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In business negotiations, there must be through negotiations let yourself get higher interest or So far, the world of daily, and multinational talks 365-day-a-year negotiation is But between countries, language and culture etc, which are differences between China and the world is hindering the Negotiations personnel We cannot avoid, only by understanding to improve, and close the distance between negotiators, make more harmonious atmosphere, reducing negotiating obstacles, pay attention to the national Through negotiation, realize win-win, is the best of the Sometimes the party to win, passive rely on negotiation skills, means, communication, seek its weaknesses to

In business contacts , business correspondence is not only a medium for communication,but also establish/set up friendship means to attract business correspondence features and functionality of a business correspondence in the decision must pay attention to the principles of courtesy, the writing of the success of business has an extremely important Thus,in day-to-day business activities,we should be noted that in the Business English writing the application of the principle of courtesy in order to better co-operation to promote the smooth conduct of

In business contacts, the business correspondence is not only the medium for communicate, but also a means of establishing friendship and attracting The features and functionality of business correspondence decide that the letter must pay attention to the politeness The success of writing it has an extremely important impact on the business of a Thus, in day-to-day business activities, we should noted the application of the politeness principle in the Business English writing in order to promote better co-operation and communication in the future


英语论文一般涉及的段落是:Title;Authors Correspondence;Introduction;Results and Discussion;(Experiments)Conclusion R

根据学术堂的了解,Conclusion翻译成中文就是结论:  Conclusion通常要写以下四点内容:  1、研究过程:对研究过程的综述。在期刊论文中可以不写,但是在学位论文中一定要写。  该研究得出的结论:是对Results和Discussion的更进一步的抽象和概括。  2、Implication:该研究领域的贡献以及启示,更侧重于启示。  3、Limitation:所得出的研究结果的局限性。Limitation的成因包括两个方面,一是scope(研究范围、领域)所造成的Limitation;另一方面是由于数据、方法所造成的Limitation。  4、Future study:基于两个认识(一是对Limitation的认识,二是对本文结论的Implication的认识)所提出的后续研究课题。

general statement + summary of the whole thesis + conclusion




1、引言:引出话题2、正文:阐明观点 阐述理由 分析利弊 提出举措 列举实例3、结论/倡议:重申观点/发出倡议


论文框架由以下几部分组成:1、介绍简要地总结论文主题,说明为什么这个主题有价值,也许还可以概述一下你的主要结果。2、背景信息(可选)简短地介绍背景信息是必要的,特别是当你的论文涉及两个或多个传统领域时。3、新技术回顾这部分回顾了与论文相关的研究现状。  4、研究问题或问题陈述工程论文倾向于提到一个需要解决的“问题”,而其他学科则是用一个需要回答的“问题”来表述。在这两种情况下,有三个主要部分: 对你的论文所要解决的问题的简明陈述;研究这个问题的原因;  阐述为什么值得研究这个问题。5、描述你如何解决问题或回答问题  论文的这一部分形式更加自由,可以有一个或几个部分和子部分。 6、结论  结论部分通常涵盖三件事,并且每一件事都应该有一个单独的小节: 结论;对成果的总结;未来的研究。7、参考文献  参考文献的列表与第3部分中给出的技术现状综述紧密相关。所有的参考文献都必须在论正文中提及。参考书目可能包括论文中没有直接引用的作品。8、附录  一般来说,太过具体的材料不适合在论文主体中出现,但可供考官仔细阅读,以充分说服他们。

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discussdiscuss是一个英语单词,可以用作及物动词,可以翻译为讨论、谈论,等等。91%的人还看了figureoffersimplewise单词简介discuss[英][dɪ'skʌs][美][dɪˈskʌs]讨论,谈论;论述,详述;商量;第三人称单数:discusses过去分词:discussed现在进行时:discussing过去式:discussed例句:Please contact me to discuss this serious 请与我联系,讨论这个严重的问题。’She will not discuss her 她不愿谈论自己的目标。But we rarely discuss the 我们很少跟父母交心、深谈。Uspresidentbarack obama met national security officials on saturday to discuss the situation in 美国总统巴拉克奥巴马在周六同国家安全官员就埃及的局势进行了商议。On monday,german chancellor angela merkel and french president nicolas sarkozy met in berlin to discuss the eurozone's plans to tackle the debt 周一,德国总理安格拉·默克尔和法国总统尼古拉·萨科奇在柏林会晤,商讨应对债务危机的欧元区计划。相关搜索figureoffersimplewiseexpressioneducation介词at和in on的顺口溜setstartown搜狗百科 - 搜狗首页 - 免责声明 - 隐私政策 - 意见反馈

discussion, discussed, discussing


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