1.Introduction 1
2. Definitions of vague language 2
2.1 Theories of Zadeh 2
2.2 Theories of Wu Tie ping 3
3. The language characteristics of English advertising 5
3.1 Lexical features 5
3.2 Syntactic features 6
4. Vague language in English advertising 8
4.1 The fuzziness of phone 8
4.2 The fuzziness of lexicon 9
4.2.1 The fuzziness of numeral 9
4.2.2 The fuzziness of adjective 11
4.2.3 The fuzziness of verb 11
4.3 The fuzziness of syntactical structure 12
4.3.1 The fuzziness of questions 13
4.3.2 The fuzziness of statements 14
5. The function of vague language in English advertising 15
5.1 To improve the efficiency of expression 15
5.2 To enhance the flexibility of language 16
5.3 To increase the attention value and memory value 16
5.4 To increase the appropriateness 17
5.5 To create rhetorical and aesthetic effects 17
6. Conclusion 19
Acknowledgements 20
References 21
Language is a great tool for people to communicate with each other. People have many beliefs about language. An important one is that good use of language involves clarity and precision. Generally, people think language should be clear and precise to make the conversation understandable. It is true under some circumstances. However, the world itself is more than that simple.
Language, which is used in our daily life, cannot and need not be clear and precise all the time, especially in the process of communication. As Joanna Channell puts in her book Vague Language, “ One of the most useful and enduring insights to come out of the recent study of language use is that speakers and writers tailor their language to make it suitable to the situation”[1]33. Vagueness is one of the essential properties of language. Linguists consider vagueness to be of crucial importance for its efficient usage in everyday communication. When one thinks about language as spoken by real people on a day–to–day basis, it is hard to ignore the fact that much of what is said is vague. Vague language is widely used in both spoken and written English and it is also a very important language variable. The process of language use is active, during which speakers and hearers constantly have to make choices out of variables.
2. Definitions of vague language
Since the concept of vagueness came out, numerous linguists had stated their own definition of it. Vague language, as a flexible language, is the extension of uncertainty, with no fixed connotation. Channell says, “Interest in vagueness in language use and meaning has arisen in a number of disciplines: literary criticism, linguistics, psychology, philosophy. Much of it suggests that vagueness is present in a great deal of language use, and therefore a complete theory of language must have vagueness as an integral component”[1]25.
Vagueness of language is a universal ess is embodied in various aspects of language such as speech sounds, words meaning, syntactic rules, etc.
2.1 Theories of Zadeh
The theoretical basis of fuzzy linguistic is Fuzzy Set Theory, put forward by the U.S. cyberneticist Zadeh, L.A. in 1965. Zadeh is one of the most referenced authors in the fields of applied mathematics and computer science, and his contributions are not limited to fuzzy sets and systems.
Zadeh creates a concept——grade of membership. It is used for quantitative analysis of vagueness. He uses 1 to indicate one thing belongs to one collection, and 0 is on the contrary. Decimal indicates that how close the thing is to the collection. So the main idea of fuzzy set theory is that the boundaries of set are unfixed. The elements of the membership are not limited in [0,1], and any real numbers can be got between the two numbers which are also the elements of the membership.
A fuzzy set is a pair (A,m) where A is a set and .
For each , m(x) is the grade of membership of x. If A = {x1,...,xn} the fuzzy set (A,m) can be denoted {m(x1) / x1,...,m(xn) / xn}.
An element mapping to the value 0 means that the member is not included in the fuzzy set, 1 describes a fully included member. Values strictly between 0 and 1 characterize the fuzzy members. The set is called the support of the fuzzy set (A,m) and the set is called the kernel of the fuzzy set (A,m) [2]134.
The quantitative analysis created by Zadeh has some subjectivity. Although it gets much criticism from many linguists, it still has great value-in-use. Then it begins to be applied in daily life. The fuzzy set theory has changed the whole way that people used to thinking. Its essence is not in favour of imposing uniformity to things. It recognises that there are numerous interval values between two values. And there are numerous memberships. So it shows that the fuzzy set theory is very suitable to definite vague language. Its processing of fuzzy semantics is more in line with the actual situation of natural language.
2.2 Theories of Wu Tie ping
Although fuzzy linguistics started late in
China,its speed of development has been the fastest and its influence is the most far-reaching among many branches of linguistics. Fuzzy linguistic research started in China in the late 1970s. The publication of Wu Tie ping’s article A Preliminary Research on Fuzzy Language in Foreign Languages, which is regarded by academia as the earliest essay in China dealing with the fuzziness of language in terms of fuzzy theory,marks the birth of fuzzy linguistics in China.
“A proposition is vague where there are possible states of things concerning which it is intrinsically uncertain whether, had they been contemplated by the speaker, he would have regarded them as excluded or allowed by the proposition” [3]45.
He says “Vagueness shows that there are some fundamental limitations in human brains or from the characteristics of deep-rooted nature of unidentified boundaries” [3]67.
Wu agrees completely on the views of Pierce and Scheffler, as a basis for the distinction between two different types of vagueness: ontological ambiguity and cognitional ambiguity. Ontological ambiguity refers to the ambiguity which objectively exists. The ambiguity of color reflects that lots of colors in the world do not have obvious boundaries between each other. Some words for time, age, temperature, are themselves the reflections of the objective ambiguity in language. While, cognitional ambiguity reflects the ambiguity of human thoughts. Fuzzy thoughts reflected in language are that people have fuzzy recognition about some words in the concept of connotation and extension.
Wu uses qualitative description of fuzzy set to study fuzzy language. This method is to use fuzzy set qualitatively, which regards the subject of the research as a fuzzy set. Then according to the nature and structure of the fuzzy set, it describes the attribute, relationship and process of the vagueness.
Wu says “To create fuzzy linguistics, first we must know which words represent the meaning of vagueness.” Because he considers that just like the conversion of the two sides of contradiction, the fuzzy words and the precise words can be converted into opposition in certain circumstances. This avoids unilaterally exaggerating the ambiguity of language [3]78.
3. The language characteristics of English advertising
English advertising has its own language characteristics mainly in vocabulary, syntax and rhetoric. It not only conveys the information of goods, but also gives people the enjoyment of the arts. The development of commodity economy makes ad become an important means of sales. And it has penetrated into all aspects of social life. China is currently in an open era. Enterprises are gradually moving towards the international market. English ads are playing a pivotal role in promoting products and establishing image to the international community. Since advertising is to persuade others to buy goods or do anything else, it should be very persuasive so as to achieve the expected aim. So which language to adopt seems important. It is all known that many excellent ads do a lot of work on the language. Their use of a high degree of artistic language has infected readers and viewers. Thus the language characteristics of English advertising is worthy for English learners to study and explore.
3.1 Lexical features
In choice of words, it can be said that English ads are eclectic, gorgeous.
1) The advertising such as documents issued in the government, school enrolment, and the term orthodox is extremely serious.
1. Our present Principal/Chief Executive has reached retirement age and the Governing Board wants to make the crucial appointment of his replacement in 1994. If you are a well-qualified and experienced individual and you think you have the vision, energy and enthusiasm to lead the College from the current solidly based nineties into the next century, and then please write for further information and post particulars to:
This is a government recruitment advertising, which uses very formal terms. Therefore, it reflects that the content of the advertising also can be serious.
2) In many cases, in order to make an effect of humor and jocosity, ad uses some informal language deliberately.
1. Each transfer weight advantage and power into real, all round performance at prices we know won’t freak you out.
In this ad, “freak out” is an informal phrase, which originally means “trance, very excited”. But here it means “frighten”, or the meaning of “scare.”
2. What’s more, in our new Appliance sale we’ve knocked up to 50% off top name brands.
The word “knock” means “defeat” here. While, compared to “defeat”, it is quite informal. In fact, the expression effect of knock is much livelier than defeat.
3. Keep the frog out of your throat.
This is the last sentence of an ad about lozenge. The ad designers deliberate
ly use such an informal phrase to make a humorous effect.
In many ads, a lot of slang and informal words are widely used, which makes the ads lively and impressive. The proper nouns are also widely used in ads. Making use of celebrity and sights is to increase the persuasiveness of advertising to attract the attention of the readers.
3.2 Syntactic features
English ads also have a variety of sentence patterns, and the most commonly used sentence patterns are as follows:
1) Imperative is the most common pattern.
1. Ask any one who owns one. (Automobile)
2. Lay down your arms. (Table)
3. Please do not leave it too late. (Television)
2) General questions are usually put in the front of the ads.
1. Have you ever dreamed of ascending the steps of great temple built to the Gods? (Travel Agency)
2. Can a tired overworked voice command attention in class? (Beverage)
The following ad all consists of general questions:
Ph. D.s should have acquiring mind, considering this a simple test.
A) Do you want to work in world class research laboratories?
B) Do you want to apply your research skills to keep successful business at the leading edge of world technology?
C) Do you want to build your career with a major international company headquartered in Australia?
If your answers to these questions are positive, BHP would like to talk to you.
3) Elliptical sentence abounds in English ads. Even the whole ad is constituted by elliptical sentence.
1. Brand new business parks. (Apartment for rent)
2. Four-star conference facilities. (Auditoria)
3. Backed by 14 years’ success in helping business to relocate, set-up, prosper, expand. (Consulting Firm)
4) Direct speech appears in English ads frequently. The reason is as follows:
(1). Direct speech makes the form lively and novel.
(2). From a psychological point of view, direct speech can enhance the persuasion.
1. “It’s like we’re all in the same office. The office just happens to spread across 7000 miles of ocean,” Tom Hughes MIS Director, Construction.
This is the beginning phrase of an IBM’s ad. The words of the company’s manager make the ad more specific.
2. “Through the NVQ initiative we have discovered talents and competencies we would never otherwise have known about.” Says Ian McDermot of Philips Components in Blackburn.
The NVQ vocational training constitution was highly praised by the employers.
4. Vague language in English advertising
As a part of daily life, it can be said that the advertising affects the thoughts and the way of life constantly. It has created significant social role and psychological role. Vague language is widely applied in English advertising. It can cause people’s association and reduce the psychological distance between customers and ads[9]2. In the modern business world, advertising exists everywhere. Ads have a high commercial value. Its language is called “call-to-action language” (loaded language) with extreme persuasion and attraction. Ambiguity is inherent in language itself. So the application of vague language in English advertising can be said to be “family style”.
4.1 The fuzziness of phone
The fuzziness of phone bases on the nature of voice. The most typical ambiguity in English ads is homophonic pun. It is composed of the words with the same or similar pronunciation, which is humorous, witty, nifty and farcical. So it makes the expression have two meanings in some circumstances, which can enhance the persuasion and influence of the advertisement. And the public also will be impressed.
1. Make your every hello a real good buy.
Here it makes use of the homonymy of goodbye and good buy to arouse the interests of the public.
2. Sofa-so-good.
So far makes the form of homonymy with sofa. And it is used with good, which gives people a comfortable quiet association.
3. I’m more satisfied!
In this ad, more is a trademark of cigarettes, which is also used as an adverb to modify the past participle. This is a successful example of wisely making use of the brand name to make an effect of pun.
4. The prose without the con.
In this ad, the advertisers make use of an idiom “The pros and cons”. According to the similarity of form and pronunciation, they change pros into prose.
5. More sun and air for your sun and heir.
The advertiser cleverly uses two pair of homonymy (sun, son; air, heir), which
makes the ad harmonious and funny. It sounds very attractive.
4.2 The fuzziness of lexicon
Vague language used in English ads often receives unexpected results. It not only economizes the transmission of information, but also costs less to send enough information. It is proved that using vague language correctly in English advertisement will have a multiple effect. Experts believe that the uncertain description is not bad. Instead, it is good. It costs less to deliver adequate information. What’s mor
e, it can deal with complex things and make efficient decisions. In other words, uncertainty will help improve efficiency. Russell, British philosopher, once said “A word has a more or less fuzzy meaning[2]20. So there are a lot of fuzzy words in language of advertisement. Numerals, adjectives and verbs have strong signification of vagueness in English.
4.2.1 The fuzziness of numeral
Generally speaking, numeral is precise. But the meaning it expressed is often fuzzy[10]4. It is a commonplace that numeral is used in ads. However, when a number does not present a specific quantity, it loses the meaning of quantity. It will have the meaning of image. This is a phenomenon of semantic ambiguity of numbers. The fuzzy meaning generated by numerals always makes the consumers think again and again.
1. Two months’ salary too much to spend for something that lasts forever?
This is a diamond ad. In this case, two months’ salary seems to be a precise number. However it can not accurately explain the exact number of two months’ salary. Because different people have different salaries, and the differences may be significant. Diamond products give customers the enjoyment of spirit, which is vague and uncertain. So it only can be expressed by vague words. It says that spending a small amount of money can bring you permanent enjoyment of spirit.
2. This Christmas, surprises him with a dozen presents
In this ad, a dozen presents does not exactly mean twelve presents. It is an imaginary number. Once the imaginary numbers become virtual, it is not ostensive. If you are persistent in the numbers, you will misunderstand the original meaning.
3. In Taipei...1+1+1+1=ONE
This is the ad of world commercial center of Taipei. Originally, four ones added together should be four, but the answer of the ad is one. On one hand, it induces the readers to be eager to know the real intention of the ad. On the other hand, it stimulates the imagination of readers. Actually, the form of the ad achieves the transition from number to image. The four ones refer to the four parts of the commercial center. These four parts constitute a complete business center. What an incredible idea!
4. Chique, only some women have it!
The word some here reflects that this product is exclusively used by women elite. It meets the psychology of noble fashion of women. But which exact group of women that it points to depends on the different understanding of people.
5. Do you know when you can save 35%, or over 60%, on out-of-state phone calls? “Phone Thing” has all the answers when it comes to saving money on direct dial calls.(Bell Company)[6]5.
In this case, people are called to use “Phone Thing”, which is dedicatedly used by Bell Company. It is said to have the advantage of saving the cost of call 35% or even more than 60%. These two numbers seems to be precise. While the range is too large to be confirmed. But the promise given by the seller makes people hard to resist the look-like benefit.
6. Up to 60% increase in skin clarity. Within two weeks! (skincare products)
7. We’re showing this to 174 million people. We’ll only have 90 thousand cars. Hurry! (GM)
4.2.2 The fuzziness of adjective
The words used in English advertising are unique that they contain a lot of commendatory adjectives with evaluative meanings. Advertising English word is unique in the use of evaluative adjectives in complimentary sense. The greater extension of the concept expressed by adjectives, the more vague of the meaning it has. Adjectives play a role in English ads of describing the goods and expressing the concept. Appropriate choice of words can achieve refined realistic effect[11]3.
1. True values never change.(Diamond)
The word true makes people feel the real eternal value of diamond. It gives people s sense of trust.
2. The most natural kind of beauty for every kind of skin. (Cosmetics)
“The most natural” here meets the psychology of the public who advocates the natural beauty.
3. In perfect shape. For unlimited times. (Watch)
In this case, perfect and unlimited are adjectives with vague meanings. It is hard to find a standard to judge whether a watch’s shape is perfect or not. It is also difficult to find a standard to judge how unlimited time a watch could work. So the two words with vague extension, ambiguous connotation show the characteristics of this watch exactly and the perfect appearance of the watch appears.
4. The clean look: it’s the flesh, natural look for clean make-up.
This is a very popular cosmetics ad in U.S. In this case, it has four adjectives with the theme of nature and cleanliness. It does not emphasize on heavy make-up, which makes the product approachable. This shows that adjectives play an important role in English advertising.
5. Enduring beauty. Super craftsmanship. And the pride of the artisans who created them.
In this case, “endurin
g” here gives people a sense of permanent existence of this product. “Super” tells how incredible the craft is.
4.2.3 The fuzziness of verb
Verbs in modern English ads are used with caution. However, some verbs with ambiguity can not be ignored. Verbs in English ads most are monosyllabic words which are easy to understand. Some people have done some statistics. The typical verb “help” is used in 75% of English ads. In addition, there are some fuzzy words which present people’s feelings, such as “look, taste, feel, smell” and so on. These words can express the subjective ideas of people. Because feeling is invisible, untouchable and imponderable, these words make the things fuzzy. And they let the tone feel not so absolute. The advertisers make some room for manoeuvre.
1. It makes you look much younger.
Everyone wishes to be young forever. And the advertiser just makes use of this common mind. He declares that his product can make you look much younger. But its meaning is very fuzzy. Since everyone has his own standard, the differences between people can be huge. However it meets the need of the public.
2. Go for it! Look good. Feel good. Be your best.(Magazine of health)
3. I couldn’t believe it, until I tried it! I’m impressed! I love it! (Microwave oven)
In this case, there are three verbs: believe, try, impress. It is hard to tell the exact extent of these words. But these words are progressively pushed forward, which let people create a strong desire to try.
4. This toothpaste helps prevent caries.
It is all known that there is no such kind of toothpaste that can prevent caries completely. It will sound very exaggerated if “help” is not used here. As a result, it will be very difficult to make the consumers believe. So the advertiser cleverly makes use of the fuzzy meaning of “help”, which enhances the effect of the ad greatly. It shows that this product can give assistance, not directly. So no matter how exaggerated it is, the advertiser can make his own story.
5. Men invented time. Seiko perfected it. (Watch)
6. Our connections move the world. (Deutsche Telecom)
4.3 The fuzziness of syntactical structure
The ambiguity of English ads is often reflected in the fuzziness of syntactical structure. These fuzzy sentences include questions, statements, exclamations, independent sentences and elliptical sentences. The nature of the ads determines that the sentences are simple and oral. Because simple words are brief and clean, they let people get all the information in a short time. And oral words make people feel gentle, relaxed, which will help obtain the favour of the customers. The application of fuzzy sentences makes enough room for the advertisers. Otherwise, the customers will not believe the ad if it is over exaggerated. On the other hand, the cost of modern ads is huge. So it demands that the advertisers must use the most concise sentences to convey the most amount of information with the intention of inspiring the desire of readers and audiences to buy the goods. The final aim is to open the market for the products.
4.3.1 The fuzziness of questions
Questions are the most typical form of the fuzziness of syntactical structure. People generally think that questions must have their answers. In fact, questions in English ads mostly require of no answers. They just want to inspire the interests of the readers. The curiosities of people encourage them to find out what exactly the product is. It improves the publicity indirectly.
1. Are you going grey too early? (Black Hair Grease)
In this case, there is no need to answer the question. Actually, it indirectly encourages people to buy the product.
2. Who else can guide you to a successful meeting? (Holiday Inn)
At first, we can not tell what the product is. Inn is used in meetings. So it says that if you use this product, you will have a successful meeting. At last, we know that it is an ad about inn. It points out the quantity of the inn is great. But how good it is we can not tell. It just leaves room for the consumers to imagine.
3. What distinguishes the leader from the followers? (Volvo the 960 Luxury Cars)
This question makes people think over. There is some transition of meaning. The designer gives the car an added quantity——unique design, what the consumers exactly want. It says that if you want to be a leader not a follower, just buy a Volvo.
4. Wouldn’t it be nice if your kid’s investment grew as fast as they did? (Charles Schwab)
It is a consulting firm. With its guide and help, the investors will get a considerable payoff from the investment to their children. It just meets the physical need of the investors. They feel that if they do this, they will get considerable profit. It is exact intention of the ad.
4.3.2 The fuzziness of statements
Although statements are not used so frequently as questions, it can not b
e ignored.
With some adequate rhetorical devices, it is also full of attraction.
1. Honda has always made good cars. People love them. (Honda)
The sentences are short and brief. But it points out the keystone. We do not know how good the cars are. And the definition of people is very fuzzy. It just gives you a sense that if you do not buy a Honda, you will not know how good it is.
2. We lead. Others copy. (Ricoh)
This ad is very short. Each sentence contains only two words. It just gives us information that Ricoh is the leader in printers. Its quantity is unparalleled.
3. The Global brings you the world in a single copy. (Global)
There is an exaggeration in this ad. How can a copy brings you the world? It just tells you a detail that the information in this book is very rich. You can find a lot of things that you want to know here. But it is impossible to bring you the world.
4. The most sensational place to wear satin on your lips. (Lipstick)
In this ad, the lipstick is compared to satin. It is all known that satin can not be worn on lips. It wants to tell you that if you use the lipstick, your lip will be shiny and charming, just like wearing satin on your lip.
5. We’ve hidden a garden full of vegetables where you’d never expect in a pie. (Bisquick)
It is also an exaggeration. You can not find so many vegetables in a pie. It conveys the information that the vegetables in the pie are very rich. But it is not as much as a garden full.
5. The function of vague language in English advertising
The application of vague language in English advertising is an art. It has the features of figurativeness, vitality. 54.
5.1 To improve the efficiency of expression
Politeness Principle offers an explanation of using vague language. However, politeness is not the only reason for people to do it. Relevance Theory offers another explanation. It was put forward by Sperber& Wilson in 1986. It bases on two principles: cognitive principle, namely, human cognition tends to have the greatest relevance; communicative principle, namely, words create associated expectation[5]24. The core of Relevance Theory is optimum relevance. That is to achieve sufficient contextual effects with no unjustifiable processing efforts in utterance interpretation. And vague language can make this effect with less effort. Because it increases the amount of information with less cost, it also can deal with complex things with high efficiency.
1. Romantic. Mysterious. Italian.
In this case, only three words with vague meanings are used. But it expresses the connotation deeply. People will imagine about it with relevant knowledge. It is called “Unlimited application of limited means”.
2. Just do it! (Nike)
3. Good teeth, good health. (Colgate)
5.2 To enhance the flexibility of language
In some cases, the advertisers can not make sure the reaction given by the customers. Or they think that the timing is not mature. So they just use vague language to make room for manoeuvre. They are in the initiative status.
1. Your problem is at the disposal of the board. We will give our reply as soon as possible.
Apparently, they say they will give reply as soon as possible. In fact, it is just an excuse. We have no idea about the decision of the board. So the customers have to take it neatly.
2. Our price compares favourably with those offered by other manufacturers either in Europe or anywhere else, and we are one of the best manufacturers in this line. Here are our latest price sheets; you will see our prices are most competitive.
If someone wants to buy something unfamiliar, he will naturally compare the prices, quality of different manufacturers. The advertiser just makes use of this psychology. He uses some vague words
to promote himself, such as “or anywhere else”, “one of the best”, “most competitive”. He does not tell how good he is. But the consumers will understand it with flexibility. There will be a good impression formed in their mind. They take it for granted that this manufacturer is the best one. So the advertiser successfully induces the consumers through vague language.
5.3 To increase the attention value and memory value
One of the purposes of the advertising is to impress the audiences. The advertisers choose some particular words to give a visual shock to the audiences. Sometimes they also create some new words. Typically, they add the brand names in the ads. This is a direct publicity of the products. It will attract the attention of the audiences. Compared to other languages, vague language gives people a sense of mystery, which keeps the attraction much longer.
1. A Kodak moment. (Kodak)
We know that Kodak is famous for film. This ad is very short and brief. And the brand name is added in. So it implies that people can take great pictures with Kodak. We do not know how good it is until we use it.
2. Where there is a way, there is a Toyota. (Toyota)
There is an exaggeration in this ad. We know from the ad that Toyota is very popular and durable. But it is impossible to see a Toyota in every way. It just increases the curiosity of the consumers.
5.4 To increase the appropriateness
Human beings are social animals. Social customs make people feel constrained. These constraints are reflected in the languages they use, which contain the language of advertising. Due to social and cultural factors, the topic associated with transgression can not be talked about in public places. Otherwise people will be considered vulgar, underbred. In this regard, straightforward words are inappropriate, almost obscene. People will find it difficult to adopt it. So the vague language should be used here.
1. The inside story is leaking out. (Diaper)
In this case, the advertiser uses an implicative statement. Because the product can not be publicized directly, it implies that this product is reliable.
2. No matter how you use it, you can sleep well all night. (Sanitary Towel)
This product is a woman’s furnishing. It is relevant with the privacy of women. So the exaggerated words can not be used here. Otherwise it will cause the antipathy of women. So the advertiser uses a euphemistic statement. The ad also implies that the product is reliable.
3. We can give you better view of investment opportunities from both sides of the Pacific. (Citibank)
If “buy” is used here, this ad will be antipathetic. The advertiser uses “give” dexterously, which relaxes the alert in mind of the consumers. But it still gets the same effect as “buy”.
5.5 To create rhetorical and aesthetic effects
In the era of advocating efficiency and quick tempo, the advertisers are strictly controlled by time and space. So they have to use a lot of rhetorical devices, which make the brief words abundant in profound meanings. The traditional rhetorical devices, such as analogy, symbol, metonymy, sometimes make the boundary between things fuzzy. The traditional figures of speech always have profound meanings, which can enrich the imagination of people. People can feel the sense of beauty in imagination.
1. Have a nice trip, buy-buy. (Duty-free shops at Heathrow Airport in London)
In the particular environment of airport, the advertiser uses a pun of buy-buy and bye-bye. This ad reminds people of two meanings:
(1). Have a nice trip. Bye-bye.
(2). You are welcome to do some shopping here.
2. Spoil yourself and not your figure. (Ice Cream)
In this ad, the advertiser uses a pun of equivocation. “Spoil” in “spoil yourself” means enjoying your self. While, it means ruining in “spoil your figure”. It implies that the consumers can enjoy the product without worrying about getting fat.
The above discussion of vague language in English advertising is by no means comprehensive but it can serve our purpose to improve our understanding about vague language and English advertising. Since advertising plays an important role in modern commercial society, doing some research and study about it shall be very helpful. The purpose of this paper is to introduce vague language to English learners. At the same time, this paper presents some knowledge about English advertising, which is a necessary part of sale. It is no doubt that many scholars have done a lot of research on this topic, so I just refresh and conclude some of their ideas, and I add some of my own thoughts into it as well.
My initial thanks go to my supervisor Sun Hongmei, who patiently supervised my dissertation and was at times very willing to offer me illuminating advice or suggestions. Without her help, I could not have finished this dissertat
I am also indebted to other teachers and my classmates who have not only offered me their warm encouragements but also shared with me their ideas and books. They are Sun Lu, Li Chao, Sheng Mingjie, and many others. My friends do a lot of favors to me, too.
My greatest personal debt is to my parents, who have cultivated a soul of sensitivity, hospitality, and honesty out of me, and offered a harbor of happiness and sweetness for me.
The remaining weakness and possible errors of the dissertation are entirely my own.
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