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原文Yuan Youchu, valley and Dongpo, Qian Muwei the father with the BaoFan After dinner, Yamase Cho cursive hand count, appreciate the His father watching from the sidelines said: "the word to the custom " Valley said: "why?" His father said: "without him, but no authentic, Huai " The valley was suspected from the heart, is not willing to make the cursive script for Shao Sheng, exile to Fuling, only to see the Huai Su autobiography in Shi Yang Xiu, due to borrow to return, copying for days, a few degrees here, since the insight grass, start flying, and Yuanyou is different before the The beginning letter Mu father is no deception, the death of the father, and he has been for a long The valley have since the grass in Fuling, his father hated not see 白话文Yuanyou early years, Huang Tingjian and Su Dongpo, Qian Muwei the father to go to Beijing BaoFan temple After dinner, Huang Tingjian wrote several Zhang cursive, Su Dongpo praised Qian Muwei's father, look from the side said: "Huang (Huang Tingjian Lutz, cursive very vulgar, valley)" Huang Tingjian asked: why? Qian Muwei's father said: "no, just have not seen the characters of the (Huai Su, the famous Tang Dynasty monk cursive script, and the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Zhi and Zhang drunk in epilepsy) "Huang Tingjian heart is very dissatisfied, then refused to write Shao Sheng middle-aged, Huang was banished to Fuling, was the first time I saw the Huai Su hid in the Stone Yang Sue home work, then go home After several days, often forget to eat, then see cursive FaDu, write swiftly, and Yuanyou year cursive is not the Huang Tingjian from then on that Qian Muwei father's words are not falsely deceitful words, however Qian Muwei's father has been dead for a long So Huang Tingjian often said in the Fuling society of cursive, sorry Qian Muwei father




链接:-QUMOM2meUcJMNnBw 提取码:6no5《独醒杂志》,宋史料笔记,十卷。[宋]曾敏行撰。成书于宋淳熙十二年(1186年)。《独醒杂志》共十卷,《遂初堂书目》着录于子类小说家类,《四库全书》收于子部小说家类。《四库全书总目提要》谓:“书中多记两宋轶闻,可补史传之阙,间及杂事,亦足广见闻。于南渡后刘、岳诸将,皆深相推挹。



原文  王安石在相位,子妇之亲萧氏子至京师,因谒公,公约之饭。翌日,萧氏子盛服而往,意为公必盛馔。日过午,觉饥甚而不敢去。又久之,方命坐,果蔬皆不具,其人已心怪之。酒三行,初供胡饼两枚,次供猪脔数四,顷即供饭,傍置菜羹而已。萧氏子颇娇纵,不复下箸,惟啖胡饼中间少许,留其四傍,公取自食之。其人愧甚而退。  翻译  王安石在担任宰相的时候。儿媳妇家的亲戚萧氏的儿子到达京城,于是去拜见王安石,王安石请他一起吃饭。第二天,萧氏的儿子穿着华丽的衣服前往,以为王安石一定会准备好丰盛的食物(来款待他)。过了中午,萧氏的儿子觉得十分饥饿,但又不敢离开。又过了很久,王安石才让他坐下。果品蔬菜类的菜都没有准备,萧氏的儿子心里对王安石的做法感到奇怪。他们喝了几杯酒,先上了两块胡饼,再上了四份切成小块的猪肉。一会儿就上饭了,一旁安置着菜汤罢了。萧氏的儿子很骄横放纵,不再动筷子,只吃了胡饼中间的小部分,把四边都留下了。王安石拿过来自己吃了,萧氏的儿子十分羞愧地回去了。



链接:-QUMOM2meUcJMNnBw 提取码:6no5《独醒杂志》,宋史料笔记,十卷。[宋]曾敏行撰。成书于宋淳熙十二年(1186年)。《独醒杂志》共十卷,《遂初堂书目》着录于子类小说家类,《四库全书》收于子部小说家类。《四库全书总目提要》谓:“书中多记两宋轶闻,可补史传之阙,间及杂事,亦足广见闻。于南渡后刘、岳诸将,皆深相推挹。





原文Yuan Youchu, valley and Dongpo, Qian Muwei the father with the BaoFan After dinner, Yamase Cho cursive hand count, appreciate the His father watching from the sidelines said: "the word to the custom " Valley said: "why?" His father said: "without him, but no authentic, Huai " The valley was suspected from the heart, is not willing to make the cursive script for Shao Sheng, exile to Fuling, only to see the Huai Su autobiography in Shi Yang Xiu, due to borrow to return, copying for days, a few degrees here, since the insight grass, start flying, and Yuanyou is different before the The beginning letter Mu father is no deception, the death of the father, and he has been for a long The valley have since the grass in Fuling, his father hated not see 白话文Yuanyou early years, Huang Tingjian and Su Dongpo, Qian Muwei the father to go to Beijing BaoFan temple After dinner, Huang Tingjian wrote several Zhang cursive, Su Dongpo praised Qian Muwei's father, look from the side said: "Huang (Huang Tingjian Lutz, cursive very vulgar, valley)" Huang Tingjian asked: why? Qian Muwei's father said: "no, just have not seen the characters of the (Huai Su, the famous Tang Dynasty monk cursive script, and the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Zhi and Zhang drunk in epilepsy) "Huang Tingjian heart is very dissatisfied, then refused to write Shao Sheng middle-aged, Huang was banished to Fuling, was the first time I saw the Huai Su hid in the Stone Yang Sue home work, then go home After several days, often forget to eat, then see cursive FaDu, write swiftly, and Yuanyou year cursive is not the Huang Tingjian from then on that Qian Muwei father's words are not falsely deceitful words, however Qian Muwei's father has been dead for a long So Huang Tingjian often said in the Fuling society of cursive, sorry Qian Muwei father


链接:-QUMOM2meUcJMNnBw 提取码:6no5《独醒杂志》,宋史料笔记,十卷。[宋]曾敏行撰。成书于宋淳熙十二年(1186年)。《独醒杂志》共十卷,《遂初堂书目》着录于子类小说家类,《四库全书》收于子部小说家类。《四库全书总目提要》谓:“书中多记两宋轶闻,可补史传之阙,间及杂事,亦足广见闻。于南渡后刘、岳诸将,皆深相推挹。

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