

发布时间:2023-12-09 01:07


IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control


Systems & Control Letters

International Journal of Control

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics

IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology

IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering

IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation

International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control

IET Control Theory and Applications

International Journal of System Sciences

Journal of Process Control

SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization

Control Engineering Practice

International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing

Dynamical Systems: an International Journal

Cybernetics and Systems: an International Journal

Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control

Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation, and Control

AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics

European Journal of Control

Asian Journal of Control

Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems

Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems

International Journal of General Systems

International Journal of Systems Control and Communications

International Journal of Automation and Control

International Journal of Modeling Identification and Control

Nonlinear Control Abstracts

Nonlinear Dynamics

Structural Dynamics and Control

Circuit, systems and signal processing

International Journal of robust and nonlinear Control

Nonlinear analysis

Expert systems with applications

Fuzzy sets and systems

IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems

IEEE Transactions on Neural network


communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation



是sci,所属分区:3区。国际标准刊号:ISSN 1077-5463;EISSN 1741-2986。Journal of Vibration and Control《振动与控制杂志》简介,期刊简称J VIB CONTROL 参考译名《振动与控制杂志》 核心类别 SCIE(2022版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊。



Mark Rank Abbreviated Journal Title ISSN Total Cites Impact Immediacy Articles Cited

(linked to journal information) Factor Index Half-life

1 IEEE T AUTOMAT CONTR 0018-9286 17058 2.824 0.19 294 >10.0

2 J MACH LEARN RES 1532-4435 2043 2.682 0.3 90 4.3

3 IEEE T IND ELECTRON 0278-0046 3967 2.216 0.425 341 5.8

4 AUTOMATICA 0005-1098 8864 2.083 0.326 230 7.9

5 CHEMOMETR INTELL LAB 0169-7439 3434 2.063 0.322 121 7.7

6 INT J ROBUST NONLIN 1049-8923 1055 1.637 0.134 82 6.7

7 SYST CONTROL LETT 0167-6911 3376 1.634 0.2 95 8.4

8 INT J INNOV COMPUT I 1349-4198 274 1.537 0.154 143 1.7

9 J CHEMOMETR 0886-9383 1758 1.367 0.069 58 7.6

10 IEEE T SYST MAN CY B 1083-4419 2297 1.353 0.115 139 5.4

11 AUTON AGENT MULTI-AG 1387-2532 364 1.34 0.75 24 4.9

12 ANNU REV CONTROL 1367-5788 190 1.326 0.042 24 4.5

13 J PROCESS CONTR 0959-1524 1198 1.323 0.185 65 5.4

14 SIAM J CONTROL OPTIM 0363-0129 3592 1.288 0.147 95 >10.0

15 IEEE T CONTR SYST T 1063-6536 2093 1.278 0.083 108 6.4

16 CONTROL ENG PRACT 0967-0661 1696 1.263 0.189 122 5.7

17 IEEE T IND INFORM 1551-3203 76 1.232 0.241 29

18 IEEE T AUTOM SCI ENG 1545-5955 121 1.229 0.125 56 2.1

19 IEEE CONTR SYST MAG 1066-033X 1440 1.19 0.211 38 8.4

20 EUR J CONTROL 0947-3580 412 1.153 0.212 33 5.5

21 ESAIM CONTR OPTIM CA 1262-3377 366 1.076 0.171 41 5.1

22 MATH CONTROL SIGNAL 0932-4194 500 1.071 0.071 14 >10.0

23 IEE P-CONTR THEOR AP 1350-2379 1324 1.045 0 6.5

24 IEEE-ASME T MECH 1083-4435 1061 0.908 0.156 77 5.7

25 IEEE ROBOT AUTOM MAG 1070-9932 383 0.892 0.41 39 5.9

26 INT J CONTROL 0020-7179 3949 0.861 0.127 150 >10.0

27 MECHATRONICS 0957-4158 637 0.803 0.036 55 6.3

28 INT J ADAPT CONTROL 0890-6327 436 0.776 0.07 43 7.1

29 ENG APPL ARTIF INTEL 0952-1976 716 0.762 0.177 96 5.3

30 OPTIM CONTR APPL MET 0143-2087 164 0.735 0 24 8

31 ROBOT AUTON SYST 0921-8890 918 0.633 0.05 80 6.1

32 J DYN SYST-T ASME 0022-0434 1421 0.578 0.032 95 9.9

33 DISCRETE EVENT DYN S 0924-6703 200 0.545 0.105 19 6.5

34 CONTROL CYBERN 0324-8569 267 0.495 0.043 46 7.1

35 INT J SYST SCI 0020-7721 954 0.492 0.059 85 8.4

36 J ROBOTIC SYST 0741-2223 667 0.483 0 9.4

37 J DYN CONTROL SYST 1079-2724 189 0.481 0.103 29 7.1

38 INT J CONTROL AUTOM 1598-6446 214 0.468 0.012 86 3.3

39 J FRANKLIN I 0016-0032 615 0.441 0.054 74 >10.0

40 ASIAN J CONTROL 1561-8625 238 0.437 0.017 59 4.4

41 INT J ADV MANUF TECH 0268-3768 1496 0.378 0.047 514 4.9

42 ASSEMBLY AUTOM 0144-5154 122 0.368 0.054 37 4.9

43 INTELL AUTOM SOFT CO 1079-8587 65 0.268 0.031 32

44 AUTOMAT REM CONTR+ 0005-1179 781 0.252 0.033 180 >10.0

45 INT J ROBOT AUTOM 0826-8185 67 0.203 0 34

46 T I MEAS CONTROL 0142-3312 112 0.193 0 24 7.2

47 MEAS CONTROL-UK 0020-2940 77 0.184 0 38

48 P I MECH ENG I-J SYS 0959-6518 139 0.178 0 88 5.7

49 COMPUT CONTROL ENG 0956-3385 122 0.165 0 19 7.2

50 CONTROL ENG 0010-8049 62 0.018 0.009 117

51 CONTROL AUTOM 0956-3385 7 0 30

51 IET CONTROL THEORY A 1751-8644 14 0.06 199

控制类杂志 System and Control letters 怎么样

控制类杂志 System and Control letters是一流期刊。


我知道北大有实验室毕业要求有一篇 TAC 或 automatica 或 SCL,

或者其他SCI 好几篇,应该可以看出这个分量了,不过与前两个比还是有点差距的。

