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本人英语专业,保证正确,得体 subjec:(主题) From: To: cc:(摘抄,如果没有可以不写) bcc:(暗送,如果没有可以不写) Dear +Miss/M+ 人名 (如果不确定那人叫什么,就写Sir,这是比较正式的格式) 正文(注意要简单明了) Sincerely yours, 名字

基本格式(除了标题)是:The basic format (except the title) is:1、先把事件中最重要的部分在导语中简明地体现出来。First, the most important part of the event is concisely reflected in the 2、在第二段进一步具体阐述导语中的这个重要部分,形成支持,不至于使受众在接受时形成心理落差。因而,第二段实际上是一个过渡性段落。In the second paragraph, this important part of the introduction is further elaborated to form support, so as not to make the audience form a psychological gap when Therefore, the second paragraph is actually a transitional 3、按照事件发展的时间顺序把“故事”讲下来。Tell the story in chronological 报道性文摘具有以下特点:一是具有高度浓缩性,报道性文摘是原始文献中精华,是直接对科技文章或书刊进行浓缩,信息量大。二是客观准确,报道性文摘确切地记述科技文献的重要内容,不加评论和解释,忠实于原始文献。三是完整独立,报道性文摘是在忠实原始文献基础上,把原始文献内容浓缩成一篇短文,具有独立使用价值;四是科技文摘既具有报道性质,传递科技信息,又具有文献检索功能。


On the weekend before last, my classmates, teachers and our new foreign teacher 'Michael' went to Gaobang Mountain to pick Litter and put it in the Litter I was happy because I could climb mountains with my classmates and pick the R It was It makes our mountains look even more clien and I was excited, so I went there I had to wait for my classmates and teachers who were still on the way, while I was waiting at the foot of the Ten minutes later, we started to We climbed slowly in order to pick every piece of litter and put it in the litter All visitors smiled at Fortunately, there was not so much We were Forty minutes later, we climbed up to the top of the It was very cool on the top because the wind was On the way down the mountain, we taught Michael Chinese and he learned His strange Chinese made us laugh again and I really want to climb again, and I hope there is no litter on the mountain next

Dear Chief Editor, I like reading our school newspaper very much and I'm glad to hear that we'll have a new edition this Here is my adivce on the new here i have some first of all i hope our school newspaper published a period of a because most of our students are free at weekend,they can read it and inrich their second we should put three parts in it:study,life and in study part,we can provide some learning method for in life part,we can record some students's hird part we can write some fun in the last of all we can make some measures to encourage students to submit a piece of writing for i think it is not only inrich their learning life,but also they can found their ability of that's all,thank i hope i can read the the new editionnn yours, Li Ling



收件人:编辑邮箱主题:投稿《杂志名》【栏目】《你的文章题目》【笔名】附加:可以添加,用WORD就可以,里面要注明自己的联系方式正文:短篇的话附上全文最后注明你的笔名,联系方式电子邮件投稿要注意以下几点: 一、 电子邮件投稿应该用什么格式? 主题:投稿栏目、文章名、发表笔名。 内容:文章的全部内容。 落款:您的真实联系地址、邮编、姓名、邮箱地址、固定电话、手机、QQ号码(注明QQ名)、其他您觉得有必要留的联系信息。 除了以上内容,一概不欢迎。    二、 为什么不欢迎使用附件? (只发附件不行。如果正文与附件一起发则非常欢迎。) 大家知道,很多病毒是通过邮件附件传送的,就我知道,很多杂志社的电脑上都装了病毒粉碎机这个软件,就是说在处理电子邮件的时候,有附件的系统一律删除。这意味着您辛苦的文字永远不会被编辑看到。 另外,附件来稿格式不同,往往因为软件问题而打不开,或者,打开是乱码。 所以,为了您自身利益,别使用附件投稿。


Dear Li Hua, Thank you for your trusting on You told me in your letter that your old friends didn't like the new ones you have just Actually,this is quite common in the society,there are so many kind people in theworld,but everyone on earth has his own character,I think all of your friends are kind to you,so,in my opinion,you should communicate with your old friend and tell them the advatages of your new ones,try your best to reduce the misunderstanding between them,I believe after a period of knowing each other,they may be as good friend as Yours XXXX


这要看你是给校报还是学校网站供稿了,同时,看哪一类的稿件。一般说来,首先是消息类:在报纸刊发稿件,应该是本报讯(作者姓名)加新闻正文这样的格式,或者把名字署在最后,用(作者姓名)这种格式;如果是给网站供稿,一般署名在稿件右下角,隔一行即可。其次是通讯类,例如人物通讯、事件通讯,一般在标题下面居中即可。如果是以编辑部发布的各种公示、通知之类的稿件,则在 右下角隔一行署名某某校报编辑部就可以了。希望能帮助到您。



这要看你是给校报还是学校网站供稿了,同时,看哪一类的稿件。一般说来,首先是消息类:在报纸刊发稿件,应该是本报讯(作者姓名)加新闻正文这样的格式,或者把名字署在最后,用(作者姓名)这种格式;如果是给网站供稿,一般署名在稿件右下角,隔一行即可。其次是通讯类,例如人物通讯、事件通讯,一般在标题下面居中即可。如果是以编辑部发布的各种公示、通知之类的稿件,则在 右下角隔一行署名某某校报编辑部就可以了。希望能帮助到您。

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