

发布时间:2023-12-06 07:24


China’s accession into the WTO has triggered extensive discussions on the part of macroeconomists, both domestic and international, concerning China’s macroeconomic performance in the future. As a would-be senior enterprise manager, I have also been gravely concerned about the possible impacts that this historical event would produce on enterprise management. During my prospective studies at NYU, I plan to work on an individual project which will be entitled Designing the Optimum Management Mode for China’s Medium- and Small-Sized Enterprises After China’s Accession into the WTO.

In China, the medium- and small-sized enterprises have been playing an increasingly important role in the country’s whole economy. Yet, the management of those enterprises is far from being effective. They cannot make effective use of their resources to realize their potential profits, or they have failed to properly estimate their long-term profit-making capacity. Their survival seems to be ensured when only faced with domestic competition because their competitors are equally incompetent in their management. However, their competitors after China’s entry into WTO are those international enterprises with professional management expertise. If those Chinese enterprises cannot fully utilize their resources or make strategic adjustments, their existence and profit-making ability would be seriously jeopardized. The objective of my project is to evolve a system of optimum management mode, together with its methodology and concepts, which fits the special characteristics of Chinese enterprises. In addition, I will propose some specific feasibility models. The research findings of this project would provide valuable information for those enterprises to help them achieve that they actually deserve by means of effective management.

My project will proceed in this way. First, as China’s current economic system is rather unique in the entire world, a system that combines free market system with the so-called socialist system, I will conduct an analysis of both the macro and the micro economic circumstances of those enterprises. The research may lead to the following results, that the optimum management mode of China’s enterprises might differ fundamentally from that of their foreign counterparts in terms of its form of expression, although the purpose of designing the management mode is essentially the same --- the realization of profits. At the same time, I will endeavor to know the existing conditions of management in those enterprises and discover the inherent problems in their management and their potential resources. It is precisely those potential resources that are their potential profit margins. The aim of doing so is to compare and contrast the management in those enterprises with that of excellent enterprises. Those procedures will be completed before I leave China to pursue studies at your university. At least I will have to collect all the necessary materials before I proceed onto further studies during my program at your university.

In the second stage of my project, I will attempt at a study of all the requisite elements that characterize optimum management mode as described by management theories. I will try to trace the process how these elements evolved and their present form of expression by studying the management cases of successful international enterprises. This step will be crucial as what I discover will be the most precious experience for Chinese enterprises. As for the choice of the cases, I will concentrate on those foreign enterprises that are analogous to their Chinese counterparts both in the scale and in the nature of business operation. Based on my understanding of the existing condition of Chinese medium- and small-sized enterprises, I will lay emphasis on the construction of corporate culture and the design of management strategies.

All successful international enterprises have their correspondingly excellent corporate cultures which serve as the foundation for their constant creation of ever-increasing profits, sustained growth, and triumphs over their competitors. Most enterprise administrators in China are inheritors of the conventional mentality of the planned economy who absolutely fail in the cultivation of their corporate cultures. The successful cultivation of corporate culture requires the top management to be equipped with knowledge in administration science, psychology, organizational behavior and in other sciences, a process which demands tremendous creativity. To complete this project satisfactorily, I need to immerse myself in the coursework that your university will offer me. I also need to summarize the characteristics of corporate culture that many successful international enterprises share and the process whereby the successful corporate cultures developed. Those characteristics can be important lessons that Chinese enterprises can assimilate because China’s membership in the WTO forces its enterprises to be confronted with the similar business environment to that faced by their foreign counterparts long operating under the market economy system. Meanwhile, by combining my research findings with the actual circumstances of the Chinese enterprises, I can come up with some creative ideas as to the proper mode of corporate culture development in keeping with the characteristics of those enterprises. Moreover, the design of management strategies is something that Chinese enterprises lack. For Chinese enterprises that switch from a relatively self-enclosed market to the liberal international market, it is necessary to effect a transformation in their management strategies and this transformation will be vital for the successful transition from domestic to international markets. In terms of research methodology, I will adopt those approaches similar to those for my studies on the corporate culture.

I believe that this envisioned project will contribute importantly to the enterprise management of China and it will be much more fruitful if I can secure assistance from the seasoned faculty members of your prestigious university.


内容摘要: 在市场经济发展日趋深化的今天,品牌对于企业生存和发展的重要性已众所周知,品牌战略已成为众多知名企业在市场竞争中立于不败之地的法宝。品牌文化是树立企业形象、提升企业竞争力的核心问题之一。因为,品牌是拥有它的企业区别于其它企业的标识,它不仅仅是企业形象识别,本质上代表着卖方对交付给买方的产品特征、利益和服务的一贯性承诺。品牌是质量的保证,是优质的服务,是企业文化的结晶,是企业的一个象征。品牌除属性、利益、价值外,更主要的是代表了企业文化的追求。企业文化赋予了品牌鲜活的生命力和非我莫属的无形张力,任何一个知名品牌的背后都有其企业文化为依托,品牌一旦生成于优越的企业文化氛围之中,便能大放异彩。因此,本文通过对品牌基本含义的阐述,探讨了品牌在工业企业发展中的重要性,并对工业企业竞争的重要性做出分析。

关键词: 品牌竞争 工业企业 竞争意识

在目前的国内市场上,没有打造自己的“品牌”,企业的商品力就很弱,也就是说基本没什么竞争优势,更不会有所有企业家都梦寐以求的附加值 高额利润;所以说,附加值低是中国很多企业最大的无奈 因为附加值低,企业缺乏产品研发、管理升级、以及市场推广的投入;没有强势的品牌竞争力,企业商品的市场竞争力就不敌竞争对手,其市场价格自然难以提升,由此就带来了更低的附加值,以至于使企业陷入低水平竞争的怪圈,企业进入更恶性的循环。因此对企业而言,品牌竞争力的高低决定着企业与企业之间利润的大与小,也决定着产品与产品之间的成功与失败,更决定着企业与企业之间的强大与弱小。
现在的市场竞争其实已经发展为到了“品牌的战争”的阶段 -也就是“品牌核心优势的竞争”, 没有品牌的竞争是无力的竞争,没有品牌支撑的商品是脆弱的商品,没有品牌根基的市场可以说根本就不是“已占领的市场”。因此,众多商界与投资者都认识到“品牌”才是企业最珍贵的资源。

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