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在研究生阶段完成毕业论文是为应对学位授予要求时的一项重要任务。论文语言的选择很大程度上取决于研究生研究方向所在的学院和研究生自身要求。在撰写研究生毕业论文时,应该以表达研究思想和研究成果为主要出发点,其语言的选择应该符合学术规范和要求, 论文语言良好的表达直接关系到研究生的研究成果和学术地位。一般来说,如果你的研究领域属于国际性学科,或者论文的研究对象、数据来自于国际上已有的研究成果,那么你可以选择使用英文撰写论文。这有利于你的研究成果被国际学术界广泛承认,同时也可以提高你在学术界的知名度。而且,撰写毕业论文是一项综合性的任务,往往需要查阅大量的文献,参考和借鉴来自于国际学术界的研究成果,因此,如果使用英语写论文,不仅可以更加贴近国际学术标准,而且可以方便的查阅和引用相应的外文研究成果。总之,是选择用英文还是中文写毕业论文要根据个人研究领域方向和研究成果所处的学术环境来做出选择,重要的是能够准确和清晰地表达研究思想和研究成果。


写一篇介绍景点的英语作文,80个单词就可以了介绍景点的英语作文开头可以介绍该景点的历史故事,中段部分重点介绍该景点可游玩的部分,最后一段对整个景点总结即可。介绍景点的英语作文双语范文如下:Gulangyu is a small island of Xiamen. It’s like a garden on the water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there,which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.鼓浪屿是厦门的一个小岛。就像水上花园。汽车和公共汽车是不允许开到那里的,这使得岛上非常安静,可以听到钢琴和小提琴演奏的音乐。Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon. When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock,you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen,and when standing at its foot,you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.在这里,天空和大海在地平线上清晰地汇合。当你站在日光岩的顶端,你可以看到厦门的很多风景,当你站在它的脚下,你可以凝视美丽的花园围绕它。Gulangyu produces bananas,coconuts,sugar cane and so on. The people here,warm,simple and hardworking,are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.鼓浪屿生产香蕉、椰子、甘蔗等。这里的人们热情、淳朴、勤劳,正在努力让这个岛屿变得更美丽,他们希望未来有更多的游客。Such is Gulangyu,a beautiful and inviting island,where a warm welcome awaits这就是鼓浪屿,一个美丽而诱人的岛屿,在这里,你会受到热烈的欢迎。重点词汇解释:1、scenicadj. 风景优美的;舞台的;戏剧的n. 风景胜地;风景照片双语例句:This is an extremely scenic part of America.这是美国风景极其优美的一个地区。2、touristn. 旅行者,观光客adj. 旅游的vt. 在旅行参观vi. 旅游;观光adv. 坐旅游车厢;坐经济舱双语例句:A_assing_ourist_napped_he_ncident.一个过路的游客把这件事拍了下来。求80字英语作文. 内容:寒假即将来临,介绍一个旅游景点,越简单越好.以下是本人按要求写的英语作文,附带翻译供您参考, Leshan Giant Buddha Hello everyone,it is going to be the winter would like to give you an introduction to one place of interest,the Leshan Giant Buddha. The Leshan Giant Buddha is the largest Buddha in China,towering to 71m,with his head,and 24m Buddha's ears are long,insteps broad,and a picnic could be conducted on the nail of his big toe,which is long. This carving project was begun in 713 and led by a Buddhist monk called Haitong,who hoped that the Buddha's presence would subdue the swift currents and protect the boatmen. I hope you can enjoy the place. 乐山大佛 大家好,寒假即将到来,我给大家简要介绍一个景点——乐山大佛. 乐山大佛是中国最大的佛像,高71米,其中头高米,肩宽24米.佛像的耳朵有米长,脚背宽米.其脚指甲有米长,在上面野餐都绰绰有余. 大佛的雕塑工程开始于713年,由海通和尚负责组织,他希望大佛的出现能减缓汹涌的水流以保护船民. 我喜欢大家会喜欢这个地方.一个旅游景点介绍英文 一个旅游景点介绍英文范文(精选7篇) 旅游景点主要围绕着山、江、河、湖、海、寺、庙、博物馆、公园等。以下是我为大家整理一个旅游景点介绍英文范文(精选7篇)的相关内容,仅供参考,希望能够帮助大家! 一个旅游景点介绍英文 篇1 Welcome everyone, I am glad that you can come to Pingyao County, where there is the oldest Confucius temple. It was opened to the public Monday after a one-year renovation project. I hope you can appreciate the spot indeed. First, I will show the main building of the temple, its the most interesting spot here. Second, we can walk around to see the other area of the spot. Finally, I will tell the history of the temple. The main building of the temple was built in 1163, in the Yuan Dynasty , and has a history of more than 840 years. Compared with other famous Confucius temples nationwide, it was built 248 years earlier than that in Beijing, and 317 years earlier than that in Qufu City, Confucius's home in east China's Shandong Province. The temple in Qufu was added to the list of the World Cultural Heritages in 1995. The Pingyao Confucius Temple has China's largest statue collection of Confucius and famous ancient Confucian scholars. Covering a total area of 40,000 square meters, the temple has 112 buildings in 16 categories. that is the history of the temple. Please visit as you like. If you have any questions, you can ask me. That's all. 一个旅游景点介绍英文 篇2 I took a trip to Shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday. It took us more than two hours to drive to Shanghai from my home in Haimen. We stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor. On the first day, I just stayed in the hotel and rested. On the second day, my brother and I went to Nanjing Road. It’s the busiest street in Shanghai. When we got there, there were lots of people. We walked from one shop to another. I bought two T-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the coming summer. The T-shirts and trousers I bought are all white because white is my favourite colour. My brother also bought some clothes. On the third day, my mother took me to Jinjiang Entertainment Centre. It was full of people. I played many kinds of games there. I had a good time. The other days, I went to some other interesting places, such as the Oriental Bright Pearl TV Tower, the Huangpu River and Shanghai International Conference Centre. I didn’t forget to do my homework in the evening. I had a full and happy holiday. 一个旅游景点介绍英文 篇3 Beijing is our capital city which is famous for its long history. Now we have a one-day tour plan for you. In the morning, you can start the day at the Great Wall. Its one of the greatest wonders in the world. Its so magnificent that you cant go to Beijing without visiting the Great Wall. At noon, you can go to the Summer Palace. There are so many interesting sites, such as Wanshou Mountain, Kunming Lake, Suzhou Street, and some other ancient palaces. So you can climb Wanshou Mountain first. The view on the top is so wonderful. Next, you can go boating on Kunming Lake, and then, walk on Suzhou Street to enjoy the life of regions south of the Yangtze River. In the afternoon, you can go to have a long walk on Tiananman Square, in order to see the city well, and then you can visit the Palace Museum. There you can see different objects of different periods. They are of great value. In the evening, the Front Gate Walking Street is a good place to go where you can buy various kinds of souvenirs and clothes. Most buildings there have the traditional Chinese styles. Maybe you can know some history of ancient Beijing. 一个旅游景点介绍英文 篇4 Today, I and my father, my mother, aunt, sister to go with Ssangyong Gorge. At the station met Sibo, we set off on the ride. We sat in a small train into the Shuanglong Gorge, the side of the train is a cliff, one side is the mountain. There is a dragon in the mountains of black and green tail dragonfly, can be a good look. When climbing the shoes will always stick on the point of mud. Small stones on the edge of the stone is very slippery, very high, very dangerous circumstances we do not go to the water, in a very short, very smooth case to go, the water flow is very slow I went to wash their hands. We caught a little tadpole in the brook. Then we all said it put it, and then we put it back into the pond. 一个旅游景点介绍英文 篇5 Hello, everyone! Welcome to Dali City, and Im sure you will enjoy a pleasant journey here. Indeed, Dali fails no visitors. Located in the west of Yunnan Province, Dali enjoys a long and splendid history. For five hundred years, it served as the capital of Dali until the collapse of the empire. Blessed with an agreeable weather, Dali offhrs a cozy home for a large variety of natural plants. For its superiority in natural condition, Dali earns such fame as "Orient Swiss" and "the city of Flower". Dali has been widely praised for its attraction in natural beauty: Dalis fascination, however, does not end there. Standing in silence here are numerous ancient temples, steles, bells and towers, as the witness of the history of Dall and the proof of the wisdom and creativity of the Dali people. Our journey here will cover most of the famous spots, making our schedule extremely tight. This afternoon, however, you may take a short rest to recover from the fatigue of such a long trip. After supper, we will have a tour in the city to unveil the glamour of Dali behind the curtain of night. There will be more excitements and enjoyments awaiting you in the days to come. That is a brief introduction of our city: and, please DO feel free to ask questions if you have any. Thank you for your attention. 一个旅游景点介绍英文 篇6 In the year 1893, James Hilton described an eternally peaceful and quiet place among mountains in the East—— "Shangri-La" in one of his novels for the first time. In the novel "Lost Horizon", an English diplomat Conway and his brother Gorge scattered the English citizens and helped them leave the dangerous region. On their way home,their plane washijackedand fell down into the mountain in the an region. Some lucky survivors were taken to Shangri-la where Conway found lots of fantastic things in such a state founded nearly 200 years ago, in which the local people lived up to more than one hundred years old and lived peacefully and harmoniously with the other people, animals and everything here. The place was called "Shangri-La" by the local folks。 James Hilton located "Shangri-La" in a mysterious valley which was surrounded by snowcapped mountains; near where there were snow-clad peaks, blue lakes, broad grassy marshlands, and lamaseries, Buddhist nunneries, mosques, Catholic Church, the human beings and the nature were in perfect harmony, several religions and varies of nationalities exited at the same time; the temples looked splendid in green and golden; though people contacted the outer world by caravan for a long time, many foreign experts and scholars had come here to investigate and remained much relics Obviously, that is not only a beautiful scenery, but also a kind of artistic conception. With the novel and the film coming out, Shangri-La became very famous in western countries. Later, a Chinese named Guo Huonian used the name of this place and set up "Shangri-La" Hotel Group which has become one of the most successful hotel group in the world. At the same time, people didn‘t give up looking for the legendary Shangri-La. Up to the end of this century, they finally have found—— After inspecting and proving on many aspects, people found that Diqing Prefecture, the only an regi


As we all know, keeping healthy is important for every one of us. We can’t be offered good jobs in the future if we are not strong enough. So, how can we keep fit? In my opinion, we should try our best to do the following: I think you’d better take exercise every day. It is considered that people who do sports every day have more healthy hearts than those who don’t. However, it’s best to exercise regularly. Half an hour a day is enough. Spending too much or too little time on it is not a good idea. Let’s do sports to stay healthy from now on

1.美丽的风景英语作文范文 篇一

In the morning, the sun has just risen, bringing a new day. The big river pond seems not to wake up yet. The river is very calm, like a calm mirror. Sister Tree combed her hair with it. Occasionally, a few small ripples rippled on the river, sparkling in the sunshine.

Before long, the Great River Pond gradually became lively. At first, only fish and shrimp were playing, sometimes making small ripples. The aunt and grandmother of the opposite neighbor's house carried the washing basin and chatted, talking and laughing all the way to the pond to wash clothes. Our children are touching snails and floating around the pond, and laughing and laughing all over the pond. Ah! The pond is the best memory of our childhood.

The evening is the busiest time in the pond. Adults chat under the tree, children play games under the tree, and frogs appear on the stage, crouching on the stone platform and singing loudly. The shadow of the sunset is reflected on the pond. It is golden and beautiful. Even snails are enjoying the beautiful scenery by the river!

The most beautiful thing is the pond in the rain. It is raining noisily. It is getting bigger and bigger. It looks like a silk scarf covering the pond. It looks hazy and beautiful! The raindrop jumped down from the air like a naughty doll, jumped into the pond, and circled in the pond, which was really beautiful! The pond in the rain is like a beautiful ink painting.

2.美丽的风景英语作文范文 篇二

As soon as you enter the gate of the garden, you will first see colorful flowers, some red as fire, some white as snow, and some yellow as shiny as gold. On both sides of the flowers, there are a row of neat trees, which are luxuriant and leafy, each like a guard on the grassland, standing very straight, like the pens and rulers we often use.

Spring is slowly coming to us. The willow tree has grown small new buds, and the pine and cypress have grown several green leaves. The bamboo shoots also burst out of the ground, and the grass sticks out its head. When a spring rain comes, the grass raises its head and greedily sucks the spring dew. The flowers slowly open, and small butterflies and bees fly around.

Summer is coming, and the willow leaves are all grown up, swaying with the wind. The pine tree appears taller and taller. The morning glory on the flower racks on both sides blew small trumpets and climbed up and down happily.

Autumn is coming, and the golden leaves on the willow trees fall one after another, like a group of golden butterflies dancing, while the pine trees are still flourishing. The chrysanthemums in the flower bed are very bright and beautiful!

How beautiful the garden is!

3.美丽的风景英语作文范文 篇三

On the Huangshan Mountain, those grotesque stones are the most beautiful scenery, and the Broken Bridge on the West Lake is also the most beautiful scenery... On the street, the most beautiful scenery is not those colorful flowers, nor those shiny signs placed outside some shops, but those diligent sanitation workers. Where there is some garbage, they will be there, which is the clean street we see now; Whether it is hot or cold, whether in the morning or evening, we will always hear the sound of their brooms. In summer, sweat has soaked their clothes; In winter, chilblains may have grown on their ears and hands... but they are still working hard. Isn't this the most beautiful scenery?

On the road, the most beautiful scenery is not the vehicles coming and going, not the towering trees beside the road, but the police uncle who is directing the traffic. In the news, the traffic accidents were handled by the police uncle, who made our city's happiness index higher and higher; Traffic police uncles don't care about their families for the sake of everyone, and even have to give up the time to get together with their relatives for the sake of the smooth passage of urban roads! And in the community, those security uncles patrol for our safety in the quiet night with flashlights. There are many other landscapes like this. I think this is the most beautiful scenery in Tongling. Do you think it is very beautiful?

4.美丽的风景英语作文范文 篇四

There is no scenery anywhere in the world. Look, the beautiful nature, the willow catkins swaying, the grass growing and the warblers flying, the warmth of spring is a scenery; The green is thick, the water is sparkling, and the enthusiasm of summer is a scenery; In the golden world, the breeze is cool, and the maturity of autumn is a landscape; Thousands of miles of snow, silver-covered, winter is a landscape. The harmonious and wonderful nature is an indispensable landscape in the world.

There is no scenery anywhere in the world. Reading the profound cultural history, the majestic and magnificent scenery of "straight desert smoke, long river setting yen" is a landscape; "When will the bright moon come, ask the sky for wine" is a sad and melancholy scenery; "There will be times when the wind blows and the waves break, and the lofty confidence of hanging the cloud sail to help the sea" is a scenery; "How much sorrow can you have? It's like a river flowing eastward." The sad feeling like water is a scenery. The profound culture is an indispensable landscape in the world.

There is no scenery anywhere in the world. Look, the crystallization of human wisdom, the magnificent Great Wall stretching for thousands of miles is a landscape; The pyramids of miraculous and strange civilizations are a landscape; The vast broadband world is a landscape, and Venus' broken arm is a landscape; The grand blueprint for flying to the outer world is a landscape; Lianfang Building, integrated with western architecture, is a landscape. At all times and in all countries, the crystallization of human wisdom is an indispensable landscape in the world.

There is no scenery anywhere in the world. Listen, the echo of life: A young man took out a hundred yuan bill and handed it to a beggar less than 1 meter. Half a minute later, the beggar limped to the donation box 30 meters away, stuffed the hundred yuan bill into the box, and took out several coins from his pocket and put them into the box. The sound of the coin is the beggar's kind and sincere voice, the echo of life, and the inner voice, which is an indispensable landscape in the world.

Open your eyes and look back at the world with a beautiful vision and warm feelings. You will sigh that the world is full of scenery.

5.美丽的风景英语作文范文 篇五

The rain hit the window, and a lot of flowers burst out on the window. The thin fog accompanied by the slanting rain was so quiet and peaceful. Nearby, the rain hit the grass, splashing several drops of water and then falling into the grass. The tender grass is still so green and tenacious in the wind and rain. Suddenly, it began to rain heavily. Look! The beautiful wild flowers also stand proudly in the wind. They are so simple and simple, but I can still smell their fragrance. They are more and more vigorous and more enchanting in the storm.

In the distance, the green water of the lake splashed layers of ripples, and the people who rowed on the lake looked at the gem like water. Looking at this scene, I feel like a fairyland on earth, which makes people always want to go in and have a look at the beautiful scenery. Green mountains, green water and green trees are all green. That kind of green is difficult to tune out on the painter's palette. It is so bright and dazzling that I always want to sing a song to express my happiness. The wind blew the "hair" of the willow tree, and the willow tree danced like a beautiful girl in the wind.

Listen! The dripping rain; Look! The drizzle in the sky that day; Smell! The unique fragrance of wild flowers.


Recently, I visited the Yu Garden in Town God's Temple.


Before we saw the gate, we saw two big stone lions guarding the gate, a male lion and a female lion. They looked very dignified with their bright eyes.


There is a large stone slab at the gate of the inner garden, engraved with two strong characters: "inner garden".


When I entered the inner garden, I saw a huge flower bed. The three Taihu stones placed in the middle are particularly chic under the shade of green trees and red flowers.


The scenery of Yu Garden is so beautiful that people can't forget it.


I think these are created by the working people, reflect the intelligence and brilliant culture of our working people, and are the pride of the Chinese nation.






我是今年毕业的,学的也是园林方面要看你喜欢弄什么方面了,是做设计还是喜欢写论文设计方面:题目可以很简单,不过就是要小,越小越好,大的难把握比如:xx庭院的景观设计 XX小区的景观设计 XX公园的绿化设计等你可以虚拟一个名称,这种没什么影响,而且地形大小形状你也可以自己定,长方形等规程的地块是比较好做的,地势可以设成平的,你好规划,不过这种是我的建议设计就是做图,主要是包括:简介(你所设计项目的概况,如所处方位、周边环境、主要用途等),平面(也就是CAD的整体平面图)、效果图(如整体的彩屏图、鸟瞰图、截点的效果图),还有什么封面、封底、目录这类的,做成类似一本书的结构,还有小的效果图要都做几张,可以在傍边写上介绍。论文方面:可以论述某处景观设计的缺陷,不过要结合实际,而且你论述的地方要实际存在,比如说它的功能分区不合理啊,植物搭配不好啊,最好还是要结合图来说,就是把实际你要论述的不好的地方用相机照下来,放在论文里,在下面说他的不好,说了之后要给以建议,就是要怎么改进你还可以写景观设计的植物应用调查,这种是调查式的论文,比如:XX(你知道的某个景点名字)植物调查报告这种论文要实际去一种一种植物的去看,把所有树种的名字都罗列下来,标明科属种,最后要写一点你的观点,比如你觉得调查的景点那些地方成功啊等,就是要实景观方面大体就这些,这些就是我们班同学所选的方面,论文答辩简单的很,论文只要不去抄,自己写的都能过


英语专业的当然就要用英语了! 呵呵 不过不用担心,你现在还不是大四吧…… 只要好好写,一般都能过的。车到山前必有路呀…… 嘿嘿

OK ,需、要、的、话、我、帮、你搞、定。


只要是英语专业的毕业论文,通常都要用英语写。不过,具体还要看你所在学校或院系的要求。 关于毕业论文,以下是2000年版的《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》的表述: 毕业论文是考察学生综合能力、评 估学业成绩的一个重要方式。毕业论文一般应用英语撰写,长度为3,000-5,000个单词,要求文字通顺、思路…… LZ也可以网上查阅。


英语专业的当然就要用英语了! 呵呵 不过不用担心,你现在还不是大四吧…… 只要好好写,一般都能过的。车到山前必有路呀…… 嘿嘿

OK ,需、要、的、话、我、帮、你搞、定。



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