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课题研究价值 (一)创新点 1、建立网络教学设计的理论体系与方法。 2、建立基于网络环境的各类教学评价指标体系。 3、开发出操作性强、具有实际应用价值的网络教学的设计工具和评价系统软件。 (二)理论意义 传统的教学设计是应用系统方法分析和研究教学的问题和需求,确立解决他们的方法与步骤,并对教学结果作出评价的一种计划过程与操作程序。现代教学设计理论已经不拘泥于系统论的理论基础,不强调对教学活动的绝对控制,逐渐放弃呆板的设计模式,开始强调教学设计的关系性、灵活性和实时性,从而更加有利于学生的创新精神和实践能力。本课题的理论成果将完善和发展传统的教学设计理论与方法。 (三)应用价值 1、通过课题的研究与实践,总结并形成基于网络环境下学科教学设计的理论与方法,优化中小学课堂教学结构。 2、通过课题的研究与实践,探索并总结信息化时代如何改革传统的思想和模式,使学生学会利用网络资源进行学习的方法和经验。 3、通过课题的研究与实践,探索普通中小学利用网络资源的途径与方法,形成一批优秀的网络教学课例。 4、通过课题的研究与实践,开发出具有应用推广价值的网络教学的设计工具和评价系统软件。 【相关阅读】 2015资产减值开题报告 (一)选题的经过在科学技术飞快发展和和劳动生产力不断提高的今天,企业处在物价变动的经济环境中,直线法计提折旧的缺点逐渐表现出来,为了更好地运营,按照配比法原则的要求,应在固定资产折旧初期提高较多的折旧,在使用后期提取较少折旧,折旧费用呈递减趋势,有利于固定资产价值尽快得到补偿。重视对固定资产折旧的计提,从而企业尽可能采用加速折旧法,以减少需缴纳的企业所得税。 (二)论述的可能性本论文以以往相关系统知识和专业知识的学习和积累,相对合理素质较高的教师队伍的指导,为论述该课题的完成提供了智力和知识上的支持。加速折旧法也称递减折旧费用法,指固定资产每期计提的折旧费用,在使用早期多提,后期则少提。从而相对加快固定资产折旧的速度,以便使固定资产成本加快地得到补偿的折旧的计算方法。采用加速折旧法对增加固定资产投资、加快技术改造有一定的作用。国家为了鼓励采用新技术,允许某些企业才采用加速折旧法。


网络游戏开发 游戏的动画设计与实现摘 要目前,电脑游戏热潮席卷全球,游戏软件的开发和维护正在成长为一个新兴的产业。RPG游戏(角色扮演类游戏)无疑是目前市场上最受欢迎的游戏类型之一,本课题就是为适应当前电脑游戏的发展而提出的。论文首先对RPG游戏进行概述,简单介绍了RPG游戏的发展现状和前景。然后对游戏常用的WIN32编程技术:Windows消息机制、图形设备接口、定时器进行介绍。然后介绍了整个RPG游戏的制作流程,包括游戏策划、游戏与玩家的互动及具体的2D动画设计。在游戏策划方面,通过游戏主题的确立、风格、剧本设计三个方面对其进行阐述。在游戏与玩家互动方面,主要介绍剧情的表现和环境界面两方面内容。2D动画设计是论文的重点,所以在2D的算法和动画制作技巧方面介绍的非常详尽。最后通过一个具体的RPG游戏系统的设计与实现来对本课题的关键技术进行阐述,通过实验表明上述动画设计技术在RPG游戏中有较好的效果。关键词: RPG游戏,游戏策划,2D动画设计,定时器 ABSTRACTAt present, the upsurge of the computer games have sweep across the world. Development and maintenance of the computer games’ software have growing as a new emerging industry. The RPG game (role acting class game) is the most popular one in the present market of computer game. The topic of this thesis was proposed to fit the request of current computer games’ developmentThis thesis first summarized the outline of the RPG game, introduce the current situation and prospect of RPG game’s development. Then discussed the common used WIN32 programming technology: The Windows message mechanism, the graphics device interface and the timer.Then, introduced the technological process of the RPG game which contains the game plan, connection of the game and player and 2D animation design. The game plan includes the establishment of the subject, style and drama of game. Then, the expression of drama and environment were introduced in the section of connection of the games and players. 2D animation design is the focus of this thesis, so the introduction of the algorithm of 2D and the technique of animation design is detailed and complete. Finally, expound the most important technique of this thesis through a concrete RPG game system design, through the experiment indicated above animation design technology has a better effect in the RPG game.Keywords: RPG game, game plan, 2D animation design,Timer 目 录第1章 RPG游戏概述 11.1 RPG游戏简介 11.2 RPG游戏发展现状 11.3 RPG游戏发展前景 21.4 后续章节介绍 2第2章 游戏编程技术介绍 32.1 系统开发工具介绍 32.1.1 Visual C++设计游戏的优势 32.1.2 Microsoft.NET概述 42.1.3 Visual C++.NET 42.2 WIN32编程技术介绍 52.2.1 Windows消息机制 52.2.2 图形设备接口 52.2.3 定时器 52.2.4 回调函数 62.3 总结 6第3章 RPG游戏设计技术 73.1 游戏策划 73.1.1 游戏主题的确立 73.1.2 游戏风格 73.1.3 剧本设计 73.2 游戏与玩家的互动 83.2.1 游戏剧情的表现 83.2.2 游戏的环境界面 93.3 动画设计技术 103.3.1 2D基本算法 103.3.2 动画的制作 203.4 总结 26第4章 《SCR》游戏系统的设计与实现 274.1 系统概述 274.1.1 故事梗概 274.1.2 游戏美工 274.1.3 系统行为 304.2 系统分析与设计 314.2.1 系统功能模块 314.2.2 游戏界面设计 314.3 游戏动画的实现 334.3.1 游戏初始化 334.3.2 人物移动、对话和打斗的实现 354.3.3 游戏退出设置 404.3.4 进度存取 414.4 总结 44结束语 45参考文献 46致 谢 47

如果你是要加盟的话  那这些主题都是由加盟公司设计的  如果是自己设计的话那就有点难了  不过你要是想直营或者加盟的话倒是可以选择xcape密室逃脱  主题多样  并且加盟费也不高  最重要的是他们公司是做一站式服务的  这样就省去了找中间商的差价


3 Service QFD – the Starting Point for Internet Banking Services Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is one of the processes incorporated into the Total Quality Management (TQM) concept. QFD is not only a methodological and statistical tool designed for one use but an overall concept that provides a means of translating customer requirements for each stage of product development and production [1]. It is a coherent technique that analyses, prioritises, translates spoken and unspoken customer requirements and involves everyone in an organization. QFD is a comprehensive technique of knowledge processing that integrates all organizational know-how and even reveals internal company knowledge hidden and badly communicated through the organizational structure. QFD fundamentally supports decision making throughout an organizational structure. Once implemented QFD improves team cooperation and promotes teamwork particularly between research, development, and marketing/sales teams. By exploring the culture where teams must cooperate, by understanding the tasks and publishing responsibilities, QFD improves levels of trust and a pure and honest working environment in an organization. The name Quality Function Deployment expresses its true purpose, which is satisfying customers (Quality) by translating their needs into a design and ensuring that all organizational units (Function) work together to systematically break down their activities into finer and finer detail that can be quantified and controlled (Deployment) [8]. QFD dates from 1966 (Yoki Akao) and its penetration into service industries started in the early 1980s in Japanese companies. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a systematic matrix-based visual approach for designing quality products and services. The best-known matrix is the first in the QFD hierarchy, referred to as the House of Quality (HoQ). During the whole process, different size matrices are being constructed (planning matrix/HoQ, concept selection matrix, subsystem/assembly deployment matrix, process planning matrix). Organizational goals & Customer segments Voice of Customer analysis(Planning, definition, prioritisation)Demanded qualities & Quality attributesQuality attributes & FunctionsFunctions & New conceptFigure 1: The QFD Deployments applied to Internet Banking Services 7 7 From the system implementation point of view the following deployments (Figure 1) have be addressed and precisely analysed particularly in a service organization: Organizational Deployment: To map the QFD steps to the different organizational functions; who is responsible for what activities and when during the service planning and development process; highly recommended that organizational deployment be done before QFD is applied to a specific service; Customer Deployment: The deployment of organizational goals into core competencies, into customer attributes, into target customer segments. This helps “tailor” the services to the needs of those customers who can best help achieve organization goals. Voice of Customer Deployment (VOC): VOC tables are used to record raw customer data, use characteristics for defining quality requirements, and so separate the different types of service attributes. In order to satisfy customers, it is important to understand how meeting their requirements affects satisfaction and other specific aspects such as customer involvement, customer preference, customer responsiveness, methodological items of processing and prioritising client requirements. Quality Deployment: Customer-demanded quality and priorities into measurable service quality attributes. Function Deployment: Used to identify functional areas of the organization, which are critical for performing tasks that must achieve the quality attribute targets. New Concept Deployment: Used in conjunction with Quality Improvement Stories (a structured problem- solving approach), to select a new process that will best satisfy customers’ needs. Task Deployment: Breaks down critical jobs into tasks and steps. Reliability Deployment: Identifies and prevents failures of critical customer requirements. 4 Case study The QFD application was carried out in cooperation with the Electronic Banking and Development department of a Slovak bank in the period November 2002 - May 2003. The bank has been operating in the Slovak financial market since 1993 and is well recognized as a corporate and retail bank possessing an advanced technology platform, though not promoting the quality of online services to a sufficient level. The preparation process included a series of bank visits where the bank’s internal documents were provided. The deployment of the ‘Voice of the Customer’ and Quality Deployment (Marked in the Figure 1) were carried out in the following sub-steps. 4.1 ‘Voice of the Customer’ Deployment The first step of our case study was to identify the quality criteria the bank’s customers were expecting from the Internet banking services. The data was collected in the form of an unstructured customer survey, which included suggestions and ideas about the Internet banking services. They were analysed in several steps: § Iterative completion of a list of all the suggestions § Suggestions’ clustering according to their affinities (23 clusters, frequencies) § Definition of demanded quality criteria § Clusters allocated among the demanded qualities - each cluster could have shared more than one of the formulated service criteria allowing allocating frequencies for each of the service criteria 8 8§ Prioritisation of service quality criteria Refining the voice of the customer is often a demanding task and requires a systematic way ofcommon part of day-to-day management may be a difficult re-engineering task. QFD can be perceived as constraining and often requires additional resources especially at the starting level. By applying QFD we demonstrated the potential this technique has in defining customer expectations and the translation of these expectations into the design specifications, thus ensuring the customer’s satisfaction.

网络游戏开发 游戏的动画设计与实现摘 要目前,电脑游戏热潮席卷全球,游戏软件的开发和维护正在成长为一个新兴的产业。RPG游戏(角色扮演类游戏)无疑是目前市场上最受欢迎的游戏类型之一,本课题就是为适应当前电脑游戏的发展而提出的。论文首先对RPG游戏进行概述,简单介绍了RPG游戏的发展现状和前景。然后对游戏常用的WIN32编程技术:Windows消息机制、图形设备接口、定时器进行介绍。然后介绍了整个RPG游戏的制作流程,包括游戏策划、游戏与玩家的互动及具体的2D动画设计。在游戏策划方面,通过游戏主题的确立、风格、剧本设计三个方面对其进行阐述。在游戏与玩家互动方面,主要介绍剧情的表现和环境界面两方面内容。2D动画设计是论文的重点,所以在2D的算法和动画制作技巧方面介绍的非常详尽。最后通过一个具体的RPG游戏系统的设计与实现来对本课题的关键技术进行阐述,通过实验表明上述动画设计技术在RPG游戏中有较好的效果。关键词: RPG游戏,游戏策划,2D动画设计,定时器 ABSTRACTAt present, the upsurge of the computer games have sweep across the world. Development and maintenance of the computer games’ software have growing as a new emerging industry. The RPG game (role acting class game) is the most popular one in the present market of computer game. The topic of this thesis was proposed to fit the request of current computer games’ developmentThis thesis first summarized the outline of the RPG game, introduce the current situation and prospect of RPG game’s development. Then discussed the common used WIN32 programming technology: The Windows message mechanism, the graphics device interface and the timer.Then, introduced the technological process of the RPG game which contains the game plan, connection of the game and player and 2D animation design. The game plan includes the establishment of the subject, style and drama of game. Then, the expression of drama and environment were introduced in the section of connection of the games and players. 2D animation design is the focus of this thesis, so the introduction of the algorithm of 2D and the technique of animation design is detailed and complete. Finally, expound the most important technique of this thesis through a concrete RPG game system design, through the experiment indicated above animation design technology has a better effect in the RPG game.Keywords: RPG game, game plan, 2D animation design,Timer 目 录第1章 RPG游戏概述 11.1 RPG游戏简介 11.2 RPG游戏发展现状 11.3 RPG游戏发展前景 21.4 后续章节介绍 2第2章 游戏编程技术介绍 32.1 系统开发工具介绍 32.1.1 Visual C++设计游戏的优势 32.1.2 Microsoft.NET概述 42.1.3 Visual C++.NET 42.2 WIN32编程技术介绍 52.2.1 Windows消息机制 52.2.2 图形设备接口 52.2.3 定时器 52.2.4 回调函数 62.3 总结 6第3章 RPG游戏设计技术 73.1 游戏策划 73.1.1 游戏主题的确立 73.1.2 游戏风格 73.1.3 剧本设计 73.2 游戏与玩家的互动 83.2.1 游戏剧情的表现 83.2.2 游戏的环境界面 93.3 动画设计技术 103.3.1 2D基本算法 103.3.2 动画的制作 203.4 总结 26第4章 《SCR》游戏系统的设计与实现 274.1 系统概述 274.1.1 故事梗概 274.1.2 游戏美工 274.1.3 系统行为 304.2 系统分析与设计 314.2.1 系统功能模块 314.2.2 游戏界面设计 314.3 游戏动画的实现 334.3.1 游戏初始化 334.3.2 人物移动、对话和打斗的实现 354.3.3 游戏退出设置 404.3.4 进度存取 414.4 总结 44结束语 45参考文献 46致 谢 47




推荐你个 玩游戏可以到【GameGM 游戏主宰】公会去玩玩 他们玩的都是最新 最好关注度高的游戏 他们的口号是为了开心而已去游戏 为了快乐而去游戏 游戏主宰 主宰游戏 他们的论坛地址是: 有什么问题可以到上面咨询 而且 还有最新游戏内测帐号拿哦 拿号地址: 这个搞的是最底曾的需求参考资料:不是很好!! 运营方案 参考资料:









基于J2ME的手机在线游戏(论文+程序+答辩ppt) 摘 要现在的移动电话是小型的计算机,暂时它的处理能力与台式机的标准处理能力相比很有限,但是足够运行一个相对小型的游戏,甚至是3D游戏。同时它们还是网络计算机,能够高速发送和接收数字数据。 除了语音数据以外,它们还可以发送和接收其它类型的数据。所以市面上已经出了好几款类似PC上的网络游戏。Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME即K-JAVA)是一种针对移动电话和PDA这样的小型设备的Java语言。大部分的手机厂商都迫切希望Java手机推广应用。尽管J2ME与台式机中的Java相比还是有很大的限制,但是它已经极大的提高了移动电话支持游戏的能力,并且有比SMS或WAP更好控制的界面,允许使用子图形动画,可以通过无线网络连接到远程服务器。本设计使用J2ME设计了一个手机在线游戏系统,实现一个实时、高效、多人同时进行的手机动作游戏。用户通过手机GPRS上网登录到服务器,与其他的用户一起开始游戏。本文先从Java手机游戏的背景出发,介绍了Java手机游戏的发展现状和国内外行业动态,然后从整体上介绍本系统开发的模型,接下来对本系统的各个功能模块——作详细的描述。最后,本文归纳了本系统设计的硬件和软件环境, 并对该设计的测试结果进行汇报。最后一章为对全文的总结以及对今后研究工作的展望。关键词:J2ME,Java手机游戏,客户端子系统目录摘 要 I目录 III第一章 绪论 11.1 背景及现状 11.1.1.手机游戏特征 11.1.2.手机游戏的类型 21.2 行业动态与展望 41.3 论文结构 12第二章 J2ME技术概述 142.1 J2ME总体架构 142.2 配置概述 152.3 简表概述 152.4 J2ME目标设备 162.5 J2ME、J2SE 与 J2EE 之间的比较 162.6 JavaSocke网络编程 172.7 小结 20第三章 系统总体设计 213.1 系统的总体结构与功能 213.2 系统类建模 313.3 本章小结 34第四章 各模块的设计 354.1 客户端游戏控制模块 354.1.1 功能简介 354.1.2 模块具体实现 354.2 通信模块 424.2.1 功能简介 424.2.2 模块具体实现 434.3 服务器端游戏控制模块 464.3.1 功能简介 464.3.2模块具体实现 464.4 小结 46第五章 系统运行环境及系统测试 475.1 系统运行硬件环境 475.2 系统运行软件环境 485.3 系统测试 49结论 54附录 56附录A 安装J2ME 56附录B IDE NETBEANS 56参考文献 59致 谢 60

本文阐述了一个基于安卓平台的射击类手机游戏的研究、设计和实现过程。在众多游戏类型中,飞行射击游戏是一种很典型的游戏,这种类型的游戏操作简单,画面炫丽,根据指定的方位击中目标,能设置游戏的场景,购买和选择各种游戏道具,制定各种通关规则,制定得分标准,能记录用户信息和用户上次玩游戏的得分和排名等。本课题基于Android系统和java语言技术,实现了一个基于安卓手机平台的飞行射击类游戏。该游戏具体包含的功能模块有:游戏开始模块、关卡选择模块、游戏进行模块、道具商店模块和排行榜模块等。 其中重点实现了碰撞检测和游戏人工智能的跟踪算法等。图形界面模块重点实现各个界面的绘制,其中涉及双缓冲绘图技术、游戏界面纵向屏幕滚动技术等。

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