E-business environment under the logistics and distribution
Abstract: e-commerce under the logistics and distribution will help reduce production business inventories and accelerate capital turnover, enhance logistics efficiency and reduce logistics costs, and stimulate the social needs and is conducive to the whole community's macro-control and promote the healthy operation of the market economy and electronic Business to develop in depth.
Key words: e-commerce distribution
First, China's development of logistics distribution
E-commerce logistics entity is the core issue of the distribution items. China, as a developing country, the logistics industry to its late start, low level, the introduction of e-commerce, e-commerce did not have to support the activities of the modern logistics level. However, since e-commerce in China to settle down, people did not stop distribution of the discussion. At present, China mainly three types of e-commerce distribution model, is a full distribution system, that is, the domestic Internet-based, to various regions of the country's logistics system has been linked by agreement, a comprehensive distribution network for the entire process straight . The second category is a regional system of a single business model. Partial to the original business of a single regional distribution site for the base and be integrated, similar to a single business to business services, computer networking, the entire system of networking, and automated management. The third category is professional distribution system of the model. Such as postal communications, railway transport, air, water, Qiyun and other departments have been the perfect use of the national transport network resources to carry out specialized distribution. From across the country, China has long been subject to the impact of the planned economy, low levels of social logistics, logistics management system confusion, the existing three categories of e-commerce distribution model is not yet ripe, efficiency is not high, but in the red. Therefore, the need for China's economic development, enterprise reform and development of e-commerce logistics and distribution, learn from developed countries through the road and experience from China in 1992 began a logistics distribution center of the experimental work. In 1996 the Internal Trade issued "on strengthening the commercial development of logistics distribution center construction work of the notice," pointed out the development and construction of logistics distribution center the importance of the proposed development and construction of the guiding ideology and principle, put forward the "mechanisms and intensive Management, improve the function of the development of the logistics and enhance strength "of the reform and development principles, to establish modern logistics distribution center to change the social construction of logistics distribution centers, the development of modern network as the main direction.
Second, China's logistics and distribution patterns and problems of
At present, China's increased the number of e-commerce sites, transactions involving goods of daily necessities and other non-consumables, and on its e-commerce distribution model, can be divided into three types, namely operating BtoB (business to business) business model, BtoC (Business to consumers) model and the virtual logistics company model, in practice, although these three models get the recognition and application of common, but in e-commerce and distribution of convergence and optimal operation, there are still many problems, reflected in concrete :
China's current social low level of information networks, network infrastructure is relatively weak, especially as e-commerce platform for the delivery and billing infrastructure lags behind, the computer penetration rate low rate of Internet users only about 8 percent and are mainly concentrated in major cities , The use of Internet users in the real rate of online shopping less than 0.5 percent, electronic shopping credit has not been widely recognized.
The understanding of the importance of e-commerce logistics enough. Availability of the overall level of enterprise network low ratio of less than Internet companies, logistics enterprise information construction lagged behind, logistics and distribution of specialization, social, electronic, modern low level.
There have been serious problems of poor business reputation, late delivery, delivery or do not send the wrong frequent phenomenon.
E-commerce logistics infrastructure is not yet perfect, logistics systems theory is not enough, the logistics technology is still very backward, China's logistics workers and practice the theory of modern logistics of the new theories, new technologies, such as integrated supply chain management, third party logistics, automation Warehouse, automatic sorting system, global positioning system (GPS), and so has just contacted.
Jidong of the lack of e-commerce and e-commerce technology has practical experience in human resources, in particular the lack of Jidong e-commerce and logistics distribution to understand the innovative spirit of the compound talents.
Third, logistics and healthy development of the countermeasure
1. Enhance the degree of information. Distribution of information for performance: the logistics of the database of information collection and code, the logistics of the electronic information processing and computer, the transmission of information and the standardization of real-time logistics information such as the digital storage. Therefore, the bar-code technology, database technology, electronic ordering system, electronic data exchange, radio frequency technology, management information systems, enterprise resource planning, and other advanced management strategy should be in China's logistics and distribution enterprises to promote use. Information is all modern technology and management tools of the foundation, only to achieve distribution of information can take up to the era of e-commerce distribution industry and historic task.
2. Improve the logistics management system, improve service quality. Internet shopping for the delivery time is too long and has yet to supply the phenomenon as e-commerce company in order to better serve customers, suppliers and customers should be strengthened between the exchange of information and feedback. This will save users to order processing fees, users can also save time and gradually raise awareness of online shopping sense of trust, making good steady development of e-commerce.
3. Distribution lower prices. China's large-scale development of e-commerce online shopping has been difficult, logistics and distribution costs high, especially in the type of Internet transactions, for each client to achieve door-to-door is the high cost, we must work hard to reduce costs, e-commerce solution Logistics and distribution companies and distribution services among enterprises in the prices of contradictions.
4. Perfect laws and policies. E-commerce for the logistics and distribution problems, the relevant government departments should actively study the characteristics of e-commerce, the rapid development of targeted laws, regulations and policies to regulate e-commerce activities, enterprises and consumers in general to increase the confidence of e-commerce Flu.
5. Actively developing third-party logistics enterprises. "TPL" refers to the logistics business from the supply side and demand-side beyond the completion of a third party, in a sense that it is a form of logistics professionalism, "third-party logistics" in logistics management experience, Talent, technology, philosophy and other areas have certain advantages, the e-commerce transactions in both supply and demand of all the logistics activities of agent credentials, well-funded third-party logistics, the logistics can take full advantage of modern technology, is built on the foundation of modern information network technology On the logistics management software to ensure that customers at any time and any place check of goods and provision of supporting services, e-commerce transactions between the parties involved in the logistics can be entrusted to professional logistics enterprises, concentrate on developing the electronics market and business efficiency of the e-commerce BtoB transactions.
The establishment of a national logistics public information platform, the development of 4PL. 4PL is a supply chain integrator, mobilization and management organizations and their complementarity of the service provider's resources, capacity and technology to provide an integrated supply chain solutions. Clearly, 4PL must meet three conditions: not the interests of the logistics side, to achieve information sharing, the ability to integrate all the logistics resources. And really meet these conditions, only a virtual network of platforms, and this is the logistics and public information platform. It provides comprehensive supply chain solutions to social integration of logistics resources, enhance the country's logistics industry integrated collaborative capabilities.
关键词:电子商务 物流 配送
【题 名】基于multi-Agent的连锁企业物流配送
【作 者】李爽
【刊 名】集团经济研究.2007(07Z).-189-189
【题 名】连锁超市物流配送模式及其选择
【作 者】贾兴洪
【刊 名】商场现代化.2007(07Z).-141-142
【题 名】城市连锁起市配送中心的发展及其规划
【作 者】李翠芝
【刊 名】商场现代化.2007(07S).-124-125
【题 名】连锁商业配送中心规划决策分析
【作 者】张毅[1,2] 李金辉[1] 邢占文[2]
【刊 名】江苏商论.2007(4).-16-17
【题 名】连锁超市物流配送控制新方法
【作 者】顾淑红
【刊 名】商业时代.2007(10).-17-18
【题 名】农村连锁超市物流配送策略研究
【作 者】杨国军 钟立群
【刊 名】商场现代化.2007(05S).-48-48
【题 名】浅议物流配送在药品零售连锁企业中的应用
【作 者】赵兴艳
【刊 名】中国市场.2007(2).-22-22
【题 名】论新时期我国连锁零售企业现代物流配送管理
【作 者】王颖
【刊 名】商场现代化.2006(12Z).-161-162
【题 名】我国零售连锁业中协作型直通配送研究
【作 者】但斌 孙家文
【刊 名】商业经济与管理.2006(12).-14-17
【题 名】连锁门店选址与配送中心选择联合决策的f-MIGP模型
【作 者】关志民 陈兆春
【刊 名】控制与决策.2006,21(12).-1397-1401,1406
【题 名】我国快餐连锁企业配送中心建设思路
【作 者】刘致良
【刊 名】特区经济.2006(10).-226-227
【题 名】问题与对策:我国连锁物流配送中心的建设
【作 者】李曙明
【刊 名】商场现代化.2006(07X).-92-93
【题 名】汽修连锁企业配送与相关财务会计问题的分析和思考
【作 者】张岚
【刊 名】财会研究(甘肃).2006(10).-38-39
【题 名】用SuperMap Object开发基于GIS的连锁店配送信息系统
【作 者】尹涛
【刊 名】计算机工程与设计.2006,27(17).-3189-3192
【题 名】中式正餐连锁配送与其他业态业种连锁配送的比较
【作 者】付岗 廖洪柳 王常红
【刊 名】集团经济研究.2006(06X).-251-251
【题 名】连锁百货业:配送方式亟待改变
【作 者】王彦嫣
【刊 名】中国物流与采购.2006(9).-44-45
【题 名】考虑反向物流的连锁经营配送路径的优化设计
【作 者】江玮璠 何建民
【刊 名】合肥工业大学学报:自然科学版.2006,29(5).-609-612
【题 名】基于网格计算的商业连锁企业物流配送信息处理
【作 者】伍汝祺
【刊 名】商业经济与管理.2006(5).-32-35
【题 名】Voronoi分割模式下连锁企业物流配送系统的设计与实现
【作 者】严洁云 石松 肖桂荣
【刊 名】计算机应用.2006,26(5).-1202-1204
【题 名】连锁企业物流配送策略分析
【作 者】陈刚
【刊 名】科技进步与对策.2006,23(4).-143-145
【题 名】连锁经营物流配送模式的选择
【作 者】王杨
【刊 名】集团经济研究.2005(12S).-156-157
【题 名】基于电子商务的连锁经营物流配送体系框架探讨
【作 者】彭鸿广
【刊 名】商业研究.2005(20).-203-206
【题 名】基于GIS的连锁企业商品配送服务
【作 者】王远飞[1] 朱海燕[1] 叶雷[2]
【刊 名】测绘科学.2005,30(5).-62-64
【题 名】2005年中国邮政在农村建7万处农资连锁配送点
【作 者】无
【刊 名】农药.2005,44(6).-253-253
【题 名】连锁经营商品配送发展研究——以成都市为例
【作 者】向宏志
【刊 名】西南民族大学学报:人文社会科学版.2005,26(2).-161-163
【题 名】7—11连锁便利店物流配送体系研究
【作 者】许利华
【刊 名】商场现代化.2005(2).-84-85
【题 名】讯宝科技部署WLAN企业移动解决方案——苏果连锁超市配送中心实现高效物流管理
【作 者】无
【刊 名】计算机与网络.2005(1).-50-50
【题 名】连锁经营的物流配送中心建设
【作 者】张玉刚
【刊 名】商业研究.2004(5).-168-170
【题 名】连锁超市配送决策支持系统的模型与实现
【作 者】欧广宇 曹渠江
【刊 名】上海理工大学学报.2004,26(3).-271-274
【题 名】试析我国连锁企业配送中心面临的问题及对策
【作 者】欧阳泉
【刊 名】价格月刊.2004(5).-35-36
【题 名】配送中心建设及服务创新——我国连锁企业经营战略
【作 者】雷雯霏 王明明
【刊 名】商场现代化.2003(12).-42-43
【题 名】突破瓶颈全面推进——双汇集团实施商业连锁配送系统体验
【作 者】郭红
【刊 名】商场现代化.2003(8).-10-11
【题 名】连锁书店配送系统的合理规划问题
【作 者】吴赟
【刊 名】出版发行研究.2003(4).-36-38
【题 名】论我国连锁经营配送中心的构建
【作 者】陆淳鸿
【刊 名】商业研究.2003(5).-153-154
【题 名】连锁经营企业配送中心建设关键问题的探讨
【作 者】霍红[1] 霍岩[2]
【刊 名】商业研究.2003(4).-56-58
【题 名】华夏陶瓷博览城南国连锁配送中心成立
【作 者】无
【刊 名】中国物流与采购.2003(4).-12-12
【题 名】我国连锁商业配送中心的沿革与发展
【作 者】王焰
【刊 名】商场现代化.2003(3).-19-21
【题 名】连锁业物流配送中心的问题及其对策
【作 者】刘培松
【刊 名】经济管理.2003(11).-76-78
【题 名】建好配送中心拓展连锁经营
【作 者】邱坚
【刊 名】江苏商论.2003(2).-14-15
【题 名】国内外连锁业配送中心的比较分析
【作 者】徐杰 汝宜红
【刊 名】交通企业管理.2002(9).-28-29
【题 名】论物流配送是连锁经营成功的关键环节
【作 者】梁红岩
【刊 名】生产力研究.2002(4).-50-52
【题 名】突破连锁配送瓶颈
【作 者】王焰
【刊 名】商业时代.2002(07A).-5-6
【题 名】连锁经营与物流配送中心建设
【作 者】韩晓莉
【刊 名】商业研究.2002(6).-141-143
【题 名】全国经贸工作会议确定发展连锁经营、物流配送是今年重中之重
【作 者】无
【刊 名】中国物流与采购.2002(6).-8-9
【题 名】连锁经营的商品配送模式分析
【作 者】王文莲
【刊 名】商场现代化.2002(3).-18-20
【题 名】超级专业店的连锁经营与配送中心的配置决策
【作 者】龚树忠[1] 张闯[2]
【刊 名】财经问题研究.2002(4).-69-71
【题 名】管好物流配送发展连锁经营
【作 者】李志峰
【刊 名】商场现代化.2001(7).-21-22
【题 名】配送是图书连锁经营的基础—关于上海图书配送跨越发展的启示
【作 者】蔡国诚
【刊 名】出版广角.2001(12).-53-54
由于很少的仓库管理系统(WMS)和计算机系统能够支持储位优化管理,因此当前大约80%的配送中心或仓库不能够进行正确的货位优化。究其原因主要在于基础数据不足,MIS资源尚不能支持,没有正确的货位优化软件和方法。 针对仓库现代化的实际需求,若干家有实力的专业软件公司已成功开发出仓库货位优化管理软件。 软件通过对货品的批量、体积、质量控制、滞销度、日拣取量、日进出量等数据进行分析与计算,分析中结合各种策略,如相关性法则(Correlation),互补性法则 (Complementary),相容性法则(Compatibility) 等进行货位优化,从而大幅度降低货品布局的成本。
进行货位优化时需要很多的原始数据和资料,对于每种商品需要知道品规编号、品规描述、材料类型、储存环境、保质期、尺寸、重量、每箱件数、每托盘箱数等,甚至包括客户定单的信息。 一旦收集到完整的原始数据后,选用怎样的优化策略就显得尤为重要了。调查表明应用一些直觉和想当然的方法会产生误导,甚至导致相反的结果。一个高效的货位优化策略可以增加吞吐量,改善劳动力的使用,减少工伤,更好地利用空间和减少产品的破损。具体来说,货位优化可以采取以下策略:
货位优化的计算很难用数字化公式和数字模型予以描述,通常是利用一些规则或准则进行非过程性的运算 规则在计算中对数据收敛于目标时起到了约束的作用。大多数规则是通用的,即使一个普通仓库也不允许商品入库时随机或无规划地放置。而不同的配送中心或仓库还会根据自身的特点和商品的专门属性制定若干个特殊的规则。例如支持药品零售的配送中心会把相类似的药品分开存放以减少拣选的错误机会,但存放非药类时会按同产品族分类放在一起。具体的说,货位优化计算有八个规则:
通过进行货位优化能够实现在少量的空间里可有更多的分拣面。对于流通量大的商品应满足人体工程需求和畅通便捷的通路以提高营运效率;而对于那些周转不快的商品希望通过优化后占据很少的空间以致在小的面积中有更多种商品可以来分拣,从而减少拣选的路程。 简言之,提高工效、空间利用率最终降低成本。
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第三方物流 Third-Party Logistics
A third-party logistics provider (abbreviated 3PL) is a firm that provides outsourced or "third party" logistics services to companies for part, or sometimes all of their supply chain management function. Third party logistics providers typically specialize in integrated warehousing and transportation services that can be scaled and customized to customer’s needs based on market conditions and the demands and delivery service requirements for their products and materials.
Types of 3PL providers
Hertz and Alfredsson (2003) describe four categories of 3PL providers:[1]
Standard 3PL provider: this is the most basic form of a 3PL provider. They would perform activities such as, pick and pack, warehousing, and distribution (business) – the most basic functions of logistics. For a majority of these firms, the 3PL function is not their main activity.
Service developer: this type of 3PL provider will offer their customers advanced value-added services such as: tracking and tracing, cross-docking, specific packaging, or providing a unique security system. A solid IT foundation and a focus on economies of scale and scope will enable this type of 3PL provider to perform these types of tasks.
The customer adapter: this type of 3PL provider comes in at the request of the customer and essentially takes over complete control of the company’s logistics activities. The 3PL provider improves the logistics dramatically, but do not develop a new service. The customer base for this type of 3PL provider is typically quite small.
The customer developer: this is the highest level that a 3PL provider can attain with respect to its processes and activities. This occurs when the 3PL provider integrates itself with the customer and takes over their entire logistics function. These providers will have few customers, but will perform extensive and detailed tasks for them.
[edit] Non Asset-based Logistics Providers
This 3PL performs duties such as quoting, booking, routing, and auditing, but doesn't need to own warehousing facilities, vehicles, aircraft, or any other transportation assets. This type of 3PL may possess only desks, computers, and freight industry expertise.
To be useful, this type of provider must show its customers a benefit in financial and operational terms by leveraging exceptional expertise and ability in the areas of operations, negotiations, and customer service in a way that complements its customers' preexisting physical assets.
[edit] On-Demand Transportation
On-Demand Transportation is a relatively new term coined by 3PL providers to describe their brokerage, ad-hoc, and "flyer" service offerings.
On-Demand Transportation has become a mandatory capability for today's successful 3PL providers in offering client specific solutions to supply chain needs.
These shipments do not usually move under the "lowest rate wins" scenario and can be very profitable to the 3PL that wins the business. The cost quoted to customers for On-Demand services are based on specific circumstances and availability and can differ greatly from normal "published" rates.
On-Demand Transportation is a niche that continues to grow and evolve within the 3PL industry.
Specific modes of transport which may be subject to the on-demand model include (but are not limited to) the following:
FTL, or Full Truck Load
Hotshot (direct, exclusive courier)
Next Flight Out, sometimes also referred to as Best Flight Out (commercial airline shipping)
International Expedited
[edit] Fourth-party logistics
Fourth-party logistics (4PL), Lead Logistics Provider or 4th Party Logistics, is a term coined by global consulting firm Accenture:
“ A 4PL is an integrator that assembles the resources, capabilities, and technology of its own organization and other organizations to design, supply chain solutions. ”
of their supply chain management function. A 4PL uses a 3PL to supply service to customers, owning only computer systems and intellectual capital.[2]
It has been argued that a 4PL is the same thing as a Non Asset-Based 3PL.
第三方物流(Third-Party logistics,3PL),也称作委外物流(logistics outsourcing) 或是合约物流(contract logistics),第三方物流一直是物流和供应练管理中最容易被误解的名词。
第三方物流目前没有公认的定义,不过原则在於,某"专门公司"提供另一家公司(比方说制造商)一项或多项的物流功能。 (如仓储、对外运输)知名的第三方物流供应商包DanzasAEI、Exel Logistics、Menlo Logistics、Penske Logistics等...
第三方物流公司需具备下列几点: 1.与使用者之间备有正式的合约,期限至少一年 2.强调双方关系式,而非交易式。 3.强调双方的利益以及客制化的可行性。 4.与客户维持长期的关系。 5.会主动寻求可能的政策和实务
物流系统也可像互联网般,促进全球化。在贸易上,若要更进一步与世界连系,就得靠良好的物流管理系统。我们手上的商品很多是『游历』各国后才来到的。原料可能来自泰国,加工可能在新加坡,生产却在台湾,最后才入口到美国。产品的「游历」路线就是由物流师决定,目标就是要快且低开销。物流师 (Logistician)即是负责物流系统管理的专才。物流师就是一个专家,地位与会计师、律师、医生或工程师同等。