In the limit of higher mathematics method, the method of using equivalent infinity substitution limit is rarely mentioned, using the equivalent infinity substitution limit and equivalent infinitesimal substitution limit can have the effect of simplified calculation. In substitution for the product factor can be equivalent infinity substitution, but under certain conditions can also be used to limit the type of the product factor equivalent infinity substitution limit.来自有道翻译
In recent years, has become a regional decomposition algorithm is effective algorithm of partial differential equation, the domain decomposition method of complex or large domain decomposition into or without overlap area in the area, using various algorithm subproblems, by domain decomposition, each area between parallel computation, this method can be due to allow one in different area on the different characteristics of model using discrete method, and is helpful to improve the accuracy, on the other hand, because each area in solving independently and computing speed and greatly increased. This paper focuses on the thermal equation of difference scheme introduces the overlapped overlap and two regional decomposition method. The three chapters, the first chapter for quotation, briefly introduces the situation and regional decomposition algorithm, this paper discussed the basic. Dawson, the first chapter of heat conduction equations solving regional decomposition algorithm of decomposition error estimation algorithm, then will spread to thermal equation, this difference format tightly overlapping region decomposition algorithm is in this algorithm, the algorithm by introducing the inner boundary is divided into several regional at sub-domain, area within the boundaries between points with long strides in explicit calculation, the son of area calculation using implicit form small area, can also be different step length, once the inner boundary point value is calculated, and the calculated regional can completely parallel, and gives corresponding prior error estimation. The third chapter, the main difference equations of heat using a tight overlaps domain decomposition algorithm, which is a new type of calculating heat conduction equations of the numerical solution differential algorithm based on parallel algorithm and regional correction in each area, the area on the residual correction, the area between parallel computing. The convergence of the algorithm is proved.
Abstracts: Principle of the use of holes for a broad range, it is a mathematical combination of the most basic principle, the application of the principle holes can solve many problems concerning the existence of a combination of issues. In the 20th century, many studies are directed at holes the promotion of the principle, Ramsey theory, in which reached its is precisely because of the extensive use of pigeon holes principle, and subject to different types of answers to very different methods, so the principle of the structure of holes is also a variety of methods. In this paper, these methods have been collated and summarized to form seven commonly used construction method.
Keywords: pigeonhole principle; structure; pigeons; cage; Category
摘要:在命令按照Akaike信息标准(AIC)为部分大小摘取决定论成分从倾向非固定时间序列,回归分析和意味着茧细丝的大小被提出,和决定论成分被摘取从大小串联的茧细丝在附近分析随之发生.试验模仿决定论构成的on9cocoon范畴被实行, 和实验结果被分析.通过分析和试验,选择回归方程在附近AIC的次序和协同因素是有益准确描绘部分价值和平均数间的关系是闻名的.这研究是也非固定时间序列串联的有用对于预处理.引入在分析方面按尺寸排列茧细丝的串联((金色大小弯曲),那里一些吸引专家的研究[12]有趣的统计的问题存在.在测量和调查一些茧范畴的细丝大小之后,这个茧范畴的大小串联数据能被得到.这些数据能被认为是随着不同长度按照倾向和 autocovariance[[3]是非固定的时间序列串联的家庭.在使串联长度统一之后,我们能随着同样的长度[[45]得到非固定时间序列串联的家庭.为了更远学习这类型的时间序列,是对摘取决定论(金色倾向)和有可能的成分必要的.为数学描绘,起初,大小系列的茧细丝被回归方程in4-次序有的争辩的长度描绘.因为那研究还没有分析串联的有可能的成分,the4th次序回归方程不能一些茧范畴的完全描绘细丝大小和不能被用来模仿串联.在那以后 ,时间序列分析的方法被用来学习串联,决定论和有可能的成分被从串联摘取,梯子汽车-返回的模范已经被建议.有可能的成分是分析和模拟的某样的人随着有限长度和很好仿真结果是时间序列取得[67].有从系列摘取决定论成分两方法,一是要线地使系列有的长度争辩回归,用争辩的和其他的是要线地使系列的部分大小回归