格式每个段落首行需要缩进一个“Tab”的长度MLA格式段落与段落之间不留空行MLA格式需要在论文每一页的右上角标注Last Name和页码,如“Jim 4” MLA格式的论文的基本结构为:前4行左对齐,依次为:学生姓名,任课老师姓名,课程号,写作日期
MLA是Modern Language Association的缩写,是美国现代语言协会制定的论文指导格式,同时也是美国英文论文写作最常用的一种参考文献格式。相比APA,CMS等格式来说,MLA格式更加严谨,更加常用。让我们一起来来具体的MLA格式写作介绍吧。留学生们在使用MLA格式的时候要注意,MLA与其他一般论文的格式有很大的差别,具体如下:- MLA格式要使用双倍行距- MLA格式每个段落首行需要缩进一个“Tab”的长度- MLA格式段落与段落之间不留空行- MLA格式需要在论文每一页的右上角标注Last Name和页码,如“Amy 3”- MLA格式的论文的基本结构为:- 前4行左对齐,依次为:学生姓名,任课老师姓名,课程号,写作日期- 第5行居中书写论文名- 第6行开始为正文(包括多个段落,即引言Introduction,主体Body,结论Conclusion)如果大家在正文中想要使用子标题的话需要注意:①子标题要使用跟正文的字体风格不同的表现方法(比如使用另一种字体或者子标题全部大写、斜体);②子标题前需要留一行空格的距离;③子标题之后的第一段要顶格书写,不要留空注意:Conclusion段的写作也要按照子标题的书写方法来写,也就是Conclusion标题前需要留空一行,之后的第一段照样也需要顶格书写。但是前面的Introduction部分却不需要各行留空标注出来,请留学生们不要混淆。Conclusion之后就是参考文献部分,记参考部分要另起一页哦。在参考文献页第一行居中书写“Works Cited”,再附上具体的引用条目,注意一定要按首字母排序。上面说完了MLA的论文格式,那么接下来说说MLA引用格式的写作细节,参考文献分为两种,一种是In-Text Reference(这种主要在文中);另一还总是Reference List(这种需要在文末)。让我们先来看看文中的引用格式具体介绍:①MLA的文内引用和Harvard文献格式及APA文献格式都有很大不同,MLA使用的是“作者姓+页码”的组合,eg:- Human beings have been described as "symbol-using animals" (Burke 3).②如果引用作者人数过多(这里介绍三个或者三个以上的情况),MLA格式就需要使用“et al.”的缩略写法:引用作者未超过三人不用省略的具体案例:The authors state "Tighter gun control in the United States erodes Second Amendment rights" (Smith, Yang, and Moore 76).引用作者超过三人需要省略的具体案例:- Legal experts counter Smith, Yang, and Moore's argument by noting that the current spike in gun violence in America compels law makers to adjust gun laws (Jones et al. 8).③如果引用同一个作者的不同文献的时候,则在文内引用中需要加上文献的名称:- 同一作者的两篇文章的案例:Lightenor has argued that computers are not useful tools for small children ("Too Soon" 38), though he has acknowledged elsewhere that early exposure to computer games does lead to better small motor skill development in a child's second and third year ("Hand-Eye Development" 17).- 同一作者的两本书的案例:Murray states that writing is "a process" that "varies with our thinking style" (Write to Learn 6). Additionally, Murray argues that the purpose of writing is to "carry ideas and information from the mind of one person into the mind of another" (A Writer Teaches Writing 3).- 如果作者名没有出现在句子中,写作案例如下:Visual studies, because it is such a new discipline, may be "too easy" (Elkins, "Visual Studies" 63).以上就是In-Text Reference的写作介绍,下面就来看看Reference List的写作介绍:在MLA参考文献格式中,主要有两种类型的文献,Print(书籍和期刊)和Web(网页引用内容),这些都必须要在文末的Reference List中标注出来。另外,每条引用条目还需要次行缩进:①- 书籍Book引用内容标注方法:作者姓,名 + 书名(斜体)+ 出版社所在地 + 出版社名+ 年份 + “Print”例如:Burke,Kenneth. Language as Symbolic Action: Essays on Life, Literature, and Method. Berkeley: U of California P, 1966. Print.②- 期刊Journal引用内容标注方法:作者姓,名 + 文章名+ 期刊名(斜体) + 卷.期 (年份):页码 + “Print”例如:Gaitskill, Mary. “Conflicting Nationalisms”. Mississippi Review (1999): 129-50. Print.③- 网页引用Web引用内容标注方法:作者名 + 文章名 + 网站名(附属机构)+ “Web”+ 浏览日期(加上Web字样即可,可不必添加具体网址)例如:Garcia, Elizabeth. "Herzog: a Life." Online Film Critics Corner. Web. 8 Jan. 2009.以上就是51Due给大家分享的MLA格式详解,希望对大家的学习有所帮助。
MLA 是一种常用的引用格式,由于MLA 格式很严谨,在 文章 中即使是一小句也不可以随便不加任何注释的引用。下面我给大家分享一些mla英语论文引用格式要求,希望能对大家有所帮助。mla英语论文引用格式要求 Rubric of the Course Paper for “American Literature” 关于“美国文学”课程论文MLA格式的细则 1. The thesis is written in English, including the citation.( 全文用英文书写, 包括引用文献。) 2. What are some essential standard of a MLA paper? (MLA 论文基本要求)Type your paper on a computer and print it out on standard, white x 11-inch paper. Set the margins of your thesis to one-inch( centimeters)on all sides. The paper should be double-space typed. There is one space between every English words. There is no space between the words and punctuations. (用12号新罗马字体排版,双倍行距。页边距为厘米,16开A4白色纸打印,英文单词之间相距一个空格。单词和标点符号之间没有空格。) 3. How to Create a Header? 如何编辑页眉?Create a header in the upper right-hand corner that includes your family name, followed by a space with the page number; number all pages consecutively with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4) and flush with the right margin. Omit the page number on Page One.(编辑页眉,将你的姓和页码标注在右上角,姓和页码之间有一个空格,不用标点符号;上面边距是厘米,右边与正文部分对齐。) 4. How to deal with the first page? 第一页格式的处理。In the upper left-hand corner of the first page, list your name; your number and your class; the tutor’s name; the course; and the date. The date in MLA format should be written as “day month year.”: . 29 December 2011(without comma between each word and the month should not be abbreviated.) Be sure to use double space. (第一页左上角,纵向排列你的名字;学号、班级;指导老师的名字;课程名称;日期(格式是日月年,中间不用标点符号,月份也不用缩写,如:29 December 2011) 5. How to write a title?(如何写标题?)The title is centered and written in 12-piont Times New Roman font. The title is not bold, underlined, or italicized. But use quotation mark or italic(s) if your title includes works (an article, a poem, or a story) or a book of others, do just as you would do in the text: quote the title of the article, the poem or the story while italicize the book. (标题居中,用12号新罗马字体。标题不用黑体,下划线或斜体,如果标题中有已出版的文章,文章部分用双引号,如果是书籍,书籍部分用斜体。如:Sybolism in “Young Good Man Brown.” 或Sybolism in Scarlet Letter。 6. How to write an outline? 如何写提纲?((You are not required to write an outline this time).注意:这次没有要求写提纲。)As for the outline of a MLA paper, there is a sample of outline on Page 38 of the fifth edition of MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers: A- level: I, II, III, B-level: A, B, C; C-level: 1, 2, 3; D-level:a, b, c, E-level: (1), (2), (3); F-level: (a), (b), (c). (MLA论文的题纲可以参考《MLA科研论文写作规范》第五版38页的提纲:A级:用大写罗马数字I, II, III等;B级:用大写英文字母A, B, C等;C级:用阿拉伯数字1、2、3 等;D级:用小写英文字母a,b, c 等; E级:用阿拉伯数字加括号如(1), (2), (3); F级:用小写英文字母加括号,如:(a), (b), (c).) 7. (如何写副标题?)As for the heading of the text, title the main sections(B-level) 用不同的字体将文章中B级标题和主标题区分开: 如标题左对齐, 词首字母用12号字体,其余用10号字体,大写锁定键键入,如:主标题是:Symbolism in “Young Good Man Brown”(居中),B级标题是SYMBOLIC MEANING OF NATURE.(左对齐),然后用两倍行距分行,开始正文部分;C级标题大写词首字母,用斜体格式,不分行,直接开始正文部分。如: C级标题 Symblic Meaning of the Forest 8. How to indent the first paragraph? (如何编辑段落?)Indent the first sentence of each paragraph . Microsoft Word suggests using the Tab ky. (每一段第一句缩进半英寸(厘米),用Tab键。 9. How many parts are there basically in a thesis? (论文最基本应该包括几部分?)The thesis should have an introductory paragraph, body paragraphs for developing ideas and a paragraph for conclusion. (论文应该包括一段引言部分、几段论证部分和一段结论部分。) 10. How to write the introduction? Is it the introduction of the author or the introduction of the plot of the story? (如何写论文的引言部分?它是作者的生平介绍吗?它是小说的 故事 情节介绍吗?) No, The introduction is neither the introduction of the author nor that of the plot of the story you study. It is an introduction of the paper you are writing. It should set the context for the rest of the paper. It tells your readers why you are writing and why your topic is important. It ends with a thesis statement which is the position you will develop and support throughout the paper. The thesis statement guides and controls your paper.(引言部分既不是你所研究的文章的作者介绍,也不是作品的故事情节介绍,而是对你写的论文大致介绍。它为整篇文章定下基调,告知读者你的论文的必要性和重要性;引言部分用一个 句子 作为全文中心论点结束,中心论点是需要论证阐释的观点,指导和控制全文,使整篇文章不至于偏题。) 11. How to Make the Ideas of a Long Thesis Easier for the Reader to Grasp? (如何使一篇篇幅较长的论文便于读者理解?)If your thesis is a long one, you may want to write about how your paper is organized. This can help your reader to follow your ideas.(如果你的论文比较长,在引言之后接下来一段,你可以介绍你论文的结构,便于读者理解你的观点。) 12. What are the elements for the body paragraphs? (正文段落的有哪些要素?)Body paragraphs have these four elements: a transition, a topic sentence, evidence and a brief wrap-up sentence. At the beginning of your developing paragraphs, make sure you have transitory words, phrases or paragraphs to have each part connected logically together. You’d better begin each paragraph with a topic sentence and several other sentences of instances to support it, and the last sentence to wrap up for a conclusion while transitioning to the next paragraph.(每一个自然段开始,要注意用过渡段的连接词,词组或句子,把每一部分串联成一个符合逻辑的整体。每一段开始用一个中心句,接下来用列子证明,句与句之间要有表示逻辑关系的词,词组,最后用一句话概括整段大意,并与下一段自然过渡。) 13. How to quote in the text? (如何在正文中引用文献?)In-text citations occur after the quote but before the period. The author’s/authors’ name/s go before the page number with no comma in between. . “A lone woman is troubled with such dreams and such thoughts that she’s afraid of herself sometimes” (Hawthorne 431). If you go on to quote the same work, put the page number in a bracket only. . “She’s a blessed angel on earth; and after this one night I’ll cling to her skirts and follow her to heaven”(432). 文中引用文献的标注在引用部分后面,句号前面,作者姓空格页码,中间没有逗号),如果同一页引用同一作品,则只标页码。 14. Use block quote when quotations are longer than four-typed lines. Block quotations begin on a new line, are double-spaced and indented one-inch from the margin. Do not use quotation marks. The citation information (the author’s name and the page number) follow. (如果被引用的部分超过三行,则引用整段。整段引用另起一行,双倍行距,自页边空白整体缩进一英寸(厘米),不用引号,末尾添加引用来源(作者姓空格页码)。 15. If you delete words from the original quote, insert an ellipsis, three periods with a space before and after each one.(如果你去掉引文中的一些单词,用省略号(三个前后有空格的小圆点)。 16. If a source has more than three authors, use the first author’s surname followed by “et al.” . (Barker et al. 23) (如果文献作者是三位以上,文中引用只用第一位作者的姓,后面是空格加“et al." 再空格加页码) from a website: A. If the website has no page number,you simply use the author's surname after the . B. If you cite an indirect source, words quoted in another source. ie.( author's surname). C. Source with an unknown author is cited by a shortened title.(The first word of the title with a quotation mark:. "Automatically") 17. Conclusion wrap up what you have discussed in your paper. Because it is B-level, the first paragraph is not indented. (结尾部分 总结 论文中讨论的话题。因它是B级标题,第一段不缩进。) 18. How to Use Endnotes? (如何使用尾注?) Use endnotes to explain something that doesn’t fit in with the rest of the paragraph. Avoid lengthy discussion in the endnote. Endnote begins on a new page after the paper but before the Work/s Cited page. Double space all entries and indent each entry inch from the margin.(如果有和本段不相吻合,可以用尾注加以详细解释。尾注要简洁,避免冗长的讨论。尾注在正文后另起一页,置于文献引用页之前,用双行距,左对齐,页边距是半英寸,即厘米。 19. . How to format the Work/s Cited page ?(引用作品格式) The Work/s Cited page is a list of all the sources you cited in your paper. It includes books, journals, magazines, online resources, films, CD-Rom, interview,classroom notes, blog, e-mail, diaries, etc.(“引用作品”页是在你论文最后列出你文中引用的信息的来源, 包括书籍,期刊,报刊,网络,电影,光盘,访谈,课堂笔记,博客,电子邮件, 日记 等) The Works Cited page begins on a new page. Center the title Works Cited without underlining, bolding, italicizing it. If there is only one entry, write Work Cited.引用作品页置于尾注页之后,另起一页。将Works Cited 的标题居中,不加下划线,不加斜体。如果只引用一项,则用单数“Work Cited." List the entries in the alphebetically order. 按照字母表的顺序排列。 MLA now requires all sources to have a publication marker. For example, books receive the marker “print” after the citation. Online sources have the marker of "Web." CD-Rom, E-mail, Blog for resources from CD-Rom, E-mail, and Blog respectively. 现在MLA要求所有引用文献要有一个“出版标志." 比如,书藉后用"Print.," 网络信息用"Web" ,光盘用CD-Rom,博客用Blog.电子邮件用e-mail.(详见以下例子。) If a source doesn’t have a list of publisher, and you can infer who the publisher is. Place the publisher’s name in brackets.(如果原文没有出版社,但你能够猜到出版商是谁,可以用括号把出版商括起来。 Online Resources Citation: MLA no long requires URLs in the Works Cited, instead, you must write “web” before the date of access in the entry. This serves as the entry’s publication marker. ' names. "Title of Resource." The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, Last edited date. Web. Date of access. 对于网络信息,MLA 不再要求给出详细网址,但你必须在你访问网址的时间之前注明“Web”作为出版标记。如:作者姓,名. “文章名”. 网站,最后编辑日月年. Web. 访问日月年. Russell, Tony, Allen Brizee, and Elizabeth Angeli. "MLA Formatting and Style Guide." The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, 4 Apr. 2010. Web. 20 July 2010. Note: 短篇小说课本引用格式:小说作者姓, 名. “文章标题.” 论文集名称. Ed. 论文集编者名姓. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代. 起始页码.Print. Lawrence,. "The Rocking Horse Winner." The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction. Ed. . 5th. ed. New York: Norton, 1995. 543-559. Print. 注意: 1. 现在MLA不再在书名下用下划线,而是用斜体字。 2. 现在MLA要求用print 标记公开出版的纸质刊物的出版特征,包括书,杂志,报纸。 3. 现在MLA不要求网络信息的详细网址,但要用Web 标记信息来源的出版特征。 以下信息来自网络,稍作改动。 1. 独著 姓,名. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代.Print. Bambrough, Renford. The Philosophy of Aristotle. New York: The New American Library, . 2. 两至三名作者 姓,名, 名姓, 名姓, and 名姓. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代.Print. Horton, Rod W., and Herbert W. Edwards. Backgrounds of American Literary Thought. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., . Atwan, Robert, Donald Mcquade, and John Wright. Edsels, Luckies, and Frigidaires: Advertising the American Way. New York: Dell, . 3. 四名或以上作者 姓,名, et al. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代.Print. Belenky, Mary Field, et, al. Women's Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind. New York: Basic, . 4. 机构作者 机构名称. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代.Print. American Psychological Association. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. 4th ed. Washington: American Psychological Association, . 5. 匿名作者 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代.Print. The New York Times Atlas of the World. New York: New York Times Books, 1980. Print. 6. 同一作者两本以上著作 以书名第一个主要单词的首字母顺序排列先后,作者的姓名放在第一条文献条目前,第二条文献条目前用三个连字号。 Bloom, Harold. The Anxiety of Influence, a Theory of Poetry. New York: Oxford University Press, . ---. A Map of Misreading. New York: Oxford University Press, . 7. 编著 一名编者: 姓, 名, ed. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年.Print. Frye, Northrop, ed. Romanticism Reconsidered. New York: Columbia University Press, . 两名编者: 姓, 名, and 名姓, eds. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年.Print. Glotfelty, Cheryll, and Harold Fromm, eds. The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology. Atherns: The University of Georgia Press, . 三名以上的编者: 第一编者姓, 名, et al. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年.Print. Donadio, Stephen, et al., eds. Emerson and His Legacy. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, . 8. 译著 原作者姓, 名. 书名. Trans. 译者名姓. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年.Print. Freud, Sigmund. Civilization and Its Discontents. Trans. James Strachey. New York: Norton, !. 9. 再版著作 姓,名. 书名. 版别序号 ed. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代.Print. Fromkin, Victoria, and Robert Rodman. An Introduction to Language. 5th ed. Ft. Worth: Harcourt, 1993. Print. 10. 论文集中的文章 文章作者姓, 名. “文章标题.” 论文集名称. Ed. 论文集编者名姓. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代. 起始页码.Print. Wellek, Rene. “Romanticism RE-examined.” Romanticism Reconsidered. Ed. Northrop Frye. New York: Columbia University Press, 1963. . Hall, Stuart, “Minial Selves.” Studying Culture. Eds. Ann Gray and Jim McGuigan. Arnold: Hodder Headline Group, 1993. 131-42. Print. Note: 短篇小说课本引用格式:小说作者姓, 名. “文章标题.” 论文集名称. Ed. 论文集编者名姓. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代. 起始页码.Print. Lawrence,., "The Rocking Horse Winner." The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction. Ed. . 5th York: Norton, 1995. 543-559. Print. 11. 多卷、多册或再版著作 书名后注明第几册或第几卷.(带翻译) 姓, 名. 书名. 卷目 vols. Trans.译者姓名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代.Print. Plato. Laws. 2 vols. Trans. R. G. Bury. Leob Classical Libery. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1926. Print. 12. 前言,后记 前言作者姓,名. “Introduction (或Forewords 或 Preface).” 书名. By 书目作者名姓. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代. 前言起始页码.Print. 后记作者姓,名. “Afterwords.” 书名. By 书目作者名姓. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代. 后记起始页码.Print. Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. “Introduction.” Pioneer Women: Voices from the Kansas Frontier. By Joanna L. Stratton. New York: Simon, 1981. . 13. 期刊文章 文章作者姓, 名. “文章标题.” 杂志名称 卷号. 期号 (出版年代): 起始页码.Print. Maguire, James H. “The Canon and the 'Diminished Thing.” American Literature 60 (1988): . Davis, Sherri Heckler. “The Zen Art of Prewriting.” New Mexico English Journal12. 1 (1988): . 14. 周刊或双周刊文章 文章作者姓, 名. “文章标题.” 杂志名称 出版日月年: 起始页码..Print. Hoagland, Edward. “Standing Tough in the Desert.” New York Times Book Review 7 May 1989: . 15. 月刊或双月刊文章 文章作者姓, 名. “文章标题.” 杂志名称 出版月年: 起始页码..Print. Weiss, Philip. “The Book Thief: A True Tale of Bibliomania.” Harper’s January 1994: . 16. 报纸文章 文章作者姓, 名. “文章标题.” 报纸名称 出版日月年, 版, 栏, 页码..Print. Intraub, Anna Jinagwang. “How I learned to Read.” New York Times. 13 January 2002, Section 4, Column 6, Page . 如果作者未知, 版栏信息缺失, 格式为: “文章标题.” 报纸名称 出版日月年: 页码..Print. “Learn English through Football.” 21st Century Supplement 21 Feb. 2002: . 17. Multimedia sources: (多媒体资料) MLA format for multimedia Sources requires a medium description at the end of the citation. Film, DVD, Radio, Web. E-mail, Presentation and other descriptions should be used to indicate the type of multimedia that is being referrenced. MLA格式要求多媒体资料的引用要在应用信息后面加上媒体形式:如电影,DVD,收音机,网络,电子邮件,演讲等。 ⑴ 网络著作 l General Format: Author(corporations, governments): Title of Site. Sponsor. Date Created (use . if not given) medium. Date accessed. 基本格式:作者(机构,政府):网页标题。网站,网页制作日月年(若无,用n. d.)媒介. 访问日月年。 l 整个网站:如:United States Environmental Protection Agency: Drinking Water Standards. EPA, 8 July 2004. Web. 24 Jan. 2006. l 网页上一篇不知发表日期的文章: Shiva. “Biothics: A Third World Issue.” Nativeweb. Nativeweb, n. d. Web. 22 Feb. 2006 l 网上著作 作者姓, 名. 书名 出版年代. 检索日月年.Web Emerson, Ralph waldo. Essays: First Feb. 1997. Web. l 网络文章 作者姓, 名. 文章名称. 来源名称. 最后编辑日月年.Web. 检索日月年 Fischer, Michael F. “Worthless Words for the Day.” 21 November . 8 May 2007 19. l 博客:作者姓, 名. 博客名称. 来源名称 最近编辑日月年.Web. 检索日月年 :Li ChengPeng. Li Cheng Peng. , 30 Dec. 2011. Web. 4 Jan. 2011. ⑵电邮:作者. 主题. 电邮大意. 发邮件日月年. E-mail. . Mu Xinghua. “Re: The Main Characters in ‘Flowering Judas’”. Message to the teacher. 20 Dec. 2011. E-mail. ⑶光盘: 作者姓, 名. “条目标题.” 光盘名称. (其他信息). CD-ROM. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代. “Communion.” The Oxford English Dictionary. 2nd ed. CD-ROM. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1992. ⑷ 视频: 作者. “视频标题.” 视频用途. 网站 上传日月年. Web. 访问视频日月年.
MLA是现代语言协会的缩写。它是美国现代语言协会制定的论文指导格式,也是北美大学英语论文写作最常用的参考格式。目前,它已在第8版中发布。与APA,CMS和其他格式相比,MLA纸张格式更加严格且更常用。MLA格式通常用于文学论文中。 MLA引用与哈佛文献和APA文献完全不同,MLA格式使用的是“作者姓+页码”的组合,举例来说: Wordsworth said that romantic poetry is characterized by"spontaneous spillover of strong emotions".”(263). 或者 Romantic poetry is characterized by"the natural manifestation of strong emotions”(Wordsworth 263) (一)如果引用的材料有多个作者(超过三个),MLA格式需要使用“et al.”的缩略写法: (1)引用作者人数超过三人: According to Eric et al,“Current agricultural policies in the contributing to the poor health of Americans”(327). 或者 The authors claim that one cause of obesity in the United States is government-funded farm subsidies(Franck et ). (2)引用作者人数未超过三人:The authors claim that surface reading looks at what is“evident,perceptible,apprehensible in texts”(Best and Marcus 9). 或者 Best and Marcus argue that one should read a text for what it says on its surface,rather than looking for some hidden meaning(9). MLA Cition格式 (二)如果引用同一个作者的不同文献,则在文内引用中需要加上文献的名称。 (1)同一作者的两篇文章: Lightinor believes that computers are not a useful tool for young children("too early"38),although he also acknowledges elsewhere that early exposure to computer games does give children little motor skills in their second and third years Better development(“Hand-Eye Development”17). (2)同一作者的两本书: Murray said that writing is a"process that changes with our way of thinking"(writing is to learn 6).In addition,Murray believes that the purpose of writing is"to bring thoughts and information from one person's head to another's head."(A Writer Teaches Writing 3). 在MLA参考格式中,主要有两种类型的文档:印刷(书籍和期刊)和Web(网页参考),必须在本文结尾引用的作品中进行标记。此外,每个参考条目都需要缩进两次。 (三)书籍引用 Last Name,First of Date. 姓,名.书名:出版城市.出版者,出版日期. 范例: Gleick, a New . Wysocki,Anne Frances,et New Media:Theory and Applications for Expanding the Teaching of State UP,2004. 注意:MLA版本8在引用书籍时省略了发布城市。仅当在不同国家/地区发行的版本不同时,才应在报价单中注明发行城市。 MLA 8th引用书籍 Jacobs, Pleasures of Reading in an Age of UP,2011. MLA 7th引用书籍 Jacobs, Pleasures of Reading in an Age of UP, writing service on repor et (四)期刊引用 引用期刊时,需要加上vol.和no.来表示期刊的期刊数和卷号。 Author(s).“Title of Article.”Title of Journal,Volume,Issue,Year,pages. MLA 8th引用期刊 Kincaid,Jamaica.“In History.”Callaloo, 2001,. MLA 7th引用期刊 Kinkaid,Jamaica.“In History.”Callaloo (Spring 2001):. 范例: Bagchi,Alaknanda.“Conflicting Nationalisms:The Voice of the Subaltern in Mahasweta Devi’s Bashai Tudu.”Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature,. (五)网页引用 Editor,author,or compiler name(if available).Name of number,Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site(sponsor or publisher),date of resource creation(if available),URL,DOI or of access(if applicable). 编辑者,作者或编译器名称(如果有)。网站名称。版本号,与站点关联的机构/组织的名称(赞助者或发布者),资源创建日期(如果有),URL,DOI或永久链接。访问日期(如果适用)。 范例: Felluga, to Literary and Critical U,28 , 10 May 2006. Lundman,Susan.“How to Make Vegetarian Chili.”eHow, 6 July 2015. 最后我再提出两点注意事项哦: 1.现在MLA不再在书名下用下划线,而是用斜体字; 2.现在MLA要求用print标记公开出版的纸质刊物的出版特征,包括书,杂志,报纸。
Modern Language Association为美国现代语言协会制定的论文指导格式,在一般书写英语论文时应当使用MLA格式来保证学术著作的完整。
英语专业毕业论文格式(MLA)和示范格式师生园 2009-09-29 18:22 阅读245 评论0 字号: 大大 中中 小小 英语专业毕业论文要求一.结构要求第一、前置部分l 第一页:英语封面 包括外文题目、作者、指导教师、系院校、时间等。具体请参阅英语封面例页。l 第二页:汉语封面 封面格式必须符合学校要求, 封面上的论文题目必须与文中的题目一致。具体请参阅汉语封面例页。l 第三页:英语内容提要页论文题目(英语):居中排列。提要正文(英语):约200词。摘要必须是对全文内容的高度概括,应反映出毕业论文的内容、方法、成果和结论,不能过于简略。摘要中不宜使用公式、图表,不标注引用文献编号。外文摘要应符合外语语法,无语言错误,语句通顺,文字表达自然流畅。 关键词(英语):3- 6个。关键词应采用能覆盖论文主要内容的通用词条。外文关键词应与中文关键词一致。关键词之间用分号分开,最后一个关键词后不打标点符号。英文摘要内容与具体的关键词为小4号Times New Roman体。l 第四页:汉语内容摘要页论文题目:汉语,粗体3号字,居中排列。提要正文:汉语。关键词:汉语,3- 6个词语。中文摘要应与外文摘要一致,并且语句通顺,文字流畅中文摘要内容与具体的关键词为小4号宋体。l 第五页: 论文提纲页(英语) 主题陈述:只能用1-2句子,表达本文核心观点(结论性)的判断陈述句。提纲正文:至少要有二级标题,标题级别要对应,标题数目要对应,提纲格式要正确。具体请参阅提纲例页。第二、正文部分 严格按照提纲用英语写作;英语字数控制在4500-6000范围之内;行文要用正式语言,每段开始句要缩进5个字符。论文标题打印用3号粗体, 正文打印用小4号(即12号), Times New Roman字体。严格遵守引文规范,严禁抄袭、剽窃。正文页码位于底端居中位置。具体请参阅教材及辅助材料MLA style。第三、后置部分参考文献:先英语参考文献,后汉语参考文献,均按作者姓氏字母顺序排列, 总数应不少于10篇/本。如果某一条目不止一行,从第二行起,每行缩进5个字符或2个汉字。英文参考书目书写具体格式请参阅教材及辅助材料MLA style。汉语参考书目书写顺序为:作者,论文题目[代码],刊物,发表时间、期号、页码;或作者,专著名[代码],出版地点,出版社,出版时间。具体请参阅例页。附录:对于一些不宜放入正文中,但作为毕业论文又是不可缺少的部分,或有重要参考价值的内容,可编入毕业论文的附录中。正文中要标出每个附录的名称(如:Appendix 1…)。 二.论文打印与装订1、 论文的前置、正文、附录部分均需打印,打印纸均采用A4号纸张。2、 字体和字号:中文为宋体,英文和数字为Times New Roman 体。 3、 封面:论文封面一律使用学校统一设计的封面。论文封面注明专业研究方 向、指导教师、学术职称、学位授予单位(详见例页)。4、 中英文论文摘要需一致并附关键词。5、 论文页面设置 (1)页边距上边距:;下边距:;左边距;右边距:。行间距为倍距。(2)页码的书写要求毕业论文文本前置部分的封面、摘要、提纲不编入论文页码。页码从毕业论文正文部分开始至附录,用阿拉伯数字连续编排,页码位于页面底端居中。6、论文打印与装订毕业论文按以下排列顺序用A4纸打印后从左侧装订。(一) 学院统一英语封面;(二) 学校统一汉语封面;(三) 英文摘要; (四) 汉文摘要;(五) 提纲(英语);(六) 毕业论文正文部分;(七) 参考文献;(八)附录等三. MLA基本格式示例(1)直接引语文中的直接引语和间接引语均在句末采用圆括号内标明作者姓和具体页码(两者之间空1字符)的形式,如:It may be true that “in the appreciation of medieval art the attitude of the observer is of primary importance” (Robertson 136).如果作者的姓已在文中出现,则:It may be true, as Robertson maintains, that “in the appreciation of medieval art the attitude of the observer is of primary importance” (136).(2)间接引用Ancient writers attributed the invention of monochord to Pythagoras, who lived in the sixth century BC (Marcuse 197).(3)超过四行的引文整段引文左右各空10个字符的间距, 上下与正文各空一行, 一倍行距, 五号字体。(4)参考文献(Works Cited)的基本格式顺序:先英文,后中文(如有中文参考文献的话),按照作者姓的字母或拼音顺序排列,具体做法为:书目:(一) 一人撰写的著作:作家的姓在前,名在后Burstyn, Joan. Victorian Education and the Ideal of Womanhood. Totowa, NJ: Barnes and Noble, 1981. (二) 两人撰写的著作:其中第二位作家姓名不用颠倒Simonds, Wendy, and Barbara Katz Rothman. Centuries of Solace: Grief in Popular Literature. Philadelphia:Temple UP, 1992.(三) 期刊文献:Gardner, Thomas. “An Interview with Jorie Graham.” Denver Quarterly (1992): 79-104. 四. 日程安排2008年1月10日成立系毕业论文工作小组;2月25日完成指导教师聘任及其指导学生名单的分配工作;3月3日指定具体指导教师;3月25日完成学位论文初稿工作,打印并交指导老师;4月10日完成学位论文修改订稿工作;4月12日完成论文打印、装订工作,并将论文1份(内含中英文摘要)及论文电子搞交指导老师;5 月1日前完成论文评阅、答辩工作。五. 附件(以阜阳师范学院为例) 附件1Supervision Procedures for GraduationResearch Papers (毕业论文指导程序表)Undergraduate ____________ Supervisor__________Procedure Time Supervisor’s Signature Thesis Proposal Mar. 31— 2008First Draft Apr. 2007Second Draft , 2007Final Draft Apr. 10, 2007Thesis Evaluation & Defense Apr. 25, 2007School of Foreign StudiesFuyang Teachers College附件2 (英文封面例页)An Investigation into Learner Autonomy in College English Teaching论文题目:三号Times New Roman体,加粗,居中在三号字, Times New Roman 体状态下, 空3行作者姓名(汉语拼音)、导师姓名(汉语拼音):均为三号Times New Roman体,加粗, 居中Author: Li SiSupervisor: Zhang San在三号字, Times New Roman 体状态下, 空3行A ThesisSubmitted as a Partial Fulfillment ofthe Requirement for the Degree of . in English三号Times New Roman加粗,居中学院、学校、完成时间均为三号Times New Roman,加粗,居中 School of Foreign Studies Fuyang Teachers College, Anhui ProvinceMay, 2008本页不标页码附件3 (汉语封面例页)下划线,小三号宋体加粗,居中学位论文为三号宋体加粗,居中英汉文化寒暄语比较研究在三号字, 宋体状态下, 空3行陈 功(学号01021)在三号字, 宋体状态下, 空3行指导教师姓名 职称 为三号宋体加粗,居中, 左右对齐 单 位 阜阳师范学院外语学院专业名称 英语教育申请学级别 学士学位授予单位 阜 阳 师 范 学 院2008年 月 附件4(英语内容摘要例页)题目居中,Times New Roman三号,加粗 The Image of the Room in Kate Chopin’s Works小三号,Times New Roman加粗, 居中 中间空一行Abstract中间空一行小4号Times New Roman体 Now regarded as an important forerunner of feminist movements, in her writing Kate Chopin introduced her readers to strong-willed, individualistic, and rebellious heroines, and expressed the feminist view that women should be independent and free in soul and body. This thesis does a detailed study of the repeatedly-used the image of the “room”. It explores the significance of the room in the women’s lives in terms of role-fulfillment as a mother and wife, their psychic growth from repression, awakening to rebellion. It illustrates the profound revelation and criticism evoked by the image of the “room” itself in Chopin’s works. Chopin condemned the patriarchal society and showed her sympathy with women by depicting what happened in the room. This thesis analyses the symbolic meaning of “the room of a view”, that is, Chopin’s feminist views that women should break the cage of the present life and go out into a free world. It puts forward that when we look at women writers collectively, we can see the recurrence of the images of the “room” and the “house”, because of their similar life experiences as women. In the conclusion part, it proposes that other images, regarded as the “female s are worthy of study, for instance, the long beautiful hair of women. 中间空一行英语内容摘要200词左右,两端对齐, 倍行距Key words:room; female roles; female psyche; a room with view 加粗,小四号 小四号宋体, 中间以分号隔开标题居中,宋体,三号,粗体 附件5(汉语内容摘要例页)宋体小四号,首行缩进两个汉字, 两端对齐中间空一行 凯特肖邦作品中的房间意象居中,四号,粗体中间空一行 内容摘要凯特肖邦是十九世纪一位重要女性作家。其作品表达了新女性在身体、心灵和灵魂三方面的觉醒意识,表达了女性解放的主题,抨击了十九世纪夫权统治下的道德规范。本文以肖邦作品中反复出现的“房间”意象为研究对象,阐述“房间”意象的运用如何有助于刻画女性压抑心理,记录女性自我成长,和表达女性解放主题。本文拟用传记批评方法,结合肖邦进行创作时的社会背景,家庭背景说明肖邦重复使用“房间”意象的内在动因,分析“房间”在妇女被动完成女性角色(妻子与母亲)过程中所具有的空间位置意义。并运用精神分析法和女性批评方法分析“房间”所具有的心理学意义,即在“房间”里女性经历了从压抑,觉醒到反叛的成长。再分析作家如何通过描写女主人公伫立“房间窗前”,眺望远方这一场景来表达女性其女性主义呼声。最后,笔者认为肖邦作品中其他多次出现的意象,如女性浓密乌黑的头发亦具有研究价值。关键词:房间;女性角色;女性心理;窗 左对齐,小四号宋体,粗体附件6 (提纲例页),Are Books Obsolete?: The Prospects 题目居中,三号Times New Roman,加粗 for Electronic Texts小四号字,加粗,下划线顶格, 左对齐, 倍距 Thesis StatementAlthough the recycling of plastic packaging in the United States can diminish the plastic waste stream, the excessive use of plastic packaging is difficult to justify from an environmental as well as from an economic point of view. 小四号字,加粗,下划线OutlineI. 一级标题加粗 Introduction II. The New Electronic Medium III. Advantages of Electronic TextsA. 提纲各级标题均为小四号字 For Publishers 1. Publishing on Demand 从二级标题开始依次缩进, 每一级标题序号与上一级标题的第一个单词的首字母对齐 2. On-line Publishing 3. Electronic TextsB. For Readers 1. Instantaneous Access2. Capacity to Read the Text in Different Ways3. Elimination of Storage Problems C. For Authors IV. Drawbacks to Electronic Publishing A. For Publishers B. For Readers C. For AuthorsIV. The Enduring Appeal of Books for ReadersV. Conclusion 本页不标页码附件7(参考文献例页)在三号字, Times New Roman 体状态下, 空1行居中,三号Times New Roman,加粗Works Cited空5个字符Benjamin, Walter. “Blending Networks in Translation.” Hermeneus. 7 (2005): , Joan. Victorian Education and the Ideal of Womanhood. Totowa, NJ: Barnes and Nobel, , H. Brown. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, , Thomas. “An Interview with Jorie Graham.” Denver Quarterly (1992): 79-104. Marcuse, Sibyl. A Survey of Musical Instruments. New York: Harper, , Adrian. “Singin’ in the Rain:A Hypertextual reading.” Postmodern Culture (1998). 25 June 2000<. >.丁家永. 现代教育心理学[M]. 广东: 广东高等教育出版社, 2003.龚春燕, 林允舒, 扬勇. 魏书生教育教学艺术[M]. 广西: 漓江出版社, 2004.王敏. 风格与气韵——雪莱《西风颂》三家译文之比较[J]. 西安外国语学院学报, 2000 (4): 55-58.文献排列顺序先英文,后中文;按照作者姓的字母或拼音顺序排列, 小四号, 倍距
MLA是Modern Language Association英文词语的缩写。MLA是美国现代语言协会制定的论文指导格式,是一种常用的引用格式,由于在外国文章中即使是一小句也不可以随便不加任何注释的引用,所以MLA 格式很严谨。MLA引用格式注意事项:1、双倍行距。2、第二行行首缩进5个字符(或半英寸)。3、如果没有作者,从文章名开始4、缩写全部月份名称,除了May June和July。5、如果百科全书未按字母顺序排列文章,将其视为一般书籍文章。5、网站:包括网页名称,网站全名及其建立者(此往往与网站名称相同)。此外,还包括文章创建及存在的日期(日、月、年)及你见到此文的日期。6、互联网杂志文章:包括提供数据库服务的公司极其网址;文章的完整日期(日、月、年)及见到的日期;还有提供网络服务的图书馆或组织机构。如果引用的是期刊而不是杂志的话,还应有期刊的日期、卷册等。
每一段的开头应当按一下键盘上的Tab键再开始写而不是直接空格Indent(首行缩进);双倍行间距 Double Space;字体要求Times New Roman。
(see MLA's official site for more details)
Andreadis, Athena. "The Enterprise Finds Twin Earths Everywhere It Goes,
But Future Colonizers of Distant Planets Won't Be So Lucky."
Astronomy Jan. 1999: 64. Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe. B. Davis
Schwartz Memorial Library, Brookville, NY. 7 Feb. 1999.
参考文献引用的规范应该按专业方向的不同选择使用MLA(the Modern Language Association)或者APA(the American Psychological Association),一般偏重人文学科的应用MLA,偏重自然学科的应用APA。学位申请人应认真阅读相应的规范使用手册。本节提供部分实例,供参考。 正文中的引证 学位论文引用别人的观点、方法、言论必须注明出处,注明出处时应该使用括号夹注的方法,一般不使用脚注或者尾注。 引用整篇文献的观点 引用整篇文献(即全书或全文)观点时有两种情况,一种是作者的姓氏在正文中没有出现,如:MLA:Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing (Taylor).APA:Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing (Taylor, 1990).另一种情况是作者的姓氏已在正文同一句中出现,按MLA的规范不需要使用括号夹注,如:MLA:Taylor claims that Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing.而按APA的规范则没有必要在括号夹注中重复作者的姓,如:APA:Taylor claims that Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing (1990). 如果作者的姓氏和文献出版年份均已在正文同一句中出现,按APA的规范不需使用括号夹注,如:APA:In a 1990 article, Taylor claims that Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing. 在英文撰写的论文中引用中文著作或者期刊,括号夹注中只需用汉语拼音标明作者的姓氏,不得使用汉字,如:MLA: (Zhu 12) APA: (Zhang, 2005) 引用文献中具体观点或文字 引用文献中某一具体观点或文字时必须注明该观点或者该段文字出现的页码,没有页码是文献引用不规范的表现。例如:MLA:Ancient writers attributed the invention of the monochord to Pythagoras, who lived in the sixth century BC (Marcuse 197).Monasteries in medieval Europe were not short of speculations about Greek inventions (Marcuse 190-203).APA:Emily Bronte “expressed increasing hostility for the world of human relationships, whether sexual or social” (Taylor, 1988, p. 11).Newmark (1988, pp. 39-40) notes three characteristically expressive text-types: (a) serious imaginative literature (. lyrical poetry); (b) authoritative statements (political speeches and documents, statutes and legal documents, philosophical and academic works by acknowledged authorities); (c) autobiography, essays, personal correspondence (when these are personal effusions).注意在这些例子中引文超过一页时的页码标记方法:MLA的规范是(Marcuse 190-203),而 APA的规范是(1988, pp. 39-40)。 假若作者的姓氏已在正文同一句中出现,则不需要在括号夹注中重复,如:MLA:Ancient writers, according to Marcuse, attributed the invention of the monochord to Pythagoras, who lived in the sixth century BC (197).APA:Taylor writes that Emily Bronte “expressed increasing hostility for the world of human relationships, whether sexual or social” (1988, p. 11). 引用多位作者写作的同一文献MLA(二至三位作者):Among intentional spoonerisms, the “punlike metathesis of distinctive features may serve to weld together words etymologically unrelated but close in their sound and meaning” (Jakobson and Waugh 304).(如果有三位作者,在括号夹注中应用逗号分隔他们的姓氏,如:(Alton, Davies, and Rice 56)。)MLA(三位以上的作者):The study was extended for two years, and only after results were reviewed by an independent panel did the researchers publish their findings (Blaine et al. 35).APA(两位作者):Research (Yamada & Matsuura, 1982) reports the poor performance of advanced English learners who could use English articles correctly only in 70 percent of the cases. 注意两种规范的括号夹注中分别使用“and”与“&”。APA(三至五位作者)第一次引用:According to educational psychologists, raising children is a responsibility of the entire community (Franklin, Childs, & Smith, 1995). 以后的引用: To be successful, “communities must be willing to take this responsibility” (Franklin et al., 1995, p. 135).APA(五位以上的作者):Patterns of byzantine intrigue have long plagued the internal politics of community college administration in Texas (Douglas et al., 2003) 引用同样姓氏的不同作者 假若两个或两个以上的作者有同样的姓氏,则括号夹注中应同时使用他们名字的首字母,如: MLA:Although some medical ethicists claim that cloning will lead to designer children (R. Miller 12), others note that the advantages for medical research outweigh this consideration (A. Miller 46).APA:Well-established SLA researchers (., R. Ellis, 2002) seem rather skeptical of the assertion that repetition alone explains the development of the knowledge of a second language (N. Ellis, 2002). 引用中文著作或期刊时同姓作者的情况较多,应在括号夹注中使用他们名字的首字母加以区分,如: MLA: (. Wang 26) (. Wang 30)APA: (. Wang, 2003) (. Wang, 2003, p. 213) 引用团体作者(corporate author) 引用团体作者的作品,括号夹注中应使用团体的名称,如: MLA:It was apparent that the American health care system needed “to be fixed and perhaps radically modified” (Public Agenda Foundation 4).APA:Retired officers retain access to all of the university's educational and recreational facilities (Columbia University, 1987, p. 54). 引用无作者文献 引用无作者文献,如果文献标题没有出现在正文里,则括号夹注中应使用该标题或者(如果标题过长的话)使用该标题中的关键词组,如: MLA:An anonymous Wordsworth critic once argued that his poems were too emotional (“Wordsworth Is A Loser” 100).APA:(“Mad Cow,” 2001) 或者 (Sleep Medicine, 2001) 在使用关键词组时应该选择标题开始部分的词组。 无论是MLA还是APA的规范,独立出版物的标题或者标题中的关键词组用斜体标出,出版物内含的作品的名称以及未出版的作品(讲演、论文等)的标题或者标题中的关键词组用引号标出。 引用书信、谈话中的观点或文字 书信和谈话(含电子邮件、访谈、电话等)无法在正文后面的参考文献中列出,但应该在正文中使用括号夹注的方法注明出处。例如:MLA:Jesse Moore (telephone conversation, May 12, 1989) admitted the need for an in-depth analysis of the otherness expressed in the :Mira Ariel (e-mail, April 17, 2004) confirmed that accessibility marking played a crucial role in discourse organization. Researchers may observe that Chinese English majors with no overseas experience often have a better command of English than American foreign language majors with no overseas experience have of the language they study (Eugene Nida, personal communication, November 8, 1986). 引用同一作者的多篇文献 按MLA规范,引用同一作者的多篇文献时,在括号夹注中应加入文献标题中的关键词组,如:Lightenor has argued that computers are not useful tools for small children (“Too Soon” 38), though he has acknowledged that early exposure to computer games does lead to better small motor skill development (“Hand-Eye Development” 17). 或者Computers are not useful tools for small children (Lightenor, “Too Soon” 38), though he has acknowledged that early exposure to computer games does lead to better small motor skill development (Lightenor, “Hand-Eye Development” 17). 或者Lightenor has argued that computers are not useful tools for small children, though he has acknowledged that early exposure to computer games does lead to better small motor skill development (“Too Soon” 38 and “Hand-Eye Development” 17). 按APA规范,同一作者的不同文献可用出版年份来区别,如:(Zhang, 1997) (Zhang, 1999) (Zhang, 2004) 括号夹注还可以表示同一作者的多篇文献,文献按发表次序排列,如:(Zhang, 1997, 1999, 2004) 同一年份发表的文献应对年份另加字母,以示区别(正文后参考文献著录中相应的条目里的年份应加同样的字母),如: (Bloom, 2003a, 2003b) 同时引用不同作者的多篇文献 括号夹注可以包括不同作者的多篇文献,文献按作者姓氏的字母顺序排列(注意分号的使用),如:MLA:The dangers of mountain lions to humans have been well documented (Rychnovsky 40; Seidensticker 114; Williams 30).APA:Distance from health care providers, lack of transportation, lack of health care providers, lack of information about the disease and various treatment options, poverty and social isolation due to geography are all factors which affect treatment decisions of rural clients (Brown, 2001; Sullivan, Weinert & Fulton, 1993; Weinert & Burman, 1994). 在MLA的规范中,如果不同作者的多篇文献过于冗长,则不用括号夹注,而使用脚注(见第节)。 引用非直接文献(indirect source) 论文应尽可能避免使用非直接文献(即二级文献secondary source),但在无法找到直接文献(即一级文献primary source)的情况下,引文可以从非直接文献中析出,例如:MLA:Samuel Johnson admitted that Edmund Burke was an “extraordinary man” (qtd. in Boswell 2: 450).(注意:“qtd. in”中的字母“i”不得大写。)APA:Grayson (as cited in Murzynski & Degelman, 1996, p. 135) identified four components of body language that were related to judgments of researcher (Grayson, as cited in Murzynski & Degelman, 1996, p. 135) identified four components of body language that were related to judgments of vulnerability. 引用非直接文献以后,在正文后参考文献著录中只需列入该非直接文献的条目(即上述实例中的“Boswell”和“Murzynski & Degelman, 1996”)。 引用文学作品和经典文献 按MLA的规范,有几种情况括号夹注内不标页码。 在引用剧本时应标出引文的幕、场、行,如: In his famous advice to players, Shakespeare’s Hamlet defines the purpose of theater, “whose end, both at the first and now, was and is, to hold, as ‘twere, the mirror up to nature” ().这里的括号夹注表示引文来自剧本第三幕第二场的21至23行。(注意标点的使用。) 在引用诗歌时应标出引文的节、行,如:When Homer’s Odysseus comes to the hall of Circe, he finds his men “mild / in her soft spell, fed on her drug of evil” ().这里的括号夹注表示引文来自诗歌第10节的209至211行。对不分节的诗第一次引用时应说明括号里标的是行数,使用“line”,以后的引用则不需再说明。例如: 第一次引用:(lines 5-8) 以后的引用:(12-13) 在引用有章节、分册的小说的时候,应标出引文所在的页码、册数、章节,如:One of Kingsolver’s narrators, teenager Rachel, pushes her vocabulary beyond its limits. For example, Rachel complains that being forced to live in the Congo with her missionary family is “a sheer tapestry of justice” because her chances of finding a boyfriend are “dull and void” (117; bk. 2, ch. 10).例子里的括号夹注表示引文来自该书第二册第十章的第117页。(注意标点和缩略语的使用。) 在引用《圣经》、《可兰经》等经典文献的时候,应标出引文的篇、章、节,如:Consider the words of Solomon: “If your enemies are hungry, give them food to eat. If they are thirsty, give them water to drink” (Bible, Prov. ).例子里的括号夹注表示引文来自旧约《圣经》的《箴言》篇第25章第21节。《圣经》各篇的缩写有标准的写法,因而使用时应该注意核对。 对引语文字的更改 直接引语如出现在正文中间,使用引语的句子不得违反英语语法,不得出现“句中句”。图右边一栏两句句子均包含了引语,但均不合语法。正确:So it is not like what Luthi calls “enter[ing] effortlessly into fruitful contact with distant worlds” (63). 正确:Max Luthi points out that the first apparent thing in the fairytale is that it portrays its hero as “isolated” and often as “an old child” (59). 错误:So it is not like what Luthi calls “enter effortlessly into fruitful contact with distant worlds” (63). 错误:Max Luthi points out: “The first thing that is apparent in the fairytale …is that it portrays its hero as isolated. He is often an old child” (59). 为了使含直接引语的句子合乎语法,往往有必要对引语的文字作一定的更改。如果要删除引语中个别词句,可以用省略号(ellipses“…”)取代删除的词句。如果要加入或者更改个别单词或者词组,则可以将需要加入或者更改的单词或词组放在方括号(square brackets“[ ]”)以内。例如:删除词句:He stated, “The ‘placebo effect,’ ... disappeared when behaviors were studied in this manner” (Smith, 1982, p. 276), but he did not clarify which behaviors were studied.添加词组:Smith (1982:276) found that “the placebo effect, which had been verified in previous studies, disappeared when [his own and others’] behaviors were studied in this manner.” 无论删改还是添加字词均不得变更引语的原意。 注意:如果删除是在句内,应该空一格以后再加省略号。如果删除是在一句整句以后,则应在该整句最后的标点(句号、问号或惊叹号)不空格直接加省略号。省略号应该用三个句点。 脚注(footnotes)的使用 在MLA的规范里,脚注只应在下列两种情况中考虑使用:(1)提供有一定重要性、但写入正文将有损文本条理和逻辑的解释性信息;(2)提供因篇幅过大不宜使用括号夹注注明的文献出处信息。在APA的规范里脚注仅仅在上述第一种情况下可以使用。脚注应该使用阿拉伯数字编号上标,每页重新开始。在下面两个例子中,前一个属第一种情况,后一种属第二种情况: The commentary of the sixteenth-century literary scholars Bernardo Segni and Lionardo Salviati shows them to be less-than-faithful followers of Aristotle1.….Technological advancements have brought advantages as well as unexpected problems2.————————————— Notes1 Examples are conveniently available in Weinberg. See Segni, Rettorica et poetica d'Aristotile (Firenze, 1549) 281, qtd. in Weinberg 1:405, and Salviati, Poetica d'Aristotle parafrasata e comnetata, 1586, ms. , Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Firenze, 140v, qtd. in Weinberg 1: For a sampling of materials that reflect the range of experiences related to recent technological changes, see Moulthrop, pars. 39-53; Armstrong, Yang, and Cuneo 80-82; Craner 308-11.(第二个例子中“Moulthrop, pars. 39-53”中的“pars”指的是“段落”即paragraph。) 在脚注中提到的文献同正文中提到的一样,都必须在正文后面的参考文献著录中详细注明。 脚注可使用单倍行距,但相邻脚注之间应空行。脚注的字体必须与正文一样。 参考文献著录的格式 参考文献著录在MLA规范里叫做Works Cited,在APA规范里叫做References。撰写论文时应仔细阅读MLA或APA的规范手册,本节仅提供部分著录实例,供参考。 著录已出版的文章一位作者写的文章MLA:Stewart, Donald C. “What Is an English Major, and What Should It Be?” College Composition and Communication 40 (1989): :Roediger, H. L. (1990). Implicit memory: A commentary. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 28, 373-380. 注意:(1)在MLA规范里,作者的姓名应完整,应标明首名的全称和中间名的首字母。在APA里,作者的首名和中间名均应用首字母。(2)在MLA规范里,期刊名与期刊卷数之间不用逗号。(3)在APA规范里期刊的卷数(即“28”)应用斜体表示。(4)按MLA的规范,标题第一个词和冒号后第一个词的首字母均必须大写,而其余每一个词的首字母,除冠词、介词、并列连词以及不定式符号(“to”)以外都必须大写。按APA的规范,标题第一个词和冒号后第一个词的首字母必须大写,而其余每一个词的首字母,除专有名词以外,均不需要大写。两位作者写的文章MLA:Brownell, Hiram H., and Heather H. Potter. “Inference Deficits in Right-Brain Damaged Patients.” Brain and Language 27 (1986): :Tulving, E., & Schacter, D. L. (1990). Priming and human memory systems. Science, 247, 301-305.两位以上的作者写的文章MLA:Mascia-Lees, Frances E., Pat Sharpe, and Colleen B. Cohen. “Double Liminality and the Black Woman Writer.” American Behavioral Scientist 31 (1987): :Barringer, H. R., Takeuchi, D. T., & Xenos, P. C. (1990). Education, occupational prestige and income of Asian Americans: Evidence from the 1980 Census. Sociology of Education, 63, 27-43. 无论用MLA 还是APA,第一作者以姓氏开始(加上逗号),继以名字或者名字的首字母,但是从第二作者开始,在MLA规范里以名字开始,继以姓氏,而在APA规范里以姓氏开始(加上逗号),继以名字的首字母。 如果作者人数超过三人,也可以考虑仅保留第一作者的名字,加上et al.(拉丁文 “and others”),如:MLA:Mascia-Lees, Frances E., et al. “Double Liminality and the Black Woman Writer.” American Behavioral Scientist 31 (1987): :Barringer, H. R. et at. (1990). Education, occupational prestige and income of Asian Americans: Evidence from the 1980 Census. Sociology of Education, 63, 27-43.书评、影评、电视节目评论等(Review) MLA:Kidd, John. “The Scandal of Ulysses.” Rev. of Ulysses: The Corrected Text, by Hans Walter Gabler. New York Review of Books 30 June 1988: :Falk, J. S. (1990). [Review of Narratives from the crib]. Language, 66, 558-562.收集在书籍中的文章(Selection from an edited book) MLA:Glover, David. “The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of: Masculinity, Femininity, and the Thriller.” Gender, Genre and Narrative Pleasure. Ed. Derek Longhurst. London: Unwin Hyman, 1989. :Wilson, S. F. (1990). Community support and integration: New directions for outcome research. In S. Rose (Ed.), Case management: An overview and assessment (pp. 13-42). White Plains, NY: Longman. 注意:(1)“Ed.”代表“编”。(2)在MLA规范中,书的编者的姓和名均用全称,在APA规范里,编者的姓用全称,名用首字母。杂志中的文章MLA:Miller, Mark Crispen. “Massa, Come Home.” New Republic 16 Sept. 1981: :Gibbs, N. (1989, April 24). How America has run out of time. Time, pp. 58-67. 注意:著录引用杂志中的文章应标明杂志的出版日期。报纸中的文章MLA:“Literacy on the job.” USA Today 27 Dec. 1988: 6B. APA:Freudenheim, M. (1987, December 29). Rehabilitation in head injuries in business and helath. New York Times, p. D2.百科全书中的文章(An entry in an encyclopedia)MLA:Mohanty, Jitendra M. “Indian Philosophy.” The New Encyclopaedia Britannica: Macropaedia. 15th ed. :Bergmann, P. G. (1993). Relativity. In The new encyclopedia britannica (Vol. 26, pp. 501-508). Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica.政府文件(A government publication)MLA:United States. Natl. Council on Disability. Promises to Keep: A Decade of Federal Enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Washington: GPO, 2000. APA:National Institute of Mental Health. (1990). Clinical training in serious mental illness (DHHS Publication No. ADM 90-1679). Washington, DC: . Government Printing 著录已出版的书籍一位作者写的书籍MLA:Graff, Gerald. Professing Literature: An Institutional History. Chicago: U of Chicago P, :Rossi, P. H. (1989). Down and out in America: The origins of homelessness. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 注意不同规范里书籍标题大小写规则的不同。新版书(Book with a new edition)MLA:Erikson, Erik. Childhood and Society. 2nd ed. New York: Norton, :Kail, R. (1990). Memory development in children (3rd ed.). New York: Freeman.团体作者(Book with a corporate author)写的书籍MLA:College Board. College-bound Seniors: 1989 SAT Profile. New York: College Entrance Examination Board, :American Psychiatric Association. (1987). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (3rd ed., rev.). Washington, DC: Author.无作者书籍(Book with no author)MLA:Guidelines for the Workload of College English Teacher. Urbana: National Council of Teachers of English, :Standards for educational and psychological tests. (1985). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. 编撰的书籍(Edited book)MLA:Kerckhove, Derrick de, and Charles J. Lumsden, eds. The Alphabet and the Brain: The Lateralization of Writing. Berlin Springer-¬Verlag, :Campbell, J. P., Campbell, R. J., & Associates. (Eds.). (1988). Productivity in organizations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.翻译的书籍(Translated book)MLA:Lacan, Jacques. Ecrits: A Selection. Trans. Alan Sheridan. New York: Norton, :Michotte, A. E. (1963). The perception of causality (T. R. Miles & E. Miles, Trans.). London: Methuen. (Original work published 1946) 注意在两种规范里,翻译者的名和姓均不需要改变次序。重版书(Republished book)MLA:Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God. 1937.
MLA 是一种常用的引用格式,由于MLA 格式很严谨,在 文章 中即使是一小句也不可以随便不加任何注释的引用。下面我给大家分享一些mla英语论文引用格式要求,希望能对大家有所帮助。mla英语论文引用格式要求 Rubric of the Course Paper for “American Literature” 关于“美国文学”课程论文MLA格式的细则 1. The thesis is written in English, including the citation.( 全文用英文书写, 包括引用文献。) 2. What are some essential standard of a MLA paper? (MLA 论文基本要求)Type your paper on a computer and print it out on standard, white x 11-inch paper. Set the margins of your thesis to one-inch( centimeters)on all sides. The paper should be double-space typed. There is one space between every English words. There is no space between the words and punctuations. (用12号新罗马字体排版,双倍行距。页边距为厘米,16开A4白色纸打印,英文单词之间相距一个空格。单词和标点符号之间没有空格。) 3. How to Create a Header? 如何编辑页眉?Create a header in the upper right-hand corner that includes your family name, followed by a space with the page number; number all pages consecutively with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4) and flush with the right margin. Omit the page number on Page One.(编辑页眉,将你的姓和页码标注在右上角,姓和页码之间有一个空格,不用标点符号;上面边距是厘米,右边与正文部分对齐。) 4. How to deal with the first page? 第一页格式的处理。In the upper left-hand corner of the first page, list your name; your number and your class; the tutor’s name; the course; and the date. The date in MLA format should be written as “day month year.”: . 29 December 2011(without comma between each word and the month should not be abbreviated.) Be sure to use double space. (第一页左上角,纵向排列你的名字;学号、班级;指导老师的名字;课程名称;日期(格式是日月年,中间不用标点符号,月份也不用缩写,如:29 December 2011) 5. How to write a title?(如何写标题?)The title is centered and written in 12-piont Times New Roman font. The title is not bold, underlined, or italicized. But use quotation mark or italic(s) if your title includes works (an article, a poem, or a story) or a book of others, do just as you would do in the text: quote the title of the article, the poem or the story while italicize the book. (标题居中,用12号新罗马字体。标题不用黑体,下划线或斜体,如果标题中有已出版的文章,文章部分用双引号,如果是书籍,书籍部分用斜体。如:Sybolism in “Young Good Man Brown.” 或Sybolism in Scarlet Letter。 6. How to write an outline? 如何写提纲?((You are not required to write an outline this time).注意:这次没有要求写提纲。)As for the outline of a MLA paper, there is a sample of outline on Page 38 of the fifth edition of MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers: A- level: I, II, III, B-level: A, B, C; C-level: 1, 2, 3; D-level:a, b, c, E-level: (1), (2), (3); F-level: (a), (b), (c). (MLA论文的题纲可以参考《MLA科研论文写作规范》第五版38页的提纲:A级:用大写罗马数字I, II, III等;B级:用大写英文字母A, B, C等;C级:用阿拉伯数字1、2、3 等;D级:用小写英文字母a,b, c 等; E级:用阿拉伯数字加括号如(1), (2), (3); F级:用小写英文字母加括号,如:(a), (b), (c).) 7. (如何写副标题?)As for the heading of the text, title the main sections(B-level) 用不同的字体将文章中B级标题和主标题区分开: 如标题左对齐, 词首字母用12号字体,其余用10号字体,大写锁定键键入,如:主标题是:Symbolism in “Young Good Man Brown”(居中),B级标题是SYMBOLIC MEANING OF NATURE.(左对齐),然后用两倍行距分行,开始正文部分;C级标题大写词首字母,用斜体格式,不分行,直接开始正文部分。如: C级标题 Symblic Meaning of the Forest 8. How to indent the first paragraph? (如何编辑段落?)Indent the first sentence of each paragraph . Microsoft Word suggests using the Tab ky. (每一段第一句缩进半英寸(厘米),用Tab键。 9. How many parts are there basically in a thesis? (论文最基本应该包括几部分?)The thesis should have an introductory paragraph, body paragraphs for developing ideas and a paragraph for conclusion. (论文应该包括一段引言部分、几段论证部分和一段结论部分。) 10. How to write the introduction? Is it the introduction of the author or the introduction of the plot of the story? (如何写论文的引言部分?它是作者的生平介绍吗?它是小说的 故事 情节介绍吗?) No, The introduction is neither the introduction of the author nor that of the plot of the story you study. It is an introduction of the paper you are writing. It should set the context for the rest of the paper. It tells your readers why you are writing and why your topic is important. It ends with a thesis statement which is the position you will develop and support throughout the paper. The thesis statement guides and controls your paper.(引言部分既不是你所研究的文章的作者介绍,也不是作品的故事情节介绍,而是对你写的论文大致介绍。它为整篇文章定下基调,告知读者你的论文的必要性和重要性;引言部分用一个 句子 作为全文中心论点结束,中心论点是需要论证阐释的观点,指导和控制全文,使整篇文章不至于偏题。) 11. How to Make the Ideas of a Long Thesis Easier for the Reader to Grasp? (如何使一篇篇幅较长的论文便于读者理解?)If your thesis is a long one, you may want to write about how your paper is organized. This can help your reader to follow your ideas.(如果你的论文比较长,在引言之后接下来一段,你可以介绍你论文的结构,便于读者理解你的观点。) 12. What are the elements for the body paragraphs? (正文段落的有哪些要素?)Body paragraphs have these four elements: a transition, a topic sentence, evidence and a brief wrap-up sentence. At the beginning of your developing paragraphs, make sure you have transitory words, phrases or paragraphs to have each part connected logically together. You’d better begin each paragraph with a topic sentence and several other sentences of instances to support it, and the last sentence to wrap up for a conclusion while transitioning to the next paragraph.(每一个自然段开始,要注意用过渡段的连接词,词组或句子,把每一部分串联成一个符合逻辑的整体。每一段开始用一个中心句,接下来用列子证明,句与句之间要有表示逻辑关系的词,词组,最后用一句话概括整段大意,并与下一段自然过渡。) 13. How to quote in the text? (如何在正文中引用文献?)In-text citations occur after the quote but before the period. The author’s/authors’ name/s go before the page number with no comma in between. . “A lone woman is troubled with such dreams and such thoughts that she’s afraid of herself sometimes” (Hawthorne 431). If you go on to quote the same work, put the page number in a bracket only. . “She’s a blessed angel on earth; and after this one night I’ll cling to her skirts and follow her to heaven”(432). 文中引用文献的标注在引用部分后面,句号前面,作者姓空格页码,中间没有逗号),如果同一页引用同一作品,则只标页码。 14. Use block quote when quotations are longer than four-typed lines. Block quotations begin on a new line, are double-spaced and indented one-inch from the margin. Do not use quotation marks. The citation information (the author’s name and the page number) follow. (如果被引用的部分超过三行,则引用整段。整段引用另起一行,双倍行距,自页边空白整体缩进一英寸(厘米),不用引号,末尾添加引用来源(作者姓空格页码)。 15. If you delete words from the original quote, insert an ellipsis, three periods with a space before and after each one.(如果你去掉引文中的一些单词,用省略号(三个前后有空格的小圆点)。 16. If a source has more than three authors, use the first author’s surname followed by “et al.” . (Barker et al. 23) (如果文献作者是三位以上,文中引用只用第一位作者的姓,后面是空格加“et al." 再空格加页码) from a website: A. If the website has no page number,you simply use the author's surname after the . B. If you cite an indirect source, words quoted in another source. ie.( author's surname). C. Source with an unknown author is cited by a shortened title.(The first word of the title with a quotation mark:. "Automatically") 17. Conclusion wrap up what you have discussed in your paper. Because it is B-level, the first paragraph is not indented. (结尾部分 总结 论文中讨论的话题。因它是B级标题,第一段不缩进。) 18. How to Use Endnotes? (如何使用尾注?) Use endnotes to explain something that doesn’t fit in with the rest of the paragraph. Avoid lengthy discussion in the endnote. Endnote begins on a new page after the paper but before the Work/s Cited page. Double space all entries and indent each entry inch from the margin.(如果有和本段不相吻合,可以用尾注加以详细解释。尾注要简洁,避免冗长的讨论。尾注在正文后另起一页,置于文献引用页之前,用双行距,左对齐,页边距是半英寸,即厘米。 19. . How to format the Work/s Cited page ?(引用作品格式) The Work/s Cited page is a list of all the sources you cited in your paper. It includes books, journals, magazines, online resources, films, CD-Rom, interview,classroom notes, blog, e-mail, diaries, etc.(“引用作品”页是在你论文最后列出你文中引用的信息的来源, 包括书籍,期刊,报刊,网络,电影,光盘,访谈,课堂笔记,博客,电子邮件, 日记 等) The Works Cited page begins on a new page. Center the title Works Cited without underlining, bolding, italicizing it. If there is only one entry, write Work Cited.引用作品页置于尾注页之后,另起一页。将Works Cited 的标题居中,不加下划线,不加斜体。如果只引用一项,则用单数“Work Cited." List the entries in the alphebetically order. 按照字母表的顺序排列。 MLA now requires all sources to have a publication marker. For example, books receive the marker “print” after the citation. Online sources have the marker of "Web." CD-Rom, E-mail, Blog for resources from CD-Rom, E-mail, and Blog respectively. 现在MLA要求所有引用文献要有一个“出版标志." 比如,书藉后用"Print.," 网络信息用"Web" ,光盘用CD-Rom,博客用Blog.电子邮件用e-mail.(详见以下例子。) If a source doesn’t have a list of publisher, and you can infer who the publisher is. Place the publisher’s name in brackets.(如果原文没有出版社,但你能够猜到出版商是谁,可以用括号把出版商括起来。 Online Resources Citation: MLA no long requires URLs in the Works Cited, instead, you must write “web” before the date of access in the entry. This serves as the entry’s publication marker. ' names. "Title of Resource." The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, Last edited date. Web. Date of access. 对于网络信息,MLA 不再要求给出详细网址,但你必须在你访问网址的时间之前注明“Web”作为出版标记。如:作者姓,名. “文章名”. 网站,最后编辑日月年. Web. 访问日月年. Russell, Tony, Allen Brizee, and Elizabeth Angeli. "MLA Formatting and Style Guide." The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, 4 Apr. 2010. Web. 20 July 2010. Note: 短篇小说课本引用格式:小说作者姓, 名. “文章标题.” 论文集名称. Ed. 论文集编者名姓. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代. 起始页码.Print. Lawrence,. "The Rocking Horse Winner." The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction. Ed. . 5th. ed. New York: Norton, 1995. 543-559. Print. 注意: 1. 现在MLA不再在书名下用下划线,而是用斜体字。 2. 现在MLA要求用print 标记公开出版的纸质刊物的出版特征,包括书,杂志,报纸。 3. 现在MLA不要求网络信息的详细网址,但要用Web 标记信息来源的出版特征。 以下信息来自网络,稍作改动。 1. 独著 姓,名. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代.Print. Bambrough, Renford. The Philosophy of Aristotle. New York: The New American Library, . 2. 两至三名作者 姓,名, 名姓, 名姓, and 名姓. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代.Print. Horton, Rod W., and Herbert W. Edwards. Backgrounds of American Literary Thought. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., . Atwan, Robert, Donald Mcquade, and John Wright. Edsels, Luckies, and Frigidaires: Advertising the American Way. New York: Dell, . 3. 四名或以上作者 姓,名, et al. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代.Print. Belenky, Mary Field, et, al. Women's Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind. New York: Basic, . 4. 机构作者 机构名称. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代.Print. American Psychological Association. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. 4th ed. Washington: American Psychological Association, . 5. 匿名作者 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代.Print. The New York Times Atlas of the World. New York: New York Times Books, 1980. Print. 6. 同一作者两本以上著作 以书名第一个主要单词的首字母顺序排列先后,作者的姓名放在第一条文献条目前,第二条文献条目前用三个连字号。 Bloom, Harold. The Anxiety of Influence, a Theory of Poetry. New York: Oxford University Press, . ---. A Map of Misreading. New York: Oxford University Press, . 7. 编著 一名编者: 姓, 名, ed. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年.Print. Frye, Northrop, ed. Romanticism Reconsidered. New York: Columbia University Press, . 两名编者: 姓, 名, and 名姓, eds. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年.Print. Glotfelty, Cheryll, and Harold Fromm, eds. The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology. Atherns: The University of Georgia Press, . 三名以上的编者: 第一编者姓, 名, et al. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年.Print. Donadio, Stephen, et al., eds. Emerson and His Legacy. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, . 8. 译著 原作者姓, 名. 书名. Trans. 译者名姓. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年.Print. Freud, Sigmund. Civilization and Its Discontents. Trans. James Strachey. New York: Norton, !. 9. 再版著作 姓,名. 书名. 版别序号 ed. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代.Print. Fromkin, Victoria, and Robert Rodman. An Introduction to Language. 5th ed. Ft. Worth: Harcourt, 1993. Print. 10. 论文集中的文章 文章作者姓, 名. “文章标题.” 论文集名称. Ed. 论文集编者名姓. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代. 起始页码.Print. Wellek, Rene. “Romanticism RE-examined.” Romanticism Reconsidered. Ed. Northrop Frye. New York: Columbia University Press, 1963. . Hall, Stuart, “Minial Selves.” Studying Culture. Eds. Ann Gray and Jim McGuigan. Arnold: Hodder Headline Group, 1993. 131-42. Print. Note: 短篇小说课本引用格式:小说作者姓, 名. “文章标题.” 论文集名称. Ed. 论文集编者名姓. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代. 起始页码.Print. Lawrence,., "The Rocking Horse Winner." The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction. Ed. . 5th York: Norton, 1995. 543-559. Print. 11. 多卷、多册或再版著作 书名后注明第几册或第几卷.(带翻译) 姓, 名. 书名. 卷目 vols. Trans.译者姓名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代.Print. Plato. Laws. 2 vols. Trans. R. G. Bury. Leob Classical Libery. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1926. Print. 12. 前言,后记 前言作者姓,名. “Introduction (或Forewords 或 Preface).” 书名. By 书目作者名姓. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代. 前言起始页码.Print. 后记作者姓,名. “Afterwords.” 书名. By 书目作者名姓. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代. 后记起始页码.Print. Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. “Introduction.” Pioneer Women: Voices from the Kansas Frontier. By Joanna L. Stratton. New York: Simon, 1981. . 13. 期刊文章 文章作者姓, 名. “文章标题.” 杂志名称 卷号. 期号 (出版年代): 起始页码.Print. Maguire, James H. “The Canon and the 'Diminished Thing.” American Literature 60 (1988): . Davis, Sherri Heckler. “The Zen Art of Prewriting.” New Mexico English Journal12. 1 (1988): . 14. 周刊或双周刊文章 文章作者姓, 名. “文章标题.” 杂志名称 出版日月年: 起始页码..Print. Hoagland, Edward. “Standing Tough in the Desert.” New York Times Book Review 7 May 1989: . 15. 月刊或双月刊文章 文章作者姓, 名. “文章标题.” 杂志名称 出版月年: 起始页码..Print. Weiss, Philip. “The Book Thief: A True Tale of Bibliomania.” Harper’s January 1994: . 16. 报纸文章 文章作者姓, 名. “文章标题.” 报纸名称 出版日月年, 版, 栏, 页码..Print. Intraub, Anna Jinagwang. “How I learned to Read.” New York Times. 13 January 2002, Section 4, Column 6, Page . 如果作者未知, 版栏信息缺失, 格式为: “文章标题.” 报纸名称 出版日月年: 页码..Print. “Learn English through Football.” 21st Century Supplement 21 Feb. 2002: . 17. Multimedia sources: (多媒体资料) MLA format for multimedia Sources requires a medium description at the end of the citation. Film, DVD, Radio, Web. E-mail, Presentation and other descriptions should be used to indicate the type of multimedia that is being referrenced. MLA格式要求多媒体资料的引用要在应用信息后面加上媒体形式:如电影,DVD,收音机,网络,电子邮件,演讲等。 ⑴ 网络著作 l General Format: Author(corporations, governments): Title of Site. Sponsor. Date Created (use . if not given) medium. Date accessed. 基本格式:作者(机构,政府):网页标题。网站,网页制作日月年(若无,用n. d.)媒介. 访问日月年。 l 整个网站:如:United States Environmental Protection Agency: Drinking Water Standards. EPA, 8 July 2004. Web. 24 Jan. 2006. l 网页上一篇不知发表日期的文章: Shiva. “Biothics: A Third World Issue.” Nativeweb. Nativeweb, n. d. Web. 22 Feb. 2006 l 网上著作 作者姓, 名. 书名 出版年代. 检索日月年.Web Emerson, Ralph waldo. Essays: First Feb. 1997. Web. l 网络文章 作者姓, 名. 文章名称. 来源名称. 最后编辑日月年.Web. 检索日月年 Fischer, Michael F. “Worthless Words for the Day.” 21 November . 8 May 2007 19. l 博客:作者姓, 名. 博客名称. 来源名称 最近编辑日月年.Web. 检索日月年 :Li ChengPeng. Li Cheng Peng. , 30 Dec. 2011. Web. 4 Jan. 2011. ⑵电邮:作者. 主题. 电邮大意. 发邮件日月年. E-mail. . Mu Xinghua. “Re: The Main Characters in ‘Flowering Judas’”. Message to the teacher. 20 Dec. 2011. E-mail. ⑶光盘: 作者姓, 名. “条目标题.” 光盘名称. (其他信息). CD-ROM. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代. “Communion.” The Oxford English Dictionary. 2nd ed. CD-ROM. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1992. ⑷ 视频: 作者. “视频标题.” 视频用途. 网站 上传日月年. Web. 访问视频日月年.
MLA(Modern Language Association)是一种常用的引用格式,为美国现代语言协会制定的论文指导格式,在一般书写英语论文时应当使用MLA格式来保证学术著作的完整。
4、缩写全部月份名称,除了May June和July。
3、在引用网络信息时,需要包含网站链接。在之前的MLA格式要求中,对网站链接没有明确的规定。但是在MLA第八版本中,明确指出了需要包含网站链接,即使网站信息更新了,读者也可以通过链接找到相关的信息,注意在引用URL时不需要包括 “http://” 或者“https://”。
这里的“etal”表示还有其他作者的名字没有列出,读者可以到Works Cited列表里查看完整信息。除了作者以外,如果同一个出处有三位或更多的编者或译者,也是采取同样的做法。
当文中引用的几位作者碰巧姓氏相同的时候,在MLA格式下,需要再给出作者名字的首字母以示区别,当然在Works Cited列表中,应该提供所有作者的完整姓氏和名字。
一、 引文的格式
1 文中夹注(Parenthetical Citation)
Hosenfeld found that unsuccessful readers could be taught the lexical strategies of successful readers, confirming Wenden’s observation that“ineffective learners are inactive learners. Their apparent inability to learn is, in fact, due to their not having an appropriate repertoire of learning strategies.”(1985:7)
Results supported the notion that learners can be taught to use more effective learning strategies:
Strategies training was successfully demonstrated in a natural teaching environment with second language listening and speaking tasks. This indicates that classroom instructions on learning strategies with integrative language skills can facilitate learning(O’Malley et al 1985a: 577).
3)多个作者在第二次被提到时可用第一个作者的姓加et al.
Finally, information type is based on contrasts such as concrete-abstract, static-dynamic, contextualized-decontextualized(Brown et ).
This is not a recent discovery. More than a hundred years ago, the neo-grammarians Hermann Osthoff and Karl Brugman described such a situation very well:
When serious attempts at upset are directed against a procedure that one is used to and with which one feels comfortable, one is always more readily stimulated to ward off the disturbance than to undertake a thorough revision and possible alteration of the accustomed procedure.
(Osthoff and Brugman 1878(1967):204)
2 脚注(Footnotes)
1. The materials used in the class consisted of two texts-a vocabulary building text and an advanced reading text-and the SRA Kit2
2. SRA Reading Laboratory is a set of materials for students in grades 9 to 12. The kit contains multilevel individualized learning materials focusing on reading and study skills.
3. 尾注(Endnotes)
1. Emily Bronte(Ellis Bell, pseud.), Wuthering Heights(London, 1850).
2. E. Nwezeh, “The Comparative Approach To Modern African Literature,”Yearbook of General and Comparative Literature, no. 28(1979):22.
二、 参考文献(Bibliography)
APA格式建议使用references一词。当使用references时,列出的作者和作品一定是在文中提到过的。Bibliography可包括文中提到的作者或作品,也包括相关的阅读的材料。MLA形式要求用List of Works Cited。
Krashen, S. 1982. Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Pergamon.
Lenneberg, E. 1967. Biological Foundations of Language Teaching. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Cisneros, Sandra. Woman Hollering Creek. New York: Random, 1991.
Barlett, Donald L., and James B. Steele. Forevermore: Nuclear Waste in America. New York: Norton, 1985
Gregg, K. R. 1984. ’Krashen’s monitor and Occam’s razor.’ TESOL Quarterly 20:116-22
Jacobson, W. 1987.’ An assessment of the communication needs of non-native speakers of English in an undergraduate physics lab.’ ESP Journal 5:173-88.
Johnson, K. 1983.’ Syllabus design: possible future trends’ in K. Johnson and D. Porter(eds.): Perspectives in Communicative Language Teaching. New York: Academic Press. (论文集中的一篇)
Greene, Bob.“What’s Bad For General Motors?”. Chicago Tribune 24 December, 1991:(MLA格式)
(1)期刊文章(文献类型标识:j)[序号] 主要责任者。题名[j]。刊名,年,卷(期):起止页码(任选)。
(2)专著(文献类型标识:m)[序号] 主要责任者。题名[m]。出版地:出版者,出版年,起止页码。
(3)论文集(文献类型标识:c)中析出的文献(文献类型标识:a)[序号] 析出文献主要责任者。析出文献题名[a]。论文集主要责任者(任选)。论文集题名[c]。出版地:出版者,出版年,析出文献起止页码。
(4)学位论文(文献类型标识:d)[序号] 主要责任者。题名[d]。出版地:出版者,出版年。
(5)国际、国家标准(文献类型标识:s)[序号] 标准编号,标准名称[s]。发布年。
(6)专利(文献类型标识:p)[序号] 专利所有者。专利名称[p]。专利国别:专利号,出版日期。
(7)电子文献[序号] 主要责任者。电子文献题名。电子文献出处(或可获得地址),发表(或更新)日期/引用日期。专著(m);论文集(c);报纸文章(n);期刊文章(j)学位论文(d);报告(r);标准(s)专利(p)
(8)未定义类型的文献(文献类型标识:z)[序号] 主要责任者。文献题名[z]。出版地:出版者,出版年。
MLA是现代语言协会的缩写。它是美国现代语言协会制定的论文指导格式,也是北美大学英语论文写作最常用的参考格式。目前,它已在第8版中发布。与APA,CMS和其他格式相比,MLA纸张格式更加严格且更常用。MLA格式通常用于文学论文中。 MLA引用与哈佛文献和APA文献完全不同,MLA格式使用的是“作者姓+页码”的组合,举例来说: Wordsworth said that romantic poetry is characterized by"spontaneous spillover of strong emotions".”(263). 或者 Romantic poetry is characterized by"the natural manifestation of strong emotions”(Wordsworth 263) (一)如果引用的材料有多个作者(超过三个),MLA格式需要使用“et al.”的缩略写法: (1)引用作者人数超过三人: According to Eric et al,“Current agricultural policies in the contributing to the poor health of Americans”(327). 或者 The authors claim that one cause of obesity in the United States is government-funded farm subsidies(Franck et ). (2)引用作者人数未超过三人:The authors claim that surface reading looks at what is“evident,perceptible,apprehensible in texts”(Best and Marcus 9). 或者 Best and Marcus argue that one should read a text for what it says on its surface,rather than looking for some hidden meaning(9). MLA Cition格式 (二)如果引用同一个作者的不同文献,则在文内引用中需要加上文献的名称。 (1)同一作者的两篇文章: Lightinor believes that computers are not a useful tool for young children("too early"38),although he also acknowledges elsewhere that early exposure to computer games does give children little motor skills in their second and third years Better development(“Hand-Eye Development”17). (2)同一作者的两本书: Murray said that writing is a"process that changes with our way of thinking"(writing is to learn 6).In addition,Murray believes that the purpose of writing is"to bring thoughts and information from one person's head to another's head."(A Writer Teaches Writing 3). 在MLA参考格式中,主要有两种类型的文档:印刷(书籍和期刊)和Web(网页参考),必须在本文结尾引用的作品中进行标记。此外,每个参考条目都需要缩进两次。 (三)书籍引用 Last Name,First of Date. 姓,名.书名:出版城市.出版者,出版日期. 范例: Gleick, a New . Wysocki,Anne Frances,et New Media:Theory and Applications for Expanding the Teaching of State UP,2004. 注意:MLA版本8在引用书籍时省略了发布城市。仅当在不同国家/地区发行的版本不同时,才应在报价单中注明发行城市。 MLA 8th引用书籍 Jacobs, Pleasures of Reading in an Age of UP,2011. MLA 7th引用书籍 Jacobs, Pleasures of Reading in an Age of UP, writing service on repor et (四)期刊引用 引用期刊时,需要加上vol.和no.来表示期刊的期刊数和卷号。 Author(s).“Title of Article.”Title of Journal,Volume,Issue,Year,pages. MLA 8th引用期刊 Kincaid,Jamaica.“In History.”Callaloo, 2001,. MLA 7th引用期刊 Kinkaid,Jamaica.“In History.”Callaloo (Spring 2001):. 范例: Bagchi,Alaknanda.“Conflicting Nationalisms:The Voice of the Subaltern in Mahasweta Devi’s Bashai Tudu.”Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature,. (五)网页引用 Editor,author,or compiler name(if available).Name of number,Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site(sponsor or publisher),date of resource creation(if available),URL,DOI or of access(if applicable). 编辑者,作者或编译器名称(如果有)。网站名称。版本号,与站点关联的机构/组织的名称(赞助者或发布者),资源创建日期(如果有),URL,DOI或永久链接。访问日期(如果适用)。 范例: Felluga, to Literary and Critical U,28 , 10 May 2006. Lundman,Susan.“How to Make Vegetarian Chili.”eHow, 6 July 2015. 最后我再提出两点注意事项哦: 1.现在MLA不再在书名下用下划线,而是用斜体字; 2.现在MLA要求用print标记公开出版的纸质刊物的出版特征,包括书,杂志,报纸。