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英国专利号格式:“GB(或EP)+7位数字”。美国专利号格式:专利申请公开号或审定授权号,申请公开号格式为4位年份+序列号组成,例如:20060100198,20050158320。审定授权号格式由1-7位数字组成,例如:5575155,0123456。不加类别代码。中国专利号格式:1、中国专利申请号,不加前缀CN,可以省略小数点后数字。2、中国专利公开( 公告)号,含前缀CN,不加最后一位类别码字母。欧洲专利号格式:专利国别代码+数字编号,例如WO03075629、US6831838。数字编号不足7位加0补充,类别代码可省略。


名称:MULTISTORY MECHANIZED GARAGE-PARKING PLACE 发明人 VAKULENKO V JA PETRUSENKO V T 申请人 VAKULENKO VLADIMIR JAKOVLEVICH 申请号 RU20000128206 申请日 2000-11-13 文献号 RU2179616 公开日 2002-02-20 IPC E04H6/06 ECLA 优先权 RU20000128206 摘要 civil SUBSTANCE: the multistory mechanized garage-parking place has at least one surface building with parking places for motor cars, counterweight, control panel and a hoisting It is provided with washing and diagnostics areas, storage battery station and made with a single rigid load-bearing spatial frame having guides and racks for the hoisting gear with a movable platform carrying the control panel, drive drums for transmission of torque from the motor car driving wheels, gearing of the hoisting gear main drive, normally closed brake, generator, electric motor of the hoisting gear auxiliary drive, accumulator for accumulation of gravitational energy from the lowered motor car providing for lifting of the counterweight and rotation of the Provided in the middle of the garage is a through passage for motor cars from their entrance to the exit, and the parking places are made in the form of closed EFFECT: reduced specific consumption of materials and power consumption for servicing of the garage-parking 4 cl, 5 dwg

MULTISTORY MECHANIZED GARAGE-PARKING PLACE - RU2179616C1 发明人 VAKULENKO V JA PETRUSENKO V T 申请人 VAKULENKO VLADIMIR JAKOVLEVICH 申请号 RU20000128206 申请日 2000-11-13 文献号 RU2179616 公开日 2002-02-20 IPC E04H6/06 ECLA 优先权 RU20000128206 引证专利 参考文献 被引用 附图 摘要 civil SUBSTANCE: the multistory mechanized garage-parking place has at least one surface building with parking places for motor cars, counterweight, control panel and a hoisting It is provided with washing and diagnostics areas, storage battery station and made with a single rigid load-bearing spatial frame having guides and racks for the hoisting gear with a movable platform carrying the control panel, drive drums for transmission of torque from the motor car driving wheels, gearing of the hoisting gear main drive, normally closed brake, generator, electric motor of the hoisting gear auxiliary drive, accumulator for accumulation of gravitational energy from the lowered motor car providing for lifting of the counterweight and rotation of the Provided in the middle of the garage is a through passage for motor cars from their entrance to the exit, and the parking places are made in the form of closed EFFECT: reduced specific consumption of materials and power consumption for servicing of the garage-parking 4 cl, 5 dwg 参考译文(前1000字符) 土木工程。特质:机械化多层车库,停车位至少有一个与汽车,配重,控制面板和起重地面建筑物的停车位。它提供了洗涤和诊断领域,蓄电池站和一个刚性的承载空间已为从一个可移动的汽车与携带的控制面板平台,传递扭矩传动起重指南和鼓架架制成驱动轮,在主传动齿轮传动悬挂,常闭制动器,发电机,电动机的悬挂装置辅助驱动,为引力能量积累的降低对重电机和发电机的旋转升降车提供蓄电池。在车库中提供的一个通道,通过对汽车从入口到出口,而停车位是在封闭箱的形式提出。影响:减少材料消耗一个特定 专利族信息RU2179616C1 MULTISTORY MECHANIZED GARAGE-PARKING PLACE 2002-02-20 RU20000128206 MULTISTORY MECHANIZED GARAGE-PARKING PLACE 2002-02-20







罗斯相对sci更受承认的是自己的BAK(发音为 瓦克)即最高学术委员会名下收录的期刊 或书籍 比如我 研究生可以一个SCI没有 但是必须有一篇BAK

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