

发布时间:2023-12-08 21:25


J PHYS CHEM 由美国化学会(ACS)创办,是物理化学领域非常著名的杂志,包括A/B/C/Letters四个子刊。这四个子刊侧重点不同,各有千秋,2011年的IF如下:
J PHYS HEM A: 2.946 J PHYS CHEM B: 3.696 J PHYS CHEM C: 4.805 J PHYS CHEM Lett: 6.213
让人很不解的是JPCB,这么好的杂志竟然被划到了三区。而同类的PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS(PCCP)2011年的IF是3.573,虽然IF比JPCB低,在大类分区里也是三区,但在小类“物理:原子、分子和化学物理”里是二区。JPCB和PCCP哪个档次更高,实力更强,影响力更大,大家都明白了。
(2)JPCB,相对更为偏软物质,高分子等,没有JPCA内核,但属于分子更高层次,如聚集态、超分子等,偏机理、机制,但还有Macromolecules,Soft Matter的竞争,现在因子不高,编辑也在想办法,投稿难度增加。
(3)JPCC,大家更为熟悉了吧, 不多解释了,偏硬材料、纳米、功能材料,属于Nano领域的中档期刊。

和 Physical review B 哪个认可度更高些

(2)JPCB相更偏软物质高等没JPCA内核属于更高层聚集态、超等偏机理、机制Macromolecules,Soft Matter竞争现高编辑想办投稿难度增加
(3)JPCC家更熟悉吧 解释偏硬材料、纳米、功能材料属于Nano领域档期刊

期刊about the journal请参考
A Out of 121 journals in the Physical Chemistry category, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A ranks #6 in total citations with 46,944 total cites. The Journal of Physical Chemistry also ranks #4 in citations out of 33 journals in the Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics category. The Journal received an ISI Impact Factor of 2.899.*
B:Out of 121 journals in the Physical Chemistry category, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B ranks #1 in total citations with 107,337 total cites. The Journal received an ISI Impact Factor of 3.471.*
C:The Journal of Physical Chemistry C increased in ISI Impact Factor to 4.224 (from 3.396 in the previous year). The journal received 25,129 total cites and published 3,045 articles

.A,B,C 这三个杂志哪个比较牛

(2)JPCB,相对更为偏软物质,高分子等,没有JPCA内核,但属于分子更高层次,如聚集态、超分子等,偏机理、机制,但还有Macromolecules,Soft Matter的竞争,现在因子不高,编辑也在想办法,投稿难度增加。
(3)JPCC,大家更为熟悉了吧, 不多解释了,偏硬材料、纳米、功能材料,属于Nano领域的中档期刊。

期刊的about the journal如下,请参考!
A Out of 121 journals in the Physical Chemistry category, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A ranks #6 in total citations with 46,944 total cites. The Journal of Physical Chemistry also ranks #4 in citations out of 33 journals in the Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics category. The Journal received an ISI Impact Factor of 2.899.*
B:Out of 121 journals in the Physical Chemistry category, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B ranks #1 in total citations with 107,337 total cites. The Journal received an ISI Impact Factor of 3.471.*
C:The Journal of Physical Chemistry C increased in ISI Impact Factor to 4.224 (from 3.396 in the previous year). The journal received 25,129 total cites and published 3,045 articles

预测一下soft matter即时影响因子

其IF应该会大于Macromolecules.1次SI上显示 到目前为止的平均每篇文章的引用次数为1。现在刚创刊,直逼6。估计等IF出来之后。毕竟是letter 期刊定位肯定在Macromolecules之上,因此长期来看,去年才出刊,就没这么容易了,投稿相对容易。 由于。 到2014年统计IF的时候,ACS macro letters 的IF应该会超过5,IF没出来,更多的引用应该在今年以及明年

