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If you’ve checked the food they provide, you will never let your child go there! Terrible! Children are easily to be sick because of the no nutrition food, can you imagine that your child just have a quarter of an egg, 1 piece of watermelon, 2 pieces of carrot and a little nuts? That’s our children’s lunch? That’s what we pay for? Also the principle never really listens when you speak your opinion to him, always have excuses and never put into action! I really don’t understand what their culture is and why it becomes worse and worse? I chose SCIS Hongqiao and pay high tuition fee just want my kid to be well taught and balanced nutritionally, not pay for the poor food and bad-mannered management! How regret i am! DO NOT send your child to this school!



[简  介]上海长宁国际学校(SCIS),1996年成立于上海,位于虹桥路1161号,是为在上海工作的外籍人士的孩子们学习所设。是经教育部核准的高级国际学校,是东亚地区国际教育协会的会员,连续6年被WASC授予优秀奖。长宁国际学校开办至今,已在上海和杭州开设了三所学校,分别位于长宁虹桥开发区,浦东康桥和浙江杭州。学校的课程是国际化的,开设自幼儿园至十二年级的课程。以美国的教学为框架并融合其他各个西方国家(如美国,英格兰,加拿大,澳大利亚和新西兰)的课程特点。教材大部分从美国来,也有部分使用其他国家的。SCIS的综合性的教学项目除了对学术,社交,情感,道德的教育之外,更强调帮助儿童发展成为对他们所处的这个世界有责任感的,有信心的贡献者。评价:里面的教学环境优越 里面的老师教学质量也是有保障的 里面的学费也相当的贵的

上海的很好 特别是SAS(Shanghai American School)和SCIS(Shanghai Community International School)最好了 全国有名的





[简  介]上海长宁国际学校(SCIS),1996年成立于上海,位于虹桥路1161号,是为在上海工作的外籍人士的孩子们学习所设。是经教育部核准的高级国际学校,是东亚地区国际教育协会的会员,连续6年被WASC授予优秀奖。长宁国际学校开办至今,已在上海和杭州开设了三所学校,分别位于长宁虹桥开发区,浦东康桥和浙江杭州。学校的课程是国际化的,开设自幼儿园至十二年级的课程。以美国的教学为框架并融合其他各个西方国家(如美国,英格兰,加拿大,澳大利亚和新西兰)的课程特点。教材大部分从美国来,也有部分使用其他国家的。SCIS的综合性的教学项目除了对学术,社交,情感,道德的教育之外,更强调帮助儿童发展成为对他们所处的这个世界有责任感的,有信心的贡献者。评价:里面的教学环境优越 里面的老师教学质量也是有保障的 里面的学费也相当的贵的

If you’ve checked the food they provide, you will never let your child go there! Terrible! Children are easily to be sick because of the no nutrition food, can you imagine that your child just have a quarter of an egg, 1 piece of watermelon, 2 pieces of carrot and a little nuts? That’s our children’s lunch? That’s what we pay for? Also the principle never really listens when you speak your opinion to him, always have excuses and never put into action! I really don’t understand what their culture is and why it becomes worse and worse? I chose SCIS Hongqiao and pay high tuition fee just want my kid to be well taught and balanced nutritionally, not pay for the poor food and bad-mannered management! How regret i am! DO NOT send your child to this school!

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