Now the Electronic sports are more and more popular among of them think it's useful for students to study,because it can make people more they don't know,there are many disadvantages about Electronic sports. However, Electronic sports can also bring some benefits. First of all, they can help people in many ways if people spend proper time on it. For instance, searching the question in the website, liking vedio about the schoolworks. Secondly, some Electronic sports can improve people's ability of thinking. They can make people think in different ways. Finally, playing Electronic sports can also help people be familiar with the keyboard. If people are familiar with the keyboard, they can type fast, that will benifit them a lot during the job.
All in all, more and more people begin to disign educational CD-ROM. They want go any people to gain some knowledge while they are playing Electronic sports .
So, the parents should teach their children to properly use the websit and play the Electronic sports and help their chirdren playing game to relax their heart and use it in right way.
Electronic competitive with the network game's difference
Electronic competitive sports and online game all belong to the category of generalized electronic games. Electronic competitive sports and network games are two different concepts, from their properties, way and the project and so on each aspect, there are great differences.
Nature aspects
Begin from properties on look, e-sports is sports, network game is the entertainment game, it is both a very different nature.
The network game's purpose and means is to build a virtual world, in this world of all players like life a new society, this society has its own various "law", living in this society players must abide by these laws. Network game complete inherited RPG the key upgrade systems and called dolls of weapons and equipment system, players through these systems to understand their roles grow happiness, enjoyment. So essentially, network game is seeking to feel for the purpose of simulation and role-playing, relative to character is not very attention or need game of skill.
While the electronic competitive is adjacent at those traditional sports, antagonistically and gameplay is its characteristics. It has the quantitative and repeatable, precise comparison of characteristics, sports games way is fighting and game, more uniform rules and the same techniques, the sport of skill and tactics are exactly the same. Players through daily hard, equivalent to a boring training, improve himself and electronic equipment these games equipment related speed and reaction and cooperate with etc comprehensive ability, rely on the techniques and the level of skill and tactics of the play, for in the fight against winning and good grades. Actually say simply, electronic competitive sports is a sport, only their instruments, competition environment and so on is through the information technology to realize the just. This is its and network games the most essential difference.
Technically look, both institute relies on the network environment or carrier different, network game was completely built on international Internet, it left the Internet, cannot exist. While e-sports on are LAN environment, even can be directly connected the two computers, Internet just e-sports used to train or entertainment of a kind of means just.
In addition, both of the software dependent and profit means and operation ways and so on are different. Network game largely by software vendors constraints, through nearly three years in the market practice, been explored, a complete set of profit pattern. The game developers is responsible for the development of the game, and operators, players to play by responsible operation time pay, produced by the developer and the operator profit after a certain proportion of the share. While the electronic competitive basically do not suffer game software constraints, game developers is responsible for the development of the game, entrust issuing company issued by buying game, players, it paid one-off electronic sports entertainment and games. Such electronic competitive the organisers of the competition can get profits and game developer and issuance of corporate and no direct relation, which also caused both in platform construction and the relationship with the platform also is rather different.
The e-sports classified as official sports, sports and sports industry into orbit, inevitable highlight its physical characteristics, aggravate e-sports and online game development direction of respectively in different development.
Other contact
But, e-sports and network game though different, but both itself and its industry, all is the information technology of the product, among different has many similarities. How to deal with the relationship between the two e-sports development is necessary in the face of an important issue. From the present China's current situation, network game due to start earlier, gamers and larger, and has formed a very big market, the business model and industrial chain have been relatively mature and clear. China e-sports is still at the beginning stage, the game model, the game brand, business model and industrial chain, etc., are explored in. No matter to the project or to industry, electronic competitive sports and network game should strive toward each is in his proper place, bring out the best in each other, in fact, huge network game based on the development of e-sports concern is good, and the healthy development of e-sports to online game development is also promote and function.
Of course, now say electronic competitive sports and the network game's different, is a historical standpoint, use the development the eye, electronic competitive sports and network games does not separate, unquestionably invariable. From the theory and the practice on say, network game after development, in the supplementary and strengthen the characteristics of sports after, some of which may become development has become a new type of e-sports project.
Electronic sports, electronic game competition to achieve "competitive" level of sports.
Electronic sports is the use of electronic equipment as sports equipment, the combination of human intelligence and physical competition.
Through e-sports, participants' thinking ability, reaction ability, limb coordination ability and willpower can be trained and improved, and team spirit can be cultivated. Moreover, professional e-sports also have high requirements on physical strength.
电子竞技(Electronic Sports)是电子游戏比赛达到“竞技”层面的体育项目。电子竞技就是利用电子设备作为运动器械进行的、人与人之间的智力和体力结合的比拼。通过电子竞技,可以锻炼和提高参与者的思维能力、反应能力、四肢协调能力和意志力,培养团队精神,并且职业电竞对体力也有较高要求。电子竞技也是一种职业,和棋艺等非电子游戏比赛类似,2003年11月18日,国家体育总局正式批准,将电子竞技列为第99个正式体育竞赛项目。2008年,国家体育总局将电子竞技改批为第78号正式体育竞赛项目。2018年雅加达第18届亚运会将电子竞技纳为表演项目。
虚拟现实”是来自英文“Virtual Reality”,简称VR技术。最早由美国的乔·拉尼尔在20世纪80年代初提出。虚拟现实技术(Ⅵ)是集计算机技术、传感器技术、人类心理学及生理学于一体的综合技术,其是通过利用计算机仿真系统模拟外界环境,主要模对象有环境、技能、传感设备和感知等,为用户提供多信息、三维动态、交互式的仿真体验