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Speech recognition is the task of converting speech into text.



This essay is to analyse how the era influences corporate cultures, and to give suggestions on the building of corporate cultures.



Our text achieved the possibility above.



Abstract Recently, the high school teachers are not quite interested in the Chemical guide class, the key functions of which such as improving the class efficiency and stimulating students' studying interests are tend to be ignored. This paper has conducted researches and investigations among the Grade One students in Shengzhou High School and also proposed constructive suggestions on how to guide their classes for the teachers. 【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答!


Now in the summary information in the context of the development of information technology has been widely used, a multimedia computer with each passing day, Multimedia functions are becoming more and more powerful. Multimedia is also increasingly close to the door of my life, the life and work of my door with a lot of help. CAI is a new type of modern teaching methods and in other fields of science to be a good application. In the field of automatic control, in response to the "detection" This class and the development of the plan, and text multimedia CAI have not. Therefore, it is necessary to develop such a courseware to this class for computer-aided teaching. PowerPoint is used in the software for electronic presentations, It could produce a text multimedia works, but can make some simple animation. in the projector or a computer display, as applied to a wider sphere. This multimedia courseware can fully mobilize the active participation of students, significantly enhancing the quality of the demonstration, efficiency and students of the courses enthusiasm. Keywords : Detection Technology PowerPoint CAI

With the continuous development of network technology advances, networks become increasingly rich content, a wide range of emerging network applications. QQ chat network software development tool has been in 10 years, during this period, it is by a single chat software is now evolving entertainment, communications, an equal exchange of multi-functional software. Its influence has gradually expanded to all domestic users Nowadays almost all the users of its software. QQ software, as well as the livelihood of the public has a great impact on interpersonal communication, and its success also has its inevitability.In this paper, the author of this article will be combined with the use of QQ own experience, the characteristics of interpersonal communication networks, QQ function of the development of success compared to other network software, as well as survey data to explore the QQ software the impact of interpersonal communication. Think of this article, QQ software of its first, low-cost, convenience, uniqueness, as well as the development of the gradual improvement of function, as its own are some important conditions for success; and the other people Internet content and applications for the growing demand for the network increasingly sophisticated understanding of interpersonal communication, are able to quickly accept the U.S. and its long-term use of some key factors. This article will focus on the user from the user with both QQ-depth research and discussion on the impact of interpersonal communication and its impact on the pros and cons involved.





可以不需要 但是有了就是锦上添花




摘要(Abstract): in recent years, along with the economic level, consumers green consumption awareness, more and more enterprises to realize, want in the fierce competition in the market, the survival and development, must seek a new marketing concept of enterprise marketing activities, green marketing arises at the historic moment. "Green marketing", refers to the society and the enterprise in fully aware of the increasing consumer consciousness of environmental protection and the resulting in non-polluted products need cleaning, on the basis of the choice that, to create and market opportunities, through a series of rational marketing methods to satisfy consumers and the needs of the development of social and ecological environment, and to realize the sustainable development. Green marketing advocated green civilization. Green marketing to take to prevent pollution prevention and control technologies, technical or use pollution-free clean and in the enterprise internal build a safe working environment, which is beneficial to the physical and mental health of the workers in the enterprise, the external through green marketing, setting up the enterprise image, "green" to promote product sales and enterprise development. Foreign enterprises that the practice of green marketing, conform to the needs of the people, protect the earth green ecological resources and enhance the enterprise's environmental protection consciousness to the sustainable development of the economy, a new path. Our enterprise to the increasingly fierce competition in the international market, we must establish adminisration green culture, adjust their behavior, economic benefit and social benefit and ecological integrated organically, and from the product, price, promotion and management channel, every aspect of green marketing mix strategy. Based on the concept of green marketing, the current situation of green marketing and the implementation of the strategy of sustainable development are briefly expounded. And put forward relevant Suggestions that the product of the company with natural environment and marketing activities and social environment, and coordinate the development of sustainable development of enterprise is the fundamental way.绿色营销是Green marketing,绿色产品是Green products,可持续发展是Sustainable development, 企业是enterprise。应该让你满意,有不足之处还请指教



Speech recognition is the task of converting speech into text.


This essay is to analyse how the era influences corporate cultures, and to give suggestions on the building of corporate cultures.


Our text achieved the possibility above.


ababstract: in order to manage the intangible assets of colleges effectively and correctly calculate the value of intangible assets so as to prevent the lose of intangible assets, this article illustrates the importance of managing intangible assets in current colleges, disscusses the prominent problems in managing intangible assets of colleges and finally raises advice and expectation for the method of managing intangible assets in colleges.key words: college, intangible assets, management

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