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鲁宾逊漂流记:Robinson Crusoe is a beautiful novel that was written by Daniel Defoe, it was first published in It was arguably the first novel to ever be published which is no suprise given the date! The book really is superbly written throughout and I found it a real pleasure to The novel is about 270 pages and contains an Daniel Defoe is seen by many to be one of the most famous writers in English Literature and after reading this novel it is easy to see why; I would really recommend The novel is actually a fiction autobiography about the man named Robinson C He is a man who is the sole survivor of a shipwreck just off Venesuila and he encounters many things across his journey before actually being He is stranded on an island that is no way near any ships and the island is completely Robinson Crusoe can't stand it at first but he then manages to make this horrible island into a paradise of his He was stranded on this island for 24 years with out any company but he then one day rescued a prisoner and things The novel is supposedly based on facts and so is a fictional I really found the plot line to be superb throughout the novel and I found it easy to The novel is beautifully written and very well structured really adding to the If you like tropical island get away novels or films rather like "The lord of the flies" I would really recommend this I hope this was useful and thank you very much for







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英文:magazine法文:magasin德文:Zeitschrift 俄文:журнал



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