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桩基础 has the widespread application domain, is the high-rise construction, the large-scale bridge, the deep water wharf as well as the marine petroleum platform and so on use main foundation form. In recent years, 桩基 the project quality question influence construction structure normal use and the safe instance were very many. The pile construction has the high hiding as well as the pile construction quality has very many not definite factor, looked from 基桩 the quality examination angle, the improvement examination method and the method, improve the examination work quality and the examination evaluates the result the reliability, to guarantees 基桩 the project quality and safely has the vital significance, also is 桩基 one of domain research hot spots.The low strain reflection method main function examines the pile body structure integrity, like the pile body flaw position judgement, 施工桩 long proofreading and the concrete intensity rank qualitative estimate and so on, the use obtains the reflected wave curve signal accurately to delimit breaks the pile body quality, removes the project hidden danger, to 基桩 the quality carries on the appraisal. This article has conducted the research to the Kelvin non-linearity elastic material 料桩 body integrity examination low strain reflected wave new method. Establishes the Kelvin non- line elastic material 料桩 question the unidimensional undulation new model; Produced has controlled the body the dynamic equation, the use unidimensional non-linear elasticity this construction relations infers the pile axial force and the axial strain relations, proposed the unidimensional non-linear elastic undulation question new algorithm; Uses the FORTRAN language coding, the value simulation 基桩 桩顶 speed (or displacement, acceleration) responds the time interval curve profile; Finally 基桩 builds each kind of profile storehouse to the complete existence question, will use in 基桩 the complete examination service for later. As well as low strain reflection method; The pile body integrity examines 2 words

低应变反射波法Low Strain Reflection Wave Method桩身完整性检测Inspection of pile integrity桩基础|pile foundation高层建筑 High-rise buildings(分类词汇:环境资源相关 )大型桥梁super-large bridges 深水码头Deep Water Wharf海上石油平台Offshore oil platform建筑结构building structure施工construction非线性弹性材料nonlinear elastic materials桩基工程质量问题这篇虽然是科技论文,但是我觉得他翻译成“pile foundation quality question”很不妥当,我将他修改成problems of pile foundation quality,,从汉语语法之角度考虑,这里的问题两个字是多余的,去掉更好,你自己看看吧!不确定性因素Incertitude Factors基桩Foundation Pile隐蔽性(Impercephbility)axial strain轴向应变研究热点research hotspot(也有用point的)桩身缺陷位置 positions of pile defects定性估计 qualitative estimation混凝土强度等级concrete strength gradethe signal of reflected_wave curve反射波曲线信号工程隐患Project Concealed Harzard一维波动模型one-way fluctuant model控制体(control volume),本构关系 constitutive relationFORTRAN语言编制程序program written in FORTRAN language响应时程曲线波形时程曲线response time history curvePile foundation is widely used as the main basic structure of high-rise buildings,super-large bridges,deep water wharf and Offshore oil platform. During recent years,there are many bases of pile foundation quality affecting the normal working and safety of the building structures. Pile construction has high impercephbility and whose quality presents many incertitude factors,from an angel of qualitative inspection of the foundation piles, it has important significance for ensuring the quality and safety of foundation pile projects to modify the inspection methods and improving the inspection quality and the reliability of inspection & assessment results,it is also one of the research hotspots in foundation pile field. The main functions of low strain reflection wave method is to inspect the pile integrity, such as the judgment of pile defects positions, the checkout of pile lengths, and the qualitative estimation of the concrete strength grade,the judgment of the pile quality using the signal of reflected_wave curve accurately, the elimination of the project concealed harzard,and the estimation of foundation pile quality. This paper studied on the low strain reflection wave method for measuring of pile integrity made of Kelvin nonlinear elastic materials, set up a new one-way fluctuant model to treat the problems of piles made of Kelvin nonlinear elastic materials, gave out a dynamics equation of control volume,and induced the relation between pile axial forces and axial strain using the constitutive relation of one-way nonlinear elastic materials, put forward a new calculation method for the fluctuation of one-way nonlinear elastic materials, simulated the pile-top speed response time history curve (or displacement, acceleration) numerically using program written in FORTRAN language, finally the author set up a curve database of the foundation piles existing integrity problem for the integrity inspection of foundation piles in the future.

A foundation has the extensively applied realm, is key figures building, large bridge, deep wharf of water and sea the petroleum terrace main foundation form that etc. adoption.In recent years, a 基 engineering quantity problem influence building structure of the case of the normal usage and safety is a lot of.The construction of the stake have the concealment of the height and the construction quantity of the stakes contain a lot of indeterminations factor, seeing from the angle of a quantity of 基 examination, the method and meanses of the improvement examination, the credibility that the exaltation examination work quantity and examinations assess the result, have the important meaning towards the quantity and safeties that insure an engineering of 基s, is also a research heat of 基 realm to order it a. The low contingency reflect a function with main method is to examine a body structure integrity, if a body blemish position judgment, construction the stake grows to check to settle sex to estimate the etc. with the concrete strength grade, making use of to measure glint a curve signal rows to break a body quantity accurately, expeling the engineering 隐 to suffer from, carrying on the evaluation to the quantity of the stake of 基 . This text to the Kelvin not the glint a new method of low contingency of the flexible material a body of line complete sex examination carried on the research. Build up the new model of the Kelvin non- line flexible material an a 维 of the problem motion;Give square distance of the control dynamics of the body, make use of a 维 not the line flexibility originally 构 the relation deduce a stalk toward dint and stalks toward emergency relation, putting forward a 维 not the line flexibility undulates new calculate way of problem;Adopt the FORTRAN language establishment procedure, the number imitates a speed( or move, acceleration) to respond to a form of the timing curve;Exist an establishment of 基 of problem to rise various form database to the integrity finally, is hereafter used for a complete sex examination service. And low contingency glint a method;A body integrity examines 2 phrases


A foundation has the extensively applied realm, is key figures building, large bridge, deep wharf of water and sea the petroleum terrace main foundation form that etc. adoption.In recent years, a engineering quantity problem influence building structure of the case of the normal usage and safety is a lot of.The construction of the stake have the concealment of the height and the construction quantity of the stakes contain a lot of indeterminations factor, seeing from the angle of a quantity of examination, the method and meanses of the improvement examination, the credibility that the exaltation examination work quantity and examinations assess the result, have the important meaning towards the quantity and safeties that insure an engineering of , is also a research heat of realm to order it a. The low contingency reflect a function with main method is to examine a body structure integrity, if a body blemish position judgment, construction the stake grows to check to settle sex to estimate the etc. with the concrete strength grade, making use of to measure glint a curve signal rows to break a body quantity accurately, expeling the engineering to suffer from, carrying on the evaluation to the quantity of the stake of . This text to the Kelvin not the glint a new method of low contingency of the flexible material a body of line complete sex examination carried on the research. Build up the new model of the Kelvin non- line flexible material an a of the problem motion;Give square distance of the control dynamics of the body, make use of a 维 not the line flexibility originally 构 the relation deduce a stalk toward dint and stalks toward emergency relation, putting forward a not the line flexibility undulates new calculate way of problem;Adopt the FORTRAN language establishment procedure, the number imitates a speed( or move, acceleration) to respond to a form of the timing curve;Exist an establishment of of problem to rise various form database to the integrity finally, is hereafter used for a complete sex examination service. And low contingency glint a method;A body integrity examines 2 phrases

A foundation has the extensively applied realm, is key figures building, large bridge, deep wharf of water and sea the petroleum terrace main foundation form that etc. adoption.In recent years, a 基 engineering quantity problem influence building structure of the case of the normal usage and safety is a lot of.The construction of the stake have the concealment of the height and the construction quantity of the stakes contain a lot of indeterminations factor, seeing from the angle of a quantity of 基 examination, the method and meanses of the improvement examination, the credibility that the exaltation examination work quantity and examinations assess the result, have the important meaning towards the quantity and safeties that insure an engineering of 基s, is also a research heat of 基 realm to order it a. The low contingency reflect a function with main method is to examine a body structure integrity, if a body blemish position judgment, construction the stake grows to check to settle sex to estimate the etc. with the concrete strength grade, making use of to measure glint a curve signal rows to break a body quantity accurately, expeling the engineering 隐 to suffer from, carrying on the evaluation to the quantity of the stake of 基 . This text to the Kelvin not the glint a new method of low contingency of the flexible material a body of line complete sex examination carried on the research. Build up the new model of the Kelvin non- line flexible material an a 维 of the problem motion;Give square distance of the control dynamics of the body, make use of a 维 not the line flexibility originally 构 the relation deduce a stalk toward dint and stalks toward emergency relation, putting forward a 维 not the line flexibility undulates new calculate way of problem;Adopt the FORTRAN language establishment procedure, the number imitates a speed( or move, acceleration) to respond to a form of the timing curve;Exist an establishment of 基 of problem to rise various form database to the integrity finally, is hereafter used for a complete sex examination service. And low contingency glint a method;A body integrity examines 2 phrases





























论文摘 要 :PHC桩应用于公路工程软基处理,已有多个年头,从应用到公路工程建设领域后,对于质量检测工作一直为人们所关注、重视。由于试验检测工作的准确性直接决定了软基处理质量,因此,必须确保试验数据和检测工作的质量。为了达到这一目的,必须对检测工作的各项要求进行了解掌握,下面,本人将结合自身检测工作经验,和大家一起来探讨一下关于PHC桩的各个检测事宜。  PHC桩(预应力砼管桩)在当今公路工程施工建设中,作为主要的软基处理方式之一,并不少见。对于其施工技术的和控制,目前已趋成熟,部、建设部近年来不断对PHC桩相关规范进行更新、修订,使其生产和施工得到了较好控制。然而,对于一名刚刚涉及试验检测工作的技术人员来说,如何对PHC桩进行进场检测,及如何在施打完成后对其进行事后检测,都是初次接触检测工作时必须面对的一个个问题。为了让更多初入行者能更快、更全面掌握PHC桩相关检测事宜,本人结合自身多年试验检测工作经验,从实践和便于监控检测的角度出发,对PHC桩的检测要求和相关检测事宜作一些和归纳。 一、进场质量主要检测要求 管桩无论是委托预制或是直接购买,都要把好原质量关,对于委托的单位或是购买的预制场家均应具备高强预应力管桩加工生产的施工资质,确定厂家前应会同监理、业主等前往实地认真考察,并了解该厂以前生产的产品使用效果,确保是正规的、合格的生产厂家。如果直接购买已有的产品,则在生产场地对产品进行认真论证,反复推敲?,各种证件、手续一应俱全,成品桩的外观应无蜂窝、露筋、裂缝、色感均匀、桩顶处无裂隙,桩径、管壁厚度、桩尖中心线、顶面平整度、桩体弯曲等规范有强制性要求的,必须符合有关要求,管桩起吊中应免受振动、冲撞,确保运至现场的产品是合格的产品。 管桩运到工地后,应对进入工地的所有管桩的规格、型号、尺寸、外观质量、尺寸偏差、管桩堆放及桩身破损情况等进行全面检查,不符合要求的桩禁止使用。应由有资质的检测单位对进入施工场地的管桩进行随机见证抽样检测,检测应符合下列规定: (一)沉桩前,每个厂家生产的每一种桩型随机抽取一节管桩桩节进行破坏性检测,检测项目为预应力钢筋的搞拉强度、钢筋数量、钢筋直径(可检查每延米重量)、钢筋布置、端板材质及厚度、尺寸偏差、外观质量、钢筋保护层厚度等。当抽检结果出现不符合质量要求时,应加倍检测,若再发现不合格的桩节,该批管桩不准使用并必须撤离现场。未经抽检不得施工工程桩。 (二)沉桩过程中每栋物应随机抽查已截下的桩头,进行钢筋数量、钢筋直径、预应力钢筋抗拉强度、钢筋布置、端板尺寸及钢筋保护层厚度的检测,检测数量每单体工程不应小于总管桩数的1%,且不得少于3根。 (三)应对闭口桩尖的钢板厚度、桩尖尺寸、焊缝质量等进行检测,检测数量每栋建筑物不应少于总桩数的1%,且不应少于2个桩尖。 工程桩施工前应按有关规定进行单桩竖向抗压静载荷试验,并应压至破坏。当拟采用高应变法进行单桩竖向抗压承载力的验收检测时,应先对试桩进行高应变检测,再进行单桩竖向静载荷试验并压至破坏,取得可靠的动静对比资料后,方可在验收检测中实施高应变法。对比试验数量不应少于3根,当预估总桩数少于50根时,不应少于2根。 二、单桩静载试验检测要求 当岩土工程条件简单且以压桩力控制桩长或岩石土工程条件简单且有类似经验时,可用工程桩进行单桩竖向抗压静载荷试验,但应按有关规定增加一倍的检测数量,检测应符合下列规定: (一)单栋建筑物每一条件下的桩的试验数量不应少于6根(总桩数少于50根时,不少于4根),其中有3根(总桩数少于50根时为2根)应在大量工程桩施工前进行试验。 (二)岩土工程条件相同的同一场地多栋物,当工程桩条件相同时,每栋建筑物的试验数量不应少于2根,且每一施工单位所施工桩的检测数量不应少于6根。其中每栋建筑物有1根,每个施工单位有3根桩应在大量工程桩施工前进行试验。高层建筑及试验结果离散性较大时,应由设计单位酌情增加试验数量。 (三)除去施工前进行的试验外,余下的试验宜在工程桩施工完成并按桩顶设计标高截桩后随机抽检试验;当基坑开挖较深、坑内试验困难时,也可由设计单位指定桩位,在工程桩施工过程中进行试验。 (四)单栋建筑物某一条件下的桩总数少于30根,且为裙楼、附楼下的次要桩时,至少应进行一根桩的静载荷试验。 (五)当按上述要求进行试验后,在施工正常的情况下,工程桩可不再进行单桩承载力的验收。 (六)不应采用高应变法部分或全部取代上述单桩竖向抗压静载荷试验的检测。所有工程桩应逐根对桩孔内壁进行灯光照射目测或孔内摄影检查,观察孔内是否进土、渗水,有无明显破损、错位、挠曲现象,并作出详细记录,注明发现缺陷的位置以及进土、进水的深度。 三、桩位、垂直度、水平位移的主要检测要求 (一)工程桩的`桩顶标高应进行检验,其偏差不应超过+20mm、-50mm。 (二)开挖基坑中应对工程桩的外露桩头或在桩孔内进行桩身垂直度检测,抽检数量不应少于总桩数的5%,在基坑开挖中如发现土体位移或运行影响桩身垂直度时,应加大检测数量。对倾斜率大于3%的桩不应使用:对倾斜率为1%~2%(含2%)及2%~3%的桩宜分别进行各不少于2根的单桩竖向抗压静载荷试验,并将试验得出的单桩抗压承载力乘以折减系数,作为该批桩的使用依据。载荷试验最大加载最量应为设计要求的单桩极限承载力,试验中可同时进行桩顶水平位移的测量。 四、桩身完整性检测主要要求 工程桩应进行桩身完整性的验收检测。采用低应变法检测时,甲级设计等级的桩基,抽栓数量不应小于总桩数的30%,且不应少于20根。其他桩基抽检数量不应少于总桩数的20%,且不应少于10根。 每个承台下抽检的桩数不应少于1根,且单桩、两桩承台下的桩应全数检测。抗拔桩、以桩身强度控制设计的抗压桩、超过25层的高层建筑基桩及倾斜度大于1%的桩应全数检测。当采用低应变法检测桩身完整性时,应符合以下规定: (一)出现裂缝和缺陷的永久结构的抗拔桩或以承受水平力为主的桩应意在为III类或IV类桩。 (二)桩身的混凝土受损及桩身出现斜裂缝或垂直裂缝的受压桩应判为III类或IV类桩。 (三)桩身出现轻微缺陷的受压桩宜先判为III类桩,最终判定桩的类别时,应挖开浅部的缺陷进行检查核对,结合低应变波形判别评价。挖开检查时,当裂缝长度小于桩截面周长的1/3且为水平裂缝时,可将相似波形的桩改判为II类桩。 五、结束语 总之,作为一名合格的试验检测技术人员,除了要对各种试验检测规程、检测规范的要求做到了如指掌之外,更重要的,要注得自身工作经验和专业技术的提高,因为当一组不合格的数据由于个人经验不足出现误判时,给工程带来的,往往是质量事故的发生。因此,作为质量评判的主要角色,我们必须严阵以待,谨小慎微,认真做好专业经验的培养和检测技能的提高,只有这样,才能为工程建设质量保驾护航。 参考文献: 1.建筑地基与基础施工质量验收规范GB50202-2002[S] 2.卢春华.静压高强度预应力混凝土管桩施工技术[J].科技情报,2005

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低应变反射波法Low Strain Reflection Wave Method桩身完整性检测Inspection of pile integrity桩基础|pile foundation高层建筑 High-rise buildings(分类词汇:环境资源相关 )大型桥梁super-large bridges 深水码头Deep Water Wharf海上石油平台Offshore oil platform建筑结构building structure施工construction非线性弹性材料nonlinear elastic materials桩基工程质量问题这篇虽然是科技论文,但是我觉得他翻译成“pile foundation quality question”很不妥当,我将他修改成problems of pile foundation quality,,从汉语语法之角度考虑,这里的问题两个字是多余的,去掉更好,你自己看看吧!不确定性因素Incertitude Factors基桩Foundation Pile隐蔽性(Impercephbility)axial strain轴向应变研究热点research hotspot(也有用point的)桩身缺陷位置 positions of pile defects定性估计 qualitative estimation混凝土强度等级concrete strength gradethe signal of reflected_wave curve反射波曲线信号工程隐患Project Concealed Harzard一维波动模型one-way fluctuant model控制体(control volume),本构关系 constitutive relationFORTRAN语言编制程序program written in FORTRAN language响应时程曲线波形时程曲线response time history curvePile foundation is widely used as the main basic structure of high-rise buildings,super-large bridges,deep water wharf and Offshore oil platform. During recent years,there are many bases of pile foundation quality affecting the normal working and safety of the building structures. Pile construction has high impercephbility and whose quality presents many incertitude factors,from an angel of qualitative inspection of the foundation piles, it has important significance for ensuring the quality and safety of foundation pile projects to modify the inspection methods and improving the inspection quality and the reliability of inspection & assessment results,it is also one of the research hotspots in foundation pile field. The main functions of low strain reflection wave method is to inspect the pile integrity, such as the judgment of pile defects positions, the checkout of pile lengths, and the qualitative estimation of the concrete strength grade,the judgment of the pile quality using the signal of reflected_wave curve accurately, the elimination of the project concealed harzard,and the estimation of foundation pile quality. This paper studied on the low strain reflection wave method for measuring of pile integrity made of Kelvin nonlinear elastic materials, set up a new one-way fluctuant model to treat the problems of piles made of Kelvin nonlinear elastic materials, gave out a dynamics equation of control volume,and induced the relation between pile axial forces and axial strain using the constitutive relation of one-way nonlinear elastic materials, put forward a new calculation method for the fluctuation of one-way nonlinear elastic materials, simulated the pile-top speed response time history curve (or displacement, acceleration) numerically using program written in FORTRAN language, finally the author set up a curve database of the foundation piles existing integrity problem for the integrity inspection of foundation piles in the future.

桩基础 has the widespread application domain, is the high-rise construction, the large-scale bridge, the deep water wharf as well as the marine petroleum platform and so on use main foundation form. In recent years, 桩基 the project quality question influence construction structure normal use and the safe instance were very many. The pile construction has the high hiding as well as the pile construction quality has very many not definite factor, looked from 基桩 the quality examination angle, the improvement examination method and the method, improve the examination work quality and the examination evaluates the result the reliability, to guarantees 基桩 the project quality and safely has the vital significance, also is 桩基 one of domain research hot spots.The low strain reflection method main function examines the pile body structure integrity, like the pile body flaw position judgement, 施工桩 long proofreading and the concrete intensity rank qualitative estimate and so on, the use obtains the reflected wave curve signal accurately to delimit breaks the pile body quality, removes the project hidden danger, to 基桩 the quality carries on the appraisal. This article has conducted the research to the Kelvin non-linearity elastic material 料桩 body integrity examination low strain reflected wave new method. Establishes the Kelvin non- line elastic material 料桩 question the unidimensional undulation new model; Produced has controlled the body the dynamic equation, the use unidimensional non-linear elasticity this construction relations infers the pile axial force and the axial strain relations, proposed the unidimensional non-linear elastic undulation question new algorithm; Uses the FORTRAN language coding, the value simulation 基桩 桩顶 speed (or displacement, acceleration) responds the time interval curve profile; Finally 基桩 builds each kind of profile storehouse to the complete existence question, will use in 基桩 the complete examination service for later. As well as low strain reflection method; The pile body integrity examines 2 words

A foundation has the extensively applied realm, is key figures building, large bridge, deep wharf of water and sea the petroleum terrace main foundation form that etc. adoption.In recent years, a 基 engineering quantity problem influence building structure of the case of the normal usage and safety is a lot of.The construction of the stake have the concealment of the height and the construction quantity of the stakes contain a lot of indeterminations factor, seeing from the angle of a quantity of 基 examination, the method and meanses of the improvement examination, the credibility that the exaltation examination work quantity and examinations assess the result, have the important meaning towards the quantity and safeties that insure an engineering of 基s, is also a research heat of 基 realm to order it a. The low contingency reflect a function with main method is to examine a body structure integrity, if a body blemish position judgment, construction the stake grows to check to settle sex to estimate the etc. with the concrete strength grade, making use of to measure glint a curve signal rows to break a body quantity accurately, expeling the engineering 隐 to suffer from, carrying on the evaluation to the quantity of the stake of 基 . This text to the Kelvin not the glint a new method of low contingency of the flexible material a body of line complete sex examination carried on the research. Build up the new model of the Kelvin non- line flexible material an a 维 of the problem motion;Give square distance of the control dynamics of the body, make use of a 维 not the line flexibility originally 构 the relation deduce a stalk toward dint and stalks toward emergency relation, putting forward a 维 not the line flexibility undulates new calculate way of problem;Adopt the FORTRAN language establishment procedure, the number imitates a speed( or move, acceleration) to respond to a form of the timing curve;Exist an establishment of 基 of problem to rise various form database to the integrity finally, is hereafter used for a complete sex examination service. And low contingency glint a method;A body integrity examines 2 phrases


桩基础 has the widespread application domain, is the high-rise construction, the large-scale bridge, the deep water wharf as well as the marine petroleum platform and so on use main foundation form. In recent years, 桩基 the project quality question influence construction structure normal use and the safe instance were very many. The pile construction has the high hiding as well as the pile construction quality has very many not definite factor, looked from 基桩 the quality examination angle, the improvement examination method and the method, improve the examination work quality and the examination evaluates the result the reliability, to guarantees 基桩 the project quality and safely has the vital significance, also is 桩基 one of domain research hot spots.The low strain reflection method main function examines the pile body structure integrity, like the pile body flaw position judgement, 施工桩 long proofreading and the concrete intensity rank qualitative estimate and so on, the use obtains the reflected wave curve signal accurately to delimit breaks the pile body quality, removes the project hidden danger, to 基桩 the quality carries on the appraisal. This article has conducted the research to the Kelvin non-linearity elastic material 料桩 body integrity examination low strain reflected wave new method. Establishes the Kelvin non- line elastic material 料桩 question the unidimensional undulation new model; Produced has controlled the body the dynamic equation, the use unidimensional non-linear elasticity this construction relations infers the pile axial force and the axial strain relations, proposed the unidimensional non-linear elastic undulation question new algorithm; Uses the FORTRAN language coding, the value simulation 基桩 桩顶 speed (or displacement, acceleration) responds the time interval curve profile; Finally 基桩 builds each kind of profile storehouse to the complete existence question, will use in 基桩 the complete examination service for later. As well as low strain reflection method; The pile body integrity examines 2 words

公路工程地质信息 (一)强夯法处理液化地基的施工管理 江苏北部(如徐州、宿迁等)地区广泛分布废黄河泛滥沉积物,一般以亚砂土、亚粘土—细砂为主,埋层浅,地下水位高,天然地基承载力低,在地震作用下易产生液化现象。地基液化是引起构筑物破坏的主要形式,同时该地区又受到我省主要的地震危险带—郯庐地震带的影响,因此在该地区国道主干线京福、徐宿、连徐、宁宿徐、沂淮等高速公路建设中不可避免的遇到大面积液化地基处理问题。根据《公路工程抗震设计规范》(JTJ004—89),对高速公路必须进行液化地基处理,这是减轻地震灾害的根本性措施。因此,如何控制和管理好处理液化地基的施工,做到既经济有效又安全可靠,对保证高速公路建成后的正常运营、减轻地震灾害具有重大现实意义。 1 液化地基的国内外研究概况 地基液化分析与处理一直是土动力学的主要研究课题之一。液化一词最早见于1920年Hazen.A的《动力冲填坝》用来说明卡拉弗拉斯冲填坝的毁坏。1936年Casagrande首先给出了砂土液化的判别方法——临界孔隙比法。上世纪50年代,各国学者对砂土液化进行了广泛研究,主要包括:砂土液化的机理,砂土液化的预估方法,砂土液化的地基处理等。 所谓液化是指由于孔隙水压增加及有效应力降低而引起粒状材料(砂土、粉土甚至包括砾石)由固态转变成液态的过程。影响液化的因素有:①颗粒级配,包括粘粒、粉粒含量,平均粒径d50;②透水性能;③相对密度;④结构;⑤饱和度;⑥动荷载,包括振幅、持时等。 我国《工业与民用建筑抗震设计规范》(TJ11—78)根据1971年以前8次大地震的数据,参考美国、日本的有关研究成果给出了以临界标准贯入击数为指标的砂土液化判别公式。现行规范《建筑抗震设计规范》(GBJ11—89)通过对海城、唐山地震的系统研究,结合国外大量资料,对原规范进行了修改,采用了两步评判原则,并对临界标贯击数公式进行了修改,使之更符合实际。在国标《岩土工程勘察规范》(GB50021—94)中,对此又进行了补充,给出了液化比贯入阻力临界值和液化剪切波速临界值公式,用来进行液化判别。在公路工程中,基本上沿用上术两步评判原则,采用了临界标贯击数判别方法,并根据公路工程中的研究成果,给出了临界标贯击数的计算公式。这些规范在我国工程界得到了广泛应用。 2 高等级公路可液化地基处理方案的确定。 液化地基处理恰当与否,关系到整个工程的质量、投资和进度。因此其重要性已越来越多地被人们所认识。对于高速公路这样大面积处理可液化土而言,强夯法和干振碎石桩法是首选的处理手段。当全液化地基路段较长,需处理面积大,公路沿线外缘较近范围内无村庄,无重要构造物时,强夯法是比较理想的地基处理方法。 强夯法处理地基是20世纪60年代末Menard技术公司首先创立的,该方法将80…400kN重锤从落距6—40m处自由落下,给地基以冲击和振动,从而提高地基土的强度并降低其压缩性。强夯法常用来加固碎石、砂土、粘性土、杂填土、湿隐性黄土等各类地基土。由于其具有设备简单、施工速度快、适用范围广、节约三材、经济可行、效果显著等优点,经过20多年来的应用与发展,强夯法处理地基受到各国工程界的重视,并得以迅速推广,取得了较大的经济效益和社会效益。 由于强夯处理的对象(即地基土)非常复杂,一般认为不可能建立对各类地基土均适合的具有普遍意义的理论,但对地基处理中经常遇到的几种类型土,还是有规律可循的。实践证明,用强夯法加固地基,一定要根据现场的地质条件和工程作用要求,正确选用强夯参数,一般通过试验来确定以下强夯参数: (1)有效加固深度:有效加固深度既是选择地基处理方法的重要依据,又反映了处理效果。 (2)单击夯击能:单击夯击能等于锤重×落距。 (3)最佳夯击能:从理论上讲,在最佳夯击能作用下,地基土中出现的孔隙水压力达到土的自重压力,这样的夯击能称最佳夯击能。因此可根据孔隙水压力的叠加值来确定最佳夯击能。在砂性土中,孔隙水压力增长及消散过程仅为几分钟,因此孔隙水压力不能随夯击能增加而叠加,可根据最大孔隙水压力增量与夯击次数关系来确定最佳夯击能。 夯点的夯击次数,可按现场试夯得到的夯击次数和夯沉量关系曲线确定,应同时满足下列条件:(①夯坑周围地面不应发生过大隆起;②不因夯坑过深而发生起锤困难;③每击夯沉量不能过小,过小无加固作用。夯击次数也可参照夯坑周围土体隆起的情况予以确定,就是当夯坑的竖向压缩量最大,而周围土体的隆起最小时的夯击数。对于饱和细粒土,击数可根据孔隙水压力的增长和消散来决定,当被加固的土层将发生液化时的击数即为该遍击数,以后各遍击数也可按此确定。 (4)夯击遍数:夯击遍数应根据地基土的性质确定,地基土渗透系数低,含水量高,需分3—4遍夯击,反之可分两遍夯击,最后再以低能量“搭夯”一遍,其目的是将松动的表层土夯实。 (5)间歇时间:所谓间歇时间,是指相邻夯击两遍之间的时间间隔。Menard指出,一旦孔隙水压力消散,即可进行新的夯击作业。 (6)夯点布置和夯点间距:为了使夯后地基比较均匀,对于较大面积的强夯处理,夯击点一般可按等边三角形或正主形布置夯击点,这样布置比较规整,也便于强夯施工。由于基础的应力扩散作用,强夯处理范围应大于基础范围,其具体放大范围,可根据构筑物类型和重要性等因素考虑确定。 夯点间距可根据所要求加固的地基土性质和要求处理深度而定。当土质差、软土层厚时应适当增大夯点间距,当软土层较薄而又有砂类土夹层或土夹石填土等时,可适当减少夯距。夯距太小,相邻夯点的加固效应将在浅处叠加而形成硬层,影响夯击能向深部传递。 3 强夯法处理液化地基的质量控制与管理 3.1 施工单位选择 对参与施工的强夯施工单位,各施工标段中标单位要先审查其施工资质、信誉和业绩,并附有前业主对该单位的书面评价报告;任何单位不得将强夯分包给个人施工。各中标单位将经初步筛选合格的施工队伍形成书面推荐报告,经驻地监理审核后,上报主管部门,经批准后方可进场。进场后不得再分包或转包,否则,驻地监理工程师将责令分包单位立即退场,损失自负。 3.2 施工准备 编写施工组织设计,经驻地监理组审查,监理组提出书面审查意见,报总监代表审批同意方可施工。 3.3 施工管理 (1)施工单位要按设计图要求编制夯点编号图,编号图要清晰、规范、科学。 (2)施工单位必须制定严格的安全管理措施,现场操作人员必须戴安全帽,并对施工机械定期作安全检查。在强夯区四周要设置醒目的危险警告标志和安全管理措施,不允许行人和非施工车辆进入强夯区,以确保操作员、过往行人和车辆的安全。 (3)施工单位要对强夯机械进行编号,每台强夯机械必须持有监理组发放的《施工许可证》方可进行强夯施工。 (4)施工单位除在强夯机械上挂《施工许可证》外,还必须挂有《机械操作主要人员》和《施工技术参数》两块醒目的牌子,进行机械操作的主要人员必须挂牌上岗。 (5)施工单位要制定施工要点供现场人员执行。 (6)铺设垫层前要对原地面进行清表并整平,且要按每20米一个断面,每个断面5个规定测点,测量清表后标高。 (7)用水准仪测量垫层铺设前、后的对应测点标高,初步确定垫层厚度,每20米一个断面,每个断面5个规定测点,再按每断面挖1处深坑,进一步确定垫层厚度(控坑必须在测点位置上)。 (8)垫层宽度按每20米一处用钢尺丈量。 (9)按设计要求进行夯点布置,夯点定位布置用钢尺按100%的频率丈量。 (10)夯锤必须过磅称重。夯击能在强夯施工前必须检测,并满足设计要求。每夯击100次,用钢尺量一次夯锤落距。 (11)施工单位必须及时排出夯坑内积水。 (12)主、副、满夯的间隙时间要根据现场情况作必要的调整,但间隙时间必须满足72小时。需要调整间隙时间由现场监理工程师确定。 (13)遇到不需拆迁的高压电线时,施工单位必须安排集中施工的方案,市高指向供电部门申请临时停电。 (14)施工人员要认真做好强夯施工记录,记录要求清楚、真实。 (15)施工人员必须注意观察已处理路段,发现异常情况及时报告驻地监理组和有关部门。 (16)在强夯区内的构造物必须在强夯完成后,才能进行构造物的下部施工。 4 用强夯法处理砂土液化地基的质量检验评定 4.1 基本要求 碎石垫层的碎石规格和质量必须符合设计要求。强夯施工必须按夯击点确定的技术参数进行。以各个夯击点的夯击数作为施工控制数值。 4.2 实测项目表 表1 强夯法处理砂土液化地基实测项目表 项次 检查 项目规定值 或允许偏差 检查方法和频率 规定分 1 夯击能 不小于设计 1次/工点查施工记录 15 2 夯击次数 符合设计 查施工记录 15 3 垫层厚度 不小于设计 4处/200m 15 4 垫层宽度 不小于设计 4处/200m 15 5 标贯击数 符合设计 2处/工点 20 6 瑞利波 ≥200m/s 1处/工点 20 注:(1)标准贯入试验,按需3点/5000�且不少于3点进行。孔位随机 布置。特殊地段适当加密。 (2)瑞利波法(SSW)按1点/40m,在中心线两侧各15m处交叉布点。 4.3 外观鉴定 (1)填筑碎石垫层前必须清表、整平,无明显凸凹点,整平不符合要求扣2分。 (2)夯坑内积水应及时排除,不符合要求扣2分。 (3)夯后场地应平整,无局部隆起,不符合要求扣2分。 4.4 分项工程质量等级评定 (1)分项工程评分在85分及以上者为优良;70~85分者为合格;70分以下者为不合格。 (2)若标贯击数、瑞利波不合格时,则该分项工程不合格,可进行加固处理,再重新评定其质量等级。 5 结语 在京福、徐宿、宁宿徐等高速公路液化地基强夯加固的施工实践中,由于建设、监理及施工单位的高度重视,严格按有关质量要求和“施工指导意见”进行控制,尤其对强夯参数的确定都是经反复试验论证后,选择合适的参数指导施工,使强夯法处理液化地基段达到了设计要求,从已建成的高速公路处理路段的工后路基沉降观测看,处理段液化地基强夯加固达到了预期目的。









A foundation has the extensively applied realm, is key figures building, large bridge, deep wharf of water and sea the petroleum terrace main foundation form that etc. adoption.In recent years, a engineering quantity problem influence building structure of the case of the normal usage and safety is a lot of.The construction of the stake have the concealment of the height and the construction quantity of the stakes contain a lot of indeterminations factor, seeing from the angle of a quantity of examination, the method and meanses of the improvement examination, the credibility that the exaltation examination work quantity and examinations assess the result, have the important meaning towards the quantity and safeties that insure an engineering of , is also a research heat of realm to order it a. The low contingency reflect a function with main method is to examine a body structure integrity, if a body blemish position judgment, construction the stake grows to check to settle sex to estimate the etc. with the concrete strength grade, making use of to measure glint a curve signal rows to break a body quantity accurately, expeling the engineering to suffer from, carrying on the evaluation to the quantity of the stake of . This text to the Kelvin not the glint a new method of low contingency of the flexible material a body of line complete sex examination carried on the research. Build up the new model of the Kelvin non- line flexible material an a of the problem motion;Give square distance of the control dynamics of the body, make use of a 维 not the line flexibility originally 构 the relation deduce a stalk toward dint and stalks toward emergency relation, putting forward a not the line flexibility undulates new calculate way of problem;Adopt the FORTRAN language establishment procedure, the number imitates a speed( or move, acceleration) to respond to a form of the timing curve;Exist an establishment of of problem to rise various form database to the integrity finally, is hereafter used for a complete sex examination service. And low contingency glint a method;A body integrity examines 2 phrases


A foundation has the extensively applied realm, is key figures building, large bridge, deep wharf of water and sea the petroleum terrace main foundation form that etc. adoption.In recent years, a 基 engineering quantity problem influence building structure of the case of the normal usage and safety is a lot of.The construction of the stake have the concealment of the height and the construction quantity of the stakes contain a lot of indeterminations factor, seeing from the angle of a quantity of 基 examination, the method and meanses of the improvement examination, the credibility that the exaltation examination work quantity and examinations assess the result, have the important meaning towards the quantity and safeties that insure an engineering of 基s, is also a research heat of 基 realm to order it a. The low contingency reflect a function with main method is to examine a body structure integrity, if a body blemish position judgment, construction the stake grows to check to settle sex to estimate the etc. with the concrete strength grade, making use of to measure glint a curve signal rows to break a body quantity accurately, expeling the engineering 隐 to suffer from, carrying on the evaluation to the quantity of the stake of 基 . This text to the Kelvin not the glint a new method of low contingency of the flexible material a body of line complete sex examination carried on the research. Build up the new model of the Kelvin non- line flexible material an a 维 of the problem motion;Give square distance of the control dynamics of the body, make use of a 维 not the line flexibility originally 构 the relation deduce a stalk toward dint and stalks toward emergency relation, putting forward a 维 not the line flexibility undulates new calculate way of problem;Adopt the FORTRAN language establishment procedure, the number imitates a speed( or move, acceleration) to respond to a form of the timing curve;Exist an establishment of 基 of problem to rise various form database to the integrity finally, is hereafter used for a complete sex examination service. And low contingency glint a method;A body integrity examines 2 phrases

A foundation has the extensively applied realm, is key figures building, large bridge, deep wharf of water and sea the petroleum terrace main foundation form that etc. adoption.In recent years, a engineering quantity problem influence building structure of the case of the normal usage and safety is a lot of.The construction of the stake have the concealment of the height and the construction quantity of the stakes contain a lot of indeterminations factor, seeing from the angle of a quantity of examination, the method and meanses of the improvement examination, the credibility that the exaltation examination work quantity and examinations assess the result, have the important meaning towards the quantity and safeties that insure an engineering of , is also a research heat of realm to order it a. The low contingency reflect a function with main method is to examine a body structure integrity, if a body blemish position judgment, construction the stake grows to check to settle sex to estimate the etc. with the concrete strength grade, making use of to measure glint a curve signal rows to break a body quantity accurately, expeling the engineering to suffer from, carrying on the evaluation to the quantity of the stake of . This text to the Kelvin not the glint a new method of low contingency of the flexible material a body of line complete sex examination carried on the research. Build up the new model of the Kelvin non- line flexible material an a of the problem motion;Give square distance of the control dynamics of the body, make use of a 维 not the line flexibility originally 构 the relation deduce a stalk toward dint and stalks toward emergency relation, putting forward a not the line flexibility undulates new calculate way of problem;Adopt the FORTRAN language establishment procedure, the number imitates a speed( or move, acceleration) to respond to a form of the timing curve;Exist an establishment of of problem to rise various form database to the integrity finally, is hereafter used for a complete sex examination service. And low contingency glint a method;A body integrity examines 2 phrases

桩基础 has the widespread application domain, is the high-rise construction, the large-scale bridge, the deep water wharf as well as the marine petroleum platform and so on use main foundation form. In recent years, 桩基 the project quality question influence construction structure normal use and the safe instance were very many. The pile construction has the high hiding as well as the pile construction quality has very many not definite factor, looked from 基桩 the quality examination angle, the improvement examination method and the method, improve the examination work quality and the examination evaluates the result the reliability, to guarantees 基桩 the project quality and safely has the vital significance, also is 桩基 one of domain research hot spots.The low strain reflection method main function examines the pile body structure integrity, like the pile body flaw position judgement, 施工桩 long proofreading and the concrete intensity rank qualitative estimate and so on, the use obtains the reflected wave curve signal accurately to delimit breaks the pile body quality, removes the project hidden danger, to 基桩 the quality carries on the appraisal. This article has conducted the research to the Kelvin non-linearity elastic material 料桩 body integrity examination low strain reflected wave new method. Establishes the Kelvin non- line elastic material 料桩 question the unidimensional undulation new model; Produced has controlled the body the dynamic equation, the use unidimensional non-linear elasticity this construction relations infers the pile axial force and the axial strain relations, proposed the unidimensional non-linear elastic undulation question new algorithm; Uses the FORTRAN language coding, the value simulation 基桩 桩顶 speed (or displacement, acceleration) responds the time interval curve profile; Finally 基桩 builds each kind of profile storehouse to the complete existence question, will use in 基桩 the complete examination service for later. As well as low strain reflection method; The pile body integrity examines 2 words

低应变反射波法Low Strain Reflection Wave Method桩身完整性检测Inspection of pile integrity桩基础|pile foundation高层建筑 High-rise buildings(分类词汇:环境资源相关 )大型桥梁super-large bridges 深水码头Deep Water Wharf海上石油平台Offshore oil platform建筑结构building structure施工construction非线性弹性材料nonlinear elastic materials桩基工程质量问题这篇虽然是科技论文,但是我觉得他翻译成“pile foundation quality question”很不妥当,我将他修改成problems of pile foundation quality,,从汉语语法之角度考虑,这里的问题两个字是多余的,去掉更好,你自己看看吧!不确定性因素Incertitude Factors基桩Foundation Pile隐蔽性(Impercephbility)axial strain轴向应变研究热点research hotspot(也有用point的)桩身缺陷位置 positions of pile defects定性估计 qualitative estimation混凝土强度等级concrete strength gradethe signal of reflected_wave curve反射波曲线信号工程隐患Project Concealed Harzard一维波动模型one-way fluctuant model控制体(control volume),本构关系 constitutive relationFORTRAN语言编制程序program written in FORTRAN language响应时程曲线波形时程曲线response time history curvePile foundation is widely used as the main basic structure of high-rise buildings,super-large bridges,deep water wharf and Offshore oil platform. During recent years,there are many bases of pile foundation quality affecting the normal working and safety of the building structures. Pile construction has high impercephbility and whose quality presents many incertitude factors,from an angel of qualitative inspection of the foundation piles, it has important significance for ensuring the quality and safety of foundation pile projects to modify the inspection methods and improving the inspection quality and the reliability of inspection & assessment results,it is also one of the research hotspots in foundation pile field. The main functions of low strain reflection wave method is to inspect the pile integrity, such as the judgment of pile defects positions, the checkout of pile lengths, and the qualitative estimation of the concrete strength grade,the judgment of the pile quality using the signal of reflected_wave curve accurately, the elimination of the project concealed harzard,and the estimation of foundation pile quality. This paper studied on the low strain reflection wave method for measuring of pile integrity made of Kelvin nonlinear elastic materials, set up a new one-way fluctuant model to treat the problems of piles made of Kelvin nonlinear elastic materials, gave out a dynamics equation of control volume,and induced the relation between pile axial forces and axial strain using the constitutive relation of one-way nonlinear elastic materials, put forward a new calculation method for the fluctuation of one-way nonlinear elastic materials, simulated the pile-top speed response time history curve (or displacement, acceleration) numerically using program written in FORTRAN language, finally the author set up a curve database of the foundation piles existing integrity problem for the integrity inspection of foundation piles in the future.

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