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Countries in the world of development of agricultural information (世界各国农业信息化发展) World Agricultural Information technology generally go through three stages: the first stage is 50-60 during the 20th century, radio, telephone communications and science and computer information stage; the second phase is 70-80 during the 20th century, computer data processing and knowledge processing stage; the third stage of the 20th century since the 90's agricultural database development, network and multimedia technologies and agricultural production, such as automatic control of the new stage of development. At present, the area of information technology in agriculture in the world's leading countries in the United States, Germany and Japan. The United States is the leader in information technology, agriculture, Japan, Germany, followed by France and other developed countries; India and other developing countries, although the late start, but developed rapidly; Vietnam also recognizes the importance of agriculture and information technology, is stepping up its to catch up. United States of America Since 1844, Morse (SFBMorse) invented the first telegram, the subsequent image transfer technology with the invention, the U.S. audio and video broadcasts of the radio has been the rapid development and popularization of rural areas has been greatly promoted the United States the process of agricultural information; AppleMacintosh series in 1984 launched the commercialization of computer operation and the promotion of practical use to stimulate the building of the U.S. agricultural database, computer network, such as construction. In 1985, the United States published the world's 428 agricultural computerized cataloging database. These databases is one of the most important agricultural information resources. One of the most famous, most widely used is: The United States National Agricultural Library and co-developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture A-GRICOLA, its storage magazine articles, government publications, technical reports and so on. The United States also has a national crop germplasm resources information management system across the country to provide services to the breeding farm; the 20th century, the United States since the 70s of the computer application scope gradually to the farm. By 1985, the United States has 8% of farmers use the computer processing of agricultural production, including some large farms have been computerized. Today, computer applications, to the United States, farm management and production control, research and production of high-quality, efficient and cost-effective. Japan MAFF information in rural areas of the building from the mid-50th century farm broadcasting (cable run) to start the infrastructure. By the late 20th century, 60, Japan "GreenUtopia the concept of" response to the news media at that time the trend of information technology for rural development has played a great role in promoting. By the late 80's, for a variety of rapidly growing popularity of information technology, network development, information-based policy in rural areas continue to expand in rural areas, the degree of information technology into the rapid development stage. The end of 1998, in the prefectures in Japan with the establishment of agricultural information-related institutions such as the network center 67, an average of 1.5 for each County Agricultural Information Center. 90 Japan in the early 20th century established the National Agricultural Technology Information Service online networks, that is, Telegraph and Telephone Company's real-time management system (DRESS), its large-scale electronic computer can be the collection, processing, storage and delivery from all over the country's agricultural technical information. DRESS County are located in each sub-centers, can quickly obtain information and exchange of information at any time. Germany In the mid-20th century, 50 to 70 of Germany's agricultural radio, telephone, television and other communication technologies, and universal in rural areas. 70 In the mid-20th century to the mid-80's, a German computer data processing, data storage, such as the establishment of agricultural information technology from the initial stage to mature stage. The mid-80s, the German government commissioned the study in Germany has established a full model of the agricultural economy of the region, later additions and amendments continue to be a very mature to deal with the agricultural information system to provide services for the decision-making. 80 In the mid-20th century to the early 90s, in this period, Germany in agricultural research and development of database technology has made a lot of work to the building. Since the mid-90s, the emergence of Internet dissemination of agricultural information to make a fundamental change occurred in the past, large and inefficient data storage facilities, high-performance computer systems have been replaced. At present, Germany through a variety of network connectivity, can find information on a variety of professional research, science and technology, management information and economic information. France Before 1997, the French information technology also is lagging behind. Since 1997, the French government will be the development of the Information Society a priority before, the former Prime Minister Lionel Jospin was launched on "Information Society Project Action (PAGSI)". Through unremitting efforts, France has been in information technology has made gratifying achievements. France with the family computer in 1997 and 2000 almost doubled. At the end of 2000, the family personal computer equipped with the rate of between 26% -33%, and the growth rate achieved during the period is basically the European average, which also contributed to France's development of agricultural information. India India in the 20th century, the beginning of the 60's the use of agricultural research in the computer. 20th century since the 90's, the Indian government decided to implement the Agricultural Research Information System (ARIS) project, with information technology for national agricultural research systems, funds from the National Agricultural Research Project Fund. The establishment of agricultural research information system is the main purpose of: agriculture and agricultural research managers to quickly and easily access to information; use of national agricultural research systems to collect the infrastructure, processing, storage, retrieval and use of information; at the national agricultural research system the full realization of the sharing of information resources; improve research project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation capacity. South Korea 20th century 80's, South Korea to speed up the process of economic globalization, with the intensification level of agricultural modernization and the improvement of crop yield is also significantly improved, to some extent alleviated the negative effects of reduced arable land. South Korea in the process of modernization of agriculture, agricultural information up on the agenda. Of agricultural information at this stage is characterized mainly in the construction of infrastructure to work. South Korea launched in 1994 "plan to revitalize agricultural and fishery and agricultural policy reform program" to strengthen the science and technology including information technology, investment in agriculture. In the process of the revitalization of agriculture, agricultural information technology come into play. This stage of the characteristics of agricultural information is to strengthen the Government's role in the process of informatization. South Korea agricultural information as a late start of the country, of agricultural information to take the "catch up" mode. "Catch up" the State may use the successful experience of developed countries, vis-à-vis the process of industrialization in advance for access to the information age, and in turn the use of information technology to promote and transform the traditional agriculture, and even the formation of "industrialization" and "information-based "The new model combining. This stage the main features of information technology is more focused on the effectiveness of the application of information technology. Vietnam Vietnam's agricultural information of a late start, a wave of information technology in the world under the impetus of the 20th century, late 90's to establish the Internet in 2000, e-ASEAN agreement formally joined. At present, the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in the realization of e-management process, the Government has learned from the experience of many countries, plans to carry out four steps: the first step in the establishment of websites, to provide basic information for farmers; the second step to establish and expand the agricultural and rural the development of trade information systems; the third step the establishment of agriculture and rural development for the software industry, to replace imported software and the progressive realization of export their own software; fourth step is to adapt to the needs of technology development, strengthening of agricultural information technology experts training.


信息技术是当今世界发展最快的高新技术, 它正推动着全球经济朝着以计算机及信息网络为基础的信息化方向发展。农业信息化已成为现代农业的重要标志。我国农业开始从传统农业向现代农业转变, 信息技术目前被广泛应用在农业各个领域,一、信息技术信息技术是应用信息科学的原理和方法, 同信息打交道,以扩展人类信息器官的功能的技术。它集通信( C om m unication)、计算机( C om puter) 和控制( C ontrol) 技术于一体, 国外又称之为“3C ”技术, 其内容包括信息接受技术、信息传递技术、信息处理技术及信息控制技术。信息技术的四大内容中, 信息传递技术和信息处理技术是整个信息技术的核心,而信息接受技术、信息控制技术是核心与外部世界的接口,四者构成一个完整的功能体系, 并与人的信息器官及其功能系统相对应。其内容互相综合, 已形成多项应用开发技术, 如数据库技术、人工智能、专家系统、遥感技术、地理信息系统、全球定位系统、计算机辅助决策系统、自动控制技术、多媒体技术、计算机网络技术等, 它们渗透到农业的各个方面, 充分展示了信息技术强大的生命力和广阔的应用前景。二、信息技术在农业中的主要应用(一)对农情的监测。农情监测的主要任务是监测耕地的变化、粮棉作物的面积、长势、灾害与产量。由于信息技术的发展,“3S”技术( 遥感技术, 地理信息系统, 全球定位系统) 已应用于国家和全球尺度的农情监测。1、自然灾害监测。在G IS 技术支持下, 可实现对遥感获取的灾情信息与地面现实信息的有机结合, 进行干旱、洪涝、森林灾情、雪灾、水土侵蚀、病虫害等方面的动态监测。由于遥感与地理信息技术能及时准确地获取有关信息, 已广泛应用于信息采集和信息处理, 实现灾前预警、灾情监控、灾后评估。目前我国主要用于洪灾、作物病虫灾害、旱灾、土地荒芜沙化监测、森林火灾等。2、农业估产及生长动态监测。信息技术在农业生产中的应用主要在四个方面, 即作物生长模拟模型、农业专家系统、农业生产实时控制系统及作物遥感估产。作物生长模拟是利用专业知识和数学模型, 通过计算机分析模拟作物生长过程, 协助解决多样化和不确定问题, 作物估产(含生长势监测)历来就是人们十分关注的农业情报。美国于1975- 1979 年完成了大面积作物清查试验(LA C I 计划), 并在国内推行以Landsat的T M 资料为基础的面积框图抽样遥感估产取得成功。我国于1983- 1985 年就应用Landsat资料进行了小麦遥感综合测产研究。专家系统是以知识为基础, 在特定问题领域内能像人类专家那样解决复杂现实问题的计算机系统。我国自80 年代开始, 已研制出近40 种专家系统, 如砂礓黑土小麦施肥专家系统, 水稻主要病虫害诊治专家系统, 小麦、玉米、桑蚕品种选育专家系统, 农业气象专家系统等。农业生产实时控制系统主要用于灌溉, 耕耘作业, 果实收获, 畜牧生产过程自动控制, 农产品加工自动化控制及农业生产工厂化。我国还利用遥感与地理信息系统技术, 研制出耕地变化监测系统, 棉花种植面积遥感调查系统, 作物产量气候分析预报系统, 作物短、中、长期预报模型, 小麦、水稻遥感估产信息系统等。这些成果的实用化将极大地推动我国农业生产管理的现代化、信息化。3、农业环境监测。随着人口的增长, 人类对资源的掠夺式的开发, 造成了严重的环境问题, 影响了农业生产。信息技术快速查清各类农业资源及其分布, 了解和掌握环境状况; 对有限的农业资源及环境变化进行有效监测; 预测各种措施对农业资源及环境带来的可能影响, 实现资源合理开发利用,保护生态环境。(二)农产品质量检测。我国加入W T O 后, 农产品面临着国际化竞争, 农产品能否进入国际市场, 取决于产品品质的好坏, 因此, 农产品品质的检测就显得非常重要。1995 年美国成功研制出M erling 高速高频计算机视觉水果分级系统, 用于苹果、梨、桃等的水果的分等定级和品质监测。我国农业工作者为了提高农产品质量, 应用现代信息技术致力于产品品质检测系统的研究, 这些系统的研究与应用能够及时地检测产品品质质量指标, 分析模拟品质好坏。生产者根据这些信息及时地控制或调整化学肥料和农药的施用, 避免化肥和农药的不必要施用而造成在产品中的残留, 影响产品品质。(三)农地分等和土壤养分管理。农用地分等定级是对决定土壤生产力的内在属性和影响土壤生产力的外部环境条件进行综合评价, 用量化指标确定土地质量等级, 为制定有关农业政策、综合治理中、低土壤, 建立高产稳产田、促进农业持续、稳定和协调发展提供依据。G IS 强大的空间数据分析处理能力和制图功能为完成农用地分等提供了技术支持。(四)在管理和经营决策中的应用。我国正在抓紧建设国家公用数字通信网, 国家公用经济信息基干通信网等国家信息国道的建设, 全面实施" 金" 字工程。国家农业信息网络已具规模, 信息扶贫致富工程正在实施, 农业部自1994 年开始,在中国农业信息网的基础上, 逐步开发农产品产销信息系统网络, 这些网络的建成将改变我国农业信息服务体系的环境, 有利于各级政府部门对农业发展的宏观决策指导, 提高办公自动化水平, 快速准确向农村、农户提供全方位的信息服务。农户只要有一台微机终端, 通过网络就能够及时获得农业法规、农业政策、市场行情、产品销售等信息, 合理地进行农资购置与产品销售, 促进农村市场繁荣和经济增长。(五)在农业研究及技术推广中的应用。我国已建成农业科研项目计算机管理系统( A R IC M S) , 中国农业文献数据库,中国农业科技成果库, 中国农业研究项目数据库, 农业实用技术数据库等, 同时还引进了世界上几个最主要的农业数据库, 目前, 全世界建立了4 个大型的农业信息数据库, 即联合国粮农组织的农业数据库(A G R IS)、国际食物信息数据库(IFIS)、美国农业部农业联机存取数据库(A G R IC O LA )、国际农业与生物科学中心数据库(C A B I)。我国除引进以上世界大型数据库外, 自己建立了数十个农林数据库。这些数据库的运行和服务都取得了社会效益和经济效益, 为农业生产提供了大量农业信息资源和科学技术, 推动了生产的发展。三、我国信息技术在农业应用中存在的问题(一)农民文化素质低,高层农业信息技术开发人才缺乏,信息化意识和利用信息的能力不强。信息技术是一项高科技, 其开发应用需要高科技人才。由于农民的文化素质较低,农民对信息的利用能力差, 成为信息农业实施的一大障碍。(二)信息农业成本过高,信息农业普及难度大。信息农业以信息技术为支撑, 信息农业技术装备如监测仪、计算机、G IS 软件、G PS 装置等设备价格昂贵。全国农民人均纯收入仅2210.34 元, 农民无力购买昂贵的技术装备, 使信息农业难以推广。(三)农业信息化基础工作水平低,信息化、网络化程度低。我国已建成一批农业信息资源库, 但其数量和质量均远不足以形成信息产业。农业信息技术总体水平不高,信息化、网络化程度低.主要表现在两个方面: 一是我国虽然已全面起动" 金" 字工程, 加快各种信息网及高速信息公路的建设,但不同地区发展很不平衡, 我国局域网连接的PC 数目平均水平很低, 只有12 个, 而美国、日本、澳大利亚、韩国分别达68、26、64、35 个; 二是数据库的开发、各种应用软件的网络化水平低, 严重制约信息技术的推广应用。(四)信息农业体系整体服务水平不高。高层农业信息技术开发人才缺乏, 利用信息技术能力低。到目前为止, 我国还没有建立起一支专业化的农业信息服务队伍, 现有的信息技术人才不足, 服务人员素质不高, 影响了信息服务质量。四、促进农业信息技术革命,加速农业信息化发展的对策(一)建立和完善农业信息产业和农业信息化体系。政府应承担起农业信息化的引导责任, 同时积极发挥社会组织、广大农民及社会其它力量的作用进行农业信息开发。应普及计算机及计算机知识, 培育农业信息市场和信息产业, 促进和完善农业信息体系, 为信息技术在农业上的应用及推广提供良好环境。(二)加强信息市场管理。应加强对农业信息资源开发和利用的统一规划和指导, 逐步建立并完善各级信息资源, 建立标准和数据更新体系, 加强数据更新技术的研究与应用。同时加强信息市场的管理和立法, 避免信息数据库的重复建设, 提高数据库的网络化水平, 增强数据的共享性, 开发和利用各省、市、县等地区的农业数据库, 促进地方农业信息化建设进程。(三)大力加强国家信息网络建设。农业信息化和信息技术的应用要依托全国信息主干网, 加快“农”工程建设。在发挥国家投资主渠道作用下, 各地及有关农业部门应加大投入, 建立区域网、局部网, 并与国内主干网、互联网接轨, 实现农业技术人员、管理人员、农户入网。加强高层农业信息技术人才培养, 增强全民信息意识。加强农业应用软件网络化、多媒体化及可视化研究, 使农业信息技术可实行远程推广, 远程教育。(四)建设农业信息技术基地,加强信息技术的示范推广。选择民众信息意识强、信息基础设施较好的地区, 建立农业信息技术示范基地, 组织农学家、信息专家、经济学家参与规划建设和实施。并加快成熟信息技术成果的推广, 边试验边应用, 根据试验情况总结经验, 成熟后向其它地区大力推广,使农业信息技术走向实际应用的“试验———推广”的道路。


Countries in the world of development of agricultural information (世界各国农业信息化发展) World Agricultural Information technology generally go through three stages: the first stage is 50-60 during the 20th century, radio, telephone communications and science and computer information stage; the second phase is 70-80 during the 20th century, computer data processing and knowledge processing stage; the third stage of the 20th century since the 90's agricultural database development, network and multimedia technologies and agricultural production, such as automatic control of the new stage of development. At present, the area of information technology in agriculture in the world's leading countries in the United States, Germany and Japan. The United States is the leader in information technology, agriculture, Japan, Germany, followed by France and other developed countries; India and other developing countries, although the late start, but developed rapidly; Vietnam also recognizes the importance of agriculture and information technology, is stepping up its to catch up. United States of America Since 1844, Morse (SFBMorse) invented the first telegram, the subsequent image transfer technology with the invention, the U.S. audio and video broadcasts of the radio has been the rapid development and popularization of rural areas has been greatly promoted the United States the process of agricultural information; AppleMacintosh series in 1984 launched the commercialization of computer operation and the promotion of practical use to stimulate the building of the U.S. agricultural database, computer network, such as construction. In 1985, the United States published the world's 428 agricultural computerized cataloging database. These databases is one of the most important agricultural information resources. One of the most famous, most widely used is: The United States National Agricultural Library and co-developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture A-GRICOLA, its storage magazine articles, government publications, technical reports and so on. The United States also has a national crop germplasm resources information management system across the country to provide services to the breeding farm; the 20th century, the United States since the 70s of the computer application scope gradually to the farm. By 1985, the United States has 8% of farmers use the computer processing of agricultural production, including some large farms have been computerized. Today, computer applications, to the United States, farm management and production control, research and production of high-quality, efficient and cost-effective. Japan MAFF information in rural areas of the building from the mid-50th century farm broadcasting (cable run) to start the infrastructure. By the late 20th century, 60, Japan "GreenUtopia the concept of" response to the news media at that time the trend of information technology for rural development has played a great role in promoting. By the late 80's, for a variety of rapidly growing popularity of information technology, network development, information-based policy in rural areas continue to expand in rural areas, the degree of information technology into the rapid development stage. The end of 1998, in the prefectures in Japan with the establishment of agricultural information-related institutions such as the network center 67, an average of 1.5 for each County Agricultural Information Center. 90 Japan in the early 20th century established the National Agricultural Technology Information Service online networks, that is, Telegraph and Telephone Company's real-time management system (DRESS), its large-scale electronic computer can be the collection, processing, storage and delivery from all over the country's agricultural technical information. DRESS County are located in each sub-centers, can quickly obtain information and exchange of information at any time. Germany In the mid-20th century, 50 to 70 of Germany's agricultural radio, telephone, television and other communication technologies, and universal in rural areas. 70 In the mid-20th century to the mid-80's, a German computer data processing, data storage, such as the establishment of agricultural information technology from the initial stage to mature stage. The mid-80s, the German government commissioned the study in Germany has established a full model of the agricultural economy of the region, later additions and amendments continue to be a very mature to deal with the agricultural information system to provide services for the decision-making. 80 In the mid-20th century to the early 90s, in this period, Germany in agricultural research and development of database technology has made a lot of work to the building. Since the mid-90s, the emergence of Internet dissemination of agricultural information to make a fundamental change occurred in the past, large and inefficient data storage facilities, high-performance computer systems have been replaced. At present, Germany through a variety of network connectivity, can find information on a variety of professional research, science and technology, management information and economic information. France Before 1997, the French information technology also is lagging behind. Since 1997, the French government will be the development of the Information Society a priority before, the former Prime Minister Lionel Jospin was launched on "Information Society Project Action (PAGSI)". Through unremitting efforts, France has been in information technology has made gratifying achievements. France with the family computer in 1997 and 2000 almost doubled. At the end of 2000, the family personal computer equipped with the rate of between 26% -33%, and the growth rate achieved during the period is basically the European average, which also contributed to France's development of agricultural information. India India in the 20th century, the beginning of the 60's the use of agricultural research in the computer. 20th century since the 90's, the Indian government decided to implement the Agricultural Research Information System (ARIS) project, with information technology for national agricultural research systems, funds from the National Agricultural Research Project Fund. The establishment of agricultural research information system is the main purpose of: agriculture and agricultural research managers to quickly and easily access to information; use of national agricultural research systems to collect the infrastructure, processing, storage, retrieval and use of information; at the national agricultural research system the full realization of the sharing of information resources; improve research project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation capacity. South Korea 20th century 80's, South Korea to speed up the process of economic globalization, with the intensification level of agricultural modernization and the improvement of crop yield is also significantly improved, to some extent alleviated the negative effects of reduced arable land. South Korea in the process of modernization of agriculture, agricultural information up on the agenda. Of agricultural information at this stage is characterized mainly in the construction of infrastructure to work. South Korea launched in 1994 "plan to revitalize agricultural and fishery and agricultural policy reform program" to strengthen the science and technology including information technology, investment in agriculture. In the process of the revitalization of agriculture, agricultural information technology come into play. This stage of the characteristics of agricultural information is to strengthen the Government's role in the process of informatization. South Korea agricultural information as a late start of the country, of agricultural information to take the "catch up" mode. "Catch up" the State may use the successful experience of developed countries, vis-à-vis the process of industrialization in advance for access to the information age, and in turn the use of information technology to promote and transform the traditional agriculture, and even the formation of "industrialization" and "information-based "The new model combining. This stage the main features of information technology is more focused on the effectiveness of the application of information technology. Vietnam Vietnam's agricultural information of a late start, a wave of information technology in the world under the impetus of the 20th century, late 90's to establish the Internet in 2000, e-ASEAN agreement formally joined. At present, the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in the realization of e-management process, the Government has learned from the experience of many countries, plans to carry out four steps: the first step in the establishment of websites, to provide basic information for farmers; the second step to establish and expand the agricultural and rural the development of trade information systems; the third step the establishment of agriculture and rural development for the software industry, to replace imported software and the progressive realization of export their own software; fourth step is to adapt to the needs of technology development, strengthening of agricultural information technology experts training.


Countries in the world of development of agricultural information (世界各国农业信息化发展) World Agricultural Information technology generally go through three stages: the first stage is 50-60 during the 20th century, radio, telephone communications and science and computer information stage; the second phase is 70-80 during the 20th century, computer data processing and knowledge processing stage; the third stage of the 20th century since the 90's agricultural database development, network and multimedia technologies and agricultural production, such as automatic control of the new stage of development. At present, the area of information technology in agriculture in the world's leading countries in the United States, Germany and Japan. The United States is the leader in information technology, agriculture, Japan, Germany, followed by France and other developed countries; India and other developing countries, although the late start, but developed rapidly; Vietnam also recognizes the importance of agriculture and information technology, is stepping up its to catch up. United States of America Since 1844, Morse (SFBMorse) invented the first telegram, the subsequent image transfer technology with the invention, the U.S. audio and video broadcasts of the radio has been the rapid development and popularization of rural areas has been greatly promoted the United States the process of agricultural information; AppleMacintosh series in 1984 launched the commercialization of computer operation and the promotion of practical use to stimulate the building of the U.S. agricultural database, computer network, such as construction. In 1985, the United States published the world's 428 agricultural computerized cataloging database. These databases is one of the most important agricultural information resources. One of the most famous, most widely used is: The United States National Agricultural Library and co-developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture A-GRICOLA, its storage magazine articles, government publications, technical reports and so on. The United States also has a national crop germplasm resources information management system across the country to provide services to the breeding farm; the 20th century, the United States since the 70s of the computer application scope gradually to the farm. By 1985, the United States has 8% of farmers use the computer processing of agricultural production, including some large farms have been computerized. Today, computer applications, to the United States, farm management and production control, research and production of high-quality, efficient and cost-effective. Japan MAFF information in rural areas of the building from the mid-50th century farm broadcasting (cable run) to start the infrastructure. By the late 20th century, 60, Japan "GreenUtopia the concept of" response to the news media at that time the trend of information technology for rural development has played a great role in promoting. By the late 80's, for a variety of rapidly growing popularity of information technology, network development, information-based policy in rural areas continue to expand in rural areas, the degree of information technology into the rapid development stage. The end of 1998, in the prefectures in Japan with the establishment of agricultural information-related institutions such as the network center 67, an average of 1.5 for each County Agricultural Information Center. 90 Japan in the early 20th century established the National Agricultural Technology Information Service online networks, that is, Telegraph and Telephone Company's real-time management system (DRESS), its large-scale electronic computer can be the collection, processing, storage and delivery from all over the country's agricultural technical information. DRESS County are located in each sub-centers, can quickly obtain information and exchange of information at any time. Germany In the mid-20th century, 50 to 70 of Germany's agricultural radio, telephone, television and other communication technologies, and universal in rural areas. 70 In the mid-20th century to the mid-80's, a German computer data processing, data storage, such as the establishment of agricultural information technology from the initial stage to mature stage. The mid-80s, the German government commissioned the study in Germany has established a full model of the agricultural economy of the region, later additions and amendments continue to be a very mature to deal with the agricultural information system to provide services for the decision-making. 80 In the mid-20th century to the early 90s, in this period, Germany in agricultural research and development of database technology has made a lot of work to the building. Since the mid-90s, the emergence of Internet dissemination of agricultural information to make a fundamental change occurred in the past, large and inefficient data storage facilities, high-performance computer systems have been replaced. At present, Germany through a variety of network connectivity, can find information on a variety of professional research, science and technology, management information and economic information. France Before 1997, the French information technology also is lagging behind. Since 1997, the French government will be the development of the Information Society a priority before, the former Prime Minister Lionel Jospin was launched on "Information Society Project Action (PAGSI)". Through unremitting efforts, France has been in information technology has made gratifying achievements. France with the family computer in 1997 and 2000 almost doubled. At the end of 2000, the family personal computer equipped with the rate of between 26% -33%, and the growth rate achieved during the period is basically the European average, which also contributed to France's development of agricultural information. India India in the 20th century, the beginning of the 60's the use of agricultural research in the computer. 20th century since the 90's, the Indian government decided to implement the Agricultural Research Information System (ARIS) project, with information technology for national agricultural research systems, funds from the National Agricultural Research Project Fund. The establishment of agricultural research information system is the main purpose of: agriculture and agricultural research managers to quickly and easily access to information; use of national agricultural research systems to collect the infrastructure, processing, storage, retrieval and use of information; at the national agricultural research system the full realization of the sharing of information resources; improve research project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation capacity. South Korea 20th century 80's, South Korea to speed up the process of economic globalization, with the intensification level of agricultural modernization and the improvement of crop yield is also significantly improved, to some extent alleviated the negative effects of reduced arable land. South Korea in the process of modernization of agriculture, agricultural information up on the agenda. Of agricultural information at this stage is characterized mainly in the construction of infrastructure to work. South Korea launched in 1994 "plan to revitalize agricultural and fishery and agricultural policy reform program" to strengthen the science and technology including information technology, investment in agriculture. In the process of the revitalization of agriculture, agricultural information technology come into play. This stage of the characteristics of agricultural information is to strengthen the Government's role in the process of informatization. South Korea agricultural information as a late start of the country, of agricultural information to take the "catch up" mode. "Catch up" the State may use the successful experience of developed countries, vis-à-vis the process of industrialization in advance for access to the information age, and in turn the use of information technology to promote and transform the traditional agriculture, and even the formation of "industrialization" and "information-based "The new model combining. This stage the main features of information technology is more focused on the effectiveness of the application of information technology. Vietnam Vietnam's agricultural information of a late start, a wave of information technology in the world under the impetus of the 20th century, late 90's to establish the Internet in 2000, e-ASEAN agreement formally joined. At present, the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in the realization of e-management process, the Government has learned from the experience of many countries, plans to carry out four steps: the first step in the establishment of websites, to provide basic information for farmers; the second step to establish and expand the agricultural and rural the development of trade information systems; the third step the establishment of agriculture and rural development for the software industry, to replace imported software and the progressive realization of export their own software; fourth step is to adapt to the needs of technology development, strengthening of agricultural information technology experts training.























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农业推广作为农业科技成果转化为生产力的桥梁和纽带,是发展农业生产,提高农民收入不可缺少的重要环节。下面是我为大家整理的农业推广论文 范文 ,供大家参考。

《 农林高职院校农业推广论文 》


农林高职院校农业推广与农业气象两门课程的授课班级为同一班级,授课时间分别为同一学年的春季学期与秋季学期,授课的 方法 都采用任务驱动教学法,在具体授课过程中对学习任务的设计和学生 学习方法 略有不同。


(1)教师设计部分。综合考虑农业推广学科性质、高等职业院校开设此课程的目的、学生所在专业、任务驱动 教学方法 的特点及教学任务设计的原则,笔者在农业推广课程授课过程中采取了师生共同对教学任务进行设计的方法。即,老师将整门课程的知识点设计为一个符合课程需求的、规定了教学范围但不指定具体名称的综合性较强的教学任务(×××地×××项目的推广),这一综合任务又下设若干子任务:①农业推广人员角色认识;②×××地农业推广项目的选择与确定;③×××农业推广项目的实施;④×××农业推广项目的 总结 评价;⑤×××农业推广项目成果报奖。整个学科的知识点分别穿插于若干个子任务中。

(2)学生具体设计任务及实施。不同专业的学生在老师的引导下明确农业推广人员角色扮演的身份及工作性质与程序;然后结合社会岗位需要、个人 兴趣 爱好 、农业专业知识掌握情况、本课程知识点、当地自然与社会条件等综合分析选择确定农业推广项目,并撰写推广项目可行性分析 报告 ;确定了具体推广项目后的工作实施过程中,学生需要结合自选项目的复杂程度、当地农民素质条件,以及硬件设施等选择确定项目的推广模式与方法,并撰写推广项目 实施方案 ,模拟推广过程中学生需要根据农民的采纳情况随时应变使用多种方法,并锻炼学习 人际交往 及演讲的沟通、交流、语言技巧;项目推广演练结束后,学生需要进行双重总结与评价,一重总结为对自身所选项目及推广情况进行专业的经济效益、社会效益、生态效益等综合总结评价,并撰写 总结报告 ,二重总结为学生之间相互对课堂学习情况进行评价总结,总结在评价过程中相互取长补短;最后,学生们需要撰写推广项目成果请奖 申请书 ,学习推广项目的报奖流程。


(1)教师单独设计任务。教师将学生所学专业目标与农业气象课程目标充分结合,以学生现有的知识结构和能力水平为基础,对整门课程设置了总体目标任务“×××省农业 种植 业区域规划”,课程总任务下设支撑典型任务共7个:①×××省各地农业气候资料及代表性农作物种类资料搜集;②光照对农作物生产的作用及影响;③温度对农作物生产的作用及影响;④水分对农作物生产的作用及影响;⑤风对农作物生产的作用及影响;⑥×××各地农业气候资料及代表性农作物种类资料分析;⑦观测不同作物的农田小气候特征。





3.数理统计法。采用 Excel 统计软件进行图表制作和统计。













《 农业技术农业推广论文 》


农业研究所及高校科研骨干等下乡下户,结合当地农时农事调查取证,慎重选择适合当地的农业科技推广项目。建立示范田及样板场地,让农民对农业科技有切身感受,在现场对农民进行农业技术指导。结合农业产品销售以及农业物资现实情况,基层农技推广部门适时调整农业技术的推广方向。民间互助交流带动了农业技术的推广。同地区农民之间一般有相同种植项目,经常交流切磋种植 经验 。各种形式的农业专业协会、农业合作经济体在农村成立迅速。


因地制宜的选择新型农业科技项目、快速有效的向农民推广技术要点有效弥补了单纯依靠政府部门扶持的农业技术推广方式,加快了我国农业发展的步伐。农村供销合作社依然是农产品流通的主要 渠道 ,主要包括农业生产资料的经营和农产品的收购。供销合作社是市场与农民之间的桥梁,及时掌握市场行情把握市场动态,向农民提供产品销售情况和市场发展方向,跟随市场导向提高农产品生产的科技含量。




农业是受地理条件、气候变化影响较大的行业,农业科技成果的应用存在着技术风险和自然条件影响风险等多种不可控因素。传统农业生产时根据经验耕种,农民用经验推断可能需要采取的耕种 措施 。对待农业新技术农民只是根据程序按部就班的耕种,对可能出现的问题无法预测更不可能采取有效措施进行修正和补救。从根本上说农作物的生产离不开光照、土地、水源等自然因素的相互配合,新型科技成果的生产流程是否能适应当地的自然条件也给农产品的生产带来许多不确定因素。

多种不确定因素和可能出现的失败让农民对新技术更加小心翼翼,时常持观望态度。以家庭为单位的农民生产投入能力有限,分散到户的小块儿土地作业给新技术推广造成障碍。许多新型农业技术具有提高劳动生产率、增加产出、减轻作业者劳动强度等特点,这也是农民选择新型农业生产技术的主要原因。当前农村主要采用家庭联产承包责任制的生产模式,独门独户的生产使种植规模受到局限,达不到新技术要求的高投入高产出的生产效果,没能有效提高农业生产的劳动产出比。新技术的效果没有显现出来并且生产效益没有明显提高,影响农民的期望和对新技术的后续采纳。另一方面,我国农民 文化 素质偏低的现状也限制了科技成果向现实生产力的转化。

全国农民中受过高中以上 教育 的占不到十分之一,小学及初中文化的占到百分之八十,剩下多为文盲和半文盲,真正从事农业生产的农民文化水平更是低于这个比例。农民在生产中技术接受能力较差,达不到增产增收的效果,也限制了农业技术的再推广。





1. 农业推广课程论文范文

2. 浅谈农业推广毕业论文范文

3. 农业推广优秀毕业生论文范文

4. 农业推广论文范文

5. 农业推广创新论文范文

6. 技术农业推广论文范文



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