其实最重要的还是英语,马上就大三了,可是我们还存在着语音语调的问题。导师还当众说我的发音很土,好丢人啊。虽然说内容为王,但是作为英语专业的学生,口语是个门面,口语之于英文就像书写之于作文。我真的好惭愧,学了那么多年英语,连简单的good morning发音也发不标准。我的口语问题早在大一时就被发现了,不过一直没有采取拯救行动,现在真要高度重视了,否则大学四年毕业了,还是一口土土的英文。很多东西,用中文表达出来毫无压力,可是用到英文就发愁了,词汇不足、表达不清晰、反应不够迅速。
导师说这次实习是他们共同精心策划的,并且和很多企业一起商讨他们到底需要什么的人才。学习不能只停留在书面上,要运用。企业希望我们一毕业就能为他们所用,他们不愿意多花精力和时间来锻炼我们。天下老板一般黑呀!不过这也是我们必须具备的技能,有压力才有动力。希望我们在剩下的两年时间里,不浪费光阴,努力提高自身各方面的技能,做一个合格的大学生,将来更好的服务社会,实现自身的人生价值。每个大学生都在学英语,作为英语专业的我该如何立足?我正在寻找答案“众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊”,只要专业技能够硬够强,一定会有自己的舞台。我现在所要做的就是努力学习,只有足够的input,才能out put。
一下是比较好写的论文题目,希望能帮助你!噢 顺便一提 几天前帮我指导的ABC天丅口语的导师说过 就是想征服英语应该是不费力地!绝对有个好的学习环境以及进修口语对象,最关键就是外教水平 口语纯正非常重要,持续每日口语交流,一对一家教式辅导才能够有.好.的学习成果~上完课还要重复温习课堂音频 更可以加深印象。若真的是没有人可以指导的情况 可以去 VOA或大耳朵取得课余教材学习 多说多问不知不觉的英语水平就培养起来,学习效益肯定会迅速明显的!1. 论商务英语与文化的关系. 论商务英语广告语言的特征与表达 试论商务英语交际中的文化因素. 论沟通语言在商务英语谈判中的作用与功能. 试论中西文化习惯在商务英语谈判中的作用. 论文化差异对商务英语谈判的影响. 论 商务英语翻译中的不对等性 论撰写商务英语信函的礼貌原则. 论商务英语写作中的语气分析10 论商务合同英语的文体特征分析11. 论礼貌与商务英语信函中礼貌的表现1. 论商务英语中的委婉表达及其翻译1. 论商标名称的翻译与策略1. 论产品中文商标的翻译英语商务传真话语类型分析初探1 论外贸英语函电的语言特点 论商务场合中的汉英跨文化交际 论商标英译中的“信” 论商标英译中的“雅” 论商务英语信函及翻译特点 论模糊语言在商务英语写作中的运用 论商务英语翻译中的”忠实”与”变通” 论商务英语合同及其翻译特点 论英语俚语的汉译10 论英语委婉语的差异和翻译对策
感谢培养教育我的XX学校,XX浓厚的学术氛围,舒适的学习环境我将终生难忘!祝母校蒸蒸日上,永创辉煌!祝校长财源滚滚,仕途顺利!感谢对我倾囊赐教、鞭策鼓励的XX大学X系诸位师长,诸位恩师的谆谆训诲我将铭记在心。祝恩师们身体健康,家庭幸福!感谢论文中引文的原作者,他们都是法学界的名师大家,大师风范,高山仰止。祝他们寿域无疆,德业永辉!感谢同窗好友XXX、XXX、XX、XX、XXX以及更多我无法逐一列出名字的朋友,他们和我共同度过了四年美好难忘的大学时光,我非常珍视和他们的友谊!祝他们前程似锦,事业有成!家有娇妻,外有二房!最最感谢生我养我的父母,他们给予了我最无私的爱,为我的成长付出了许多许多,焉得谖草,言树之背,养育之恩,无以回报,惟愿他们健康长寿!感谢我的牌友孙XX、杨XX、杨XX、王X、赵X,他们和我一起度过了大四无聊的时光,让我在写作之余能有很好的休闲活动。祝他们以后多培养牌坛新秀!感谢我的烟友姜X、丁X、冯XX、田XX。在我没烟抽的时候他们总能毫无吝惜的将自己的烟分给我抽,尤其是在本文写作过程中,我废寝忘食,足不出户,烟抽的很快,他们给予我很大帮助,燃上一支烟,文思如泉涌,快乐似神仙!祝他们永远都有好烟抽!最后要感谢我自己,没有自己的努力,本文是无论如何业完不成的!感谢我以最大的毅力完成了四年大学学习,在这个环境里我能洁身自爱,出淤泥而不染保持一颗纯洁的心,真的是很不容易!祝自己身体健康,权财两旺!家里红旗不倒,外面彩旗飘飘! 大学三年学习时光已经接近尾声,在此我想对我的母校,我的父母、亲人们,我的老师和同学们表达我由衷的谢意。 感谢我的家人对我大学三年学习的默默支持;感谢我的母校桂林师专给了我在大学三年深造的机会,让我能继续学习和提高;感谢桂林师专的老师和同学们三年来的关心和鼓励。老师们课堂上的激情洋溢,课堂下的谆谆教诲;同学们在学习中的认真热情,生活上的热心主动,所有这些都让我的三年充满了感动。 这次毕业论文设计我得到了很多老师和同学的帮助,其中我的论文指导老师黄志敏老师对我的关心和支持尤为重要。每次遇到难题,我最先做的就是向黄老师寻求帮助,而黄老师每次不管忙或闲,总会抽空来找我面谈,然后一起商量解决的办法。黄老师平日里工作繁多,但 我做毕业设计的每个阶段,从选题到查阅资料,论文提纲的确定,中期论文的修改,后期论文格式调整等各个环节中都给予了我悉心的指导。这几个月以来,黄老师不仅在学业上给我以精心指导,同时还在思想给我以无微不至的关怀,在此谨向黄老师致以诚挚的谢意和崇高的敬意。 同时,本篇毕业论文的写作也得到了韦芳、谭冬柳等同学的热情帮助。感谢在整个毕业设计期间和我密切合作的同学,和曾经在各个方面给予过我帮助的伙伴们,在此,我再一次真诚地向帮助过我的老师和同学表示感谢!(编辑:pulp) 大学生活一晃而过,回首走过的岁月,心中倍感充实,当我写完这篇毕业论文的时候,有一种如释重负的感觉,感慨良多。 首先诚挚的感谢我的论文指导老师**老师。她在忙碌的教学工作中挤出时间来审查、修改我的论文。还有教过我的所有老师们,你们严谨细致、一丝不苟的作风一直是我工作、学习中的榜样;他们循循善诱的教导和不拘一格的思路给予我无尽的启迪。 感谢三年中陪伴在我身边的同学、朋友,感谢他们为我提出的有益的建议和意见,有了他们的支持、鼓励和帮助,我才能充实的度过了三年的学习生活。 在本人的写作过程中,XXX老师给予了大力的帮助和指导,在此深表感谢!同时也感谢其他帮助和指导过我的老师和同学。 最后要感谢在整个论文写作过程中帮助过我的每一位人。 首先,也是最主要感谢的是我的指导老师,XXX老师。在整个过程中他给了我很大的帮助,在论文题目制定时,他首先肯定了我的题目大方向,但是同时又帮我具体分析使我最后选择失地农民的养老保险这个具体目标,让我在写作时有了具体方向。在论文提纲制定时,我的思路不是很清晰,经过老师的帮忙,让我具体写作时思路顿时清晰。在完成初稿后,老师认真查看了我的文章,指出了我存在的很多问题。在此十分感谢李老师的细心指导,才能让我顺利完成毕业论文。 其次,要感谢帮我查资料的张超同学,后期因为实习的关系,不能随时去学校的图书馆查阅资料,在此也十分感谢他能抽出时间帮我找的一些外文资料。 值此本科学位论文完成之际,首先要感谢我的导师XXX老师。X老师从一开始的论文方向的选定,到最后的整篇文论的完成,都非常耐心的对我进行指导。给我提供了大量数据资料和建议,告诉我应该注意的细节问题,细心的给我指出错误。他对分时电价领域的专业研究和对该课题深刻的见解,使我受益匪浅。X老师诲人不倦的工作作风,一丝不苟的工作态度,严肃认真的治学风格给我留下深刻的影响,值得我永远学习。在此,谨向导师XXX老师致以崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢!My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor aaa , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not havereached its present form.Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor aaa, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor dddd, Professor ssss, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.
Market Research and Export Promotion Export Marketing Plan The marking plan is the basis on which all the overseas promotion is formulated. To devise the marketing plan involves reconciling the export strategies and objectives of the manufacturer into marketing terms.The marketing plan embraces many elements including market research project, promotion/advertising details, products involved and their quantity available, distribution arrangements and total volume/value of goods Where relevant, various costing information should be included, particularly the research and advertising budget. Overall; the plan must be realistic and should have a clear sense of purpose and direction Export Market Research Before making goods for a new overseas market, as in the home trade, it is necessary to discover first of all if the goods can be sold profitably in that market. To answer that question is one of the objects of market research. Export market research, in particular, is a study of a given market abroad to determine the needs of that market and the methods by which the products; can best be supplied. It may be carried out to determine: 1. If a new product likely to find a market. 2. Whether an established product is likely to meet with a good demand in a new market. 3.Why sales of a product have declined, either generally or in a certain area Here, in this chapter is laid on the first point: Market research is vital to success in overseas Markets To look for a suitable market an exporter must consider, for example: 1.Political and Economic Conditions Countries with different political and economic systems take different attitudes toward foreign trade business.Their policies and regulations concerning import and export,foreign exchange control,customs, duties and other tariffs will greatly affect the suitability for a new market. 2.Physical and Climatic Conditions The suitability of his products: heavy clothing is not worn in hot climates; mountaineering equipment would not be in demand in a flat country. 3. Social Conditions If there is a low standard.of living with poor wage levels, there nay be no market for television sets or cars or luxury products. It may be desirable, even necessary,for price lists and sales promotion literature to be translated into a local language,with local units of measurement 5 and of the survey questionnaire and in the interviewing process. Surveys may be very expensive, and they are time--consuming: Another key weakness is that respondents often cannot or will not give true answers. The interviewing in the survey may be done by the researcher in person, by telephone, or by mail. 1.Personal Interviews Personal interviews are more flexible than the other two types because interviews can alter the questions to fit-the situation as they see it: They are able to probe snore deeply if an answer is not satisfactory. Ordinarily, it is possible to obtain more information by personal interview .than by telephone: or mail. Also, the interview can by observation; obtain data regarding the respondents'socioeconomic status-their home ,neighborhood, and apparent standard of living. The major limitations of this method of interviewing are its relative high cost, the length of time needed to conduct the survey, and the chance of introducing ,errors during the interviewing. 2. Telephone Survey In a telephone survey, the respondent, is approached by telephone, and interview is completed at that time. Telephone surveys can usually be conducted more rapidly and at less cost than either personal or mail surveys. Tele: phone surveys are lees flexible than personal Interviews, but more flexible than mail survey. Another significant advantage is that a telephone. survey -may be timely. For instance, people may be asked whether they are watching television at the moment and; if so, the name of the program and the sponsor. One limitation of the telephone survey is that interviews must be short: Lengthy interviews cannot be conducted satisfactorily over the phone. 3.Interviewing by Mail Interviewing by mail involves mailing a questionnaire to potential respondents and having them return the completed form by mail. Mailed questionnaires ape more economical than personal interviews and are particularly useful in national surveys,Also, if the respondents remain anonymous, they are more likely to give true answers because they do not feel the need to impress the interviewer. A major problem with mail' questionnaires is the Compilation of a good mailing list, especially for a broad-scale survey. If the sample can be drawn from a limited list, such as property taxpayers in certain counties or subscribers to a magazine, the list presents no problem.Another significant limitation concerns the reliability of the questionnaire returns, Particularly when the returns are-anonymous. If the respondents have characteristics that 6 differentiate them from nonrespondents, the survey results will be invalid. Further,the questionnaire must be reasonably shorted the questions very simple; there is no to explain in a puzzling question. Ideally :Yes.'' or“No" or prechoice type of :produces the best results. Here is an example: Questionnaire for Market_Research on Smoking A. Do you smoke cigarettes? Yes/No (If No,terminate) B How. many do you smoke a day? C. What size of cigarette do you smoke ? Mini ,Standard ,Large D. Do you smoke filter tips.? Yes/No E. Do you smoke menthol cigarettes?一Yes/No Observational Method In the observational method, the data are collected by observing some action of the respondent: No interviews are involved, although an interview may be used as a follow-up to-get additional information. For instance,if customers are observed buying beer in cans instead of bottles; they may be asked; why they prefer that one form of packaging to the other. Information may be gathered by personal or mechanical observation. In one form of personal observation the researcher poses as a customer in a store. This technique is useful in getting information about the caliber of the -sales people,or in determining what brands they push. Mechanical observation is illustrated by an electric cord stretched across a high way to count the number一of cars that pass during a certain time period The observation method has several merits. It can be highly accurate.Often it removes a11 doubt about what the customer does in: a given, situation. The consumers are unaware that they are being observed; so presumably they action theft usual fashion. The observation technique reduces interviewer bias. However, the possibility of bias is not- completely eliminated as long as people are used as :observers. Another disadvantage is that the technique is limited in its application. Observation tells what happened; but it cannot tell why. It cannot delve into motives, attitudes,or opinions. Experimental Method The experimental method of gathering primary data involves the establishment of a controlled experiment that stimulates the real market situation as much as possible. The theory is that' the small-scale experiment will furnish valuable information f tar designing a large scale marketing program. 7 The experimental method may be used in several different ways. In one instance, a firm may manufacture a few units of a product and give them to employees or consumers to try out: Probably the major application of the experimental method has been in market testing. This technique consist establishing a control market, in which all factors remain constant and one or more test markets,in which one factor is varied. A firm may be trying to determine whether to change the color of its package.In city A, the product is marketed in its traditional color. In each of cities B, C, and D, a different color is used. All other factor are kept constant. By measuring sales in the four market over a period of time;.the manufacturer, hopes to determine which color is most effective. The outstanding merit of the experimental method is it realism. It is the only one of the three methods of gathering primary data that stimulate an actual maket situation. The problem is that it is expensive.It requires long periods of careful planning and administration. Analyze the Data and Prepare a Report The final steps in market research project are to analyze the data and interpret the findings. Information gathered from market research is a guide to the invention,production and sales of the products for which there is a market. Today sophisticated electronic data processing equipment enables a researcher to tabulate and analyze masses of data quickly, and inexpensively. The end product of the investigation is the researcher's conclusion and recommendations, submitted, in written form on which the company's policy and proceedings concerning export promotion are based. Export Promotion-Advertising After deciding there are good prospects, for his goods abroad through the study of the market research investigation, the maker or the exporter will, of course; take measures to promote, exporting of the goods to that market. A most important measure in this respect is to advertise; the aid to trade that deals with the problem of giving information about the goods and 0helps to put buyers and sellers in touch with one another. By means of advertisements a supplier, tells people what goods he has for sale and emphasizes their good points in the hope that people will buy them. Advertising can, be undertaken by the company's sales or publicity department; or an advertising agcy is to be.engaged as an adviser. Purpose of Advertising 1.To Inform 8 Advertising can be used to place facts before public. An advertisement for a car may include some technical details, so that part of the advertisement is informative. Another advertisement may be .entirely informative,such as the announcement of the opening of a new shop.2 To Persuade although the advertisement for the car may give some facts, its over-all objective is to persuade people to buy the car. To do this various subtle methods may be used. The illustration, for instance; may give an exaggerated impression of the car's power The wording and the lay-out may be designed to appeal to the emotion rather than the mind: If you study some advertisement for practical products, you will find that they contain little or no technical information. One would not expect to find a .scientific analysis in an' advertisement for a cake of toilet soap, of course, but an examination of advertisement for. medicinal goods will show that the appeal is mainly to the emotions.3: To Remind Some advertisements aim merely to keep the name of :the product before the public. A newspaper advertisement may consist of only a picture of a packet of cigarettes; a bus may carry,the name of an insurance company; a poster may display a well-known advertising phrase. They say nothing but serve a useful. purpose in constantly reminding the public of, the, name of the product Advertising Media The term "media" means the forms used 'to carry advertisement. The choice of media depends upon the product and the audience the advertisement is aimed at For example, very few people are interested in coins. A coin dealer would want to appeal to that small number of people and to no one else. He would therefore advertise in a magazine which most coin enthusiasts read. The cost of advertising in newspapers large depends upon the circulation of each newspaper.If a newspaper sells a million copies, it is possible (although not probable) that a million people will read an advertisement in it. Some pages in a newspaper are more expensive to advertise in than are others, because most people will read the general news pages but only some will the pages devoted to sport, fashion, the arts; etc. Different一types of people read different newspapers, so an advertiser will use those papers whose readers are likely to be possible buyers of his products. For example, an art gallery would not advertise in a "popular" news paper because few of its readers would be likely to be visitors to art galleries. 2 Magazines The same principles about which media to use also apply to magazines. There are magazines which men read, those which women read and those which both read. Within each 9 group there is specialization, so that one magazine will be read by one "social group" and not by another. 3. Radio and Television These are the most、expensive of advertising media. A broadcast at a "peak time"will be heard or seen by millions of people: If only a tiny fraction of them respond, the huge cost twill have been justified. One reason for the success of such advertising is that it is difficult to ignore. A broadcast will be heard: or seen by everyone using a radio or television set; even if only subconsciously, it will make an impression. On the other hand, when you read a newspaper or a magazine you will not even notice most of the advertisements A radio or television advertisement must make an instant appeal. There may be only 30 seconds to get the message across; so its impacts must be immediate. 4 Outdoor Advertising This includes posters, advertisements on vans and buses and in trains. The message must be simple and short, perhaps with an immediately recognizable illustration. Selection of Customers-Credit information Once the overseas' market has been found, the next step is to look for suitable customers with whom the maker or exporter expects to establish good business relationships. Undoubtedly, he wishes to deal with those customers of high credit standing, and that is one of the chief factors to consider at the tune of setting up new business connections.The information about the credit or financial standing of an overseas trader can be obtained from various sources. They are chiefly banks, trade associations professional credit information services, and consulates abroad. Upon application for or on receipt of letters asking for the credit standing of the foreign trader in question these organizations are willing to provide, without any responsibility on their part,a credit or financial report on the trader, which is usually considered as private and confidential. The report is based on the relative references, files, and records they have kept or on the result of an investigation made accordingly. In view of the financial or credit status stated or recommended in the report alongside of other factors the maker .or manufacturer may freely consider the intended customer acceptable or not.
原来以为毕业设计的外文翻译很愁人,现在开始着手做了才发现没有想象中的那么可怕,但是很需要耐心。 我先在咱们学校的图书馆的数据库资源中找到EI检索,然后看了它提供的检索演示,就找到了相应的文章。我翻译了两个下午了,有点儿小心得想跟大家分享一下。 1.想要搜索到和自己毕设相关的英文论文最好的方法应该是:先到中文数据库中找几篇硕士博士的跟自己毕设相关的毕设,因为他们的毕设中都有英文的摘要、英文的关键词,我们只需记下他们用的英文关键词,然后在到EI检索中输入英文关键词(个人觉得这样比直接用Google翻译要准确),会搜出很多,为了简化,使用搜索中 关键词AND项,既可以缩小范围,又使搜出的论文更加符合你的要求。 2.很多人看 摘要 选择是否翻译这篇文章,我为了快速,直接下载(因为我们学校的下载还是很快的),然后打开直接看内容中的原理图和插图,这样很快能判断内容是否与你的毕设相关,当然这个方法仅适用于我们理工科的题目。 3.翻译过程中肯定会遇到翻译工具不会解释的专业名词,你可以把它输到Google栏中搜索再搜索,或是在翻译之前就大致读几篇相似的中文文献,这样可以解决不少问题,但是我们都不愿意花这样的时间,呵呵。 4.如果一个段落中的内容中有芯片,可以先在网上查到此种芯片的中文资料,再配合词霸的“傻瓜翻译”就可以快速准确的翻译出来了。 5.最后这一条是我错误的经验总结出来的,希望大家不要犯,选出文章后一定要看是哪个国家的人写的,我都翻译了两天了,今天我才发现为什么我觉得我这篇文章中的英文看着那么别扭,原来作者是土耳其人,切记:最好找母语是英语的,会省很多很多很多很多很多很多力气!来源:
Learning English is very easy.At least I think so.If you want to study English well,the first thing you need to do is read many English books.Second,you should practice every day.No pains,no gains,you know.You will study English well if you do as what I said.
心得体会 Experience 英 [iksˈpiəriəns] 美 [ɪkˈspɪriəns] n. 经验,体验; 经历,阅历; vt. 亲身参与,亲身经历; 感受; 发现;
A Review of Robinson Crusoe--《鲁宾逊漂流记》读后感
This is a novel by the English author Daniel Defoe, published in 1719. It is one of the most popular adventure novels in all literature. It is the story of Bobinson Crusoe, an Englishman who is shipwrecked in a lonely tropical island. He builds himself a hut, grows his own food, and bees self-sufficient. After 23 years he meets with a group of cannibals and rescues one of their prisoners, a young native whome he calls Friday.Crusoe and his“man”Friday bee close friends, and when they are finally rescued four years later, both return to England.
Robinson Crusoe was partly based on the actual deeds of Alexander Selkirk, an 18th-century Scottish sailor who spent almost five years alone on a desert island. This novel is famous for its lovely details and its expression of belief in man's ability when left alone in nature.
[英语读后感50字]英语读后感50字Snow WhiteI read Snow White last week, I to this book as well as the inside master public some views and the feeling, below am my some ideas. I thought that this book is very interesting, moreover is also exciting, story plot unconstrained fluctuation, confusing. A bright side won certainly finally. inside the story\'s leading character is also may encircle may select. Snow White, is chaste, lovable; Seven dwarves, is friendly, good. Stepmother, is also empress, is virulent, cruel-hearted .Inside this\'s each characters have filled the unique individuality, after enabling we looked, to the character to have the nearly pletely unified view. I thought I most like the character is seven dwarves, they are good, friendly, is willing to help other people, this is worth us studying, I most repugnant character is empress, she is virulent, is cruel-hearted, does not have a spot good performance, only wants to raise oneself, disparages others. the relation life, inside this\'s leading character many are worth us studying actually, certainly, also has some people not to be worth us studying. Generally speaking, this written unusual good. After this is I read this book the view and the opinion.Madam Curie(居里夫人读后感)Madam Curie, a world famous woman scientist, was born into a techer\'s family in Poland in 1867 and died in 1934. She finished her middle school at the age of 16. Eight years later, when she was 24, she went to study at Paris University. All her lige was devoted to scientific research and her efforts were rewarded. She had won the Nobel Price ice.Today, as a famous female, Madam Curie is sill remembered by the whole world. People will remember her forever for her courage, determination and her spirit of sharing knowledge with others.【扩展阅读篇】所谓“感”可以是从书中领悟出来的道理或精湛的思想,可以是受书中的内容启发而引起的思考与联想,可以是因读书而激发的决心和理想,也可以是因读书而引起的对社会上某些丑恶现象的抨击、讽刺,英语读后感50字.读后感的表达方式灵活多样,基本属于议论范畴,但写法不同于一般议论文,因为它必须是在读后的基础上发感想.要写好有体验、有见解、有感情、有新意的读后感,必须注意以下几点:首先,要读好原文“读后感[1]”的“感”是因“读”而引起的.“读”是“感”的基础.走马观花地读,可能连原作讲的什么都没有了解,哪能有“感”?读得肤浅,当然也感得不深.只有读得认真,才能有所感,并感得深刻.如果要读的是议论文,要弄清它的论点(见解和主张),或者批判了什么错误观点,想一想你受到哪些启发,还要弄清论据和结论是什么.如果是记叙文,就要弄清它的主要情节,有几个人物,他们之间是什么关系,以及故事发生在哪年哪月.作品涉及的社会背景,还要弄清楚作品通过记人叙事,揭示了人物什么样的精神品质,反映了什么样的社会现象,表达了作者什么思想感情,作品的哪些章节使人受感动,为什么这样感动等等.其次,排好感点只要认真读好原作,一篇文章可以写成读后感的方面很多.如对原文中心感受得深可以写成读后感,对原作其他内容感受得深也可以写成读后感,对个别句子有感受也可以写成读后感.总之,只要是原作品的内容,只要你对它有感受,都可能写成读后感,你需要把你所知道的都表示出来,这样才能写好读后感.第三、选准感点一篇文章,可以排出许多感点,但在一篇读后感里只能论述一个中心,切不可面面俱到,所以紧接着便是对这些众多的感点进行筛选比较,找出自己感受最深、角度最新,现实针对性最强、自己写来又觉得顺畅的一个感点,作为读后感的中心,然后加以论证成文.第四、叙述要简既然读后感是由读产生感,那么在文章里就要叙述引起“感”的那些事实,有时还要叙述自己联想到的一些事例.一句话,读后感中少不了“叙”.但是它不同于记叙文中“叙”的要求.记叙文中的“叙”讲究具体、形象、生动,而读后感中的“叙”却讲究简单扼要,它不要求“感人”,只要求能引出事理.初学写读后感引述原文,一般毛病是叙述不简要,实际上变成复述了.这主要是因为作者还不能把握所要引述部分的精神、要点,所以才简明不了.简明,不是文字越少越好,简还要明.第五,联想要注意形式联想的形式有相同联想(联想的事物之间具有相同性)、相反联想(联想的事物之间具有相反性)、相关联想(联想的事物之间具有相关性)、相承联想(联想的事物之间具有相承性)、相似联想(联想的事物之间具有相似性)等多种.写读后感尤其要注意相同联想与相似联想这两种联想形式的运用.编辑本段如何写读后感格式一、格式和写法读后感通常有三种写法:一种是缩写内容提纲,一种是写阅读后的体会感想,一种是摘录好的句子和段落.题目可以用《读后感》;还可以用自己的感受(一两个词语)做题目,下一行是——《读有感》,第一行是主标题,第二行是副标题.二、要选择自己感受最。
其实英语的比语文的反而简单,因为英语的读后感考的不是你对电影的理解,而主要考的是你的英语水平,所以你可以从任何角度来写,比如你懂了什么,就其中一俩点来写就行了,重要的是注意英语的词汇、句型、语法的使用. 具体步骤可参考: (一)引。
老师的教诲和达?芬奇后来的巨大成功,都说明了练好基本功的重要。”如果阐述“学习必须虚心踏实,不能好高骛远”,那么引述时就要突出“达?芬奇虚心接受老师的教导,经过长期的艰苦的艺术实践,终成一代宗师”这一点 (二)议。
画家达?芬奇的成功是这样,所有作家、科学家的成功同样是这样。” (三)联。
在语言表达上,可不时地把原文中的词句“点缀”在论述中,给读者以“开源见流”的良好印象 (四)结。指归纳看法,总结全篇。
这里也应注意“点缀”上原文的词句 “引、议、联、结”是读后感的一般结构,习作者可在熟练掌握的基础上灵活运用,适当变化,正所谓“文无定法”。但不管如何变化,都要做到“读”与“感”相交融,使全文成为一个严密的整体;同时,还要“感”得实在,“感”得有针对性。
例如: 小说设计了一个很光明的结尾.罗彻特的庄园毁了,他本人也成了一个残废..在这样的情况下,简爱不再在尊严和爱之间.而同时获得满足-------她和罗彻特的结婚是有尊严的,同时也是有爱的;小说告诉我们,人们最美好的生活就是尊严加爱.小说的结局按排的这是这样一种生活.虽然我觉得这样的结局过于完美,这样的完美有点浮浅..但我依然尊重作者对这种生活的美好理想.就是-------尊严加爱 The novel tells us that the best people to increase the dignity of life is love. Novels by the end of the row that ts is such a life. Although I tnk ts kind of oute is too perfect, so perfect .. a little superficial, but I still respect ts author The ideal of a better kind of life. ------- Is to increase the dignity of love In modern society, few people will like Jane Eyre, for the love for the character and abandon all, and without looking back.s Whole-hearted pursuit of pay, and pure like a glass of ice water 。
. 希望对你有帮助!。
怎么写英语读后感?其实写英语文读后感的思路和中文读后感是一样的,相差的只是对语言的驾驭能力你应该先概况你读的内容的中心思想,然后从总体上把握你对文章的感想,写出你真实的感受,你也可以细写其中某一段给你难忘的感受.最重要的是真实的感受,不要怕没文采,只要是你最真的感受,就能敢动人.看一篇英语读后感范文:History will never fet History will never fet -----after reading Whenever somebody mention the history of the modern china,we will feel it's really hard for chinese people to receive.At that time,China was weak,and was invaded by imperiali *** countries .The Chinese peo处敞边缎装等膘劝博滑ple was suffering the poverty,hunger and trepidation brought by war.However,what harm we most is not the pain of our bodies,but that our country is likely dying out.In many imperialiam countries that invaded China then,Japan is the country which gave China the most terrible damage. When I was still a middle school student,I had known the history about the invasion by Japan .I felt so sad and I hatedJapanese that time.But after reading the book called written by Yu jie,I have another feeling about history and the way we have to go in the future beeen the o countries,China and Japan. The writer gave us a lot of fact about that history,with many pictures.I felt a pain in my heart when reading this book.Many people died ,many lost their home and suffering hunger.Some women were raped by the soldiers of Japan,their body was hurt and so did thire spirit.When I saw a photo that a little boy sat on the ground cying ,because of losing his parents in an explosion at a train station,I felt as if losing my own family menbers.The solders of Japan did a lot evildoing to chinese people,we will never fet the history of that. Today ,after many years we won the war beeen Japan,the o countries have many munions,including the trade and the culture and so on.Even if that ,the people of o country still have unpleasantness.Expecislly after the premier of Japan paid honour to the Jingguo shrine many times,and the Diaoyu island event,the people beeen the o countries even hate each other more.The history of the war involving the emotion of us.But why we still can't put the animosity down and to be friends after many years?To contact normally,is what people really want. However what the Japanese did these years made us hard to treat them by our heart,we even can *** ell the militari *** is ing back.The really friendly neighborhood seems far away from us.In my opinion ,it need the o countries people to work hard together.Chinese need to put down the animosity,Japanese need to be more friendly,we need trust beeen us.China and Japan are both Asia countries,Chinese and Japanese are both the yellow race,it's better to be friends but not enemies.Of cause,the whole world people should be friends too. What I really want to say is ,we will never fet the history of that,but China need to be developed,and a better neighborhood is necessary.We can remember the history with another way ,but not just with animosity.And we should remember that the peace of the world is most important。
An Interesting Book The DA VINCI CODE is really a good book!
It's very interesting.Although I don't have the knowledge of religion,I am crazy about it!However,my foreign teacher told me that some people who believe in Jesus don't like this book.
They hold the opinion that the book tells them something wrong.Because I know nothing about religion,I am not sure if it is true.I think that everything has pros and cons,we should learn the good things from the book and don't care about the bad things.
We can benefit from reading.We can learn lots of knowledge from books.
Let's read.Books are the food of our spirit.
言的驾驭能力你应该先概况你读的内容的中心思想,然后从总体上把握你对文章的感想,写出你真实的感受,你也可以细写其中某一段给你难忘的感受.最重要的是真实的感受,不要怕没文采,只要是你最真的感受,就能敢动人.看一篇英语读后感范文:History will never fetHistory will never fet-----after readingWhenever somebody mention the history of the modern china,we will feel it\'s really hard for chinese people to receive.At that time,China was weak,and was invaded by imperiali *** countries .The Chinese people was suffering the poverty,hunger and trepidation brought by war.However,what harm we most is not the pain of our bodies,but that our country is likely dying out.In many imperialiam countries that invaded China then,Japan is the country which gave China the most terrible damage.When I was still a middle school student,I had known the history about the invasion by Japan .I felt so sad and I hatedJapanese that time.But after reading the book called written by Yu jie,I have another feeling about history and the way we have to go in the future beeen the o countries,China and Japan.The writer gave us a lot of fact about that。
Many people often use "mental illness" to scold one another. It is obversely that people always have some social prejudice on the "mental illness".
In many cases, psychopaths always refuse to be given medication. No one can deny that it is di *** eneficial to them,but the problem is not so simple.We must realize that the enforced behavior against the respondent's will ,such as injection of mind-altering drugs ,is highly offensive to their dignity and autonomy. To some sufferers, the word "normal" is so boring,they really hate this,and I have to say that they also own the right to stand on their dignity!
As a final ment, I should say that no matter how terrible the people may be, they should be entitled to make decision and there is on doubt that prejudice should be avoided in society.
《朝花夕拾》i read the book written by luxun .it is called zhaohuaxishi. it includes 10 short articles about the writers stories .they are based on his own experience , when i read this book ,i feel very happy to see luxuns childhood. it was diffrent from ours,so we may find it intersting and exciting. luxuns langange is very great but maybe difficult to understand . but through his words ,we can find his happiness in his heart . 《潘德尔的巫师》 17th century English related witchcraft superstition is extremelyserious, many everybody because are accused but to suffer in vain forthe sorcerer the fatal disaster. This *** all story is Zhan Nite abouther whole family pitiful bitter experience narration. Zhan Niespecially told this story the time is in 1634, at that time her onlythen 9 years old, because are actually accused to imprison for thesorceress in the Lancaster castle jail. Before this her maternalgrandmother, the mother and elder brother are all treated as thesorcerer to execute. 1苔丝读后感 Tess of the D'urbevilles 长篇小说《德伯家的苔丝》是英国著名小说家和诗人托马斯·哈代(1840-1928)的代表作 yesterday, I read the novel called "Tess of the D'urbevilles". written by a famous Englishwriter Thomas Hardy. The novel tells a story about a pretty and good girl called Tess, who lived in a village in Marlott. To her sadness, when she was seventeen, she was no longer a pure and untouched girl. She gave birth to a baby, which didn't live long. So Tess changed from a pure gir l to a grown —up. Because she was the eldest of the 7 children in the family, she found a job to support the whole family in a dairy.There she knew Angel and married him. But unluckily. when Angel knew her sad story, he left her and went to Brazil.Tess led a hard an d lonely life after that. Later when she knew Angel had retumed home and found out that she was living with the man who had given the damage to her before,Tess couldn't accept the fact and killed the man who was living with her. Then she escaped and spent together with Angel three days and nights. The police found them on the moming of the fourth day. A few days later, Tess was executed. Having read this novel, I like the heroine very much because of her purity, warmness, nobility and the spirit of devotion, She dared to fight against the evil, bravely seek and sturggle for the rights of love. Thomas Hardy was famous for the poetical novels. "Tess of the D'urbevilles"is one of this kind. The novel is so fresh that it is nearly like a poem. For nearly a century, it has been popular with the people all over the world.。
自我介绍 就是把自己的一些称呼、 爱好 等介绍给别人,让别人在简短的介绍后有所了解,这也是拉近距离的方式,那么你知道用英语怎么自我介绍吗?下面给大家分享一些关于大学生英语自我介绍 范文 5篇,希望对大家有所帮助。
Good morning, my name is jack, which is indeed a great honor to have the opportunity to interview, I would like to answer you may increase and I hope I can become a good performance today, the final register for the prestigious The University in September. Now I will briefly introduce myself, I am 21 years old, born in Heilongjiang Province, northeast of China, I curruently senior students in Beijing are mainly two uni.my packaging engineering.and I received my bachelor's degree, I graduated june.in the past four years, I spent most of my time to learn, I have been through CET4 / 6, so as to alleviate. I have a basic knowledge of the packaging and publication in the theory and practice.
In addition, I also took part in some of the packaging exhibition held in Beijing, which is our advantage here to learn, I have taken to visit a number of large factories and companies. Through these I have a profound understanding of the domestic packaging industry. Compared to developed countries, such as us, unfortunately, although we have made remarkable progress since 1978, China's packaging industry is still underdeveloped, chaos and instability, which the staff in this regard The awkard. But I have full confidence in a brighter future, if only we can maintain the economic growth pace still.
I think you might be interested in the reasons for itch in accordance with the law, what is my plan during graduate study life, I have to tell you that my life-long pursuit of legal pursuit of the goal, I think I have a major packaging and I won "t give up If I can continue my master's degree, I will combine law with my education predecessor. I will work hard in the thesefields, patents, trademarks, copyrights, and on that basis I have many years of research department of p & P, my character ? I can not describe, but I know that I am very optimistic and self-confidence. Sometimes I prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but I do not lonely, I like to chat with my fellow students, almost all the talking, my favorite Pastime is valleyball, playing cards or surf the Web. University through life, I learned how to balance learning and entertainment. By the way, I am an actor of our amazing drama club. I have a few glorious memory on stage. This is my pride.
I think that since the admission, the school has to comply with the rules and regulations, has a good ideological and moral quality, outstanding performance. Have a strong collective sense of honor and sense of responsibility, adhere to the principle of practical work for things.
I thought the correct Chikunailao can have lofty ideals and great goals, the importance of personal moral cultivation, the adoption of a healthy life style, helpful, concerned about national affairs.
In school, I have been studying hard and assiduously, through systematic study and master a solid foundation of knowledge.
After school hours, I actively participated in physical training, enhance physical fitness, loves labor and actively participate in the school's cultural and sports activities, to participate in social practice, inherit and carry forward the spirit of arduous struggle, also participated in the school's literature and calligraphy Association , Enriching the after-school life, in all its aspects have been improved accordingly.
"Bao Jianfeng from Grounding out, plum blossom-to the bitter cold," I firmly believe that through continuous learning and efforts to become a ideals, morality, culture, and discipline of students, with outstanding achievements meet the challenge, for the community I am a lifetime contribution to the construction of the power.
I'm --X class of --X, common household's daughter, my parents is assistant, life is general, also because of this, there may be little genetic relationship, my personality is quite introverted.
This year in September, I come to guangzhou college, this is my first time to leave my parents give far door. See side come and go, enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained, cheerful talkative classmates,
I am deeply into his own character of pressure, although I didn't think that my character to have what not good.
Because introverted, I introduce myself in class sound when very small, so that his classmates don't know me, Because introverted, I dare not and not too familiar classmate say hello, so I often come alone walking alone, Because introverted, I dared not participate in those who have an interview activity that I've lost self-exercise opportunities. I even worried, I later how to obtain employment? How to recommend myself?
There is no matter that can't be solved, also did not cross over the candy. The formation of character is accumulated, to solve it is never happen overnight, I must be patient. The university is a self-training, improve your own platform, there is a lot of classmates, for me an outside resident students, now turned into inside the resident students, should be a very good character training opportunities.
Let the past be the past, let now compose the future. University is the life of another a start, wish all of us as a freshman students can round their beautiful university dream, fulfillment metamorphosis.
hello.everyone.it is really good to see you here.i am.....,come from china.this is my first time to this beautiful country ,,i am so delighted to have the opportunity to be here with you guys .i just finished my study in high school ,and i would like to further my study here.but my english is not that good ,i need your help .anyway ,i hope we can enjoy ourselves being together .thank you
General Introduction
I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program.
Education background
In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester,In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.
At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excel lent Graduation Thesis.
Research experience and academic activity
When a sophomore, I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system. It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST. I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis & dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant. This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial product.
In retrospect, I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the Ph.D. program. My future research interests include: Network Scheduling Problem, Heuristic Algorithm research (especially in GA and Neural network), Supply chain network research, Hybrid system performance analysis with Petri nets and Data Mining.
My name is --x from beautiful "jiangbei city"-liaocheng. Now study in hometown of Confucius-qufu normal university. My personality stable, also do not break again cheerful. Good at making friends, make more friends. My hobby is widespread: listen to music, photography, playing computer, of course, the most like or physical exercise,basketball, ping pong, football, and so on, this is why I choose the cause of professional sports.
Now in college, I want to in the university study hard, and actively participate in school activities and occasionally to doa part-time job. As for the future, after four years I may continue my professional, use professional knowledge to find work,perhaps I will choose my own business. In a word, I will use my hands and ability to create life without regret.
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论文摘要: 语言和文化是密不可分的,语言有丰富的文化内涵,不具备文化内涵的语言是不存在的。跨文化的语言交际往往会受到文化差异的干扰。文化差异的存在常常成为翻译的障碍,译者必须处理好语言文化间的差异问题,使翻译真正成为传播文化的媒介。
论文关键词: 语言;文化;文化意识;翻译
关键词:英汉翻译 表达方式 忠实 1 英文对同一事物的表达方式的不同造成的错误
1.1 词性错误
(1)My friend doesn’t afraid of dogs.
(2)His father adviced him not to fight with anybody.
1.2 词形错误
(1)There are many sheeps on the grassland.
(2)She look after 3 children.
1.3 虚词错误
(1)He arrived Beijing yesterday.
(2)I bought the dictionary in 1980s.
(3)Although it is raining, but I go to school all the same.
在例句1)中,arrive是不及物动词,其后一定要用前置词in或at,所以arrive后应加in。例句2)中,英语中“…年代”前必须用定冠词,所以应改为“in the 1980s”。例句3)中,由于受到汉语“虽然…但是…”结构的影响而出错,所不同的是在英语中although…but只能用一个。
1.4 语境不同所选词也应不同,这是又一个易出错的地方
May I open the gate?The are in the room is too close.
2 翻译界在翻译的标准问题上很难达成共识,但有两条标准是大家所公认的忠实、通畅
2.1 有些译者过分拘泥于原文的字面形式,译文晦涩难懂,不知所云
2.2 译者可否选择百分之三十、五十、七十的忠实
3 结语