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文章来自~《中外医学研究》2021年第35期 作者:刘笑琪① 牛晓骥② 胡金萍② 【摘要】 氧能为机体提供能量,缺氧可影响人体多个系统,直接或间接造成机体死亡。抗缺氧药物的研究成为预防机体死亡的重要课题。目前中医及西医均对缺氧有了一定认识。近年来, 研究发现中药在抗缺氧方面有较好作用,其中补益类中药表现突出,中医扶正固本治疗原则得到很大体现 。 临床中用于抗缺氧的补益类中药主要有黄芪、红景天、人参、西洋参、当归、枸杞6味。 本文对这6味中药的抗缺氧损伤研究进行综述。 【关键词】 补益类中药 抗缺氧 综述 缺氧是指组织因氧供不足或用氧障碍而致的病理反应,严重可致死,临床多表现为头晕、头痛、耳鸣、呼吸困难、恶心、呕吐、心慌、气短、口唇甲发绀等。 近年来,中医药以作用效果高、不良反应小的特点,在抗缺氧防治中应用越来越广范,而补益类中药尤为突出。有研究发现,在缺氧的防治中,使用频率在前20的单味中药中,补气活血类中药的应用率可达70%以上;其次为活血化瘀类中药,应用率在40%以上,使用率较低的为滋阴类中药[1]。临床中用于抗缺氧的补益类中药主要有黄芪、红景天、人参、西洋参、当归、枸杞6味。本文就这6味补益类中药近几年的抗缺氧作用研究现状综述如下。 1 中西医对缺氧的认识 中医对缺氧的认识 在中医里并没有缺氧这一概念,但可 根据因缺氧表现出的临床症状将其归入中医学不同病名中,如“眩晕”“头痛”“喘证”“心悸”“血症”“耳鸣”“虚劳”等证。 中医认为缺氧成因大多与气虚、气滞、痰浊、淤血、阴虚等有关 。中医认为疾病的成因不外乎内外两种因素,缺氧亦如此,其外因为天地之气致病,即外在自然及 社会 环境;内因为人之气不足致病,即气之产生不足及损耗过度;血为气之母,故当机体血生不足时,同样会导致气不足;此外阴阳平衡也是缺氧产生的原因之一;但总的来说,缺氧产生的病机始终与“气”有关[2]。涉及的脏腑有肺、心、脑和肾等[3]。 中医药对缺氧的防治以补气活血、益气健脾、活血化瘀、豁痰开窍等为原则[4]。 西医对缺氧的认识 只要能导致血液内氧饱和度降低,造成缺氧性疾病的条件均可视为缺氧的病因。 现代医学认为 缺氧的形成原因不外乎两种:氧供不足及用氧障碍。常见的有:肺部疾病、心血管疾病、贫血、中毒、周围血管病供氧障碍等, 此外高原空气稀薄也会导致缺氧。 西医治疗缺氧的原则有:增加氧分压供氧,增强血液携氧能力,改善心、肺、脑功能等。 用于改善机体缺氧的西药有激素类药物、广谱抗菌药物及降压类药物等。但这些常用药物的不良反应较大,临床应用受到极大限制。 2 补益类中药的抗缺氧防治 补气固本类中药 黄芪 味甘,性温,被称为补气之圣药,多用于体虚之人。 陶文迪[5]研究发现,黄芪水提取物可能通过减少缺氧导致的自由基及代谢产物的过度生成及氧化应激使常压密闭小鼠存活时间延长。黄芪注射液能抑制缺氧缺糖/复氧复糖大鼠海马神经元凋亡,可能与其对凋亡相关蛋白Bax及B淋巴细胞瘤-2基因(Bcl-2)的作用有关[6]。黄芪甲苷还可通过抑制NF-кB通路保护缺氧心肌细胞,且作用呈浓度依赖性[7]。杨萍等[8]建立乳鼠原代心肌细胞H/R模型,检测炎症因子高敏C反应蛋白(hs-CRP)、肿瘤坏死因子-a(TNF-a)的浓度,同时检测到血红素加氧酶(HO)-1表达上调, 证明黄芪甲苷可通过抗炎作用保护缺氧心肌细胞。 曹昌霞等[9]发现 黄芪可能通过促进血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)、促红细胞生成素(EPO)、缺氧诱导因子(HIF)-1a的表达,维护细胞膜和细胞器的结构和功能,从而保护缺氧心肌细胞,且发现黄芪及红景天合剂的抗氧化作用强于单味药物 。 红景天 性平,味涩,被广泛应用于急性高原反应的防治[10] 。钟晓勇等[11]发现红景天甙能提升缺氧PC12细胞活力及能量代谢水平,主要通过mTOR-4EBP1通路实现。皇甫志敏等[12]发现红景天甙可以通过抑制氧化应激反应和细胞凋亡途径改善小鼠慢性间断性缺氧肺损伤。王渊博等[13]发现大株红景天注射液能通过保护线粒体的形态与功能保护缺氧心肌细胞。有 研究发现红景天还可能通过ERK信号通路对缺氧心肌细胞结构及功能进行保护,发挥保护缺氧心肌细胞的作用, 具体机制正在进一步研究中[14]。红景天能促进低氧状态下内皮细胞肾上腺髓质素(ADM)、降钙素受体样受体(CRLR)及HIF-1a的表达,保证人脐静脉内皮细胞的增殖[15]。 红景天还可通过抑制脑细胞线粒体膜通透性转运孔(MPTP)的开放,抑制神经元细胞凋亡发挥其抗缺氧作用[16] 。范能全等[17]发现红景天在剂量为 mg/L时可明显延长斑马鱼低氧耐受时间。 人参 性温,味甘、微苦,是我国传统名贵中药材,有大补元气的功能。 有报道通过常压耐缺氧实验及急性脑缺血性缺氧实验发现复方人参合剂能增强小鼠的耐缺氧能力,并呈现一定剂量依赖性[18]。Lim等[19]发现人参皂苷Rb1能通过清除过量氧自由基保护海马CA1神经元。娄婷婷[20]发现人参皂苷Rg1、Re、Rf、Rb1、Rc和Rb2可能通过对SIRT1/PGC1a信号通路的干预实现其抗缺氧功能。研究发现人参皂苷Rb1能使缺氧Wistar乳鼠心肌细胞自噬力降低,提高AMPK通路相关蛋白活性,提升细胞存活率[21]。杨佳丹等[22]发现人参皂苷Rg3在降低骨骼肌线粒体内丙二醛的含量同时增高锰超氧化物歧化酶的含量,提高骨骼肌线粒体对自由基的消除作用和供能效力。董学峰[23]建立C57BL/6小鼠的慢性间歇性低氧(CIH)模型,分组后腹腔内注射高、低剂量人参皂苷Rg1,发现人参皂苷Rg1可减轻慢性间歇性缺氧小鼠肺小动脉损害,其机制可能与减少HIF-1a、VEGF和内皮素(ET)-1的表达有关。 西洋参 性凉,味甘、微苦,有补气养阴之效。 王晓坤等[24]建立三种不同条件作用下的缺氧小鼠模型,分别给予一定剂量的西洋参总皂苷,观察发现西洋参总皂苷均可以明显延长缺氧小鼠的存活时间,提示 西洋参总皂苷能提高缺氧小鼠模型的耐缺氧能力 。王琛等[25]从内质网的角度进行研究, 发现西洋参总皂苷能减轻内质网应激造成的心肌损伤,一定程度上能维持心肌细胞内的钙浓度及心肌正常舒缩功能,减少细胞凋亡 。研究发现西洋参能通过增加线粒体自噬,保护缺血缺氧再灌注损伤的人肾皮质近曲小管上皮(HK-2)细胞[26]。毕卓悦等[27]研究发现不同剂量的西洋参总皂苷均可延长缺氧小鼠的存活时间,高浓度较低浓度的效应更强。 补血固本类中药 当归,性温,味甘、辛,为补血之圣品,有养血活血之功。当归的抗缺氧功能可能与其降低心肌耗氧量,保护线粒体及细胞膜的作用有关 。 当归中的黄酮类和苯酞类两种化学成分均具有较强的抗氧化作用 [28]。田苏阳[29]提取到纯化当归多糖P-ASPO,同时发现当归多糖有清除体外自由基超氧自由基(O2-)、羟基自由基(-OH)及DPPH保护。另一提取物阿魏酸也有此作用。霍礼超等[30]研究发现当归多糖P-ASP可增高核转录因子红系2相关因子2(Nrf2)蛋白的表达,减少心肌细胞凋亡,保护缺氧心肌细胞。石皓等[31]发现当归挥发油可影响Akt/mTOR通路,减少细胞自噬,减轻缺氧细胞损伤。范智文等[32]研究当归补血汤对缺氧乳鼠心室肌的作用时,发现缺氧心肌细胞的活力及存活率明显提升,中高剂量较低剂量组效果明显。作用机制可能与抑制miR-34a蛋白表达相关。 研究发现当归补血汤对缺氧导致的胰岛内皮细胞功能紊乱有保护作用[33]。 滋阴补气类中药 枸杞,性平,味甘,有滋补肝肾之效。 安巍等[34]发现不同品种的枸杞均有提高小鼠耐缺氧的能力。严文英等[35]在缺氧环境下分组培养HK-2细胞,检测线粒体膜电位变化及细胞Ca2+含量,得出枸杞多糖可通过改善线粒体功能及抑制细胞自噬蛋白的表达以减少细胞凋亡,减轻缺糖缺氧HK-2细胞的损伤。此外枸杞多糖还能对凋亡相关蛋白及通路发挥作用,保护缺糖缺氧的小鼠海马神经元细胞[36]。唐愈盛[37]体外建立人脐静脉内皮细胞(HUVEC)细胞缺氧模型,发现不同缺氧时间下未经枸杞多糖干预的HUVEC细胞皱缩程度均高于干预组,其机制可能与保护血脑屏障有关。马琳等[38]发现100和50 mg/L的枸杞多糖能通过保护线粒体功能,减轻过氧化反应,提高细胞存活率,发挥抗缺氧作用。李亚萍[39]选取101名试验对象,将其分为51名慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)稳定期患者及50名 健康 者两组,以不同剂量的枸杞多糖对COPD患者进行干预,COPD患者外周静脉血中HIF-1a表达水平较服用枸杞多糖前下降,其作用可能与枸杞多糖能抑制HIF-1a的表达有关,此次研究还发现,低剂量的枸杞多糖效果反而高于中、高剂量,与多数中药作用效果相反。 此外具有抗缺氧作用的补益类中药还有刺五加、党参、山药、白术、甘草、五味子、麦冬、沙参、冬虫夏草等。 长远以来,中医对缺氧缺乏系统认识。 研究发现中药及其提取物可通过其补气、滋阴、生血功能增强机体耐缺氧能力,且临床应用效果较好,多数高浓度作用高于低浓度。 中药对缺氧造成的机体多个系统损伤均有保护作用,其中循环系统、神经系统对缺氧反应最大,故研究多集中在这两个系统 。目前研究方向主要为建立缺氧模型,予以中药干预后,检测模型相关蛋白含量及表达情况,记录目标细胞存活量及模型的存活时间,研究方式比较单一。未来可对补益类中药持续研究,可向研究中药成分之间的相互作用方向发展。 参考文献 [1]李国庆.中药防治急性高原反应文献调查分析[J].青海医药杂志,2015,45(7):66-68. 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[Abstract]Oxygen provides energy for the body, hypoxia can affect many systems in the body, directly or indirectly causing the death of the organism. The study of antihypoxic drugs has become an important subject to prevent body death. At present, both traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine have a certain understanding of hypoxia. In recent years, studies have found that traditional Chinese medicine plays a good role in anti-hypoxia, among which the tonifying traditional Chinese medicine plays a prominent role, and the principle of strengthening the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine has been greatly embodied. In clinical use of anti-hypoxia tonifying traditional Chinese medicine mainly includes astragalus, rhodiola, ginseng, American ginseng, angelica sinensis, Chinese wolfberry six kinds of traditional Chinese medicine. In this paper, the anti-hypoxia injury studies of these herbs in recent years are reviewed. [Key words]Tonifying traditional Chinese medicine Anti-hypoxia Review doi: 文献标识码A 文章编号1674-6805(2021)35-0185-04 *基金项目:青海省中医院院内课题项目(2019YN07) ①青海大学 青海 西宁 810016 ②青海省中医院 (收稿日期:2021-04-26)

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近五年作为通讯作者,共发表了研究论文200余篇,其中被SCI收录180余篇,主要发表在国际著名的Adv. Funct. Mater.、Chem: .、Chem. Commun.、J. Mater. Chem.、 J. Phys. Chem. B、J. Phys. Chem. C、J. Comput. Chem.、Inorg. Chem.、Appl. Catal. B、Nanotechnology、J. Phys.: Condensed Matter等学术期刊上,影响因子在以上的论文有50余篇,其中影响因子在以上8篇。成果被SCI收录期刊正面引用1400余次。出版专著两部,美国科学出版社邀请为纳米科学技术大百科全书撰写了完整的一章。申请发明专利14项。已发表和已录用的主要论文清单如下(以下均为SCI期刊收录论文,*代表通讯联系人)·Pan Qing-Jiang,Guo Yuan-Ru,Li Li,Fu Hong-Gang*,and Zhang Hong-Xing “Structures,Spectroscopic Properties and Redox Potentials of Quaterpyridyl Ru(Ⅱ) Photosensitizer and its Derivatives for Solar Energy Cell: A Density Functional Study” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2011,DOI:.·Gao Xiao-Qin,Pan Qing-Jiang,Li Li,Guo Yuan-Ru,Zhang Hong-Xing,Fu Hong-Gang* “Structures and Spectroscopic Properties of Ruthenium Phenanthroline Solar-Cell Sensitizers: A Computational Study” Chemical Physics Letters,2011,506,146-151.·Zhou W,Sun FF,Pan K,Tian GH,Fu HG*. Well-ordered large-pore mesoporous anatase TiO2 with remarkably high thermal stability and improved crystallinity: Preparation,characterization and photocatalytic performance. Advanced Functional Materials,2011,21,1922-1930..·Jiang Baojiang,Tian CG,Fu Honggang*,et al. In-Situ Growth of TiO2 in Interlayers of Expanded Graphite for the Fabrication of TiO2-Graphene with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity. Chemistry-A European Journal,2011,Accepted,.· Li Sun,Chungui Tian,Lei Wang,Jinlong Zou,Guang Mu,Honggang Fu*,Magnetically Separable Porous Graphitic Carbon with Large Surface Area as Excellent Adsorbents for Metal Ions and Dye. Journal of Materials Chemistry,2011,2011,21,7232-7239.· Zhao H,Yang J,Wang L,Tian CG,Jiang BJ,Fu HG*. Fabrication of palladium nanoparticles/graphene nanosheets hybrid via sacrifice of copper template and its application in catalytic oxidation of formic acid. Chemical Communications,2011,47,2014-2016.· Yang J,Tian CG,Wang L,Fu HG*. An effective strategy to small-sized and high-dispersed palladium nano particles supported on graphene with excellent performance for formic acid oxidation. Journal of Materials Chemistry,2011,21,3384-3390.· Tian GH,Chen YJ,Zhou W,Ren ZY,Tian CG,Fu HG*. Facile solvothermal synthesis of hierarchical flower-like Bi2MoO6 hollow spheres as high performance visible-light driven photocatalysts. Journal of Materials Chemistry,2011,21,887 – 892.· Hu ZF,Shen PK*,Fu HG*,et al. Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysis Enhanced by Nanosized Cubic Vanadium Carbide. Electrochemistry Communications,2011,Accepted,ELECOM 3881.· Tian Guohui,Chen Yajie,Zhou Wei,Pan Kai,Huang Xu-ri and Fu Honggang *,3D hierarchical flower-like TiO2 nanostructure: morphology control and its photocatalytic property. CrstEngComm,2011,13,2994.· Dong Youzhen,Pan Kai,Zhou Wei,Pan Qingjiang,Xie Tengfeng,Wang Dejun,Fu Honggang*,Dye-sensitized solar cells based on TiO2-B nanobelt/TiO2 nanoparticle sandwich-type photoelectrodes with controllable nanobelt length. Dalton Transactions,2011,40,3808–3814.· Cai ZC,Tian CG,Wang L,Zhou W,Wang BL,Fu HG*. One-pot synthesis of silver particle aggregation as highly active SERS substrate. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy,2011,1,5-11.· Tian CG,Li W,Fu HG*,et al. Glucose-mediated solution-solid route for easy synthesis of Ag/ZnO particles with superior photocatalytic activity and photostability,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2011,509,6935-6941.· Tian CG,Li W,Fu HG*,et al. Controllable Fabrication of Various ZnO Micro/nanostructures from a Wire-like Zn-EG-AC Precursor via a Facile Solution-based Route,Materials Research Bulletin,2011,MRB5116.· Zhao H,Fu HG,Tian CG,et shape-controlled synthesis of palladium nanostructures on copper for promising Surface-enhanced Raman scattering,MATERIALS LETTERS,2010,64,2255-2257· Zhao H,Fu HG,Tian CG,et al. Fabrication of silver nanoparticles/single-walled carbon nanotubes composite for surface-enhanced Raman scattering,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2010,351,343-347.· Jiang BJ,Tian CG,Fu HG*,et al. Facile Fabrication of High Quality Graphene from Expandable Graphite: Simultaneous Exfoliation and Reduction. Chemical Communication. 2010,46,4920 - 4922.· Feng SS,Ren ZY,Fu HG*,et al. Synthesis and application of hollow magnetic graphitic carbon microspheres with/without TiO2 nanoparticle layer on the surface. Chemical Communication. 2010,46,6276-6278.· Liu Y,Ren ZY,Fu HG*,et al. Synthesis and applications of graphite carbon sphere with uniformly distributed magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles (MGCSs) and MGCS@Ag,MGCS@TiO2. Journal of Material Chemistry 2010,20,4802- 4808.· Wang L,Tian CG,Fu HG*,et al. Mass production of graphene via an in situ self-generating template route and its promoted activity as electrocatalytic support for methanol electroxidization. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2010,114 (19),8727–8733.· Qu Y,Zhou W,Fu HG*,et al. Hierarchical anatase TiO2 porous nanopillars with high crystallinity and controlled length: An effective candidate for dye-sensitized solar-cells. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2010,12,9205 - 9212.· Wang BL,Tian CG,Fu HG,et al. Chitosan: a green carbon source for the synthesis of graphitic nanocarbon,tungsten carbide and graphitic nanocarbon/tungsten carbide composites. Nanotechnology 21 (2010) 025606 (9pp).· Li YJ,LV RJ,Fu HG*,et al. Fabrication and evaluation of chiral monolithic column modified by β-cyclodextrin derivatives. Talanta 80 (2010) 1378–1382· Zhou W,Pan K,Fu HG*,et al. Photodegradation of organic contamination in wastewaters by bondingTiO2/single-walled carbon nanotube composites with enhanced photocatalytic activity. Chemosphere 81 (2010) 555–561.· Guohui Tian,Chen Yajie,Pan Kai,Fu Honggang*,Efficient visible light-induced degradation of phenol on N-doped anatase TiO2 with large surface area and high crystallinity. Applied Surface Science 2010,256,3740-3745.· Tian CG,Li W,Fu HG*,et al. One-pot Synthesis of the Ag Nanoparticles modified ZnO Microspheres in Ethylene Glycol Medium and Their Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance. Journal of Solid State Chemistry,2010,183,2720-2725.· Zhou W,Pan K,Fu HG*,et al. The sandwich structure electrodes based on wire-likeTiO2–β-cyclodextrin–SWCNT composite for dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 2009,207,306–310.· Tian XQ,Wan LJ,Fu HG*,et al. Facile synthesis of mesoporous ZnAl2O4 thin films through the evaporation-induced self-assembly method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2009,488,320–324.· Wang RH,Tian CG,Fu HG*,et al. In situ simultaneous synthesis of WC/graphitic carbon nanocomposite as a highly efficient catalyst support for DMFCw. Chemical Communication 2009,3104-3106.· Pan QJ,Fu HG*,Zhang HX*,et al. Theoretical Studies on Metal−Metal Interaction,Excited States,and Spectroscopic Properties of Binuclear Au−Au,Au−Rh,and Rh−Rh Complexes with Diphosphine Ligands: Buildup of Complexity from Monomers to Dimers. Inorganic Chemistry,2009,48,2844–2854.· Zhou W,Pan K,Fu HG*,et al. Solar-induced Self-assembly of TiO2-β-cyclodextrin-MWCNT Composite Wires. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2009,11,1713-1718.· Kang CH,Jing LQ*,Fu HG*,et al. Mesoporous SiO2-Modified Nanocrystalline TiO2 with High Anatase Thermal Stability and Large Surface Area as Efficient Photocatalyst. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2009,113,1006–1013.· Wang BL,Tian CG,Fu HG*,et al. A simple and large-scale strategy for the preparation of Ag nanoparticles supported on resin-derived carbon and their antibacterial properties. Nanotechnology 2009,20,025603(7pp)· Tian GH,Fu HG*,Jing LQ,et al. Synthesis and photocatalytic activity of stable nanocrystalline TiO2 with high crystallinity and large surface area. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2009,161,1122-1130.· Zhang GX,Yu HT*,Fu HG,et al. First-principles calculations of the stability and electronic properties of the PbTiO3 (110) polar surface. Journal of Computational Chemistry 2009,30,1785-1798.· Tian GH,Pan K,Fu HG*,et al. Enhanced photocatalytic activity of S-doped TiO2-ZrO2 nanoparticles under visible-light irradiation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2009,166,939-944.· Pan K,Dong YZ,Fu HG*,et al. TiO2-B narrow nanobelt/TiO2 nanoparticle composite photoelectrode for dye-sensitized solar cells. Electrochimica Acta 2009,54,7350-7356.· Kan K,Fu HG,Shi KY*,et al. Amidation of single-walled carbon nanotubes by a hydrothermal process for the electrooxidation of nitric oxide. Nanotechnology 2009,20,185502 (7pp).· Wang L,Tian CG,Fu HG*,et al. Controllable Synthesis of Graphitic Carbon Nanostructures from Ion-Exchange Resin-Iron Complex via Solid-State Pyrolysis Process. Chemical Communication 2008,5411-5413.· Zhou W,Fu HG*,Pan K,et al. Mesoporous TiO2/α-Fe2O3: Bifunctional Composites for Effective Elimination of Arsenite Contamination through Simultaneous Photocatalytic Oxidation and Adsorption. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2008,112,19584-19589.· Liu KS,Fu HG*,Xie Y,et al. Assembly of β-Cyclodextrins Acting as Molecular Bricks onto the Multiwall Carbon of Physical Chemistry C 2008,112,951-957.· Tian GH,Fu HG*,Jing LQ,et al. 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