

发布时间:2023-12-07 08:57




摘要:本文通过探讨语言的基本特性,指出了目前英语语言教学研究的理论基础所存在的片面性。并结合心理语言学在言语产生、语言习得和语言理解等方面的研究成果,探讨目前英语语言教学中存在的不足,以期能在英语 教学 方法 上的研究有所突破。

关键词:心理语言学 英语教学 语言习得



言语产生、语言习得和语言理解是心理语言学研究的三大课题。言语产生主要包括4个方面的研究:言语产生模型的数据来源、言语产生中的语言单位、言语产生过程中的言语失误、言语产生模型;语言习得的研究主要包括:语言发展的研究方法、言语感知的发展、 儿童 语言词汇、 句子 的学习及理解、语言的交际用途、儿童语言习得理论;语言理解方面就是研究人们如何理解语言。


Carroll(1955)将语言定义为:“a structured system of arbitrary vocal sounds and sequences of sounds which is used,or can be used,in interpersonal communication by an aggregation of human beings,and which rather exhaustitively catalogs the things,events,and processes in the human environment.”从中我们可归结出语言的三个特性:结构化(structured)、工具性(used in interpersonal communication)、社会现象(catalogs the things,events and processes)。

语言是人类生存所必需的工具。早在亚里士多德时代,人类就已经认识到语言是他们用以和环境搏斗的工具。语言的工具性和社会性是紧密相连的,因为人类一切活动的目的就是在一起生存,语言使人类成功地生活在一起。语言除了能促进感情的交流之外,更重要的是还承载着传递思想、保存 文化 的使命。

语言的三个特性构 成语 言的有机整体。一直以来,很多外语教学工作者试图从理论语言学中找到解决当前教学困境的理论依据,但遗憾的是理论语言学忽略了语言的社会、工具功能,或者说没有整体性地进行语言研究,从这一角度寻求出路很可能只是徒然。



对于正常儿童从一岁左右开始牙牙学语,在五岁左右可以随意自在地与人交谈的这种自然现象,很多人都宁愿接受Chomsky的先天论观点,认为人类天生具有专门学习语言的能力(Language Acquisition Device,1972)。LAD理论完全否认语言的工具性和社会性。有关儿童学习母语的过程,这里我们仅讨论两个重点:一是母子(或父子)互动中的感情问题,一是儿童掌握语意的过程。

母子之间的感情是一切沟通方式的基石。父母 对子 女的爱中,有无限的包容、扶持、宽恕和容忍,是这样的爱,使幼小的生命得以茁壮成长;是这样的爱,使牙牙学语的孩子,都能够不畏怯、不沮丧、不挫败地学着使用语言。Chomsky以“再笨的小孩都能学得语言”来支持他的LAD,这实际是母爱的力量所致,正是如此,一个“笨”儿子也照样可以学会母语。虽然不能要求教师对待学生如母待子,但从这点来反省,或许可以得到不少的启示。



很不幸,现代语言教学研究人员并没有根据心理语言学的研究成果来发展教学法。大多数的教学法都是先教发音、单字,再教词组、 造句 ,也就是以小到大、先分析再整合的教学。这种教学程序的结果是学生虽然是学了不少单字、词组或语法规则,但是总没有办法利用这些零散的材料,组合成适当的语词,来面对不断变异的人、事、时、地的需要。简单地说,学生学了不少词语,但是却没有真正掌握语言表情达意的原理。





man tuned the piano.

man lifted the piano.

假如 提示语 是something heavy,则受试者会想到第2个句子。可见piano一字中所含重的语意成分,只有当语句中有类似lift这样的字出现的时候,才会凸显出来。换句话说,学习者要在掌握整个语句的意思之后,才能确定句中字词的意思。在说话和理解的过程中,语词不但只是许多条件之中的一个,而且其意思要视这些条件而定,但是现代语言学无法面对这个问题,因为它一向把语言孤立地(离开人、事、时、地等情境)研究。我们的语言教学依循语言学的理论,单纯地进行词语、语句的教学,鲜少关注语言的情境,导致学生难以使用英语进行正常的语言交流。


二语的习得不完全等同于母语的自然习得,二语的掌握一般是在人为的环境里进行有计划的学习。二语习得的效果,很大程度上取决于二语和母语在语言体系上的差别。语言体系接近,差别不大的语言无疑较易学习,反之,差别极大的语言,学习中困难较多,要求学习上下更大的功夫,对 学习方法 的要求会更高。二语的学习与母语的习得存在着明显的区别。这种区别首先是自然习得和有计划学习之间的区别,可归纳为以下几点:










[1]桂诗春.新编心理语言学.[M]上海:上海外语 教育 出版社,2002.


[3]Hormann, Mean,to Understand[M].New York:Springer-Verlag,1981.

[4]O’Connell,al Essays on Language Use and Psychology[M].New York:Springer-Verlag,1988.



Education and educational psychology is the study of the educational process, educators and the educated and the phenomenon of mental activity and change of generation branch of psychology. It is a range of education, science and interdisciplinary between Psychological Science. It is mainly teachers and students context of teaching and learning interaction between the psychological process of teaching and learning in the process of psychological phenomena.
Educational Psychology in the late nineteenth century became an independent discipline, but in the history of many educators have been able to practice in education based on the psychological state of the targeted teaching. For example, the ancient Chinese educator Confucius asked: "Do not anger does not start, do not but can not speak does not send" heuristic teaching method. Socrates also made in ancient Greece: "I am not giving knowledge. But knowledge generated by their own midwife" This Educational Psychology. The production of educational psychology, is the combination of psychology and education, and gradually form an independent branch of the historical process.
Early in the nineteenth century German psychologist Herbart clearly on the first teaching and learning of psychology as a theoretical basis. He will be a combination of psychology and education, educational psychology attempt to have played a larger role in promoting. His book "General Education" and other books on education set up to explore the role of psychology.
The generation of experimental psychology as an independent discipline of educational psychology is another important condition, which led to the emergence of experimental education, experimental pedagogy is a pioneer in educational psychology, experimental psychology and pedagogy is a product of integration. Psychological Testing and the birth of educational psychology provides a theoretical and method in psychology, the process of formation and development of law played an important catalytic role. How to adapt to individual differences and individualized, is the common task of pedagogy and psychology, intelligence tests and educational tests is to understand the mental state of students and the teaching effect tool.
In 1903, an American psychologist Thorndike wrote, "Educational Psychology", which later expanded to three volumes of "Educational Psychology", published in 1913 -1914, which established the educational psychology as a the status of independent subjects, marking the official birth of educational psychology. In this book, including human nature, learning psychology, individual differences and the reasons of three parts. His study of three law (law of effect, reserve ratio, practice law) and individual differences theory, after 20 years of educational psychology as an important research subject.
With the development of education, social development, to meet the needs of educational development, educational psychology, the task of increasing study also expanded the scope and depth. Europe and the United States is to study the general characteristics of child development, special children's mental activity, learning psychology, learning methods, learning counseling and mental health, mental structure and mode of learning, education and psychological measurement and evaluation of teachers in psychology. The development of modern science, especially in modern biology, anthropology, sociology, medicine and the development of psychiatry have an impact on educational psychology, prompting it constantly updated to meet the requirements of social development. United States, "Annual Review of Psychology" comprehensive agreement on all aspects of comparison that the educational psychology research tasks and targets should include eight items: education evaluation and measurement; the characteristics of child development; special children and their education; about learning psychology educational methods; special subjects of study; study counseling and mental health; teachers, staff and teachers to promote learning behavior; educational psychology approach.
Educational psychology research methodology is observation, investigation and interview, natural experiment, laboratory experiment and so the basic observation is the educational psychology research methods, experimental method is more practical research methods.
Today, the world As regard the important role of education, more emphasis on education of their children grow. And a higher education requirement, due to fast development of society, from which reflected individual differences and diversity has become increasingly evident, with many new things and subjects, and this also suggests a greater education challenges. So I think for the study of educational psychology has a very broad prospects and challenges, so I am very willing to join the educational psychology of learning and study, want to learn, they can on this subject a deeper understanding, and can the knowledge applied to work in the future to serve the community which

