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首页 > 论文问答 > JCR一区、中科院小类二区杂志[Polymers]邀稿(影响因子4.967)

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sci专刊“荧光聚合物的改性与应用:modification and application of fluorescent polymers”上线jcr一区、中科院小类二区(高分子科学)杂志polymers(影响因子4.967),欢迎各位老师同学投稿!本人为客座编辑,审稿周期短,最快15天接收,欢迎投稿!

dear colleague,

i am serving as guest editor of the special issue "modification and application of fluorescent polymers" of the open access journal polymers (issn 2073-4360, if 4.967, i would like to invite you to contribute a research or review article to this issue, your contribution will make this special issue more successful. may we know if you have any interest?
special issue: modification and application of fluorescent polymers


polymers: impact factor for 2021 of 4.967 (5 year impact factor 5.063), ranking 16/90 (q1) in the wos category of polymer science. we would like to invite you to contribute one well-prepared article or review paper with special discount. please kindly let us know your decision within two weeks.

if you are interested in this proposal, please feel free to contact us or the section managing editor mr. melo hu(in copy: ).

author benefits

• high visibility—indexed by various databases (including scie (wos), scopus, and pubmed (pmc)).

• fast processing—a first decision is provided to authors approximately 13 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken within 3.3 days.

• follow-up promotion—the polymers promotion team provides a free post-publication promotion service to increase exposure of the paper to targeted audiences.

article processing charge

the article processing charge (apc) for each accepted paper is 2400 swiss francs (chf), which includes an english editing service. reviewer and ioap ( discounts are available and can be used toward reducing the apc.

submission guidance

1. open the special issue website:

2. click the button “submit to special issue” on the upper left of the website.

3. follow the steps, filling in the required information and uploading the manuscript files.

please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

kind regards,

guest editor

prof. jian chen


hunan university of science and technology

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