

发布时间:2015-09-21 09:26

    This paper gives a questionnaire survey to some English major students in Zhejiang University of Science and Technology by random sampling to know students' understanding and importance learning self-efficacy. It showed that there are five influential factors with self-efficacy. Learning motivation, personality, teachers' expectations, class atmosphere, family environment and campus surroundings. In return, self-efficacy also has great significance to their study and life. It finally discusses possible measures taken to improve self-efficacy on learning English according to the results of the questionnaire.

Key words:learning self-efficacy; questionnaire survey; influence factor; measure


1. Introduction 1
2. Academic self-efficacy 2
2.1 Origin and definition 2
2.2 Current research 2
    2.2.1 Factors self-efficacy affects 2
    2.2.2 Factors affecting self-efficacy 3
3. Questionnaire survey on English major students in ZUST 6
3.1 Students' understanding and importance to learning self-efficacy 6
3.2 Influence factors with self-efficacy 7
   3.2.1 Student perspective 7
   3.2.2 Teacher perspective 8
   3.2.3 Family perspective 10
   3.2.4 Class perspective 11
   3.2.5 School perspective 12
3.3 Significance to students' study and life 12
4. Measures to be taken to improve self-efficacy 13
4.1 Student perspective 13
4.2 Teacher perspective 13
4.3 Family perspective 15
4.4 Class perspective 15
4.3 School perspective 16
5. Conclusion 18
Acknowledgements 19
References 20


    The importance the academic self-efficacy make is more and more obvious, especially in the field of foreign language instruction. As the English-learning in a person's middle school is merely designed for the university entrance examination and the cultivation of students' verbal ability is ignored. After entering the university, students easily have no confidence on their ability of English listening, speaking, reading and writing (LSRW). On the other hand, the LSRW ability of students who come from big cities or some rich areas is always higher than those from small cities or some remote places. As a result, the difference of learning basis stimulates a big fall in the weak students' hearts. Then the improvement of the sense of self-efficacy is an urgency which can increase confidence of all the students. The study of how to improve self-efficacy has the value in theory and practice.
In order to improve college students' perceived English-learning self-efficacy, and can make students experience more success in the process of their study of English, offer students proper models and modes, and guide students insetting proper studying goals and conduct students in proper self-attribution, this paper will first collect world-wide study on learning self-efficacy to know the definition of self-efficacy and its relationships with some learning types, then give a questionnaire survey on English major students in Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, and finally discuss about possible measures to be taken to improve self-efficacy on learning English according to the results of the questionnaire.

2. Academic self-efficacy

2.1 Origin and definition
    The concept of self-efficacy lies at the center Bandura’s social cognitive theory, which emphasizes the role of observational learning and social experience in the development of personality. Bandura defines 'self-efficacy' as people’s belief in their ability to succeed in specific situations. According to Bandura's theory, people with high self-efficacy - that is, those who believe they can perform well - are more likely to view difficult tasks as something to be mastered rather than something to be avoided.
    Academic self-efficacy refers to a student’s belief that he or she can successfully engage in and complete course-specific academic tasks, such as accomplishing course outcomes, demonstrating competency skills used in the course, satisfactorily completing assignments, passing the course, and meeting the requirements to continue on in his or her major[1].
2.2 Current research
2.2.1 Factors self-efficacy affects
   Self-efficacy affects human behaviour. People will be more inclined to take on a task if they believe they can succeed. People generally avoid tasks where their self-efficacy is low, but will engage in tasks where their self-efficacy is high. People with a self-efficacy too higher than their actual ability often overestimate their ability to complete tasks, which can lead to difficulties. On the other hand, people with a self-efficacy significantly lower than their ability are unlikely to grow and expand their skills. Research shows that the ‘optimum’ level of self-efficacy is a little above ability, which encourages people to tackle challenging tasks and gain valuable experience[2].
Self-efficacy affects motivation of human. People with high self-efficacy in a task are more likely to make more of an effort, an d persist longer than those with low efficacy[3]. The stronger the self-efficacy or mastery expectations, the more active the efforts[4]. On the other hand, high self-efficacy provides an incentive to learn more about the subject. As a result, a person with a high self-efficacy may prepare sufficiently for a task.
   Self-efficacy affects people's idea on destiny. Bandura showed that people of differing self-efficacy perceive the world in fundamentally different ways[5]. People with a high self-efficacy are generally of the opinion that they are in control of their own lives; that their own actions and decisions shape their lives. On the other hand, people with low self-efficacy may see their lives as somewhat out of their hands.
   Domestic research by Yong Zhou and Qi Dong showed that there are three factors that affect students' self-control on their study, they are learning motivation, attribution and self-efficacy. According to the further research, they found that the factor of self-efficacy plays the most important role of the matter and attribution is the second, learning motivation the least [6].
    Xingye Yu, Master of Education from Nanjing Normal University, argued that perceived academic self-efficacy is the good ''predictive tool'' of academic achievements. Such important learning variables as perceived academic self-efficacy and attribution, goal setting, learning interests, learning and examination anxiety, self-regulating have very close relation. Perceived academic self-efficacy directly influences the academic achievements on one hand, and also affects them by influencing the above variables on the other hand. Perceived academic self-efficacy, therefore, is of great significance for the students' learning and their development of whole life[7].

2.2.2 Factors affecting self-efficacy
    There are several factors that affect self-efficacy. Bandura pointed out four sources affecting self-efficacy, that was enactive attainment, vicarious experience, social persuasions and physiological factors. First of all, "Mastery experience" is the most important factor leading a person's self-efficacy. Simply put, success raises self-efficacy, failure lowers it. Secondly, when people see someone succeeding at something, their self-efficacy will increase; and when they see people failing, their self-efficacy will decrease. This process is more effectual when a person sees himself or herself as similar to his or her own model. If a peer who is perceived as having similar ability succeeds, this will usually increase an observer's self-efficacy. Although not as influential as experience, modeling is a powerful influence when a person is particularly unsure of himself or herself. Thirdly, social persuasions relate to encouragements and discouragements. It can have a strong influence. Most people remember times where something said to them significantly altered their confidence. While positive persuasions increase self-efficacy, negative persuasions decrease it. It is generally easier to decrease someone's self-efficacy than to increase it. Fourthly, in unusual, stressful situations, people commonly exhibit signs of distress like shakes, aches and pains, fatigue, fear, nausea, etc. A person's perceptions of these responses can markedly alter a person's self-efficacy. It is the person's belief in the implications of their physiological response that alters their self-efficacy, rather than the sheer power of the response [8]. 
Research by master Ziyin Pan from archive--National Cheng Kung University showed the relationships among perceived teacher expectation, academic attribution, self-efficacy on the school work and achievement of senior high school and vocational high schools second-grade students. As for the different perceptions of teacher expectation facet, students of high perceptions of teacher expectation had intrinsic academic attribution, higher self-efficacy of the school work and higher academic achievement. As for the relationship between the academic attribution and academic achievement facet, there was a positive relationship between intrinsic academic attribution and academic achievement. As for the relationship between self-efficacy on the school work and academic achievement facet, the relationship between effort-insistency and academic achievement was the highest [9].
    Another research by Xiujun Zhang from archive--National Pingdong Educational University was to explore the social comparison of directions and effects of academic performance of elementary school students. Upward and similar comparisons tended to have positive effects on students' self-esteem, self-efficacy, grade expectancy, and well-being. These effects held even when the past grade was held constant. The downward comparison was even found to have negative impact on students' well-being [10]. 
    There are some compact relationships between college students' stress and self-efficacy. Different stressors have different actions on self-efficacy. Psychological stress is a problem that has aroused general concern in modern society. Stress of certain degree is conducive to college students' study and work. However, too much stress is unhealthful to the mind and body and the self-efficacy is comparatively low [11]. 
Relational research between undergraduate home environment and interpersonal communication efficacy shows as follows: undergraduate home environment aggregate level is higher, does not have the remarkable sex, the grade and the specialized difference on the family hard environmental factors of sources of income in the family, family monthly income, father years of schooling, father occupation, mother occupation and so on, family soft environment existence significance difference. 2. The undergraduate home environment and interpersonal communication efficacy existence correlation on the family hard environmental factors of Sources of income in the family, family monthly income, mother years of schooling and so on, the undergraduate interpersonal communication efficacy existence significance difference. The undergraduate’s home environment and interpersonal communication efficacy have significance positive correlation. 3. The undergraduate interpersonal communication efficacy exchanges between the home soft environment and different levels of forecast function [12].
    Relations between achievement goal orientation and class motivation climate, learning strategy, academic performance indicate that: Class motivation climate is indeed one of influential factors on achievement goal orientation. If environment emphasizes master and endeavor, students attend to use master goal orientation. In contrary, if environment emphasizes performance and capacity, students attend to use performance approach goal or performance avoidance goal [13].
There are interactions among students’ language self-efficacy and their academic performance. There does exist a relationship between language self-efficacy and English academic achievements—the high achievers have fairly good self-efficacy while moderate achievers have moderate self-efficacy and the self-efficacy of low ones is slightly lower than those of the other two groups; language self-efficacy is positively correlated with the English academic achievements of the students; ability attributions are the most powerful predictor in achievement-related settings, concerning students’ self-attributions to success and failure in English learning. However, luck-success attribution and effort-failure attribution are negatively related with English achievement; under different circumstances (successful/unsuccessful performance), the perceptions of students’ self-attributions to successes and failures may exert different influence on language self-efficacy beliefs. The results lend support to the view that the beliefs of self-efficacy and casual attribution not only play an important motivational role in language learning, but are good predictors of language achievement [14]. 

3. Questionnaire survey on English major students in ZUST
   Based upon the research design, there are two stages in this survey: preliminary research in the first bout. Through research draw-out tested by on-limits questionnaires and preliminarily analyzed questionnaires collected, various possible factors are summarized that affect college students on English learning, which will help to design the questionnaire in the following text. 2. Empirical study in the second stage. Founded on the previous researches and analysis, the questionnaire is designed to be used in the empirical study. And then 60 senior students of English majors in Zhejiang University of Science and Technology are surveyed by these questionnaires. By using a series of statistical analysis methods such as factor analysis and multiple regression analysis, five major obvious factors that affect learning self-efficacy of English-major students are found out and five measures that possibly help to improve the learning self-efficacy of students are figured out.
3.1 Students' understanding and importance to learning self-efficacy
 According to the survey, most students do not know the exact definition of the self-efficacy and some have never heard of it. But, every one has experienced this kind of feeling that they always realize the role of confidence plays in their study. When they believe that they can get good marks in one examination or do better in learning English, they usually do achieve their expected goals. While if they have no confidence with themselves or even believe that they can not do it, they usually fail. Generally speaking, they agree that self-efficacy plays an important role in their study, though not the most important one.
3.2 Influential factors with self-efficacy
This paper focuses on influential factors from five different perspectives, individual, teacher, class, family and campus environ ment. According to the survey, there are close relationships between self-efficacy and above factors.

3.2.1 Student perspective

    According to the table one showed as follows:
Table 1  Relationship between personal factors and learning self-efficacy
Content Agree
 Disagree Total
I can learn English well when I believe I can 52
 8 60
Learning English is useful 45
 15 60
I like communicating with others in English 47
 15 60
I have confidence in my English learning 36
 24 60
All of above 45
 15 60

    It shows that seventy-five percent of students hold that learning English is very important and forty-seven students in sixty have always been very keen on practicing English through taking part in various English activities and doing part-time jobs. While those twenty-five percent of the whole students who insist that English is not useful have no confidence on English learning and can not control their achievements. From the result, several factors can be inferred as follows.
    There are some certain relationships between self-efficacy and learning motivation. Students with the motivation that he or she regards good English as an important tool in the future career and determines to learn English well always own higher self-efficacy, better motivation regulation and good achievements. Those students who think that English is not so important as usual and it can be without competitive in their career since so many students are learning English nowadays usually lack the determination of that they must learn English well, thus lower the learning self-efficacy and worse motivation regulation. Furthermore, high English achievers could better regulate their motivation than low achievers.
   Personality also affects the self-efficacy in oral English improvement. Outgoing students are graded much higher than introversive learners in risk-taking and impulsiveness. They attend to take part in much more various activities and like to communicate with foreign people and classmates, thus they have self-confidence in learning English well. In turn, this kind of confidence stimulate their motives to communicate with others more to improve English-speaking proficiency and take part in varieties of activities to help them become more courageous and capable to deal with different situations they may be faced with in the future. At the same time, out-minded students are inclined to do some part-time jobs such as English teachers and translators, thus also helping to broaden their mind and scope and finally strengthen their self-efficacy in English learning. On the other hand, introversive students are afraid to communicate with others and always confine themselves in their own space. As a result, their skills of English communication decline, so as their self-efficacy to learn English well.
   Future job-hunting has relations with self-efficacy. On the other hand, the intensity of self-efficacy is a vital factor that determines the choices of the college students. Obvious relations exist between the intensity of self-efficacy of pursuing master degree and the final decision of being a postgraduate. Equally, there are strong connections between the intensity of self-efficacy of working and the determination of being employed. The general self-efficacy of the college students shows an obvious association with their scores, gender and the nature of their major.

3.2.2 Teacher perspective
    About sixty-seven percent of students showed in the table 2 agree that teacher plays a very important role in their English learning. The better teachers teach, the more confidence students have in learning English well. 

Table 2  Relationship between teacher and learning self-efficacy
Content Agree
 Disagree Total
Teacher's encouragement and help have great effects on my English learning 40
 20 60
I like those teachers with new teaching method 45
 15 60
I will become active when teachers are active in teaching 38
 22 60

   Teachers' sense of teaching efficacy refers to teachers' cognition of their own ability. It has close relations with the learning self-efficacy of students. The more confidence teachers are in their own capability to teach students well, the more confidence students have in their English learning with teacher's help.
   Teaching method is one of the most important factors which affect students' learning self-efficacy. Some boring and tedious teaching methods will make students lose interest in learning a foreign language. In contrast, some creative and new method will arouse students' encouragement and interest to learn English. Continual improvement of teaching strategy and advanced teaching model will help students cultivate the level of independent innovation.
   Teachers' expectation refers to a kind of teachers’ predictive perception on the basis of their cognition to students’ behavior result, which is a kind of emotional effect. The teachers’ expectation has a far-reaching impact on students' psychological development. Teachers’ expectation has the correlative degree to students. It is an important factor that influences students’ perception of teachers’ supporting behavior if they take on class cadre, and there exits extremely remarkable differences in factors of supporting total points, emotional support, and ability support. Students serve as student cadre get various support from teachers more, which represents in emotional supporting and ability supporting mainly. It takes remarkable influence on students’ academic achievement of teachers’ expectation, self-conception of students’ academic achievement and perception to teachers’ supporting behavior. Students get higher achievement for those who get higher expectation from teachers, have higher self-conception of academic achievement and get more support from teachers than the opposite. It interacts and inter-influences between students' self-conception of academic achievement and perceiving teacher's behavior of supporting. Students with higher self-conception of academic achievement get various supports from teachers more, and the other way round.

3.2.3 Family perspective

The survey of the impact on students’ efficacy from family can be indicated from table 3.
Table 3  Relationship between family and learning self-efficacy
Content Agree
 Disagree Total
Parents always take active part in my activities  20
 40 60
Parents usually respect my suggestions 40
 20 60
I have confidence in my English learning 36
 24 60

   The table shows that forty of the total sixty students say that their parents respect their personal choice and decision. Among them, twenty students' parents are positive in joining their activities. The further analysis showed that these students have more confidence in learning English well. Therefore, the parental upbringing styles do influence and foresee the strategies on the adjustment of student emotion. Favorable upbringing styles, such as parents' concern and understanding towards their kids, benefit students to be mature and skillful in selecting the strategies, say, the way of seeking help and solutions. Students proper adoption of emotion-adjusting strategies is named as 'maturity-oriented strategy', which can efficiently appease their anxiety degrees. Not Favorable upbringing styles, such as parents' excessive protection and interference; rejection and denial towards their kids, influence students to select more immaturity-oriented strategy, such as condemning oneself and illusion, which can not appease their anxiety degrees efficiently. When students have a good level of emotion regulation, he or she is able to adjust to the positive normal state when they are confronted with some problems in learning English, while ones with low level of emotion regulation are always in a muddle and do not know how to take heart of grace to their study.

3.2.4 Class perspective
    The survey covered two English-major classes showed as follows:
Table 4  Relationship between class atomosphere and learning self-efficacy
Content CLASS ONE :  Agree CLASS TWO :  Agree
My classmates can always help me in English study 22 24
Our class has good learning atmosphere 15 25
Leaders in class have great effect on my English learning   16 23
Various English activities are held in class 17 27
I have confidence in learning English 15 25

    It can be seen from table 4 that students in the class with more activities, open and impetuous atmosphere and cohesive leadership have more confidence in learning English well generally. Thus it can be seen that class environment is one of the most important environments for students' development. Class environment is a social-mental environment which consists in the group composed of the teacher and the student. Three distinctive types of class environment are identified, that is, cohesive and competitive, average and conflict. As a whole, class environment with the general characteristics of good relationship, high order and discipline, high competition and moderate learning load called cohesive class environment could better promote students' learning morale and improve their confidence to learn English well. While conflict one emphasizes less performance motivation climate that students are easily holding performance avoidance goal than those in cohesive class. And their learning self-efficacy is somewhat lower than those students in cohesive class environment.
    Class motivation climate is indeed one of influences factors on achievement goal orientation: If environment emphasizes master and endeavor, students attend to use master goal orientation. In contrary, if environment emphasizes performance and capacity, students attend to use performance approach goal or performance avoidance goal. The correlation relationship between master goal orientation and deep cognitive strategies, meta-cognitive strategies is significant. The same significant correlations exist between performance approa ch goal and three learning strategies, between performance avoidance goal and surface cognitive strategies.

3.2.5 School perspective
Table five showed that sixty-two percent of students consider that lectures held by the school do have affects on their future job-expecting. Without them, they could not look deep into the outer world, thus having no enough preparation for the future job. Different campus cultures have different effects on students' developments. First, the teaching goal of school determines the rationalization of the teaching arrangement of every teacher, thus having direct relations with the achievement of students. Second, whether many activities are held in the campus will affect the students' part time arrangements and their English enhancements.
   Table 5  Relationship between school surroundings and learning self-efficacy
Content Agree
 Disagree Total
English corner is always held in the campus 60
 0 60
Career lectures are always held in campus 42
 18 60
I have high expect on my future job 37
 23 60

3.3 Significance to students' study and life   
   Self-efficacy emphasizes the role of observational learning and social experience in the development of personality. People with high self-efficacy, that is, those who believe they can perform well are more likely to view difficult tasks as something to be mastered rather than something to be avoided. High academic self-efficacy will help to strengthen a student’s belief in completing course-specific academic tasks, such as accomplishing course outcomes, demonstrating competency skills used in the course, satisfactorily completing assignments, passing the course, and meeting the requirements to continue on in his or her major.
As to the aspect of the effect on the students' life style, high self-efficacy can change the previous fatiguing and boring language learning state and help students to form a positive attitude toward study and life. They will feel happier than others, which is conductive to form the correct personal value, life outlooks and world view.

 4. Measures to be taken to improve self-efficacy

4.1 Student perspective

    To improve learning self-efficacy, students should cultivate the correct and positive purpose toward learning English. As a student has chosen English as major, he or she should believe that English is an important tool in future career and life and thinks that it is worthwhile to learn English.
    Students would better encourage themselves to take part in more activities and competition regardless of success or failure. Part-time jobs are also better to take into consideration if one wants to enrich one's campus life if it is possible to save time to do it. It can virtually improve one's confidence to learn English and enable them to do with different situations with free.
4.2 Teacher perspective
   First of all, teacher should enhance self-confidence in teaching and also be confident with his or her students. Thus teacher will have enthusiasm to try every method to mobilize all the positive factors in class and put heart into teaching. To some extent, it is easily to infect the whole class and become more enthusiastic about learning English. Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm.
   Teachers should apply scientific teaching methods, especially case method teaching to arouse students' interest in study and improve the teaching performance. On the other hand, it is better to select the appropriate teaching method according to particular case of every student.
   Appropriate goals and tasks are conductive to the self-efficacy of students. To help students to experience the feeling of success in learning English, too hard makes boring. Theory of efficacy shows that people usually contribute their beginning failure to the scarce capacity instead of lacking diligence and bad environment [14]. As a result, teacher should set appropriate goals and tasks at the beginning of English learning and then arrange corresponding activities to encourage students to have a try positively and experience the interest of success. Constant success will make students have more confidence in learning English well.    
   Shaping positive beliefs about the causes of success and failure will affect students’ attitude towards English learning. Teachers need to be aware of students’ beliefs, and guide students to correct self-attributions by means of attribution training. Provide constructive feedback. Teachers can help students cognitively realize the facilitation of self-efficacy beliefs in English learning. Enhance students’ language self-efficacy and positive self-attribution with a variety of means. Limitations as well as possible pedagogical implications are also discussed in the study. For instance, the sample under investigation is relatively small; moreover, multiple data collection techniques are needed to get more accurate information.
The teacher must treat students equally without discrimination. If he/ she favors one and slights the other, it is unfavorable to have an English lesson harmoniously. They should not care more about those who think quickly or express freely. To be objective, students are very sensitive during the process of experiencing education, they always surmise from the teacher's expression in all respects, such as their eyes, tone, behavior to judge whether it is fair or not. Then if teachers offer an encouragement of expression in their eyes, the student will have the courage to express his idea. Teacher's care or love should be pointed to students according to the concrete conditions of each student, especially those less advanced students, more help should be offered. Teachers should try to be close to their hearts, to exchange feeling with them, to understand them. Never look down on them, instead, try to help them and give love to them. The emotion interflow is very important in students' learning.
Last, teachers should improve themselves and try to be more and more knowledgeable to set a good example for the students, to make the English class attractive even more.

4.3 Family perspective

   As emotional factor is one of the most important factors in students' study, parents are suggested to adopt positive rearing pattern rather than negative ones to rear their child, communicate with children at times and support the positive emotion regulation of children. Educational level of parents is an important factor influencing their rearing style. As a result, parents should improve their qualities, change their concept of developing talents, and decipher educators' intention. Parents can use emotional warmth and understanding parenting styles to improve learning efficacy of children, parents can also use some personality characteristics (inner tendency, outer tendency, responsibility and independence) to improve it.
   Parents should respect interests of children. Parents' responsibility does not lie in forcing their children to learn English, but should give them some free space for loose, so to choose their own interest, and favorite things. While it is easily for parents to forbid children to do anything that has nothing to do with learning. As a matter of fact, a child in the production process also requires mental and physical information that is relevant with books. This is a learning process child will learn to learn consciously and happily. Moreover, such activities will not only develop children's thinking abilities, but also improve their hands-on operational capabilities. Parents should not only prevent them to do, but also according to this interest in the child's characteristics, to provide them with relevant books, and create opportunities for kids to participate in a number of useful activities and competitions. Gradually, children will gain much more confidence in learning English despite facing difficulties.

4.4 Class perspective
At the beginning of building a good class, it is usually to seek class cadre and student representatives. On the one hand, the outstanding leader can set a good example for all the students and encourage them to study hard. On the other hand, responsible class leader should organize different kinds of activities to stimulate students' interest to learn English and improve their self-efficacy in English learning.
    To be successful in arousing students’ interest in learning English requires the teacher to organize various classroom activities. This includes proper arrangement of seats, board, and time to fit for certain activities. This also includes the teacher’s ability to be clear in the classroom and to change modes of presentation and types of questions. The teacher is also supposed to be able to engage students in the learning process, to provide opportunities for feedback and to use group and individual activities so as to bring students’ initiative into full play. Once the interest on learning English aroused, the learning self-efficacy improved at the same time.
Setting a psychology organization whose central content is to arouse the learning motivation of students. The occidental scholars divided it into tool motivation and synthesis motivation from the second language teaching, but this division is not suitable for out domestic foreign language teaching. So it is better to discuss the skills of psychology organization according to the theory of intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and integrated motivation. Thereby, class can focus psychology organization on be willing to learn and be active to learn. It is a direct way to improve the learning self-efficacy of students.
Once the students’ interest in learning English has been aroused, it is important to protect the interest so that they can make rapid progress. First, the teacher should make use of the spare time after class to guide the students to contact with some English adages, songs, and masterpieces, etc. so as to broaden their scope and upg rade their ways of thinking. Second, the teacher should hold some competitions to make the students be conscious of contest. Thus the improving learning self-efficacy of students is nicely maintained for better.

 4.5 School perspective
The aim of school is to enforce students’ life education, stress on class management, promote administration quality, and make it into main point of improving teaching and learning, melt Computer Assisted Instruction into each subject’s teaching to be the traits of the school. School should build up a safe and orderly campus environment, keep in touch with parents, invite parents to participate students’ affairs, lay equal stress on the studying, gregariousness, contribution virtue and laboring virtue. The students should be encouraged to attend with teachers on all the campus activities such as English Corner and English Contest. Practicing homeroom system, building up positive classroom atmosphere and shaping a good school customs are also useful. On the other hand, school employs capable and energetic administration clerks, to push team work cooperation, elaboration work, keep on timing, make assessment, feedback improvement.
Colleges should raise students’ occupational self-efficacy, expand the application of Occupational Self-Efficacy Theory in the practice of students’ career planning, help students build target system for career planning so that career planning education can be carried out rhythmically to help students build up scientific concept of career choice and raise their occupational self-efficacy, thus of course raising their learning efficacy in English.


   On the basis of research review, the current study shows that there are several factors affecting students' self-efficacy such as enactive attainment, vicarious experience, social persuasions and physiological factor. On the other hand, self-efficacy also affects students' motivation, behavior, thought patterns and responses, self-control on their study and school achievement. This paper put forward some measures from five aspects of student, teacher, family, class and school. It is of great importance to enhance students' achievement motivation level and self-efficacy. It is an indispensable method to improve family and school education, to create a favorable environment for students. The disadvantages of test-oriented education should be got rid of whilst Quality Education, especially the training of creativity should be energetically advocated to provide the students with a favorable atmosphere for competition. Reasonable goals for achievement should be set, and students should be encouraged to make unremitting efforts, to advance toward higher goals in the course of conquering difficulties and savoring success through positive guide and words stimulus. Approachable and imitable examples should also be set for students to make them practice continuous positivity. These measures are taken to make students experience more success in the process of their study of English; offering students proper models and modes; guiding students insetting proper studying goals; conducting students in proper self-attribution, improving the learning self-efficacy in students' English study.


    My initial thanks go to my supervisor Ms Chen Yaxuan, who patiently supervised my dissertation and was at times very willing to offer me illuminating advice or suggestions. Without her help, I could not have finished this dissertation.
    I am also indebted to other teachers and my classmates who have not only offered me their warm encouragements but also spend time to participate in my questionnaire survey.
    My greatest personal debt is to my grandparents and parents, who have cultivated a soul of sensitivity, hospitality, and honesty out of me, and offered a harbor of happiness and sweetness for me.
   The remaining weakness and possible errors of the dissertation are entirely my own.

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 性别:             班级:      
1我知道学习效能感的定义。                                   是              否
2当我相信我能学好英语就能学好。                             是              否
3我认为学习英语很有用。                                     是              否
4我常常参加校内举办的各种英语活动。                         是              否
5我喜欢并常常用英语与别人交流。                             是              否
6我常常做一些能提高英语水平的课外兼职。                     是              否
5在做作业时,我认为我选择与运用的是最好的方法。             是              否
7在每次考试前觉得自己可能会考不好,对考试没有把握。         是              否
8我对自己的学习充满自信。                                   是              否
9总的来说,我还是能够把握自己的学习的。                     是              否
10如果我不想让自己的学习成绩太差,我就有办法做到。          是              否
11面对新的学习任务,我相信自己的接受能力会比其他同学好。    是              否
12我总担心无法胜任现在的学习任务。                          是              否
13考试后我因为自己成绩不理想而长时间的心神不宁。            是              否
14坚持我自己的目标完成学习任务对我而言是一件比较轻松的事情。是              否
15当老师在学习上批评我时我会尽快想办法改正。                是              否
16老师的鼓励与帮助对我的学习作用很大。                      是              否
17我喜欢使用各种新型教学手段教学的老师,对英语提高帮助很大。是              否
18当老师上课时有状态时我也会被调动状态。                    是              否
17父母能常常积极地加入到我的活动中。                        是              否
18父母常常尊重我的意见。                                    是              否
18当其他同学学习比我好时我相信我今后会超过他们。            是              否
19我的同学常常会帮助我克服学习上的困难。                    是              否
20班级的学习气氛很浓。                                      是              否
21常常受班级的带头人影响而努力学习。                        是              否
22班级常常举办各种英语活动。                                是              否
23学校会常常开展英语角等很多活动。                          是              否
24学校会定期举行各种课外的就业规划与远景分析讲座。          是              否
25我对未来职业抱很大的期望。                                是              否 



