首页 > 期刊发表知识库 > 显然,这个概念是她的理论的核心英文翻译




obvious 明显的;显然的,

obviously, apprantly, evidently,clearly 词to all appearances; by far词组


obvious; evident; apparent; clear; open-and-shut


This article revolves around this core concept of political socialization, presented obstacles present on the political socialization of college students at present, and in-depth analysis of the causes of these obstacles are, the analysis made on the basis of appropriate countermeasures to better promote the political socialization of college Trouble translating this for a For Extra points 希望对你有帮助。

To as the core不过人大报告上是这样翻译的"坚持以经济建设为中心,用发展的办法解决前进中的问题。" Keep economic development as the central task,and solve problems cropping up on our way forward through 她用的是 “as the central task”这两种都可,自己选吧,呵呵

Green Olympics, People's Olympics, Hi-tech Olympics

Green Olympics, People's Olympics, Hi-tech Olympics绿色奥运,人文奥运,科技奥运


核心价值观实则是社会主义核心价值观。分别翻译为:"Core values“和"Core socialist values"社会主义核心价值观包括:strong:富强;democratic:民主;civilized:文明;harmonious:和谐;freedom:自由;equality:平等;justice:公正;rule of law:法治;patriotic:爱国;dedicated:敬业;honest:诚信;friendly:友善。

the core values of Chinese socialism  官方确认的标准翻译措辞(core value 核心价值观。因这些价值观不止一个,所以用复数。)(socialism 社会主义。这里专指“中国特色社会主义”,所以是 Chinese socialism。)

Core Socialist Values: prosperity, democracy, civility, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, patriotism, dedication, integrity, and

The core concept of Beautiful C



词语解释  【拼音】hé xīn gài niàn  【释义】中心;主要部分的反映对象的本质属性的思维形式。  【例句】《英烈传》第四三回:“ 胡深大怒,领三千铁甲兵,杀入重围,把那贼大寨栅登时斫倒,杀到核心。” 毛泽东《中国共产党是全中国人民的领导核心》:“中国共产党是全中国人民的领导核心。没有这样一个核心,社会主义事业就不能胜利。”[1]  【英文】core。其意思是指事物或事情的最重要,赖以支持其存在的那一部分。(可以是物理的,也可以是虚幻的。)

This article revolves around this core concept of political socialization, presented obstacles present on the political socialization of college students at present, and in-depth analysis of the causes of these obstacles are, the analysis made on the basis of appropriate countermeasures to better promote the political socialization of college Trouble translating this for a For Extra points 希望对你有帮助。

The key concept of this study is the issue of the political



据学术堂了解,在核心期刊发表的论文,就可以称为核心论文  核心期刊是某学科的主要期刊一般是指所含专业情报信息量大,质量高,能够代表专业学科发展水平并受到本学科读者重视的专业期刊  有关专家研究发现,在文献情报源的实际分布中,存在着一种核心期刊效应,即某一专业的世界上的大量科学论文,是集中在少量的科学期刊中  这一现象,可以从许多领域中看到,例如,从对法国《信号通报》中物理学的世界文献的研究看到,90%的文摘条目仅取自占全部期刊总数的30%,《化学文摘》从9%的期刊中可摘录到全部文摘条目的75%  因此,在文献情报量激增的时代,核心期刊效应普遍引起了人们的重视  目前,确定核心期刊的方法有多种,我国一般根据以下几条原则来综合测定:(一)载文量(即刊载本学科的文献量)多的期刊;(二)被二次文献摘录量大的期刊;(三)被读者引用次数多的期刊


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