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假定司法资源是有限的(30),那么刑事诉讼必须为及时和终局性的司法付出一定的额外支出(31),比如:由专业官员(expert administrator)、警察和检察官使无辜者摆脱讼累,并尽可能快地使有罪者认罪,这极少遇到什么障碍,而根本不需要进行事后审查(post-audit)。(32)在犯罪控制模式下,大部分真相都是警察在街道或警察局办公室里查清的,而不是由律师和法官在法庭上共同发现的。(33)警察和公众关心的是“事实上有罪”,意即被告可能触犯了刑法。他们并不特别关注“法律上有罪”,尽管它是建立在对可采证据和对所有被告权利和辩护权加以考量之后的排除合理怀疑的基础之上的。
①herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968; herbert packer, "two models of the criminal process", 113 u. pa. l. rev.(1964), 1.
②michael king, the framework of criminal justice, croom helm ltd, 1981.
③ibid., p. 122.
④他警告说,他的模式理论并没有“贯之以实然和应然的标签……(这些模式)只是提供了一种谈论程序运作的便捷方式而已,而这一程序的日常功能就是在相互对立的两种价值体系之间进行持续微妙的调整,其规范性的未来同样也致力于对相互对立主张之间的张力进行协调。”herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, p. 153.
⑤richard ericson, "the state and criminal justice reform", in robert s. ratner & john l. mcmullan ed., state control: criminal justice politics in canada, university of british columbia press,1987, p.21.
⑥see generally george fletcher, with justice for same: victims' rights in criminal trials, addison wesley, 1995.
⑦see generally john braithwaite, crime, shame and reintegration, cambridge university press, 1989; john braithwaite & phillip pettit, not just deserts: a republican theory of criminal justice, oxford university press, 1990.
⑧帕克假设的本质在john griffiths的下述论文中得到了首次而武断地(masterfully)探讨“ideology in criminal procedure or a third 'model' of the criminal process”, 79 yale l.j. (1970), 359。
⑨see generally patrick devlin, the enforcement of morals, oxford university press, 1965; herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, pp.312-328.
⑩see generally catharine mackinnon, only words, harvard university press, 1993.
(11)see generally mayo moran, "talking about hate speech", wis. l. rev. (1994), 1425.
(12)see generally ezzat fattah, understanding criminal victimization, prentice hall of canada ltd, 1993; realist criminology: crime control and policing in the 1990's, john lowman & brian maclean eds., 1992; holly johnson, dangerous domains: violence against women in canada, nelson canada, 1996.
(13)see generally h. laurence ross, deterring the drinking driver: legal policy and social control, lexington books; rev & updt edition, 1984; canadian sentencing commission, sentencing reform: a canadian approach, minister of supply and services canada, 1989, pp.136-137.
(14)john hagan & bill mccarthy, mean street, cambridge university press, 1997.
(15)see generally richard ericson & patricia baranek, the ordering of justice: a study of the accused persona as dependents in the criminal process, university of toronto press, 1982; anthony e. bottoms & john d. mc-clean, defendants in the criminal process, routledge & k. paul, 1976.
(16)john braithwaite & stephen mugford, "conditions of successful reintegration ceremonies: dealing with juvenile offenders", 34 brit. j. criminology (1994), 139; john braithwaite, restorative justice: assessing an immodest theory and a pessimistic theory, university of chicago press,1997.
(17)see generally michael tonry, malign neglect: race, crime, and punishment in america, oxford university press, 1995.
(18)see generally michael mandel, the charter of rights and freedoms and the legalization of politics in canada, thompson educational publishing, inc., 1994.
(19)see generally tom tyler, why people obey the law, princeton university press, 1990; john braithwaite, restorative justice: assessing an immodest theory and a pessimistic theory, university of chicago press, 1997.
(20)john braithwaite & phillip pettit, not just deserts: a republican theory of criminal justice, clarendon press, 1990.
(21)see andrew sanders & richard young, criminal justice, oxford university press, 1994, p. 13; abraham goldstein, "reflections on two models: inquisitorial themes in american criminal procedure', 26 stan. l. rev. (1974), 1009.近期对于帕卡模式理论的争论,see david j. smith, "case construction and the goals of criminal process", 37 brit. j. criminology(1997), 319; mike mcconville, "descriptive or critical sociology: the choice is yours", 37 brit. j. criminology(1997), 347; peter duff, crime control, "due process and the case for the prosecution", 38 brit. j. criminology(1998), 611.
(22)see generally peter arnelia, "rethinking the functions of criminal procedure: the warren and burger courts' competing ideologies", 72 geo. l.j. (1983), 185; mirjan damaska, "evidentiary barriers to conviction and two models of criminal procedure: a comparative study", 121 u. pa. l. rev. (1973), 506; malcolm feeley, "two models of the criminal process: an organizational perspective", 7 l. & soc'y rev. (1973), 407; john griffiths, "ideology in criminal procedure or a third 'model' of the criminal process", 79 yale l.j. (1970), 359.
(23)see richard ericson & patricia baranek, the ordering of justice: a study of the accused persons as dependents in the criminal process, university of toronto press, 1982; doreen mcbarnet, conviction: law, the state and the construction of justice, palgrave macmillan, 1981.
(24)herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, p.159.
(25)ibid., p.163.
(26)ibid., p.165.
(27)ibid., p.173.
(28)ibid., p.158.
(29)see generally, john hagan, the disreputable pleasures: crime and deviance in canada, mcgraw-hill ryerson, 1991.
(30)but see andrew ashworth, the criminal process, oxford university press, 1994, p.26.
(31)herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, p.159.
(32)ibid., p.160.
(33)see peter arnelia, "rethinking the functions of criminal procedure: the warren and burger courts' competing ideologies", 72 geo. l. j. 185(1983), 185.
(34)see herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press 1968, p.177.
(35)ibid., p.189.
(36)ibid., p.203.
(37)ibid., p.196.
(38)ibid., p.199.
(39)see albert v. dicey, introduction to the study of the law of the constitution, adamant media corporation, 1959. p.193
(40)people v. defore, 150 n. e. 585,587(n.y. 1926).
(41)see herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, p.162.
(42)ibid., p.206.
(43)ibid., pp.211-214.
(44)ibid., p.222.
(45)ibid., p.223.
(46)united states v. garsson, 291 f. 646, 649 (s.d.n.y. 1923).
(47)herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, p.230.
(48)ibid., p.170.
(49)ibid., p.151.
(50)ibid., p.173.
(51)ibid., p.168.
(52)herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, p.180.
(53)ibid., p.203.
(54)ibid., p.191.
(55)ibid., p.180.
(57)ibid., p.168.
(58)ibid., p.207.
(59)ibid., p.217.
(60)ibid., p.224.
(61)herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, p.224.
(62)ibid., p.167.
(63)ibid., pp.231-232.
(64)ibid., p.173.
(65)ibid., p.239.
(66)see generally, liva baker, miranda: crime, law and politics, atheneum,1983, pp.111-217; craig bradley, the failure of the criminal procedure revolution, university of pennsylvania press, 1993; fred graham, the due process revolution: the warren court's impact on criminal law, hayden book co, 1970.
(67)see mapp v. ohio, 367 u.s. 643 (1961).
(68)elkins v. united states, 364 u.s. 206 (1960).
(69)see, e.g., rogers v. richmond, 365 u.s. 534 (1961).
(70)see chimel v. california, 395 u.s. 752 (1969).
(71)see spinelli v. united states, 393 u.s. 410 (1969).
(72)katz v. united states, 389 u.s. 347 (1967).
(73)terry v. ohio, 392 u.s. 1 (1968).
(74)372 u.s. 335 (1963). see herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, pp.236-237.
(75)miranda v. arizona, 384 u.s. 436,479 (1966).
(76)liva baker, miranda: crime, law and politics, atheneum, 1983, pp 207-208; see craig bradley, the failure of the criminal procedure revolution, university of pennsylvania press, 1993.
(77)klopfer v. north carolina, 386 u.s. 213,216 (1967).
(78)brady v. maryland, 373 u.s. 83, 86 (1963).
(79)griffin v. illinois, 380 u.s. 609,613 (1965).
(80)in re gault, 387 u.s. 1, 2-3(1967).
(81)in re winship, 397 u.s. 358,367(1970).
(83)herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, pp.241242.在其他允许立法机关对被告人权利加以限制的国家,如加拿大、以色列和南非,可能在法院和立法机关之间会有更大规模的对话,立法机关也常常拥有最后的决定权。还可参见kent roach, "institutional choice, co-operation and struggle in the age of the charter, the charter's impact on the criminal justice system", in jamie cameron ed. 1996; guido calabresi, "foreword: anti-discrimination and constitutional accountability" 105 harv. l. rev.(1991),80-91.
(84)fred graham, the self inflicted wound, macmillan publishing company, 1970, p.319; see also liva baker, miranda: crime, law and politics, atheneum, 1983; craig bradley, the failure of the criminal procedure revolution, university of pennsylvania press,1993, p.30.
(85)herbert packer, "criminal code revision", 23 u. toronto. l.j. (1973) 1, 13.
(87)herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, p.151.
(88)ibid., p.284.
(89)see generatlly troy duster, the legislation of morality: law, drugs, and moral judgment, free press, 1970; edwin schur, crimes without victims: deviant behaviour and public policy, englewood cliffs, n.j., prentice-hall, inc., 1965; sanford kadish, "the crisis of overcriminalization", 374 annals of pol. sci. (1967), 157; jerome skolnick, "coercion to virtue: the enforcement of morals", 41 s. cal. l. rev. (1968) 588.
(90)andrew ashworth, the criminal process, oxford university press, 1994, p.28.
(91)robert elias, the politics of victimization, oxford univerisity press, 1986, p.20; see generally paul rock, a view from the shadows, clarendon press, 1986.
(92)catharine mackinnon, only words, harvard university press, 1993, pp.45-69.
(93)john griffiths, "ideology in criminal procedure or a third 'model' of the criminal process", 79 yale l.j. (1970), 359,395-396.
(94)malcolm feeley, "two models of the criminal process: an organizational perspective", 7 l. & soc'y rev. (1973), 415.
(95)malcolm feeley, the process is the punishment, russell sage foundation, 1979, p.277.
(96)ibid., p.290.
(97)see generally, anthony e. bottoms & john d. mcclean, defendants in the criminal process, routledge & k. paul, 1976; john baldwin & michael mcconville, negotiated justice, martin robertson, 1977; michael mcconville, standing accused, oxford university press, 1994.
(98)richard ericson & patricia baranek, the ordering of justice: a study of the accused persons as dependents in the criminal process, university of toronto press, 1982.
(99)doreen mcbarnet, conviction: law, the state and the construction of justice, palgrave macmillan, 1981, p.123.
(100)ibid., p.156. see also patricia carlen, magistrates' justice, maritin robertson, 1976, p.42; richard ericson & patricia baranek, the ordering of justice: a study of the accused persons as dependents in the criminal process, university of toronto press, 1982, p.223.
(101)doreen mcbarnet, conviction: law, the state and the construction of justice, palgrave macmillan, 1981, p.6. richard ericson同样指出:“正当程序模式与犯罪控制模式的不同最为明显地体现在大众文化的话语中。在对制定法、判例法的控制文化以及法律人的日常工作中,正当程序都是服务于犯罪控制的。”richard v. ericson, the constitution of legal inequality, carleton university press, 1983, p.28.
(102)doreen mcbarnet, conviction: law, the state and the construction of justice, palgrave macmillan,1981.
(103)see generally richard ericson, making crime, university of toronto press, 1981; richard ericson, reproducing order, university of toronto press, 1982.
(104)see generally richard ericson, making crime, university of toronto press, 1981, p.15.
(105)ibid., p.11.
(106)abraham goldstein, "reflections on two models: inquisitorial themes in american criminal procedure", 26 stan. l. rev. (1974), 1010.
(107)mike mcgonville, the cnse for the prosecution, routledge,1991, pp.189-190.
(108)ibid. but see david j. smith, "case construction and the goals of criminal process", 37 brit. j. criminology (1997), 319,395-396,他对mcconville等人进行了略显不公地批评,仅仅因为他们忽视了犯罪控制的重要性。
(109)doreen mcbarnet, "arrest: the legal context of policing", the british police (1979), 39.
(110)richard ericson & patricia baranek, the ordering of justice: a study of the accused persons as dependents in the criminal process, university of toronto press, 1982, p.230. richard ericson, "the state and criminal justice reform", in robert s. ratner & john l. mcmullan ed., state control: criminal justice politics in canada, university of british columbia press, 1987, p.30.
(111)michael mandel, the charter of rights and freedoms and the legalization of politics in canada, thompson educational publishing, inc., 1994; michael mandel, "'fundamental justice', repression and social power", in jamie cameron ed., the charter's impact on the criminal justice system, carswell co., 1996, pp.369,376-377.在某些方面,加拿大的正当程序标准甚至超过了美国沃伦法院所确立的标准。see generally kent roach, constitutional remedies in canada,1994, pp.10.680-10.830; robert harvie & hamar foster, "ties that bind?: the supreme court of canada, american jurisprudence and the revision of the canadian criminal law under the charter", 29 osgoode hall l.j. (1990), 729; kent roach & m. l. friedland, "borderline justice: policing in the two niagaras", 23 am. j. crim. l. (1996), 241.
(112)see michael tonry, malign neglect: race, crime, and punishment in america, oxford university press, 1995. .
(113)see don stuart, charter justice in canadian criminal law, carswell publication, 1996, pp.1-4.
(114)see peter f. nardulli, "the societal costs of the exclusionary rule", am. b. found. res. j.(1983), 585,606-609.
(115)michael mandel, the charter of rights and freedoms and the legalization of politics in canada, thompson educational publishing, inc., 1994, pp.239-40.
(116)see generally alan c. cairns, reconfigurations: canadian citizenship and constitutional change, mcclleland and steward, 1995; see also frederick l. morton, "the charter revolution and the court party", 30 osgoode hall l.j. (1992) 627,631-635.
(117)herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968,p.154.
(118)mirjan r. damaska, the faces of justice and state authority, yale university press, 1986, p.11.
(119)herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, pp.240-241.
(120)john griffiths, "ideology in criminal procedure or a third 'model' of the criminal process", 79 yale l.j.(1970), 359-360.
(121)ibid., 359,371-373.
(123)ibid., 359, 388.然而,这一家长式的做法却遭到了正当程序的挑战。
(124)see generally john braithwaite, crime, shame and reiutegration, cambridge university press, 1989.
(125)see generally karl n. llewellyn & e. adamson hoebel, the cheyenne way, university of oklahoma press, 1941.
(126)karl n. llewellyn, jurisprudence: realism in theory and practice, the university of chicage press, 1962, p.448.
(127)karl n. llewellyn, jurisprudence: realism in theory and practice, the university of chicage press, 1962, p.448. murray sinclair法官解释说,“在土著社会中,正义的首要含义就是通过在被告人内心、被告人与被害人及其家庭之间的和解而恢复社区的和平和平衡。”murray sinclair, "aboriginal peoples, justice and the law", in richard gosse etc.. ed., continuing poundmaker's and riel's quest, purich publishing, 1994, p. 178.这一定义包括了恢复性司法和康复性司法(healing)两个方面的含义。有时,对于恢复性和谐强调得更多,有时则对康复性和谐强调得更多。对于土著社会司法的官方立场倾向于强调恢复性司法,部分原因在于恢复性司法的世界性运动,以及康复性司法的复杂过程涉及个人的精神领域。
(128)karl n. llewellyn, jurisprudence: realism in theory and practice, the university of chicage press, 1962, p.445.
(129)patricia a. monture-okanee & mary e. turpel, "aboriginal peoples and canadian criminal law: rethinking justice", 26 u. brit. colum. l. rev. (1992), 239,258.
(130)mike maguire & john pointing, victims of crime: a new deal, open university press, 1988, p.7.
(131)rosemary gartner & anthony doob, "trends in criminal victimization", 14 juristat 4 (1994), 1988-1993.
(132)see generally julian roberts & renate m. mohr, confronting sexual assault: a decade of legal and social change, university of toronto press, 1994; cassia spohn & julie horney, rape law reform: a grass roots revolution and its impact, kluwer aca, 1992.
(133)see randall kennedy, race, crime and the law, vintage, 1997, p.76; robert j. sampson & janet l. lauritson, "racial and ethnic disparities in crime and criminal justice in the united states", 21 ethncity, crime & immigr. (1997), 311,312-314.
(134)see john hagan, victims before the law, 1983, pp.186-192.
(135)see michael brogden & clifford shearing, policing for a new south africa, routledge, 1993, p.5.
(136)see richard v. ericson & kevin d., haggarty, policing the risk society, university of toronto press, 1997, pp.41-46; malcolm m. feeley & johnathan simon, "the new penology: notes on the emerging strategy of corrections and its implications", 30 criminology (1992), 449; david garland, "the limits of the sovereign state", 36 brit. j. criminology(1996), 445,452-455.
(137)john braithwaite, "on speaking softly and carrying big sticks: neglected dimensions of a republican separation of powers", 47 u. toronto l.j. (1997), 305,326-334.
(138)john braithwaite & kathleen daly, "masculinities, violence and communication control ", in marina valverde etc. ed, wife assault and the canadian criminal justice system, centre of criminology, university of toronto, 1995, p.207.
(139)see generally ulrich beck, risk society: towards a new modernity, sage publications ltd, 1992, p.23.
(140)ibid., p.176.
(141)被害人研究表明,有十分之一的妇女经历过家庭暴力,这一研究在加拿大制定有关家庭暴力的政策过程中起到了十分重要的作用。see paul rock, a view from the shadows, oxford university press, 1986, p.275; n. zoe hilton, "one in ten: the struggle and disempowerment of the battered women's movement", 7 canadian j. fam. l. (1989), 313, 313-316.被害人研究还揭示,有一半的妇女遭到了婚内性侵犯,这一研究也在“强奸防治”法的合宪性问题的争论中起到了很关键的作用。regina v. seaboyer 2 s.c.r. [1991] 577,649.
(142)see kent roach, "systemic racism and criminal justice policy", 15 windsor y.b. of access to just. (1996), 236, 247-248.
(143)see generally james b. jacobs & kimberly potter, hate crimes: criminal law and identity politics, oxford university press, 1998.
(144)see, michael mandel, the charter of rights and freedoms and the legalization of politics in canada, thompson educational publishing, inc., 1994, pp.61-64.
(145)see george fletcher, with justice for some: victims' rights in criminal trials, basic books, 1995,p.152.
(146)see randall kennedy, race, crime and the law, vintage, 1997, p.311; christine boyle, "the role of equality in criminal law", 58 sask. l. rev.(1994),203,215-216.
(147)see president's task force on victims of crime, final report (1982), 114-115.
(148)ibid., 11,114-115.
(149)see lorenne clark & debra lewis, rape: the price of coercive sexuality, canadian scholars press, 1977,pp.147-158.
(150)see stuart scheingold etc., "sexual violence, victim advocacy and republican criminology: washington state's community protection act", 28 l. & soc'y rev.(1994), 729,739-741.
(151)总统犯罪被害人特别工作组建议立法机构放松否决保释的条件,废除假释制度,废除针对搜查和扣押程序侵权而采取的非法证据排除规则。在这一报告中,被害人权利却几乎都是为犯罪控制服务的,而绝口不提犯罪预防或恢复性司法。该报告强调犯罪控制的倾向可以从以下内容中看出,它建议给那些不向警察报告毒品和暴力犯罪的学校领导处以轻罪的处罚。see president's task force on victims of crime, final report(1982), 31-32.一份由加拿大联邦和省两级政府组成的犯罪被害人工作组在一年以后发表了一份报告。该报告更多地采取了一种欧洲式而非惩罚式的做法,强调被害人获得服务和补偿的需要,而对被告人正当程序权利受到的侵害却漠不关心。see foderal/provincial task force on justice for victims of crime, task force report (1983),pp.8,10-11.
(152)robert elias, victims still: the political manipulation of crime victims, new bury park, 1993,pp.2-3. see generally ezzat fattah ed., the plight of crime victims in modern society, palgrave macmillan, 1989.
(153)stuart scheingold etc., "sexual violence, victim advocacy and republican criminology: washington state's community protection act", 28 l. & soc'y rev. (1994), 759.
(154)see daniel e. lnngren, "victims and the exclusionary rule", 19 harv. j.l. & pub. pol'y (1996), 695.
(155)see, e.g., diana majury, seaboyer and gayme, "a study in equality, in confronting sexual assault: a decade of legal and social change", in julian roberts & renate mohr eds. 1994. see regina v. seaboyer 2 s.c.r. [1991] 577 and criminal code 276 as amended s.c. ch. 38, 2(1992)(can.); regina v. daviault 3 s.c.r. [1994] 63 and criminal code 33.1 as amended s.c. ch. 32 1 (1995)(can.); regina v. o'connor 4 s.c.r. [1995] 411 and criminal code 278.1-278.91 as amended s.c. ch. 30 1 (1997)(can.)
(156)see patrick devlin, the enforcement of morals, oxford university press, 1965.
(157)catharine mackinnon, only words, harvard university press, 1993, pp.206-207.
(158)mari matsuda, "public responses to racist speech: considering the victim's story", 87 mich. l. rev. (1989), 2320, 2322-2323. packer十分关注平等问题,但他却在民权运动高涨的时刻从事研究工作,他假设沃伦法院的正当程序判决会保护“城市中的贫民,特别是那些属于少数群体的贫民,受到刑事追究的绝大部分都是这类人群。”herbert l. packer, "the courts, the police and the rest of us", 57 j. crim. l., criminology & police sci. (1966), 238-241.
(159)see robert j. sampson & janet l. lauritson, "racial and ethnic disparities in crime and criminal justice in the united states", 21 ethncity, crime & immigr.(1997), 137.
(160)michael brogden & clifford shearing, policing for a new south africa, routledge, 1993, pp.106-107.
(161)关于反对建立在话语基础之上权利的需求,see michael ignatieff, the needs of strangers, picador, 1984, pp. 9-23; kent roach, "the limits of corrective justice and the potential of equity in constitutional remedies", 33 ariz. l. rev. (1991), 859, 898-903。
(162)see generally lenore walker, the battered women, harper paperbacks, 1979; donald downs, more than victims: battered women, the syndrome society and the law, university of chicago press, 1996.
(163)see david garland, "the limits of the sovereign state", 36 brit. j. criminology (1996), p.453.
(164)see richard tremblay & wendy craig, "developmental crime prevention, in building a safer society: strategic approaches to crime prevention", in michael tonry & david farrington eds., building a safer society, university of chicago press, 1995, pp.151,189-218.
(165)ibid., pp.234, 241.
(166)see ezzat fattah, understanding criminal victimization, prentice-hall, 1993, pp.110-128.
(167)see leroy lamborn, "the un declaration on victims: incorporating 'abuse of power'", 19 rutgers l.j.(1987), 59,70.
(168)ibid., 59, 70. a.7.
(169)see john hagan, victims before the law, 1983, p.187; richard v. ericson & kevin d. haggarty, policing the risk society, university of toronto press, 1997, pp.408-409.
(170)see generally rupert ross, returning to the teachings: exploring aboriginal justice, penguin books australia ltd, 1996.
(171)see generally joe hudson, family group conferencing perspectives on policy and practice, the federation press, 1996; john braithwaite & stephen mugford, "conditions of successful reintegration ceremonies: dealing with juvenile offenders", 34 brit. j. criminology(1994), 139.
(172)see howard zehr, changing lenses, herald press, 1990, p.181; daniel van ness, "new wine and old wineskins: four challenges of restorative justice", 4 crim. l. forum(1993), 251,258.
(173)see nils christie, "conflict as property", 17 brit. j. criminology (1977), 1,10-12.
(174)see generally alan dershowitz, the abuse excuse, back bay books, 1994.
(175)howard zehr, changing lenses, herald press, 1990, p.72.
(176)see herman bianchi, justice as sanctuary, indiana university press, 1994, p.38.
(177)see carol smart, feminism and the power of law, routledge, 1989, p.47.
(178)laureen snider, "feminism, punishment and the potential of empowerment", 9 can. j.l. & soc'y (1994),75,77.
(179)ibid., 75, 77, 76.
(180)ibid., 75,77, 103.
(181)frances heidensohn, "models of justice: portia or persephone?", 14 int'l the soc. of l.(1986), 287-296正如martha minow所说的那样:报应性的方法会加深仇恨和被害的感觉;相反,修复性的做法则可以帮助被害人摆脱仇恨和无助的感觉。修复性和恢复性的司法尽管与对加害人起诉、定罪和惩罚的机制不同,但同样可以确保公众知晓错误行为并对其加以谴责。恢复性司法还赋予了被害人原谅对方的权利,并由此而获得一种地位——不论被害人本人最后究竟会不会原谅加害人,这对于被害人本人的心灵愈合和不带仇恨的拥抱未来的生活都是十分有益的,正如它带给加害人的利益一样。martha minow, "between vengeance and forgiveness: feminist reponses to violent injustice", 23 new eng. l. rev.(1998), 967,969-970.
(182)see generally ruth morris, crumbling walls: why prisons fail, mosaic press, 1989; see also dianne martin, "retribution revisited: a reconsideration of feminist criminal law strategies", 36 osgoode hall l. j.(1998), 151.
(183)martha minow注意到,“大部分女权主义者并不主张对那些侵犯妇女权利或犯下其他罪行的加害人采取宽大的、恢复性司法的措施。”martha minow, "between vengeance and forgiveness: feminist reponses to violent injustice", 23 new eng. l. rev. (1998), p.974.
(184)see, e.g., payne v. tennessee, 501 u.s. (1991) 808; booth v. maryland, 482 u.s. (1987) 496; austin sarat, "vengeance, victims and the identities of law", 6 soc. & legal stud. (1997),163,171-180.
假定司法资源是有限的(30),那么刑事诉讼必须为及时和终局性的司法付出一定的额外支出(31),比如:由专业官员(expert administrator)、警察和检察官使无辜者摆脱讼累,并尽可能快地使有罪者认罪,这极少遇到什么障碍,而根本不需要进行事后审查(post-audit)。(32)在犯罪控制模式下,大部分真相都是警察在街道或警察局办公室里查清的,而不是由律师和法官在法庭上共同发现的。(33)警察和公众关心的是“事实上有罪”,意即被告可能触犯了刑法。他们并不特别关注“法律上有罪”,尽管它是建立在对可采证据和对所有被告权利和辩护权加以考量之后的排除合理怀疑的基础之上的。
①herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968; herbert packer, "two models of the criminal process", 113 u. pa. l. rev.(1964), 1.
②michael king, the framework of criminal justice, croom helm ltd, 1981.
③ibid., p. 122.
④他警告说,他的模式理论并没有“贯之以实然和应然的标签……(这些模式)只是提供了一种谈论程序运作的便捷方式而已,而这一程序的日常功能就是在相互对立的两种价值体系之间进行持续微妙的调整,其规范性的未来同样也致力于对相互对立主张之间的张力进行协调。”herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, p. 153.
⑤richard ericson, "the state and criminal justice reform", in robert s. ratner & john l. mcmullan ed., state control: criminal justice politics in canada, university of british columbia press,1987, p.21.
⑥see generally george fletcher, with justice for same: victims' rights in criminal trials, addison wesley, 1995.
⑦see generally john braithwaite, crime, shame and reintegration, cambridge university press, 1989; john braithwaite & phillip pettit, not just deserts: a republican theory of criminal justice, oxford university press, 1990.
⑧帕克假设的本质在john griffiths的下述论文中得到了首次而武断地(masterfully)探讨“ideology in criminal procedure or a third 'model' of the criminal process”, 79 yale l.j. (1970), 359。
⑨see generally patrick devlin, the enforcement of morals, oxford university press, 1965; herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, pp.312-328.
⑩see generally catharine mackinnon, only words, harvard university press, 1993.
(11)see generally mayo moran, "talking about hate speech", wis. l. rev. (1994), 1425.
(12)see generally ezzat fattah, understanding criminal victimization, prentice hall of canada ltd, 1993; realist criminology: crime control and policing in the 1990's, john lowman & brian maclean eds., 1992; holly johnson, dangerous domains: violence against women in canada, nelson canada, 1996.
(13)see generally h. laurence ross, deterring the drinking driver: legal policy and social control, lexington books; rev & updt edition, 1984; canadian sentencing commission, sentencing reform: a canadian approach, minister of supply and services canada, 1989, pp.136-137.
(14)john hagan & bill mccarthy, mean street, cambridge university press, 1997.
(15)see generally richard ericson & patricia baranek, the ordering of justice: a study of the accused persona as dependents in the criminal process, university of toronto press, 1982; anthony e. bottoms & john d. mc-clean, defendants in the criminal process, routledge & k. paul, 1976.
(16)john braithwaite & stephen mugford, "conditions of successful reintegration ceremonies: dealing with juvenile offenders", 34 brit. j. criminology (1994), 139; john braithwaite, restorative justice: assessing an immodest theory and a pessimistic theory, university of chicago press,1997.
(17)see generally michael tonry, malign neglect: race, crime, and punishment in america, oxford university press, 1995.
(18)see generally michael mandel, the charter of rights and freedoms and the legalization of politics in canada, thompson educational publishing, inc., 1994.
(19)see generally tom tyler, why people obey the law, princeton university press, 1990; john braithwaite, restorative justice: assessing an immodest theory and a pessimistic theory, university of chicago press, 1997.
(20)john braithwaite & phillip pettit, not just deserts: a republican theory of criminal justice, clarendon press, 1990.
(21)see andrew sanders & richard young, criminal justice, oxford university press, 1994, p. 13; abraham goldstein, "reflections on two models: inquisitorial themes in american criminal procedure', 26 stan. l. rev. (1974), 1009.近期对于帕卡模式理论的争论,see david j. smith, "case construction and the goals of criminal process", 37 brit. j. criminology(1997), 319; mike mcconville, "descriptive or critical sociology: the choice is yours", 37 brit. j. criminology(1997), 347; peter duff, crime control, "due process and the case for the prosecution", 38 brit. j. criminology(1998), 611.
(22)see generally peter arnelia, "rethinking the functions of criminal procedure: the warren and burger courts' competing ideologies", 72 geo. l.j. (1983), 185; mirjan damaska, "evidentiary barriers to conviction and two models of criminal procedure: a comparative study", 121 u. pa. l. rev. (1973), 506; malcolm feeley, "two models of the criminal process: an organizational perspective", 7 l. & soc'y rev. (1973), 407; john griffiths, "ideology in criminal procedure or a third 'model' of the criminal process", 79 yale l.j. (1970), 359.
(23)see richard ericson & patricia baranek, the ordering of justice: a study of the accused persons as dependents in the criminal process, university of toronto press, 1982; doreen mcbarnet, conviction: law, the state and the construction of justice, palgrave macmillan, 1981.
(24)herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, p.159.
(25)ibid., p.163.
(26)ibid., p.165.
(27)ibid., p.173.
(28)ibid., p.158.
(29)see generally, john hagan, the disreputable pleasures: crime and deviance in canada, mcgraw-hill ryerson, 1991.
(30)but see andrew ashworth, the criminal process, oxford university press, 1994, p.26.
(31)herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, p.159.
(32)ibid., p.160.
(33)see peter arnelia, "rethinking the functions of criminal procedure: the warren and burger courts' competing ideologies", 72 geo. l. j. 185(1983), 185.
(34)see herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press 1968, p.177.
(35)ibid., p.189.
(36)ibid., p.203.
(37)ibid., p.196.
(38)ibid., p.199.
(39)see albert v. dicey, introduction to the study of the law of the constitution, adamant media corporation, 1959. p.193
(40)people v. defore, 150 n. e. 585,587(n.y. 1926).
(41)see herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, p.162.
(42)ibid., p.206.
(43)ibid., pp.211-214.
(44)ibid., p.222.
(45)ibid., p.223.
(46)united states v. garsson, 291 f. 646, 649 (s.d.n.y. 1923).
(47)herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, p.230.
(48)ibid., p.170.
(49)ibid., p.151.
(50)ibid., p.173.
(51)ibid., p.168.
(52)herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, p.180.
(53)ibid., p.203.
(54)ibid., p.191.
(55)ibid., p.180.
(57)ibid., p.168.
(58)ibid., p.207.
(59)ibid., p.217.
(60)ibid., p.224.
(61)herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, p.224.
(62)ibid., p.167.
(63)ibid., pp.231-232.
(64)ibid., p.173.
(65)ibid., p.239.
(66)see generally, liva baker, miranda: crime, law and politics, atheneum,1983, pp.111-217; craig bradley, the failure of the criminal procedure revolution, university of pennsylvania press, 1993; fred graham, the due process revolution: the warren court's impact on criminal law, hayden book co, 1970.
(67)see mapp v. ohio, 367 u.s. 643 (1961).
(68)elkins v. united states, 364 u.s. 206 (1960).
(69)see, e.g., rogers v. richmond, 365 u.s. 534 (1961).
(70)see chimel v. california, 395 u.s. 752 (1969).
(71)see spinelli v. united states, 393 u.s. 410 (1969).
(72)katz v. united states, 389 u.s. 347 (1967).
(73)terry v. ohio, 392 u.s. 1 (1968).
(74)372 u.s. 335 (1963). see herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, pp.236-237.
(75)miranda v. arizona, 384 u.s. 436,479 (1966).
(76)liva baker, miranda: crime, law and politics, atheneum, 1983, pp 207-208; see craig bradley, the failure of the criminal procedure revolution, university of pennsylvania press, 1993.
(77)klopfer v. north carolina, 386 u.s. 213,216 (1967).
(78)brady v. maryland, 373 u.s. 83, 86 (1963).
(79)griffin v. illinois, 380 u.s. 609,613 (1965).
(80)in re gault, 387 u.s. 1, 2-3(1967).
(81)in re winship, 397 u.s. 358,367(1970).
(82)see herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, p.240.
(83)herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, pp.241242.在其他允许立法机关对被告人权利加以限制的国家,如加拿大、以色列和南非,可能在法院和立法机关之间会有更大规模的对话,立法机关也常常拥有最后的决定权。还可参见kent roach, "institutional choice, co-operation and struggle in the age of the charter, the charter's impact on the criminal justice system", in jamie cameron ed. 1996; guido calabresi, "foreword: anti-discrimination and constitutional accountability" 105 harv. l. rev.(1991),80-91.
(84)fred graham, the self inflicted wound, macmillan publishing company, 1970, p.319; see also liva baker, miranda: crime, law and politics, atheneum, 1983; craig bradley, the failure of the criminal procedure revolution, university of pennsylvania press,1993, p.30.
(85)herbert packer, "criminal code revision", 23 u. toronto. l.j. (1973) 1, 13.
(87)herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, p.151.
(88)ibid., p.284.
(89)see generatlly troy duster, the legislation of morality: law, drugs, and moral judgment, free press, 1970; edwin schur, crimes without victims: deviant behaviour and public policy, englewood cliffs, n.j., prentice-hall, inc., 1965; sanford kadish, "the crisis of overcriminalization", 374 annals of pol. sci. (1967), 157; jerome skolnick, "coercion to virtue: the enforcement of morals", 41 s. cal. l. rev. (1968) 588.
(90)andrew ashworth, the criminal process, oxford university press, 1994, p.28.
(91)robert elias, the politics of victimization, oxford univerisity press, 1986, p.20; see generally paul rock, a view from the shadows, clarendon press, 1986.
(92)catharine mackinnon, only words, harvard university press, 1993, pp.45-69.
(93)john griffiths, "ideology in criminal procedure or a third 'model' of the criminal process", 79 yale l.j. (1970), 359,395-396.
(94)malcolm feeley, "two models of the criminal process: an organizational perspective", 7 l. & soc'y rev. (1973), 415.
(95)malcolm feeley, the process is the punishment, russell sage foundation, 1979, p.277.
(96)ibid., p.290.
(97)see generally, anthony e. bottoms & john d. mcclean, defendants in the criminal process, routledge & k. paul, 1976; john baldwin & michael mcconville, negotiated justice, martin robertson, 1977; michael mcconville, standing accused, oxford university press, 1994.
(98)richard ericson & patricia baranek, the ordering of justice: a study of the accused persons as dependents in the criminal process, university of toronto press, 1982.
(99)doreen mcbarnet, conviction: law, the state and the construction of justice, palgrave macmillan, 1981, p.123.
(100)ibid., p.156. see also patricia carlen, magistrates' justice, maritin robertson, 1976, p.42; richard ericson & patricia baranek, the ordering of justice: a study of the accused persons as dependents in the criminal process, university of toronto press, 1982, p.223.
(101)doreen mcbarnet, conviction: law, the state and the construction of justice, palgrave macmillan, 1981, p.6. richard ericson同样指出:“正当程序模式与犯罪控制模式的不同最为明显地体现在大众文化的话语中。在对制定法、判例法的控制文化以及法律人的日常工作中,正当程序都是服务于犯罪控制的。”richard v. ericson, the constitution of legal inequality, carleton university press, 1983, p.28.
(102)doreen mcbarnet, conviction: law, the state and the construction of justice, palgrave macmillan,1981.
(103)see generally richard ericson, making crime, university of toronto press, 1981; richard ericson, reproducing order, university of toronto press, 1982.
(104)see generally richard ericson, making crime, university of toronto press, 1981, p.15.
(105)ibid., p.11.
(106)abraham goldstein, "reflections on two models: inquisitorial themes in american criminal procedure", 26 stan. l. rev. (1974), 1010.
(107)mike mcgonville, the cnse for the prosecution, routledge,1991, pp.189-190.
(108)ibid. but see david j. smith, "case construction and the goals of criminal process", 37 brit. j. criminology (1997), 319,395-396,他对mcconville等人进行了略显不公地批评,仅仅因为他们忽视了犯罪控制的重要性。
(109)doreen mcbarnet, "arrest: the legal context of policing", the british police (1979), 39.
(110)richard ericson & patricia baranek, the ordering of justice: a study of the accused persons as dependents in the criminal process, university of toronto press, 1982, p.230. richard ericson, "the state and criminal justice reform", in robert s. ratner & john l. mcmullan ed., state control: criminal justice politics in canada, university of british columbia press, 1987, p.30.
(111)michael mandel, the charter of rights and freedoms and the legalization of politics in canada, thompson educational publishing, inc., 1994; michael mandel, "'fundamental justice', repression and social power", in jamie cameron ed., the charter's impact on the criminal justice system, carswell co., 1996, pp.369,376-377.在某些方面,加拿大的正当程序标准甚至超过了美国沃伦法院所确立的标准。see generally kent roach, constitutional remedies in canada,1994, pp.10.680-10.830; robert harvie & hamar foster, "ties that bind?: the supreme court of canada, american jurisprudence and the revision of the canadian criminal law under the charter", 29 osgoode hall l.j. (1990), 729; kent roach & m. l. friedland, "borderline justice: policing in the two niagaras", 23 am. j. crim. l. (1996), 241.
(112)see michael tonry, malign neglect: race, crime, and punishment in america, oxford university press, 1995. .
(113)see don stuart, charter justice in canadian criminal law, carswell publication, 1996, pp.1-4.
(114)see peter f. nardulli, "the societal costs of the exclusionary rule", am. b. found. res. j.(1983), 585,606-609.
(115)michael mandel, the charter of rights and freedoms and the legalization of politics in canada, thompson educational publishing, inc., 1994, pp.239-40.
(116)see generally alan c. cairns, reconfigurations: canadian citizenship and constitutional change, mcclleland and steward, 1995; see also frederick l. morton, "the charter revolution and the court party", 30 osgoode hall l.j. (1992) 627,631-635.
(117)herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968,p.154.
(118)mirjan r. damaska, the faces of justice and state authority, yale university press, 1986, p.11.
(119)herbert l. packer, the limits of the criminal sanction part ii, stanford university press, 1968, pp.240-241.
(120)john griffiths, "ideology in criminal procedure or a third 'model' of the criminal process", 79 yale l.j.(1970), 359-360.
(121)ibid., 359,371-373.
(123)ibid., 359, 388.然而,这一家长式的做法却遭到了正当程序的挑战。
(124)see generally john braithwaite, crime, shame and reiutegration, cambridge university press, 1989.
(125)see generally karl n. llewellyn & e. adamson hoebel, the cheyenne way, university of oklahoma press, 1941.
(126)karl n. llewellyn, jurisprudence: realism in theory and practice, the university of chicage press, 1962, p.448.
(127)karl n. llewellyn, jurisprudence: realism in theory and practice, the university of chicage press, 1962, p.448. murray sinclair法官解释说,“在土著社会中,正义的首要含义就是通过在被告人内心、被告人与被害人及其家庭之间的和解而恢复社区的和平和平衡。”murray sinclair, "aboriginal peoples, justice and the law", in richard gosse etc.. ed., continuing poundmaker's and riel's quest, purich publishing, 1994, p. 178.这一定义包括了恢复性司法和康复性司法(healing)两个方面的含义。有时,对于恢复性和谐强调得更多,有时则对康复性和谐强调得更多。对于土著社会司法的官方立场倾向于强调恢复性司法,部分原因在于恢复性司法的世界性运动,以及康复性司法的复杂过程涉及个人的精神领域。
(128)karl n. llewellyn, jurisprudence: realism in theory and practice, the university of chicage press, 1962, p.445.
(129)patricia a. monture-okanee & mary e. turpel, "aboriginal peoples and canadian criminal law: rethinking justice", 26 u. brit. colum. l. rev. (1992), 239,258.
(130)mike maguire & john pointing, victims of crime: a new deal, open university press, 1988, p.7.
(131)rosemary gartner & anthony doob, "trends in criminal victimization", 14 juristat 4 (1994), 1988-1993.
(132)see generally julian roberts & renate m. mohr, confronting sexual assault: a decade of legal and social change, university of toronto press, 1994; cassia spohn & julie horney, rape law reform: a grass roots revolution and its impact, kluwer aca, 1992.
(133)see randall kennedy, race, crime and the law, vintage, 1997, p.76; robert j. sampson & janet l. lauritson, "racial and ethnic disparities in crime and criminal justice in the united states", 21 ethncity, crime & immigr. (1997), 311,312-314.
(134)see john hagan, victims before the law, 1983, pp.186-192.
(135)see michael brogden & clifford shearing, policing for a new south africa, routledge, 1993, p.5.
(136)see richard v. ericson & kevin d., haggarty, policing the risk society, university of toronto press, 1997, pp.41-46; malcolm m. feeley & johnathan simon, "the new penology: notes on the emerging strategy of corrections and its implications", 30 criminology (1992), 449; david garland, "the limits of the sovereign state", 36 brit. j. criminology(1996), 445,452-455.
(137)john braithwaite, "on speaking softly and carrying big sticks: neglected dimensions of a republican separation of powers", 47 u. toronto l.j. (1997), 305,326-334.
(138)john braithwaite & kathleen daly, "masculinities, violence and communication control ", in marina valverde etc. ed, wife assault and the canadian criminal justice system, centre of criminology, university of toronto, 1995, p.207.
(139)see generally ulrich beck, risk society: towards a new modernity, sage publications ltd, 1992, p.23.
(140)ibid., p.176.
(141)被害人研究表明,有十分之一的妇女经历过家庭暴力,这一研究在加拿大制定有关家庭暴力的政策过程中起到了十分重要的作用。see paul rock, a view from the shadows, oxford university press, 1986, p.275; n. zoe hilton, "one in ten: the struggle and disempowerment of the battered women's movement", 7 canadian j. fam. l. (1989), 313, 313-316.被害人研究还揭示,有一半的妇女遭到了婚内性侵犯,这一研究也在“强奸防治”法的合宪性问题的争论中起到了很关键的作用。regina v. seaboyer 2 s.c.r. [1991] 577,649.
(142)see kent roach, "systemic racism and criminal justice policy", 15 windsor y.b. of access to just. (1996), 236, 247-248.
(143)see generally james b. jacobs & kimberly potter, hate crimes: criminal law and identity politics, oxford university press, 1998.
(144)see, michael mandel, the charter of rights and freedoms and the legalization of politics in canada, thompson educational publishing, inc., 1994, pp.61-64.
(145)see george fletcher, with justice for some: victims' rights in criminal trials, basic books, 1995,p.152.
(146)see randall kennedy, race, crime and the law, vintage, 1997, p.311; christine boyle, "the role of equality in criminal law", 58 sask. l. rev.(1994),203,215-216.
(147)see president's task force on victims of crime, final report (1982), 114-115.
(148)ibid., 11,114-115.
(149)see lorenne clark & debra lewis, rape: the price of coercive sexuality, canadian scholars press, 1977,pp.147-158.
(150)see stuart scheingold etc., "sexual violence, victim advocacy and republican criminology: washington state's community protection act", 28 l. & soc'y rev.(1994), 729,739-741.
(151)总统犯罪被害人特别工作组建议立法机构放松否决保释的条件,废除假释制度,废除针对搜查和扣押程序侵权而采取的非法证据排除规则。在这一报告中,被害人权利却几乎都是为犯罪控制服务的,而绝口不提犯罪预防或恢复性司法。该报告强调犯罪控制的倾向可以从以下内容中看出,它建议给那些不向警察报告毒品和暴力犯罪的学校领导处以轻罪的处罚。see president's task force on victims of crime, final report(1982), 31-32.一份由加拿大联邦和省两级政府组成的犯罪被害人工作组在一年以后发表了一份报告。该报告更多地采取了一种欧洲式而非惩罚式的做法,强调被害人获得服务和补偿的需要,而对被告人正当程序权利受到的侵害却漠不关心。see foderal/provincial task force on justice for victims of crime, task force report (1983),pp.8,10-11.
(152)robert elias, victims still: the political manipulation of crime victims, new bury park, 1993,pp.2-3. see generally ezzat fattah ed., the plight of crime victims in modern society, palgrave macmillan, 1989.
(153)stuart scheingold etc., "sexual violence, victim advocacy and republican criminology: washington state's community protection act", 28 l. & soc'y rev. (1994), 759.
(154)see daniel e. lnngren, "victims and the exclusionary rule", 19 harv. j.l. & pub. pol'y (1996), 695.
(155)see, e.g., diana majury, seaboyer and gayme, "a study in equality, in confronting sexual assault: a decade of legal and social change", in julian roberts & renate mohr eds. 1994. see regina v. seaboyer 2 s.c.r. [1991] 577 and criminal code 276 as amended s.c. ch. 38, 2(1992)(can.); regina v. daviault 3 s.c.r. [1994] 63 and criminal code 33.1 as amended s.c. ch. 32 1 (1995)(can.); regina v. o'connor 4 s.c.r. [1995] 411 and criminal code 278.1-278.91 as amended s.c. ch. 30 1 (1997)(can.)
(156)see patrick devlin, the enforcement of morals, oxford university press, 1965.
(157)catharine mackinnon, only words, harvard university press, 1993, pp.206-207.
(158)mari matsuda, "public responses to racist speech: considering the victim's story", 87 mich. l. rev. (1989), 2320, 2322-2323. packer十分关注平等问题,但他却在民权运动高涨的时刻从事研究工作,他假设沃伦法院的正当程序判决会保护“城市中的贫民,特别是那些属于少数群体的贫民,受到刑事追究的绝大部分都是这类人群。”herbert l. packer, "the courts, the police and the rest of us", 57 j. crim. l., criminology & police sci. (1966), 238-241.
(159)see robert j. sampson & janet l. lauritson, "racial and ethnic disparities in crime and criminal justice in the united states", 21 ethncity, crime & immigr.(1997), 137.
(160)michael brogden & clifford shearing, policing for a new south africa, routledge, 1993, pp.106-107.
(161)关于反对建立在话语基础之上权利的需求,see michael ignatieff, the needs of strangers, picador, 1984, pp. 9-23; kent roach, "the limits of corrective justice and the potential of equity in constitutional remedies", 33 ariz. l. rev. (1991), 859, 898-903。
(162)see generally lenore walker, the battered women, harper paperbacks, 1979; donald downs, more than victims: battered women, the syndrome society and the law, university of chicago press, 1996.
(163)see david garland, "the limits of the sovereign state", 36 brit. j. criminology (1996), p.453.
(164)see richard tremblay & wendy craig, "developmental crime prevention, in building a safer society: strategic approaches to crime prevention", in michael tonry & david farrington eds., building a safer society, university of chicago press, 1995, pp.151,189-218.
(165)ibid., pp.234, 241.
(166)see ezzat fattah, understanding criminal victimization, prentice-hall, 1993, pp.110-128.
(167)see leroy lamborn, "the un declaration on victims: incorporating 'abuse of power'", 19 rutgers l.j.(1987), 59,70.
(168)ibid., 59, 70. a.7.
(169)see john hagan, victims before the law, 1983, p.187; richard v. ericson & kevin d. haggarty, policing the risk society, university of toronto press, 1997, pp.408-409.
(170)see generally rupert ross, returning to the teachings: exploring aboriginal justice, penguin books australia ltd, 1996.
(171)see generally joe hudson, family group conferencing perspectives on policy and practice, the federation press, 1996; john braithwaite & stephen mugford, "conditions of successful reintegration ceremonies: dealing with juvenile offenders", 34 brit. j. criminology(1994), 139.
(172)see howard zehr, changing lenses, herald press, 1990, p.181; daniel van ness, "new wine and old wineskins: four challenges of restorative justice", 4 crim. l. forum(1993), 251,258.
(173)see nils christie, "conflict as property", 17 brit. j. criminology (1977), 1,10-12.
(174)see generally alan dershowitz, the abuse excuse, back bay books, 1994.
(175)howard zehr, changing lenses, herald press, 1990, p.72.
(176)see herman bianchi, justice as sanctuary, indiana university press, 1994, p.38.
(177)see carol smart, feminism and the power of law, routledge, 1989, p.47.
(178)laureen snider, "feminism, punishment and the potential of empowerment", 9 can. j.l. & soc'y (1994),75,77.
(179)ibid., 75, 77, 76.
(180)ibid., 75,77, 103.
(181)frances heidensohn, "models of justice: portia or persephone?", 14 int'l the soc. of l.(1986), 287-296正如martha minow所说的那样:报应性的方法会加深仇恨和被害的感觉;相反,修复性的做法则可以帮助被害人摆脱仇恨和无助的感觉。修复性和恢复性的司法尽管与对加害人起诉、定罪和惩罚的机制不同,但同样可以确保公众知晓错误行为并对其加以谴责。恢复性司法还赋予了被害人原谅对方的权利,并由此而获得一种地位——不论被害人本人最后究竟会不会原谅加害人,这对于被害人本人的心灵愈合和不带仇恨的拥抱未来的生活都是十分有益的,正如它带给加害人的利益一样。martha minow, "between vengeance and forgiveness: feminist reponses to violent injustice", 23 new eng. l. rev.(1998), 967,969-970.
(182)see generally ruth morris, crumbling walls: why prisons fail, mosaic press, 1989; see also dianne martin, "retribution revisited: a reconsideration of feminist criminal law strategies", 36 osgoode hall l. j.(1998), 151.
(183)martha minow注意到,“大部分女权主义者并不主张对那些侵犯妇女权利或犯下其他罪行的加害人采取宽大的、恢复性司法的措施。”martha minow, "between vengeance and forgiveness: feminist reponses to violent injustice", 23 new eng. l. rev. (1998), p.974.
(184)see, e.g., payne v. tennessee, 501 u.s. (1991) 808; booth v. maryland, 482 u.s. (1987) 496; austin sarat, "vengeance, victims and the identities of law", 6 soc. & legal stud. (1997),163,171-180.