完善的薪酬管理制度是企业 人力资源管理 的核心,对企业的发展影响巨大。我把整理好的薪酬管理论文分享给大家,欢迎阅读,仅供参考哦!
第一章 知识型员工的含义与特征
一、 知识型员工的含义
关于知识型员工的概念学术界尚无公认的定义,相近的提法有知识工作者、知识劳动者、知识工人、知识员工等等。管理大师彼得·德鲁克早在20世纪50年代中期就首先提出了“知识型员工”这一概念,他将知识型员工描述为“那些掌握和运用符号和概念,利用知识或信息工作的人”。他当时指的是某个经理或执行经理。50多年后,知识型员工实际上己经被扩大到大多数白领,已成为现代社会中的一个新兴阶层,并且必将成为企业组织中的一个特殊团体。加拿大著名学者弗朗西斯·赫瑞比(Frances Horibe, 2000)认为:“知识型员工就是那些创造财富时用脑多于用手的人们。他们通过自己的创意、分析、判断、综合、设计给产品带来附加价值。”她认为管理人员、专业技术人员以及销售人员都属于知识型员工的范畴。
二、 知识型员工的特征
知识型员工劳动复杂性程度高,劳动过程难以监控,劳动成果衡量难度大。知识型员工所从事的工作主要是思维性活动,依靠大脑而非肌肉,劳动过程往往是无形的,而且可能发生在每时每刻和任何场所。加之工作并没有确定的流程和步骤,工作 说明书 及固定的劳动规则越来越没有用,其他人很难知道应该怎样做,固定的劳动规则并不存在。因此,对劳动过程的监控既没意义,也不可能。
第二章 企业知识型员工薪酬管理方面存在的问题
绝大多数企业还没有建立有效的业绩评估机制,考核结果与薪酬管理缺乏联系,知识型员工的劳动成果缺乏保障,这就使薪酬的长期激励效果得不到体现和发挥。因而我国知识型员工 离职 率普遍较高。特别是30岁以下知识型员工。据有关统计,我国30岁以下员工中,平均每3一4年就要换一个单位。
全面薪酬战略就是外在的薪酬和内在的薪酬紧密结合、相互补充的薪酬支付战略,这是目前发达国家普遍推行的一种薪酬支付方式。具体可从以下几个方面人手:一是对不同的人员要用不同的薪酬激励 措施 ;二是将现金性薪酬和非现金性薪酬结合起来运用;三是适当缩短常规奖励的时间间隔、保持激励的及时性,有助于取得最佳激励效果。
1. 夏兆敢,<人力资源管理>(CIP). 上海 财经 大学出版社,2006.11
2. 左葆瑜.透视人力资源管理系统(HRMS).IT经理世界.2001.6
关键词:中小企业 薪酬 薪酬管理
0 引言
据统计我国中小企业约占全国企业总数的九层以上,在满足人们多层面需求、实现社会化专业协作、增加社会就业总量、缓解了社会压力等方面发挥着重要的作用,对国民经济的贡献率越来越高。由于中小企业在资金、规模、稳定性、企业知名度和 企业 文化 等方面同大企业相比处于劣势,往往导致企业吸纳不到人才或留不住人才。其中原因之一是很多中小企业薪酬体系不合理,在 企业管理 中对员工没有起到激励作用。
1 中小企业薪酬管理中存在的主要问题
目前很多中小企业仍旧没有形成科学合理的薪酬管理制度,欠缺现代薪酬管理 方法 与技术,薪酬制度很不规范,薪酬弹性较差。员工的工资标准约定俗成或由企业领导随意确定,员工的各种工资性项目的核算缺乏明确的依据和科学的方法,员工无法通过薪酬制度来了解自己的收入状况。另外薪酬结构中不同层次和不同岗位员工的工资水平等级较少、工资体系中与员工绩效或企业效益挂钩的项目较少、员工之间的工资差距较小、员工的工资起伏小等现象,薪酬自然就没有起到激励作用。随着企业的逐步壮大和外界竞争的加剧,管理者们面对瞬息万变复杂市场,如果采用创业初期方式方法来划分员工绩效等级,随意发放员工薪酬显然已不合时宜,急需专业人才为其提供系统的现代薪酬设计方案。
2 中小企业薪酬管理问题的对策探讨
其次要不断优化公司薪酬管理体制,规范员工薪酬标准,达到有法可依,并与市场接轨。中小企业通过 市场调查 来确定具有竞争力的薪酬政策,企业应合理分配有限的人工成本,充分发挥薪酬的激励作用。对于重要的技术人员、管理人员,可以将薪酬水平定位于市场水平之上;对于一般工作岗位的人员,由于人数多,替代成本低,则薪酬水平可与市场平均水平相近或略低,以保证企业有能力支付给重要岗位人员具有市场竞争力的薪酬水平。根据企业的支付能力、生活费用和物价指数、地区、行业间薪酬水平及劳动力市场供求状况来确定薪酬标准;以务实为前提,以个人技能、岗位能力需求和工作贡献为配置,本着激发工作热情、提高工作效率的原则,合理、公平、公正地进行利益分配;打破固定薪酬制度,将岗位津贴、绩效工资从固定工资中分离出来。加强绩效考核,制定一套完备而科学的绩效评价系统公正地将报酬与绩效挂钩引导和激励员工的行为,根据员工的自身素质和能力、所在的岗位和职务、个人的技术、水平、工作环境与强度、工作责任、工作业绩和贡献等综合因素来确定薪酬分配依据。 再有中小型企业在开展薪酬管理工作时,应保持薪酬系统的适度弹性。为了使员工之间的薪酬水平有合理的差距,企业首先要做的事情是正确评估每个岗位的价值并对全体员工确定合理的层级。不同层级和不同岗位之间的薪酬差距既不能太大也不能太小,需要企业在市场薪酬调查的基础上,结合自身的实际情况进行确定。同时员工个人的薪酬水平也应有所变化起伏,这种变化的依据是一个考核周期内员工的工作量多少、完成工作的质量情况以及企业的经营效益情况等。
薪酬管理问题 外文
Human Resources - Compensation Management
First, pay the management of the basic theory of analytic
(A) pay the concept and content
Payroll refer to employees engaged in labor, and perform their duties and complete the mission received financial compensation or return. The narrow sense, it means direct access to the remuneration, such as salaries, bonuses, allowances, and other options. Broadly speaking, the pay also includes indirect compensation, such as welfare.
(B) pay the meaning and content management
The salaries of the management of enterprises, that is, enterprise managers of the enterprises to pay workers compensation standards, payment levels, elements of structure identification, distribution and the adjustment process. In this process, companies must pay level, pay system, salary structure, pay a special situation, as well as the salaries of the staff groups to make decisions. At the same time, as an ongoing organizational processes, enterprises also continued to develop the pay plan, drawn up salary budget on salary management issues with the staff to communicate, while the pay system itself and then to assess the effectiveness of continuous be perfect. Enterprises pay administration including the identification of the main objectives of management salaries, select the pay policies, the development of the pay plan, adjust the salary structure of the four aspects.
First, determine the remuneration of management objectives
According to HR strategic planning, salary management objectives specifically include the following three aspects: ① the establishment of a stable workforce to attract high-quality personnel; ② inspire enthusiasm for the work of its staff to create high-performance; ③ efforts to achieve organizational goals and staff coordination of personal development goals.
Second, the choice of pay policy
Remuneration policy, that is, pay-to-business enterprise managers to run the management of the objectives, tasks and means of selection and combination of enterprises in the salaries of their employees on the approach adopted by the strategy. Pay Policy specifically includes the following three aspects: ① enterprises pay the cost of investment policy; ② According to choose their own business enterprises and reasonable wage system; ③ to determine the wage structure of enterprises, as well as wage levels.
Third, the development of the pay plan
Remuneration package is expected to be implemented to pay the level of the salaries of their employees to pay salaries of the management structure and focus the content of the enterprise pay policy specific. Enterprises in the formulation of the pay plan to adhere to the following two principles: ① management business goals and the principle of coordination; ② to enhance enterprise competitiveness.
Fourth, adjust the salary structure
Salary structure, that is, between employees and their salaries constitute the ratio. Specifically, salary structure, including the following three aspects: ① enterprise wage costs in different distribution among employees; ② job duties and the determination of wage rates; ③ basic staff, auxiliary and floating the proportion of wages, as well as basic wages and incentives wage adjustment. Salary structure of the establishment and adjustment should be given to workers of the principle of the biggest incentives.
(C) pay the management of the impact of factors
First, the external environmental factors (external environment factors). Including the government decree, economic, social, trade unions, the labor market, the standard of living and so on.
Second, the Organization of internal factors (organization internal factors). Including financial capability, budget control, remuneration policy, firm size, corporate culture, comparing the value of the work, competitiveness, fairness factor.
Third, personal factors (individual factors). Including years of service, performance, experience, education, development potential, such as personal ability.
Second, the management of Chinese enterprises pay the current situation and problems
The 20th century, since the 90's talent competition was aggressive on the state, China's enterprises in the talent competition at a disadvantage, the brain drain is very serious. On the one hand, multinational companies to enter China, make full use of its solid financial strength and favorable treatment, on all fronts forced landing, the quest for talent, so that Chinese enterprises, especially high-tech enterprises faced with severe competition for talent and challenges. At present, China's enterprises pay more prominent management problems, and even become a business development, thus, lower the level of wages and benefits so that enterprises pay a lack of market competitiveness, and can not fight for and retain talented people and lead to the replacement cost of human resources增加.
(A) of the Government's intervention in the management of enterprises pay too much
China's enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises in the distribution of the dominant position has not fundamentally established. While larger companies have the internal distribution of autonomy, but in order to achieve social equity are mostly state-owned enterprises in the total wage bill in the decision-making power by the relevant government departments to grasp the government through administrative means to enterprises linked to ergonomics or a lump sum approach to the total wage bill. Non-state-owned enterprises to implement most of the total wage bill in a lump sum or directly approved by relevant government departments total wages approach. Some local governments, enterprises not only control the total wage bill, and direct intervention in the wage ratio of enterprise specific management decisions. This allows enterprises pay management autonomy be very difficult to implement, seriously affected the internal reform of the distribution system quality.
(B) the tendency equalitarianism serious
Since reform and opening up in the allocation of the way our country has broken under the planned economic system to eat "big" situation, adherence to the "distribution according to work, giving priority to efficiency [thesis House], with due consideration to fairness" principle, however, many enterprises in the distribution of pay egalitarianism is still very serious, mainly in the following areas.
First, business income widespread tendency equalitarianism. On the one hand, operating income and average income level of employees of a serious problem. According to the survey, in the enterprise operators and employees of the enterprise's annual income, there are more than half of the business operators in the annual income of employees 2 times revenue accounted for 57 percent below, 1 / 3 of income for their employees 2 -- 5 times the annual income of more than 5 times the staff is relatively low, 9.7%; On the other hand, between enterprises, operators of the income gap is not. In China's enterprises, on the one hand, outstanding performance is not necessarily business owners access to high-income, many of the poor performance of enterprises and operators to obtain the equivalent of disproportionate income.
Second, pay levels between employees on average. Internal technical management personnel salaries, wages and salaries of ordinary income gap is not, the key technical, managerial staff posts equivalent to the general wage level of the wage level staff positions less than 2 times. Determinants of pay, on behalf of the identity of seniority and qualifications an important role to play, but with little to do with level of education. Employee wages, basic income is based on the form of subsidies and the average bonus payment, the project more complex distribution.
Third, enterprise managers incentive and restraint mechanisms. On the one hand, enterprise managers reward low income levels, on the other hand, entrepreneurs means of a single reward incentives, most of them remain at the basic salary increase for the bonuses, annual bonus incentives, etc.. Assessment of enterprise managers to monitor efforts to weak evaluation index system for a single,
(C) lack flexibility benefits
China's enterprises the benefits of the staff remain under the planned economic system of the traditional benefits, such as medical insurance, housing allowance, overtime pay, wash the rationale for subsidies, child day-care subsidies and so on, the lack of some in Western countries such as consultancy services, education and training benefits projects, family-friendly benefits, family benefits, such as human welfare services. In addition, the benefits of China's enterprises are fixed, no real benefits to design and staff involved, the lack of flexibility.
薪酬管理 英文文章2篇 并翻译成中文 中文总计不少于2500
Compensation Management Principles
and Data Application Training (1 Day)
How should a compensation system work to support business strategy and HR strategy?
How do compensation elements work together as part of a whole system?
Have you encountered questions or issues when applying market data to your
compensation management system?
This training will help you:
? Understand the framework and principles of a modern western compensation
management system
? Grasp necessary skills for tracking and updating compensation market levels and trends
? Apply processes and tools to compensation structure design
? Select, analyze, and extract insight from market data
? Utilize available market data to resolve problems in compensation management
About Hewitt
With 10 years of experience on the mainland, Hewitt Associates is recognized in the market as a
leading global HR consulting and delivery firm delivering professional solutions that address the
full range of clients’ HR needs. We have worked with over 2,500 clients in China, representing
the best of foreign and Chinese enterprises. For four consecutive years, Hewitt has been awarded
the "China HR Consultancy of the Year", and this year received ChinaSTAFF’s “China
Compensation and Benefits Consulting Firm of the Year” award.
About Our Training Courses
In response to client interest, we have expanded our traditional scope to now offer training
courses in HR and general management skills, which leverage Hewitt’s global materials, local
training resources, and solid consulting experience with clients here in China. This course——
Compensation Management Principles and Data Application will be the first course in Hewitt’s
compensation training series.
In this training course, we will introduce a basic consulting methodology, and the tools and
processes that Hewitt Associates regularly uses to consult with clients. Our consultants will also
share relevant project experiences we have had working with local market companies.
Our goal is not only to sharpen your daily operational skills, but also to raise awareness of the
“bigger picture” behind an effective compensation management system—how this system is
aligned with both business and people strategies.
Our participants say…
? “I loved the section on compensation strategy.”
? “I came to the session with lots of questions, and found the training extremely helpful. This
is a great chance for us to exchange market information and best practices with peers and
experienced consultants..”
? “Thanks to this training, I am now a part of a small club of HR compensation experts.”
Who should attend
HR Managers, Compensation & Benefits Specialists
Timing and Place
Shanghai: June 8th, 2005
Beijing: June 23rd, 2005
RMB 3,500/per Person (Including training materials and working lunch/tea breaks)
Note:Registrations of three or more participants from the same company for the same course or
registrations received before May 31st 2005 are eligible for a discount of RMB 500/per person.
Please fill in the table below and send it to the listed contacts.
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Beijing: Tel: Fax:
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Participant’s Contact Number
Participant’s Email address
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薪酬管理基础和市场数据应用培训(1 天)
通过我们一天 的培训,您将能够实现:
? 了解全球先进的薪酬管理的框架和理念
? 掌握并具有持续跟踪薪酬市场最新状况和趋势的能力
? 了解并熟练应用常见的薪酬设计和管理的基本流程、工具和方法
? 高效认读、解释和分析市场数据
? 准确运用市场数据,设计一系列解决方案以解决本企业实际出现的薪酬管理问题
作了10 年,专长于为企业提供战略性人力资源管理方案。在十年中,翰威特与2500 多家
源期刊《中国人才》于1999、2000、2001 和2002 年连续四次将 ”中国人力资源咨询年
奖”授予翰威特咨询公司,并且翰威特在2004 年度荣获该杂志颁发的“中国最佳薪资福
应广大客户的强烈要求, 翰威特咨询公司在总结多年在华客户咨询经验的基础上,结合翰
威特在全球的先进理念和系统理论,推出了管理及人力资源管理培训课程。 本次培训是
? “我很喜欢薪酬策略的部分.”
? “我带者问题来参加培训,这样的培训能够与顾问和其他同行进行信息交流,很有帮
? “通过这样的培训,我们能够组建一个小小的人力资源薪酬人员网络了。”
上海:2005 年6 月08 日
北京:2005 年6 月23 日
注:在2005 年5 月31 日前报名或同一单位三人以上报名者,均可获得人民币500 元/人的
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