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个人觉得A review of 中的A可以去掉。其他的没什么问题了。

song home watching some movie on my own, movies, food chef gave me an j, are you ready for the you s girls, oh my God






[1] 王聪.需求工程的形式化方法[J].军事通信技术,2008,(1)Wang [1] as the formalization ways of requirements engineering [J] Journal of military communication technology, 2008, (1)[2]  赵天行,罗军,魏薇.基于框架视图应急救援系统需求工程建模研[2] Zhao Tianhang Luo Jun, wei View based on the framework of emergency rescue system requirements engineering modeling research究[J].科技资讯,2010,(9)Investigate [J] Journal of information science and technology, 2010, (9)[3]  姚冉.开源软件开发中的需求工程[J].信息与电脑( 理论版),[3] yao Open source software development of requirements engineering [J] Journal of information and computer (theory),2010,(3)2010, (3)[4]  吴明珠,徐俊.基于CMMI 的需求工程实施方法研究[J].软件,[4] pearl wu jun Requirements engineering implementation method based on CMMI study [J] Journal of software,2009,(1)2009, (1)[5]  戴昌裕,杨增强.软件需求工程中常见问题及解决办法[J].软件,[5] Dai Changyu zeng-qiang Y Common problems and solutions in software requirements engineering [J] Journal of software,2009,(3)2009, (3)[6]  李德毅.需求工程——对复杂系统的软件工程的基础研究[J].中[6] de-yi Requirements engineering, the basic research of software engineering of complex system [J]国基础科学,2009,(2)The basic science, 2009, (2)[7]  梁正平,明仲,毋国庆.多视点需求工程中视点集成过程的研究[J][7] Liang Zhengping MingZhong, no National D Multiple viewpoints of requirements engineering point of view the integration process of research [J]计算机科学,2009,(8)Computer science, 2009, (8)[8]  喻超,毋国庆.基于问题域与视点代理的需求工程研究[J].计算[8] YuChao, no National D Based on the problem domain and viewpoint agent requirements engineering research [J] Journal of computing机工程与科学,2006,(1)Machine engineering and science, 2006, (1)[9] 林云.需求工程原理在软件开发中的应用[J].软件,2008,(2)[9] Lin Y Requirements engineering principle in the application of software development [J] Journal of software, 2008, (2)


[1] 王聪.需求工程的形式化方法[J].军事通信技术,2008,(1)Wang [1] as the formalization ways of requirements engineering [J] Journal of military communication technology, 2008, (1)[2]  赵天行,罗军,魏薇.基于框架视图应急救援系统需求工程建模研[2] Zhao Tianhang Luo Jun, wei View based on the framework of emergency rescue system requirements engineering modeling research究[J].科技资讯,2010,(9)Investigate [J] Journal of information science and technology, 2010, (9)[3]  姚冉.开源软件开发中的需求工程[J].信息与电脑( 理论版),[3] yao Open source software development of requirements engineering [J] Journal of information and computer (theory),2010,(3)2010, (3)[4]  吴明珠,徐俊.基于CMMI 的需求工程实施方法研究[J].软件,[4] pearl wu jun Requirements engineering implementation method based on CMMI study [J] Journal of software,2009,(1)2009, (1)[5]  戴昌裕,杨增强.软件需求工程中常见问题及解决办法[J].软件,[5] Dai Changyu zeng-qiang Y Common problems and solutions in software requirements engineering [J] Journal of software,2009,(3)2009, (3)[6]  李德毅.需求工程——对复杂系统的软件工程的基础研究[J].中[6] de-yi Requirements engineering, the basic research of software engineering of complex system [J]国基础科学,2009,(2)The basic science, 2009, (2)[7]  梁正平,明仲,毋国庆.多视点需求工程中视点集成过程的研究[J][7] Liang Zhengping MingZhong, no National D Multiple viewpoints of requirements engineering point of view the integration process of research [J]计算机科学,2009,(8)Computer science, 2009, (8)[8]  喻超,毋国庆.基于问题域与视点代理的需求工程研究[J].计算[8] YuChao, no National D Based on the problem domain and viewpoint agent requirements engineering research [J] Journal of computing机工程与科学,2006,(1)Machine engineering and science, 2006, (1)[9] 林云.需求工程原理在软件开发中的应用[J].软件,2008,(2)[9] Lin Y Requirements engineering principle in the application of software development [J] Journal of software, 2008, (2)





推荐Tmxmall推出的qtrans快翻~网页链接 最近刚好导师布置了几篇英文论文文献,没想到qtrans效果还挺惊艳!效果如图~文件格式都保存得非常完好,而且,最最关键是,整个文档的翻译过程只花了20秒!!我用qtrans翻了一篇4000+字的文章,花了4块1毛。相比起让我自己花时间花精力看原文,这个性价比还是可以接受的。文献里有好多专业词汇,扫一眼中文版总比我啃英文版快多了!

Word 2010有迷你翻译器,相当于屏幕取词功能。迷你翻译器的功能和很多词典软件的功能相似,启用迷你翻译器功能后,当鼠标指向某单词或是使用鼠标选中一个词组或一段文本时屏幕上就会出现一个小的悬浮窗口,这里会给出相关的翻译和定义,类似于屏幕取词功能。Word 2010的屏幕取词的操作步骤如下:一、打开 Word 2010,用法语输入文本。二、打开“审阅”功能区下的“翻译”组,点击启用屏幕取词功能,按钮高亮为已开启;三、第一次启用迷你翻译器时会出现一个语言选择对话框,在这里选择法语。四、启用该功能后就可以进行相关操作了,比如翻译一段文本进行翻译、复制翻译结果、朗读该段文本。鼠标停留在某单词上时迷你翻译器会提供双语字典,这就是所谓的“屏幕取词”功能。希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。






个人觉得A review of 中的A可以去掉。其他的没什么问题了。

Zhang Aiqi; Deng C How to improve liquidity management in enterprise management theory,Wang S The economic perspective on the asset management problem of flow

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