已合成了良好的收益。单体8对聚合反应在水溶液中以过硫酸铵为引发给予聚电解质10 。该聚电解质10对酸性水解了两性聚电解质11日在良好的收益。该解决方案这些性能的聚合物了详细的讨论。该两性聚电解质11显示, “ antipolyelectrolyte ”的行为。 ; 共聚物12季铵盐, N , N -二烯丙基氮carboethoxymethyl氮methylammonium chlolide ( 8 )和二氧化硫已合成了良好的收益。该聚电解质12对酸性水解了两性聚电解质13容易在良好的收益。该解决方案性能的这些聚合物中详细讨论。该两性聚电解质13日被裁定为不溶于水,但容易溶解在在场的低分子量的共同盐。该两性聚电解质显示“ antipolyelectrolyte ”的行为;粘度的两性聚电解质增加,增加离子强度,其水溶液的解决办法。



Your schooldays should be some of the best and happiest days of your life.学校生活应该是你生命中最有意义,最快乐的时光。 How can you get the most from them, and make sure you do not waste this wonderful opportunity(机会)to learn?你该怎样好好利用它,确保不会浪费这个大好的学习机会呢? Be positive(积极)about school! 对待学校要用积极的态度!Don’t say things are difficult or boring . Be interested in school-life and your school subjects.不要觉得事情难或是无聊。要对学校的事情保持兴趣。 Join lots of activities. 多参加些活动。Be quick to put your hand up.积极表态! Go round the school with a big smile.微笑面对学校的一切。 Keep fit.保持健康 If you do not eat a good breakfast, you will be thinking about food in class. 早上不吃东西的话,上课的时候就会一直想。If you go to bed late and do not have enough sleep, you will be sleepy in class. 晚上在床上不睡觉,到班上就要打瞌睡了。Play some sports to keep your body strong.参加些运动,来让自己健壮吧。 Do today’s work today. Do not say you will do things tomorrow. 今天的事今天做,不要指望明天会完成。when you get behind the class, it is very difficult to get back in front.落后之后是很难追上来的。 You cannot finish a race if you rest all the time.整场休息的人,是无法完成比赛的。 Don’t be too disappointed if things sometimes go badly . 事情发展不如意时,也不要气馁。Everyone fails some tests, loses some matches and has bad days. 人人都会有不如意的时候。Friends are not always perfect, and they sometimes say and do unpleasant things.朋友们也不是完人,他们也有出错,不如意的时候 Don’t let small problems seem very big and important.不要太看重小问题了 Talk about problems-sometimes they are only the result of misunderstanding. 想想问题吧,有的时候会成为误解的Don’t be too embarrassed(窘迫)to ask for help. You are young. No one thinks you can do everything !年轻人,学着寻求帮助吧,不要不好意思,我们都不是无所不能的。 Plan your time. Don’t waste life lying in bed on Saturday morning. 计划好时间,星期六的早上不要把时间浪费在躺床上Go and play a sport, learn the piano, work on a project, read a book, practice English, or help someone with problems. 去参加一项运动,学学钢琴,展开一项计划,看本数,锻炼英语,或是帮帮别人There are always a lot of things to do.总是有很多事情可以做的Follow our advice, and have a happy school-life!采取这些建议,过一个愉快的学校生活吧。

你的学生时代应该是一些最好的、快乐的生活。你怎么能得到最大的,确保你不要浪费了这个大好机会去学习呢? 学校积极态度!不要说事物是困难的或无趣的人。你有兴趣学校生活和学校课程。参加许多活动。快去请举手。绕学校用一个灿烂的微笑。 保持健康。如果你不吃早餐吃得好,你会考虑食品在上课。如果你睡得很晚,没有足够的睡眠,你会困在上课。播放一些体育运动来保持你的身体强壮。 今天该做的事情。不要说你将做的事了,当你在这门课,这是件很困难的事情,返回到前面。你不能完成的比赛,如果你休息。 别太失望的事情。每个人在某种程度上会失去一些测试,不能比赛,也有坏的日子。朋友不是总是完美的,他们有时会说出或做出不愉快的事情。不要让小小的问题似乎很重要。 他们只谈论问题有时的误解。不要羞于请求帮助。你还年轻。没有人会认为你可以做任何事! 计划你的时间。不要把生命浪费躺在床上星期六早上。去参加体育运动、学习钢琴,一个项目工作,读一本书,练习英语,或者帮助别人所遇到的问题。总是有很多事情要做。 跟我们的建议,并有一个快乐的学校生活!

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: Chang'e and the Cruel Emperor Many years after she was already the moon goddess, Chang'e looked down upon Earth and saw that a terribly cruel emperor sat on the throne. To help the people, she allowed herself to be reborn into the mortal world. The other members of her mortal family were either killed or enslaved by the emperor, but Chang'e managed to escape to the countryside. Meanwhile, the emperor was aging and obsessed with discovering the elixir of life. He had people all over the land brought to him and demanded of them how to find the elixir of life; nobody knew, of course, but the emperor would not accept ignorance for an answer and executed all those who could not answer. In the countryside, Chang'e met the goddess of passion, Guan Yin, who proceeded to give Chang'e a *** all elixir. Chang'e brought the elixir to the emperor. The suspicious emperor worried that it was poison and demanded that Chang'e taste the elixir first. She did, showing no ill effects, so then the emperor took the elixir and promptly died. Then, Chang'e also left the mortal world; the effects of the elixir had only been delayed for her. However, instead of dying, she ascended to the moon to retake her place as a goddess.解析: 嫦娥奔月、残忍皇帝已经是多年的女神>、嫦娥奔月、藐视地看到一个极其残忍的皇帝坐在宝座. 为群众,她自己可以再生的人间. 她的家庭其他成员丧生或遭受致命的皇帝,农村嫦娥奔月逃脱. 同时,皇帝发现老药的痴迷和生活. 他带人到各地,并要求他是如何发现生命灵药. 没有人知道,当然不会接受,但皇帝不作答,不知道那些执行. 在农村,与佛慈悲嫦娥奔月关贤,他准备让小嫦娥奔月灵药. 嫦娥奔月把药给皇帝. 担心皇帝怀疑是中毒,要求先嫦娥奔月味灵药. 突然,毫无不良影响,因此,把皇帝吃迅速死亡. 那么,还有嫦娥奔月尘世. 影响的只是拖延她吃. 但不是死,她登上月球收回其作为佛




















一般用thesis 博士论文dissertation


毕业论文是Graduation thesis 若要在论文里指论文就可以直接说thesis或者paper

毕业论文thesis[英][ˈθi:sɪs][美][ˈθisɪs]n.论文,毕业论文; 论点,论题; 命题; 复数:theses易混淆单词:THESIS例句:1.He completed his doctorate in 1999 with his thesis on the technical subject of structural design. 1999年,朱竞翔获得博士学位,博士论文写的是结构设计的技术问题。2.It is a beguilingly simple thesis, one particularly attractive to the western business executives who have joinedthe china gold rush. 但这是一个具有欺性的简单论点,对参与中国淘金浪潮的西方企业高管尤其有吸引力。3.We have a grand new thesis of the emerging markets. 我们现在得出了一套全新的新兴市场理论。4.The question now is whether the overstretch thesis was wrong or simply premature. 目前问题是,过度扩张说是错误命题还是只是言之过早。5.The thesis is that women still do so badly at work mainly because we are not ambitious enough. 书的主题是:女性的工作表现仍如此糟糕,主要是因为我们不够有雄心。同义词:dissertation[英][ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn][美][ˌdɪsərˈteɪʃn]n.专题论文,学位论文; 学术演讲; essay[英][ˈeseɪ][美][ˈɛsˌe, ɛˈse]n.散文; 随笔,杂记文; 尝试,企图; 试验; vt.尝试; 试验; 经常说的:English dissertation(英语论文)Graduation thesis(毕业论文)


A Thesis Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of B. A./B. S. in ***这是标准的学士学位毕业论文的说法,B.A.代表文学学士,B.S.代表理学学士,***处填上专业。

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