弗罗斯特,R·(Robert Frost 1874-1963),诗人。生于加利福尼亚州。父亲做过校长与新闻记者,在他11岁时逝世。母亲把他带到祖籍新英格兰地区的马萨诸塞州。中学毕业后,在哈佛大学肄业2年。这前后曾做过纺织工人、教员,经营过农场,并开始写诗。他徒步漫游过许多地方,被认为是“新英格兰的农民诗人”。弗罗斯特的诗歌最初末在美国引起注意,1912年举家迁往英国定居后,继续写诗,受到英国一些诗人和美国诗人埃兹拉·庞德的支持与鼓励,出版了诗集《少年的意志》(1913)与《波士顿以北》(1914),得到好评,并引起美国诗歌界的注意。1915年回到美国,在新罕布什尔州经营农场。他的诗名日盛,于1924、1931、1937、1943年4次获得普利策奖,并在几所著名的大学中任教师、驻校诗人与诗歌顾问。他晚年是美国的一个非官方的桂冠诗人;他的诗往往从描写新英格兰的自然景色或风俗人情开始,渐渐进入哲理的境界。他的诗朴实无华,然而细致含蓄,耐人寻味。著名的《白桦树》一诗,写一般人总想逃避现实,但终究要回到现实中来。《修墙》写人世间有许多毫无存在必要的有形的和无形的墙。除了短篇抒情诗外,他有一些富于戏剧性的长篇叙事诗,刻画了新英格兰乡间人物的精神面貌,调子比较低沉,亦颇有特色。
作为首席营销官,杰弗里•弗罗斯特(Geoffrey Frost)是摩托罗拉的“品牌管家”--负责管理摩托罗拉的内外宣传事务,为摩托罗拉的“无缝移动”产品和解决方案拟定有吸引力的宣传口号和塑造公司品牌形象,领导摩托罗拉市场营销委员会。他于2004年被任命为摩托罗拉首席营销官,领导公司的营销、公共关系、广告、活动组织和设计等部门。
弗罗斯特于1999年加入摩托罗拉,任公司副总裁,负责移动终端事业部 (原个人通信设备部)的全球营销和公共关系事务。2003年,他被任命为摩托罗拉负责营销的高级副总裁。在原个人通信设备部工作期间,弗罗斯特建立了一个全球营销机构,监督品牌管理、广告、娱乐营销、公共关系、赞助项目、产品促销活动、代理商管理、客户营销及全球消费者公关战略。
在1999年加入摩托罗拉之前,弗罗斯特曾担任耐克公司全球广告和品牌交流主管,监督品牌战略、广告、直销和等事务。他在耐克公司中策划的品牌活动亮点包括迈克尔•乔丹的“冰冻时刻(Frozen Moment)”、泰格•伍兹的“你好世界(Hello World)”和“我是泰格•伍兹(I am Tiger Woods)”等活动。
此外,弗罗斯特策划的“你为何而准备(What Are You Getting Ready For)”活动被《Adweek》杂志评为年度最佳美国广告。1998年,他在国际广告节上荣获全球最佳广告戛纳Grand Prix大奖。
在加入耐克公司之前,弗罗斯特曾任位于纽约的Foote, Cone & Belding 公司的执行副总裁。他在该公司的全球工作背景包括在伦敦、巴黎和香港担任过高级管理职务。
people 杂志 财富杂志 美国电视台的英文简介。。。谢谢
财富杂志Fortune is a global business magazine published by Time Inc.'s Fortune|Money Group. Founded by Henry Luce in 1930, the publishing business, consisting of Time, Life, Fortune, and Sports Illustrated, grew to become Time Warner. In turn, AOL grew as it acquired Time Warner in 2000 when Time Warner was the world's largest media conglomerate. Fortune's primary competitors in the national business magazine category are Forbes, which is also published bi-weekly, and BusinessWeek. The magazine is especially known for its annual features ranking companies by revenue. is the online home of Fortune, in addition to Money. 人物杂志People (originally called People Weekly) is a weekly American magazine of celebrity and human-interest stories, published by Time Inc. As of 2006, it has a circulation of 3.75 million and revenue expected to top $1.5 billion. It was named "Magazine of the Year" by Advertising Age in October 2005, for excellence in editorial, circulation and advertising. People ranked #6 on Advertising Age's annual "A-list" and #3 on Adweek's "Brand Blazers" list in October 2006. The magazine runs a roughly 50/50 mix of celebrity and human-interest articles. People's editors claim to refrain from printing pure celebrity gossip, enough so to lead celebrity publicists to propose exclusives to the magazine, evidence of what one staffer calls a "publicist-friendly strategy". People's website, , focuses exclusively on celebrity news. In February 2007, the website drew 39.6 million page views "within a day" of the Golden Globes. However "the mother ship of Oscar coverage" broke a site record with 51.7 million page views on the day after the Oscars, beating the previous record set just a month before from the Golden Globes. People is perhaps best known for its yearly special issues naming "Most Beautiful People", "The Best Dressed", and "The Sexiest Man Alive". The magazine maintains a single editorial bureau in Los Angeles. Due to economic reasons it has recently closed bureaus in New York City, Austin, Miami, Chicago, and London. 电视台太多, 选一送上Home Shopping Network家庭购物网络 - 电视台Home Shopping Network or HSN is a 24-hour basic shopping television network that can be seen on cable, satellite, and some terrestrial channels in the Philippines. The channel is owned by HSN, Inc. which also owns catalog company Cornerstone Brands. Launched by Lowell 'Bud' Paxson and Roy Speer in 1982 as the Home Shopping Club, a local cable channel seen on Vision Cable and Group W Cable in Pinellas County, Florida, and expanded into the first national shopping network three years later on July 1, 1985, HSN (its initials forming its alternate name) pioneered the concept of a televised sales pitch for consumer goods and services. Its competitor QVC was launched the following year. HSN has its roots from a radio station managed by Paxson. In 1977, due to an advertiser's liquidity problem, the company was paid in can openers. Left with having to raise the funds, on-air personality Bob Circosta went on the radio and sold the can openers for $9.95 each. The can openers sold out, and an industry was born. Circosta later became the new network's first ever home shopping host and would eventually sell 75,000 different products in over 20,000 hours of live, on-air television. In 1986, HSN began a second network that broadcast over the air on a number of TV stations it had acquired under the name Silver King Broadcasting. In 1999, the stations were sold to IAC founder Barry Diller and changed its name to USA Broadcasting, with a few of them ending HSN programming outside of overnight hours and taking on a local programming format equivalent to Toronto's Citytv. In 2001, they were sold again, this time to Univision, and all HSN programs ceased on those channels; however, HSN continues to air on low-power stations. Ventana Television (ventana meaning window in Spanish) has the same street address as HSN, and is the holding company for its broadcast licenses. As of May, 2010, the HSN low power analog channel 60 in the New York City area was converted to low power digital channel 39.5. In 1999, the company launched , which as of 2009 is one of the top 10 most trafficked e-commerce sites. In 2008, HSN also started MySpace and Facebook pages. In an attempt to engage with younger consumers in 2009, HSN produced a 14-episode online video series, Faces of Beautiful You, which follows three young women who find solutions to many of life's problems through HSN's beauty products. The campaign included a Facebook widget, character blogs, and profiles for the three main characters on Twitter, MySpace, and Facebook.
VNU集团(Verenigde Nederlandse Uitgeversbedrijven,VNU)是欧洲最大的出版集团之一,也是全球最大的市场资讯服务与出版公司之一,业务遍及世界100多个国家,拥有38,000名员工。集团业务主要由四大板块构成:市场调研、媒体监测、出版及会展。作为ASD/AMD贸易组织和VNU亚洲展览集团的母公司,VNU活跃于南北美洲、亚洲和欧洲全球采购市场。旗下有6个子集团,分别是:VNU营销信息集团、VNU营销信息欧洲集团、VNU传媒评估和信息集团、VNU商业传媒(美国)公司、VNU商业传媒欧洲公司和VNU世界名录集团公司。 VNU集团成立于1964年,由两家荷兰出版公司合并而成。在20世纪60年代,集团主要是在荷兰和比利时从事消费类杂志、报纸和图书的出版、印刷和发行业务。到了70年代,集团开始进军专业杂志出版市场。80年代,通过在其他欧洲国家以及美国市场上的扩张,集团的专业杂志业务进一步加强,但是图书出版业务被放弃。到了90年代,集团的战略定位变成向单纯的出版公司发展,印刷业务停顿,集团作为内容供应商出现。1998年,集团收购了世界名录出版公司,成为在世界3大洲出版电话名录和提供信息服务的公司。1999年,集团通过收购了美国的尼尔森传媒调查公司(包含电视观众收视率调查公司),向前迈出了一大步,跨入了信息营销与服务行业。2000年初,VNU卖出了它的报纸业务。 2001年初,VNU又收购了AC尼尔森集团,因而成为世界快速流通消费类商品(fast-moving consumer goods)消费信息业的领袖。同年,集团卖出了消费类信息和教育信息业务。此前,VNU在荷兰、比利时针对小学、中学及成人教学出版教育用书,为荷兰最大的小学教育用书出版商。VNU提供商业和行业的各种信息。利用140种行业杂志、150种行业节目、许多网站以及在线服务,VNU将特定行业领域内的买方和卖方联系了起来。集团在美国的商业信息集团包括VNU商业出版物美国公司(VNU Business Publications USA),VNU电子传媒公司(VNU eMedia)以及VNU展览公司(VNU Expositions),其业务范围涉及:传媒和娱乐业、艺术和设计、营销、零售业、食品饮料业、医药保健业、运动和服装业、旅游休闲以及珠宝业。主要的杂志品牌有:《公告》(Billboard)、《好莱坞报道》(The Hollywood Reporter)、《广告周刊》(Adweek)和《食品服务指南》(Food Service Director)。商业信息集团在欧洲以VNU商业出版物的名号运作出版社,业务遍及荷兰、英国、比利时、法国、德国、意大利和西班牙。在欧洲,集团为专业人士出版的行业杂志涉及以下这些行业领域和范畴:IT业、招聘、管理、机械、传媒、金融和纺织。1999年销售额为11.99亿欧元,利润为2.1亿欧元。VNU在荷兰、比利时、法国、德国、意大利、西班牙和英国欧洲七国是一流的计算机杂志出版商。主要的杂志品牌有《计算》(Computing)、《Intermediair》商务周报、《财会时代》(Accountancy Age)和《管理团队》(Management Team)等。杂志出版分公司(主要出版消费类杂志)有荷兰VNU杂志、比利时Mediaxis、英国VNU杂志三家出版公司以及荷兰VNU杂志销售公司。