据2016年1月学校官网显示,学校建有国家文化产业示范基地1个,省哲学社会科学重点研究基地1个,省重点创新团队1个,省引进大院名校共建创新载体1个 ,国家科技部服务创新研究重点基地1个,中国高等教育学会民办高等教育研究协作组组长单位和全国优质民办高校211协作会联络处1个,校级研究机构22个。国家文化产业示范基地:陶瓷研究所 省哲学社会科学重点研究基地:浙江省现代服务产业研究中心 省重点创新团队:现代服务产业研究团队 省引进大院名校共建创新载体:超微量研究中心 国家科技部服务创新研究重点基地:中国服务经济研究中心 中国高等教育学会民办高等教育研究协作组组长单位和全国优质民办高校211协作会联络处:中国民办高等教育研究院 校级研究机构:民营中小企业研究所、茶文化研究与发展中心、园林建筑设计所、软件研发中心、东亚研究所、生态与环境保护研究所、科学计量学研究中心、会展经济研究所、通信与信息系统研究所、食品与发酵工程研究所、浙江树人大学.宏丰实业集团有限公司科技研发中心、国际贸易研究所、社会工作与社会建设研究所、新数字媒体研究中心、因特网计算和智能系统研究所、地域文化与古籍整理研究所、大学生创业就业研究中心、旅游与休闲研究所、翻译研究所、设计艺术与墙文化传播研究所、学生体质健康指导研究中心、浙江树人大学·浙江驰江工贸有限公司研发中心 2003年,获得浙江省重大科技贡献奖。2004年,获得浙江省科学技术一等奖。2006年,获得浙江省科学技术二等奖、浙江省哲学社会科学成果一等奖和三等奖各1项;郑吉昌与夏晴合著的《服务业、服务贸易与区域竞争力》获得教育部人文社科成果奖二等奖。 2008年,获得浙江省科学技术二等奖、浙江省哲学社会科学成果三等奖2项。2010年,科研项目外来经费超过千万元,当年省部级及以上项目33项,获得浙江省科学技术二等奖1项。2011年,周朝成的《当代大学中的跨学科研究》获第四届全国教育科学研究优秀成果二等奖。 2013年,首次获得国家自然科学基金面上项目和国家社科基金项目,科研外来经费超过两千万元,获得浙江省第十七届哲学社会科学成果奖1项。 2001-2014年,学校共获得省部级及以上课题266项,包括国家社科基金、国家自然科学基金、省级重大优先主题等一系列高级别科研项目;获得政府委托研究、科技开发、社会服务等横向课题588项;获得外来科研经费10020万元。学校获得教育部人文社科二等奖1项、浙江省科学技术重大贡献奖1项、浙江省科学技术奖5项,浙江省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖7项。全校教职工共发表论文6047篇,其中被SSCI、SCI、EI、A&HCI、ISTP收录及被新华文摘、中国社会科学文摘、人大报刊复印资料全文转载的论文831篇,一级论文117篇;共出版学术专著43余部,获发明专利11项、实用新型、外观设计等其它各类知识产权近300余项,制定颁布国家行业标准5项。 馆藏资源 截至2010年底,图书馆藏有中外文书刊120万余册,电子图书60多万种;电子阅览室拥有电脑200多台,电子资源有CNKI中国学术期刊全文数据库、中国优秀博硕士论文、人大报刊复印资料数据库、Springer Link、EBSCOhost、World Scientific、Nowpublish等电子期刊数据库、万方数据库、国研网数据库资源、超星电子图书馆、Apabi电子教学参考书及大量多媒体光盘。 学术期刊 《浙江树人大学学报》2001年5月获国家新闻出版署批准公开发行,为双月刊,中国统一刊号:CN33-1261/Z。主要栏目有民办高等教育、服务经济、民营经济、区域经济、管理经济、语言与文化、社会工作、茶文化、艺术与设计、教育教学管理、思政与法律等。 学报“民办高等教育”栏目入选教育部哲学社会科学名栏建设工程,学报入选首届浙江期刊方阵工程、首届浙江期刊方阵工程、中国人文社科学报核心期刊,获得“全国优秀社科学报”及“全国社科学报优秀栏目”、第四届、第五届华东地区优秀期刊称号、全国民办高校优秀期刊一等奖等荣誉。 “十二五”期间,学校举办第二届现代服务业发展国际论坛、第三届现代服务业发展国际论坛、第四届现代服务业发展国际论坛、树人·正修友好交流回顾暨两岸高等教育发展论坛、中韩韩国语文学与韩国语教育研究、两岸四校交流研讨会、中日韩韩国语言文学及韩国语教育学术研讨会、家政服务人才培养发展论坛、第六届中外民办高等教育发展论坛暨中外校长论坛等国际/双边学术会议。“十二五”期间,学校邀请来自韩国、日本、美国、马来西亚、新加坡、意大利、澳大利亚、白俄罗斯、台湾等国家和地区的111名专家学者参加了会议。与台湾正修科技大学合作开展超微量研究,获得科技厅“引进大院名校共建创新载体”合作项目;与白俄罗斯国立大学开展中白政府间科技合作项目2项。
给你个范本 希望对你有用
****大 学
外语外贸 学院 英语 专业 级( 届) 班 学生
题 目:Cultural Similarities and Differences on Implied Meanings of Chinese Zodiac Animals between China and Western Countries
Source: First, I’m interest in animals and the Chinese Zodiac is our traditional animals’ representation. In addition, I have researched and collected some relative and useful materials or works about implied meanings of twelve symbolic animals in library and internet for writing this paper. At the same time, I have read many materials on China and Western countries culture about Chinese Zodiac. Then form this materials, I find these animals implied meanings similarities and differences. To the paper, I have confidence to get it finished.
Present condition:With the development of society, across-cultural communication has become more and more important. The nature except including people, it also including all kinds of animals and have so many words describe animal and use animal words describe the person’s characteristic. Animal words are closely related to human life. From the perspective of cultural differences, I will search the implied meanings about same animal words in both China and Western Countries in the similarities and differences, form different parts search the implied meanings, aims at understand the cultures different between China and Western Countries and attention to the difference when we use animal words. About this theme, I find some authors of different countries research this theme and have some achievements. Research this topic could help people know the similarities and differences between the China and Western Countries.
Goal of study:My paper’s theme is ‘The Cultures Similarities and Differences on Implied Meanings of Chinese Zodiac between China and Western Countries”. So, first I hope to deeply understand the Twelve Symbolic Animals and then understand those implied meanings. Second, Advance my own abilities of writing and comprehension, and further understanding of cross-cultural. About animal in the Chinese Zodiac, different people have different feelings and expressions, so I thought the paper; I want to know different people’s expression the implied meanings about same animal words in both China and Western Countries in the similarities and differences, form different parts search the implied meanings, aims at understand the cultures different between China and Western Countries and attention to the difference when we use animal words.
1. Briefly introduce the source and the traditional custom about the Chinese Zodiac, importance of Chinese Zodiac in our life and in the cross-culture communication.
2. Animals Implied Meanings complete correspondence in China and Western Countries
3. Animals Implied Meanings is not entirely corresponding in China and Western Countries.
4. Animals Implied Meanings does not correspond in China and Western Countries
Through analyze the reasons of similarities and differences about implied meanings between China and Western Countries animal words.
5. Conclusion.
Means and methods: I have researched and collected some relative and useful materials or works about implied meanings of twelve symbolic animals in library and internet for writing this paper, and collected the materials about the twelve animals in Chinese Zodiac, comparing these implied meanings’ similarities and difference in China and Western Countries.
Outline :
1. Introduction
2. Briefly introduce the source and the traditional custom about the Chinese Zodiac, importance of Chinese Zodiac in our life and in the cross-culture communication.
2.1 Definition of Chinese Zodiac
2.2 The Chinese Zodiac traditional usage
3. Classification of the animal words in Chinese Zodiac
3.1 Animals Implied Meanings complete correspondence in the China and Western Countries
3.2 Animals Implied Meanings is not entirely correspond in the China and Western Countries
3.3 Animals Implied Meanings does not correspond in the China and Western Countries
4. Conclusion
Schedule :
1、during 2008-11-19 to 2008-11-21 complete the title report
2、before 2009-1-10 complete the first draft
3、during 2009-2-16 to 2009-3-10 complete the second draft
4、during 2009-3-11 to 2009-5-10 complete the third draft
5、during 2009-5-11 to 2009-5-24 complete the real paper ,the outline the abstract, the general idea of the paper ,hand the E-paper
6、during 2009-5-25 to 2009-5-31 prepare for the answer to the paper
7、during 2009-6-1 to 2009-6-10 answer the questions of the paper
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