《个人信息保护法》已进入立法进程。《个人信息保护法》(专家建议稿)负责人、中国社会科学院研究员、博士生导师周汉华就法规出台后,个人信息如泄露,公民能通过哪些途径维权提出建议。 周汉华说:有三种方式可以解决:第一,通过民事方式,寻求保护和赔偿,还可到法院打官司;第二,通过行政方式,我们建议政府建立一个专门的保护机构,由这个机构来执行此项法律,对泄露个人信息者进行行政制裁;第三,通过刑事方式,对违反《个人信息保护法》又触犯刑律的,追究相应的刑事责任。 周汉华还对公民应如何有效保护个人信息提几点建议:个人信息最好的保护者是自己。在信息社会,人与人之间必须进行信息的交流交换,我们应在交流中保持自我保护意识。另外,技术上应该对网络的个人信息采取必要的保护措施,如密码保护,安装专门的防盗软件等。其次,要有法律维权的意识。侵犯个人信息的人,经常只是贪图薄利,给个人造成的损失也较小,当事人不去追究的现象很普遍。同时,一些人没有认识到自己信息的重要性,觉得打你的电话无所谓。但信息贩子把你的家庭住址、银行存款、短信内容都告诉别人,你就不会不在乎了。 所以,公民应该勇于拿起法律武器维护自己的合法权利,为自己维权的同时也是在为大家维权。
Smartphone Apps May Share Info with Advertisers A lot of smartphone apps can help you out if you let them access your phone's GPS But even if you give permission, do you know everything they're doing with that information?Some computer scientists wanted to find So they modified the Android mobile phone platform to tag all data apps sent from the Then they randomly selected 30 of the most popular Android apps, choosing only ones that require access to the Internet and access to the phone's GPS, camera or And they played with them, all while tracking the data each app sent Turns out 15—half the apps—sent the phone's location to third-party Two apps did present user agreements—but they said nothing about sending that And a third of the apps revealed the phone's unique ID, sometimes along with the phone number and SIM card serial The findings will be presented at an upcoming USENIX S [William Enck et , TaintDroid: An Information-Flow Tracking System for Realtime Privacy Monitoring on Smartphones]The researchers won't say which apps committed the worst But there’s a good chance you could have some of the apps on your And if one of them asks for your location, you can opt to have it mind its own business instead of