摘要 随着E时代的来临,成人高等教育迫切需要建立网上开放学习环境。论文首先分析了网上开放学习的必然性,提出了OL开放学习新概念。为支持上海电视大学的网上开放学习,建立了比较完善的网络学习环境,包括网络硬件平台、集成学习平台和交互学习资源。论文最后介绍了该学习环境在本地区应用的实践效果,并为未来的开拓提出了设想。
关键词 E-learning 开放学习环境 成人教育 集成化
Title Electronic Age-Oriented Environment Construction and Practice of Networked Learning in Shanghai TV University
With the coming of the Electronic age, adult higher education needs the construction of networked learning environment. The article first introduces the background of the development of adult higher education and network technology in Shanghai. Distant education in Shanghai has reached a big scale in regard of institute arrangement, student number, hardware equipment and software development, which establishes a stable base for the environment construction and practice of open learning. Now Shanghai TV University (SHTVU) enjoys the reputation of having the largest student number among all the adult higher education institutes in Shanghai. Facing the need of E-Learning,we put forward a new concept——OL (Open Learning), and give our own annotation, which will guide the environment construction and practice of networked learning. In our opinion, E stands for all kinds of electronic educational resources and more efficient electronic learner-driven network experiences. O stands for "open", which makes learning easy and convenient either online or offline at anytime anywhere. L stands for learner-centered learning and life learning in network environment. We have constructed the website of to carry out our open learning mode.
Based on the need analysis of SHTVU, we have created a networked learning environment of higher efficiency according to the supporting level relationship of networked learning, including network hardware system, integrated learning platform and interactive learning resources. The network hardware system includes the connection of LAN, MAN and WAN systems between the main campus and its branches. Up to now, 25 teaching-centers in the urban districts and suburban counties, connected optical fiber with STVU forming STVU’s municipal wide-band network. We have developed the integrated learning platform, the core of which is OL system, in order to realize open learning and meet the need of information exchange between teachers and students. OL system consists of on-line classroom and other learning supporting systems, which includes online signing up, online post office, the identification of users, instruction bulletin, course learning, online discussion, learning record and evaluation, individual space, online exercise, virtual lab, online testing system and so on. The system is distinguished in management, integration, instruction, openness and interaction, providing a complete online learning experience. The system can reach an integration of synchronization and asynchronism on one hand, group and individual learning on the other hand in the broad-band and narrow-band network environment, which is a distributed learning platform for adults, particularly designed to match the learning characteristics of TV University. By implementing the system, we have gradually made the instruction procedures into web pages. Through the platform, we can integrate various resources mainly by employing the web pages, together with CD-ROMs which can be linked to web or can run on the web. These resources include distant learning supporting CD-ROMs, a number of web pages (over 70 online courses), instruction documents, interactive web application programs (all kinds of learning software programmed by JAVA APPLET), web-based audio-visual content (over 300 pieces of course videos).
The article finally introduces the practical effect of the OL system in Shanghai and proposes some ideas concerning the future development. Through the practice of thousands of learners, we have made some modification, therefore our current system is both practical and instructive, which can meet the needs of teachers and students. Future development requires us to construct more effective learning environment of peer-web-peer and human-machine interaction. We are looking forward to cooperation and resource share with other institutes to fulfill the core objectives of networked education.
Key Words E-learning open learning learning environment adult education Integration
一、 引言
作为国际性的大都市,上海的信息化建设也走在前列。上海信息产业伴随着城市信息化进程迅速壮大。近4年来,上海信息产业以年均增长40%左右的高速度崛起,预计2005年将成为上海最大的支柱产业。今年上海将完成信息港主体工程的建设,并由此形成一个国际先进的宽带、高速率、大容量的信息网络平台,国际出口带宽总容量达到1000兆以上,信息主干网传输和交换速率分别达到2500兆和4万兆,形成世界上用户量最大的有线电视网、计算机网、电信网"三网融合"的城域市场,人们能在更大范围和更快速度上共享信息资源。随着上海信息产业网络经济发展,信息港建设和互联网走进百万家庭,广大市民的电脑操作水平也逐步走入普及。其中属“上海市九十年代紧缺人才培训工程” 项目之一的“市民计算机应用能力考核” 自1994年开考以来累计达230余万人次,140万人获得了合格或优秀证书。
三、 E时代的OL开放学习新概念
2 时空泛在性:任何人(anybody)可以在任何时间和任何时候(anytime, anywhere)进行网上学习,教师对学习内容的更新及师生交流也是在任何时间和任何时候。教育从有围墙的大学扩展到社会上有网络连接的任一角落,更加快捷和方便,可实现“泛在学习”的要求。
2 资源无限性:由于互连网络的开放性,通过有效的超链接列表和搜索,我们能快速到达全世界我们需要的信息站点,并通过站点和其他Web服务如Email联络各类专家教师,实现灵活的学习。
2 电子促进性:OL开放学习有能力超越传统的教育和训练,能鼓励学生为中心的学习交互、合作和评价的参与。学生为中心的学习允许学生最舒服地在什么时候和如何学习,导致最大的学习理解和持久力。
2 自我驱动性:OL开放学习决不只是一种简单的信息传送和管理的电子化,而且能提供一个动态和参与的学习者自我驱动的经历,是新时代的学习机会、教学方法和思维的改变。
2 个性和协作性的结合:通过OL开放学习,既可实现个别化的自主学习,也可随时加入网上各种实时和异时的讨论组进行交流。