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The British monarchyThe monarchy of theUnited Kingdom(commonly referred to as the British monarchy) is the constitutional monarchyof theUnited Kingdomand its overseas The British monarchy traces its origins from theKings of the Angles and the early Scottish K By the year 1000, the kingdoms ofEnglandandScotlandhad developed from the petty kingdoms of early medievalB Thelast Anglo-Saxon monarch (Harold II) was defeated and killed in the Normaninvasion of 1066 and the English monarchy passed to the Norman Inthe thirteenth century, the principality ofWaleswas absorbed byEngland,and Magna Carta began the process of reducing the political powers of From 1603, when the Scottish King James VI inherited the English throne asJames I, both kingdoms were ruled by a single From 1649 to 1660 thetradition of monarchy was broken by the republicanCommonwealthofEnglandthat followed the War of the Three K The Act of Settlement 1701, whichis still in force, excluded Roman Catholics, or those married to Catholics,from succession to the English In 1707 the kingdoms of England andScotland were merged to create the Kingdom of Great Britain and in 1801 theKingdom of Ireland joined to create the United Kingdom of Great Britain andI The British monarch became nominal head of the vastBritish Empire, which covered a quarter of the world's surface at itsgreatest extent in In the 1920s,five-sixths ofIrelandseceded from the Union as the Irish Free State, and the Balfour Declarationrecognised the evolution of the dominions of the empire into separate,self-governing countries within aCommonwealth of NAfter the Second World War, the vast majority of British colonies andterritories became independent, effectively bringing the empire to an George VI and his successor, Elizabeth II, adopted the title Head of theCommonwealth as a symbol of the free association of its independent The Commonwealthincludes both republics and At present fifteen other Commonwealthcountries share with theUnited Kingdomthe same person as their The terms British monarchy and British monarch are frequently still employed inreference to the person and institution shared amongst all sixteen of theCommonwealth realms,[ and to the distinct monarchies within each of theseindependent countries, often at variance with the different, specific, andofficial national titles and styles for each



英君主立宪制1689 权利法案日君主立宪制大日本帝国宪法法民主共和制1875年宪法确立美民主共和制大陆制宪会议1787年宪法德最初是君主立宪制1871年宪法


最早的话应该是英国君主立宪制,于1689年颁布的《 权利法案》确立,望采纳。





立宪君主制。或称君主立宪制,又称有限君主制。在实行此种制度的国家中,君主名义上为国家元首,执掌国家的最高权力,实际上君主的权力受到宪法和议会、政府等机关的限制。 英国是世界上最早确立君主立宪制的国家,英国的君主立宪制是英国“光荣革命”后建立起来的。大约在13世纪中期,贵族在同英王亨利三世的斗争中获胜,成立议会。13世纪末以后,议会经常召开,议员由贵族、市民和骑士组成,由于各个阶层的利益不同,常常不在一起开会,14世纪以后,议会逐渐分成上下两院。此后,下院的权力不断扩大,15世纪末,下院已经有提出财政议案和法律议案的权力。但是,这一时期议会仍然是封建性质的等级代议机构。英国资产阶级革命前后,议会成为资产阶级同代表封建势力的斯图亚特王朝斗争的政治中心。光荣革命以后,议会相继通过《权利法案》和《王位继承法》,从法律上确认“议会主权”原则,进一步限制王权。未经议会同意,国王不得擅自批准法律、废除法律或中止法律的实施;并规定,国王必须信奉英国国教,天主教徒或同天主教徒结婚者不得继承王位。英国的君主立宪政体初步确立。在这种政体下:国王(女王)处于统而不治的地位 议会成为国家权力中心。国王必须信奉英国国教(即是新教徒),天主教徒或同天主教徒结婚者不得继承王位(2)美国:总统制共和制 美国代议制实行典型的三权分立和相互制衡原则。立法、行政、司法三种权力分别由国会、总统、联邦法院执掌,三个部门行使权力时,彼此互相牵制,以达到权力的平衡。选举产生的总统:总揽行政权力,统率海陆空三军(3)法国:议会制共和制 1789年大革命后,民主力量与专制势力进行了长期反复斗争,直到1875年才确立了议会制共和国制度。总统执掌行政权,议会掌握立法权。世袭的君主;集立法、行政、军事大权于一身 (4)德国:二元制君主立宪制1871年宪法确立了君主立宪政体,但君主是实,立宪是虚,是一种不彻底、不完善的代议制。下议院虽是立法机构,但所有法案都须经皇帝和联邦议会的批准

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