发布时间:2015-07-09 10:05
OUverio, Mary Ellen ; The New Stmcture for Intema tional Accounting Standards, The CPA Journal, 70
(5), May 2000.
Ali, Ashiq, Lee-Seok Hwang, and Mark A. Trombley; Accruals and Futare Stock Retums: Tests of the
Nalve Investor Hypothesis, lounzal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 15(2) (New Series) , Sprtng
Annisette, Marcia; Imperialism and the Professions:The EdQcation and Certificadon of Accountants in Trinidad and Tobago, .4ccounting, Organizations and Socieg/, 25(7) , October 2000.
Boyns, Trevor, and John R. Edwards; Pluralistic Approaches to Knowing More: A Comment on Hoskin and Macve, Accounting Historians Joumal, 27 (1), June 2000.
Brigker, Robert, and Nandini Chandar; Where Berle and Means Went WronS: A Reassessment of Capital
Market Agency and Financial Reponing, zabons and Socieb/, 25 (6) , August 2000.
Demski, Joel S., and Hans Frimor (DISCUSSANT : Richard Lambert) ; Performance Measore Garbling
Under Renegotiation in Multi-Period Agencies, fournal of Accouuting Research, 37 (supplement) . 1999.
Ely, Kirsten, and GteSQrY Waymire (DISCUSSANT: Paal Zarowin) ; Intangtble Assets and Stock Prices
. in the Pre-SEC Era, Journal of Accounting Research,37 (supplement) , 1999.
Fama, Eugene F., and Kenneth R. French ; Forecasting Profitability and Eamings, The Journal of Business,73(2), April 2000.
Fischer, Paul E., and Robert E. Verrecchia ; Reporting Bias, The Accounting Reoieu7, 75(2) , April 2000.
Fleming, Robert J., Samuel P. Graci, and Joel E. Thompson ; The Dawning of the Age of uantitative/Empirical Methods in AccountinS Research : Evidence from the Leadtng Authors of The Acconnting Review, 1966-1985, Accounting Historians fountal, 27(1) , June 2000.
Gelb, David S. ; Corporate Signaling with Dividends, Stock Repurchases, and Accounting Disclosures: An Empirical Stody, loumal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance,a 15(2) (New Series) , Spring 2000.
Hirst, D. Eric, Lisa Koonce, and Jeffrev Miller (DISCUSSANT: Jane Kennedy) i The Joint Effect of
Management's Prior Forecast Accuracy and the Form of Its Financial Forecasts on Investor Jodgment, Joumal 01' Accounting Research, 37 (supplement) , 1999.
Hodges, Ron, Stephen Diacon, and Paul Fenn ; A Matter of Trust, Atanqgement Accounting, 78(5) , May 2000.
Hughes, K. E., II; The Value Relevance of Nonfnancial Measures of Air PoUution in the ELectric Utintv Industry, The Accounting Reeiew, 75(2) , Apdl 2000.
Kinney, William, and Robert Libby; Research on Credible Financial Reponing 1961-99: The Contributions of Professor Nicholas Dopuch, foumal of,Accounting Research, 37 (supplement) , 1999.
OUverio, Mary Ellen ; The New Stmcture for Intema tional Accounting Standards, The CPA Journal, 70
(5), May 2000.
Ali, Ashiq, Lee-Seok Hwang, and Mark A. Trombley; Accruals and Futare Stock Retums: Tests of the
Nalve Investor Hypothesis, lounzal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 15(2) (New Series) , Sprtng
Annisette, Marcia; Imperialism and the Professions:The EdQcation and Certificadon of Accountants in Trinidad and Tobago, .4ccounting, Organizations and Socieg/, 25(7) , October 2000.
Boyns, Trevor, and John R. Edwards; Pluralistic Approaches to Knowing More: A Comment on Hoskin and Macve, Accounting Historians Joumal, 27 (1), June 2000.
Brigker, Robert, and Nandini Chandar; Where Berle and Means Went WronS: A Reassessment of Capital
Market Agency and Financial Reponing, zabons and Socieb/, 25 (6) , August 2000.
Demski, Joel S., and Hans Frimor (DISCUSSANT : Richard Lambert) ; Performance Measore Garbling
Under Renegotiation in Multi-Period Agencies, fournal of Accouuting Research, 37 (supplement) . 1999.
Ely, Kirsten, and GteSQrY Waymire (DISCUSSANT: Paal Zarowin) ; Intangtble Assets and Stock Prices
. in the Pre-SEC Era, Journal of Accounting Research,37 (supplement) , 1999.
Fama, Eugene F., and Kenneth R. French ; Forecasting Profitability and Eamings, The Journal of Business,73(2), April 2000.
Fischer, Paul E., and Robert E. Verrecchia ; Reporting Bias, The Accounting Reoieu7, 75(2) , April 2000.
Fleming, Robert J., Samuel P. Graci, and Joel E. Thompson ; The Dawning of the Age of uantitative/Empirical Methods in AccountinS Research : Evidence from the Leadtng Authors of The Acconnting Review, 1966-1985, Accounting Historians fountal, 27(1) , June 2000.
Gelb, David S. ; Corporate Signaling with Dividends, Stock Repurchases, and Accounting Disclosures: An Empirical Stody, loumal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance,a 15(2) (New Series) , Spring 2000.
Hirst, D. Eric, Lisa Koonce, and Jeffrev Miller (DISCUSSANT: Jane Kennedy) i The Joint Effect of
Management's Prior Forecast Accuracy and the Form of Its Financial Forecasts on Investor Jodgment, Joumal 01' Accounting Research, 37 (supplement) , 1999.
Hodges, Ron, Stephen Diacon, and Paul Fenn ; A Matter of Trust, Atanqgement Accounting, 78(5) , May 2000.
Hughes, K. E., II; The Value Relevance of Nonfnancial Measures of Air PoUution in the ELectric Utintv Industry, The Accounting Reeiew, 75(2) , Apdl 2000.
Kinney, William, and Robert Libby; Research on Credible Financial Reponing 1961-99: The Contributions of Professor Nicholas Dopuch, foumal of,Accounting Research, 37 (supplement) , 1999.