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Confidentiality and type of information Management Accounting is the branch of Accounting that deals primarily with confidential financial reports for the exclusive use of top management within an These reports are prepared utilizing scientific and statistical methods to arrive at certain monetary values which are then used for decision Such reports may include: Sales Forecasting reports Budget analysis and comparative analysis Feasibility studies Merger and consolidation reports Financial Accounting, on the other hand, concentrates on the production of financial reports, including the basic reporting requirements of profitability, liquidity, solvency and Reports of these nature can be accessed by internal and external users such as the shareholders, the banks and the Regulation and standardization While financ ial accountants follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) set by professional bodies in each country, managerial accountants make use of procedures and processes that are not regulated by a standard-setting However, multinational companies prefer to employ managerial accountants who have passed the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) The CMA is an examination given by the Institute of Management Accountant, a professional organization of Accounting This certification is different and distinct from the CPA or Chartered Accountant [edit] Time Period Managerial Accounting provides top management with reports that are future-oriented, while Financial Accounting provides reports based on historical However, Management accountants based their reports on historical values, while employing stati stical methods to arrive at future There is no time span for producing managerial accounting statements but financial accounting statements are generally required to be produced for the period of 12 previous Other differences There is no legal requirement for an organization to use management accounting but publicly-traded firms (limited companies or incorporated companies whose shares are bought and sold on a open market) must, by law, prepare financial account In management accounting systems there is no requirement for an independent external review but financial accounting annual statements must be audited by an independent CPA In management accounting systems, management may be concerned about how reports will affect employees behavior whereas management concerns are about the adequacy of disclosure in financial (BAC)

什么是会计?会计是一种商业语言,它反映的一定是当前经济的现实内容,现实的经济业务事项如何真实展示和说明才是会计的重要问题,有观点认为:“会计是以货币为主要计量单位,以凭证为依据,采用专门的技术方法,对一定主体的经济活动进行全面,综合,连续,系统的核算与监督,并定期向有关方面提供会计信息的一种经济管理活动。” 如果我们将它更简单的称述出来,它就是:“会计是一种经济管理活动”,更简洁一点则:“会计是活动”它有统一性,确定性,强制性。综上所述,会计不仅仅是一种活动,也是一种制度。要学好会计,就要掌握科学的学习方法是学好这门课程的关键所在:一.掌握会计的基本概念,基本理论。基本方法,基本技能。 二.注意好三个联系:注意各项经济业务之间的联系注意各帐户之间的联系,注意会计核算方法之间的联系:三、处理三个关系 处理好全面与重点的关系 处理好理解与记忆的关系 处理好自学与面授的关系会计的未来是什么?对我而言,会计的未来就是今天的努力。我不会预测未来的结果如何,但我必须在今天就要努力,未来的工作环境会不断变化,就业环境也会越来越严峻,竞争必然有上进与淘汰,会计这个岗位需要与时俱进的人才,落后就会被淘汰我的妈妈是一位老会计了、她曾跟我说:“不按照法规制度办事的会计,不是合格的会计;只按法规制度办事的会计,不是称职的会计;维护企业的利益,实质重于形式;执行法规制度,形式重于实质;处理一切繁杂的事情的最好方法就是抓住本质,化繁为简”。这就是我们会计的工作环境,难与易只是一步之遥,看我们如何去做了。经过半个学期的学习,我对会计的认识又进了一步,就拿财务报表来说: 财务报表亦称对外会计报表,是会计主体对外提供的反映会计主体财务状况和经营的会计报表, 财务报表主要是反映企业一定期间的经营成果和财务状况变动,对财务报表可以从六个方面来看,以发现问题或作出判断。一看利润表,对比今年收入与去年收入的增长是否在合理的范围内。二看企业的坏账准备。三看长期投资是否正常。四看其他应收款是否清晰。五看是否有关联交易,六看现金流量表是否能正常地反映资金的流向,注意今后现金注入和流出的原因和事项。What is an accounting? accounting is a business language, it must be reflected by the current economic reality content business, the reality of economic issues how to display and description is true about important issues, there are views “ accounting is in money as the main unit of measure to voucher on the basis of special techniques, a principal economic activities for a comprehensive, integrated, continuous, checking and supervision, and regularly to provide accounting information in an economic and administrative ”If we put it out with a simpler name called, it is: “ accounting is an economic management activities ”, a little clearer: ” “ accounting is active, it has a unity, All things considered, the accounting is more than a To learn accounting, you have to master the science of learning is to learn the key to this course: to grasp the basic concepts of accounting, the basic The basic method, basic Note three contact: to note that various economic links between the to note that the links between the accounts, pay attention to accounting methods between contact:III handling three to deal with the relationship between the full and focal to deal with a good understanding and to deal with the relationship between the self-study and face to faceWhat is the future of accounting? as I'm concerned, the accounting future is today's hard I'm not going to predict the future, but I have to work hard in today's working environment in the future will continue to change, and the employment situation will also be aggravating, and upward mobility and competition is bound to be eliminated and accounting this post and talents who are falling behind isMy mother is an old accounting, she once told me: “ not in accordance with the accounting rules and regulations, is not a qualified accountant; just press the accounting rules and regulations, is not a qualified accountant; protection of interests of substance over form; enforcement system in the form of the substance is more important than; to deal with all complicated things the best way to capture the essence, simplify ” This is our accounting working environment with easy-to-just a short walk away, look at our how to do Now that half a semester of study, my understanding of accounting and one step further and take it to the financial statements:Financial statements also called external financial statements, is transactions'effect for banjiachi transactions'effect financial position and operating in the financial statements,The financial statements reflect company period operating results and financial position of the change in the financial statements are available from six ways to discover problems or A look at the income statement of income and this year, compared to last year revenue growth falls within a reasonable The second of Three long-term investment is Four look at other students'payment is Five for any related party transactions,Six at the cash flow statement is to reflect the movement of funds, cash injection and look for the causes and


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范文题目:浅析企业会计电算化的现状与完善对策  摘要:随着经济的飞速发展和电子商务的迅速兴起,会计电算化在具体应用中存在着认识不足、人才短缺、信息安全风险、没有统一规范的数据接口等一系列问题,本文针对会计电算化存在的上述问题提出了加强认识、注重复合型人才培养、健全保密措施、规范各软件数据接口技术等完善对策。  关键词:企业会计电算化;现状;对策  一、我国企业会计电算化的发展  我国会计电算化工作起步较晚,从20世纪70年代末开始,经历了尝试阶段、自发发展阶段、有组织有计划地稳步发展阶段和具有人工智能的管理型会计软件发展阶段。财政部从1988年开始,规划我国会计电算化的中长期目标、组织商品化会计核算软件评审、建立会计电算化管理的规章制度、开展会计电算化知识培训、指导基层单位的会计电算化工作等,从而推动了我国会计电算化事业健康发展。经过20多年的实践,我国的会计电算化发展的势头较好,目前国内90%的单位使用的会计软件都是我国自行设计生产的,可以说会计软件已成为我国软件行业的一面旗帜。我国会计电算化高等教育创建于1984年,明确提出会计电算化专业要培养一批既熟悉会计又懂计算机的复合型人才。会计电算化理论上的发展也取得了明显的成效,涌现了大批会计电算化的优秀教师和实际工作者。  二、会计电算化应用中存在的问题  会计电算化是企业管理信息系统的一个重要组成部分,管理信息系统是财务、业务和人事等信息系统的有机结合。一个企业会计电算化系统的实施过程,同时也是企业管理理念、管理模式、业务流程、会计核算、财务管理等方面改造的过程。由于企业自身原因与外部环境的影响和财会工作自身的特点,现阶段我国会计电算化工作实施过程中存在着诸多问题,现针对上述分析如下:  (一)对会计电算化的重要性认识不足   目前,许多企业还未充分认识到会计电算化的意义及重要性。首先,许多企业领导者对会计电算化存在片面认识,认为会计电算化只是会计核算工具的改变,看不到其对会计职能、企业管理方法和管理流程的深刻影响,有的领导甚至认为会计电算化只是用计算机代替账册,仅把会计电算化当作树立企业形象的一种手段。其次,在会计电算化的具体应用中,多数单位缺乏对手工系统进行充分分析的意识,没有针对本企业自身的管理要求和运行模式,对会计信息系统进行相应的设置和调整。在不少财务人员看来,电算化仅仅是代替了手工核算,提高了核算效率,根本未认识到建立完整的会计信息系统对企业的重要性。  (二)缺乏复合型的会计电算化人才  缺乏会计电算化方面的专业人才成为企业快速实现会计电算化的障碍,作为一个综合性的财会专业人才,需要具备计算机、会计、管理等多方面的专业知识,实现从满足手工会计的需要到适应会计电算化普及的过渡。目前,许多单位的电算化人员是由过去的手工会计、出纳等经过短期培训而来,他们在使用微机处理业务的过程中大多数是除了开机使用财务软件之外,对微机的软硬件知识了解不多,不能灵活运用软件处理的会计数据进行财务信息的加工处理。当计算机运行出现问题时,计算机维护人员又大多是计算机专业出身,对财务知识又不甚了解,所以不能够把计算机知识和会计等财务知识融合在一起;反而会增加财会核算的工作量。  (三)会计电算化下的财务信息存在安全问题  财务数据是企业的秘密,在很大程度上关系着企业的生存与发展。在会计电算化环境下,电子符号代替了会计数据,磁介质代替了纸介质,财务信息面临安全风险。目前,我国的财务软件生产还处于模仿和加工阶段,没有形成一定的产业规模,多数财务软件的开发都是把重点放在理财和提供多功能管理和决策上,很少放在数据的安全保密上。随着网络经济时代的到来,在给企业带来无限商机的同时,网络财务面临的最突出问题就是安全问题。网络下的会计信息系统很有可能遭受黑客或病毒的侵扰,很多企业没有针对网络环境来建立和完善相应的会计电算化安全防范措施,一旦发生问题将给企业造成巨大的损失。  三、会计电算化应用的完善对策  会计电算化是一个企业走向成熟的标志,在我国,会计电算化尚未得到广泛的推广与应用。随着经济的迅速发展,全球经济一体化进程的加快,为了促使会计电算化处理的信息更系统化、智能化,给企业带来经济效益,针对以上会计电算化应用中存在的问题,在此提出以下完善的对策:  (一)强化会计电算化重要性的认识  首先,应强化企业领导支持会计电算化的自觉认识。企业领导要充分认识会计电算化的重要性,大力支持会计电算化的实施和运作。具体可采取的措施有:在本企业内部要设有专门负责会计电算化实施的主管领导,并对实施效果负责;根据本企业的实际情况和本地区的整体发展状况,制订本企业会计电算化实施的工作规划等;可根据企业的实际需求引进如金蝶KIS、ERP、Oracle等软件协助财务、业务流程的处理。其次,企业财务人员在具体实施会计电算化的过程中,在确定系统目标与规模的基础上,要加强对手工系统的研究与分析,应编制实施计划和方案,对各个处理环节的权限和职责做出明确规划,以最小的成本,实现实施会计电算化的最大效益。  (二)重视复合型的会计电算化人才培养  为了适应会计电算化工作的要求,企业要重视复合型的电算化会计人才的培养,造就一大批既精通计算机信息技术,又熟悉财务知识,能够将两者有机地结合起来,进行财务信息的加工和分析,满足各方对财务信息需求的复合型人才。要能培养出这样的人才,首先,要对高等院校会计电算化专业和与财务相关的计算机专业的教学结构进行调整,对该类专业学生的培养要在计算机与财务两个方面并重,两手抓,两手都要硬。其次,在会计电算化的具体实施过程中,注重对财会人员计算机的技能培训,注重对计算机维护人员的财务知识培训,造就一大批高素质的一线应用与系统维护及能够进行二次开发应用的会计电算化人才。这样既有利于社会、企业的现代化的发展,又有利于复合人才的就业发展。  (三)加强会计电算化环境下财务信息的安全防范  为了加强会计电算化环境下财务信息的安全防范,首先,要加强数据处理的控制,建立健全内部控制。从软件开发和维护控制、硬件管理和维护控制、组织机构和人员的管理和控制、系统操作的管理和控制、文档资料的管理和控制、计算机病毒的预防和消除等各个方面建立一整套制度,并保证措施能落到实处。其次,在国家制定并实施了计算机安全法律,全社会加强对计算机安全宏观控制的同时,企业应安装正版查杀毒软件,采用防火墙技术、信息加密存储技术和身份识别技术等安全措施来保证财务信息的安全;再次,应加强对计算机机房设施的管理,制定防火、防水、防盗以及突发事件应急处理等的管理办法。  四、会计电算化的应用与发展趋势  随着网络时代的来临,国际互联网、企业内部网技术使企业在全球范围内实现信息交流和信息共享,使企业走出封闭的局域系统,实现企业内部信息的对外实时开放。会计电算化在网络环境下也发生了变化,在实现从核算型向管理型转变的同时,会计电算化系统正在向网络化、智能化的方向发展。在企业物流、资金流和信息流日益一体化的今天,要实现对整个企业资源的规划(ERP),也就是要求实现财务业务信息一体化。  总而言之,随着企业之间更为激烈的竞争,谁能获取更多有价值的信息并做出及时正确的反应,谁就能在竞争中拥有核心竞争力,所以信息流成为了企业的生命线。这就要求企业注重运用科学的理论和先进的信息技术方法来完善会计电算化的应用。  参考文献:  [1]白红莲。会计电算化的现状及发展趋势[J]。科技情报开发与经济,2005(14)。  [2]朱晓峰。网络会计电算化的信息安全风险及防范[J]。  [3]陈小青。我国会计电算化的现状及发展[J]。 科技情报开发与经济,2007(09)。(学术堂提供更多毕业论文范文)



Accounting for R&D in the National Accounts Dennis Fixler Bureau of Economic Analysis 24 February 2009 Paper presented at ASSA meetings in San Francisco, January 2009 %20for%20RD_02_pdf Accounting information as political currency* Karthik Ramanna Harvard Business School du and Sugata Roychowdhury MIT Sloan School of Management du This draft: March 31, 2008 Abstract: We test whether accounting can be used as political Our setting is the US congressional election of 2004, where outsourcing of US jobs was a campaign We find that the largest corporate donors to principal candidates in closely watched congressional races manage earnings downwards in the two quarters immediately preceding the 2004 We find no evidence of such downwards earnings management among corporate donors to candidates in all other congressional Election outcomes for candidates are also systematically associated with the extent of donors' downwards earnings management in closely watched races, but not all other The findings are consistent with firms managing accounting information in circumstances where this is likely to benefit allied -pdf 哈佛商学院2008年3月31日


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