【 China security nets 】 as is known to all, the intelligent building technology including the communication network technology, computer technology, automatic control technology, fire and safety technology, audio and video application technology, integrated wiring and system integration technology. It is the modern architectural technology and communication technology, the computer technology, control technology, combination of the product, mutual penetration, and embodies the characteristics of the information society nowadays information.
The exact says it is building automation system (BAS: BuildingAutomationSystem), communication automation system (CAS: CommunicationAutomationSystem) and office automation system (OAS: organic combination of the three OfficeAutomationSystem), including building environment is intelligent building support platform. Be also usually say triple-a system, but from the international and domestic actual situation, the fire-fighting automation system (FAS: FireAutomationSystem) and safety automation system SafetyAutomationSystem) are SAS (by special agencies responsible than other system, a more strict management and acceptance procedures, therefore FAS and SAS was added to the intelligent building subsystem, the triple-a into 5A. Actually regardless of triple-a, 5A or xA, how many A actually not very important, is nothing but A system is divided, important classified, the function of intelligent building inside whether be perfect to achieve.
The basic purpose of intelligent building should be: make complex problem is simplified, make the building function diversified, make property, safe and reliable operation of living environment comfortable personalized intelligent and highly and system energy conservation. Therefore, realizing safety precautions are intelligent buildings, a very important part of the advanced security automation degree also affects the overall level of intelligent building. Second, the intelligent building safe guard system requirements for the large-scale, due to the intelligent building automation, high hierarchical, to make it safe guard system appears more indispensable.
On the main safe guard system requirements are:
1) prevent: to prevent the main requirements is the system, whether for people or financial, prevention is always in the first place.
2) alarm: when discovery of safety and security has been threatened or destroy, the system should be able to give an alarm.
3) surveillance: system should be able to place on the buildings need to monitor the uninterrupted round-the-clock monitoring and, save certain time monitoring records.
4) records: when that happens alarm or other emergency, the system should be able to quickly take alarm regional environment, sound and image data timely recording, for examination.
5) system itself should have defending breakage function: when the system of some key device or circuit in damage, the system should be able to active alarm.
6) self-check function: system should be able to perform, and not regularly self-inspection capable eliminate misstatement, omission function. Third, the security guard system in intelligent building safe guard system in intelligent buildings generally involve gateway management, parking management, petrol management, perimeter management, building interphone, CCTV and resident internal security management and so on several subsystems, involving electrical, acoustics, optical, communication science, digital signal processing, automatic control and so on multiple disciplines and fields, is more complicated comprehensive technology, the paper these techniques in safe guard system of present application status and trend is discussed, the wrong done special again each subsystem are introduced.
3.1 safe guard system the basic constitution * signal detection: mainly in completing various alarm signal detection of signal or call; * signal response: mainly is the normal reset finish all kinds of detector response; or information * information pretreatment: basically be complete to various testing signals that the information processing, through rational way to teleport to control center; Or will the control center of information convert response signals sent out; * control center: is the heart of the whole system, be responsible for scheduling and coordinate various tasks, and possess networking, self-check function; * alarm treatment: will alarm information through the means of installed by sending out; * information of all kinds of useful information post-processing: process for inspection or return records.
Security preventation technology of the status quo
Signal detection technology in the intelligent currently used for signal detection technology are mainly the signal detection technology, commonly known as sensor class technology, is used to detect intruders mobile or other action electronic and mechanical components, it will normally pressure, vibration, sound, light, etc, converted into electrical signals in amplified, filtering, plastic processing, makes it easy to transmit digital or analog signals. Now commonly used sensors are mainly switch alarm, vibration alarm, ultrasonic, infrared alarm device alarm, and microwave alarm, laser alarm, smoke alarm and temperature alarm and etc. These alarm USES is relatively mature and common technology, their integration is compared commonly low, take way of working generally have active and passive two ways and active alarm at work, the alarm straight to the need for the area of alarm signal, the reflection or point-blank or other means is formed on the alarm when the alarm signal, stable control area is an excrescent circumstance, alarm the signal on the changes, according to signal the changed circumstances have a warning signal. Passive way of alarm, it depends on the object's own existence by the energy changes when testing, alarm work doesn't need to send any signal detection scene, when an exception occurs, signs of change has been stable, alarm signal to changing circumstances have a warning signal. In signal processing parts, it respond according to control management center of site shall be the signal from the automatic protection, more automatic mechanical control technology is.
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答:系统集成技术能实现许多的联动功能、系统集 、简述智能楼宇系统集成的必要性。 系统集成技术能实现许多的联动功能、 成技术能实现许多的测控管一体化的功能、系统集成技术能实现集中管理的功能, 成技术能实现许多的测控管一体化的功能、系统集成技术能实现集中管理的功能,提高了 管理的功能 效率、系统集成技术能够在软件层面上进行功能开发,不但可能新增功能,也可以“ 效率、系统集成技术能够在软件层面上进行功能开发,不但可能新增功能,也可以“硬件 软化” 优化系统方案, , 软化” 优化系统方案,减少投资成本