主编的学术专著有《癫痫持续状态的诊断和治疗》、《难治性癫痫》、《临床癫痫学》(第二版)、《神经系统疾病的理论与实践》、《农村家庭医生》、《揭开癫痫的面纱》、《临床神经电生理学癫痫治疗学》、《基因在疾病中的作用》和《颞叶与边缘叶癫痫》。参加过沈鼎烈教授《临床癫痫学(第一版)》,北京大学第一医院神经科吴逊教授《神经病学、癫痫与发作性神经病》、《癫痫新进展》,北京大学第一医院儿科林庆教授《儿童实用癫痫学》,首都医科大学宣武医院神经科贾建平主任《神经病学新进展》,天坛医院王拥军副院长《现代神经病学进展》,谭启富教授《癫痫外科学》,中南大学湘雅医院肖波教授《癫痫治疗学》和卫生部李世绰教授《癫痫脑电图》等30多本学术专著的编写。参与了卫生部全国统编教材《神经病学》(专升本,八年制),教育部全国统一教材《神经病学》(第一、二版),《老年病学》(第一、二版)和科学出版社全国高等学校教材《神经病学》中癫痫章的编写。以第一作者或通信作者在国内外杂志上发表有关癫痫和脑电图的学术论文150多篇,在Epilepsia、Experimental neurology、CNS drug、Seizure、Brain research等国外SCI期刊发表论文30多篇。承担过国家自然科学基金、卫生部、教育部、重庆市科委等部门资助的21项有关癫痫研究的课题。曾因癫痫的研究获得过国家科技进步二等、三等奖;教育部科技进步一等、二等奖;四川省科技进步一等奖和重庆市科技进步二等奖、重庆市中医药管理局科技进步二等奖及中国人民解放军后勤部科技进步三等奖。
英文回译:Why Can't Dog Eat Chocolate?
犬科动物:n. canine; 猫科动物:n. feline
Even if you don't have a dog, you probably know that they can't eat chocolate. It's one of most well-known toxic substances for canine ( and feline, for that matter ). But just what is it about chocolate that is so toxic to dogs?
可可碱:n. theobromine
新陈代谢:v. metabolize
It comes down to theobromine, a chemical in chocolate that humans can metabolize easily but dogs cannot.“They can't break it down as fast as humans and so therefore, when they consume it, it can cause illness.” Mike Topper, president of American Veterinary Medical Association, tells Mantel Floss.
腹泻:n. diarrhea; 癫痫:n. seizure
心律不齐:n. arrhythmia
It toxic efforts of this slow metabolization can range from wild upset stomach to seizures, heart failure, and even death. If your dog does eat chocolate, they might get thirsty, have diarrhea, and become hyperactivity and shaky. If things get really bad, that hyperactivity can turn into seizures, and they could develop an arrhythmian and have a heart attack.
While cats are more sensitive to theobromine, they are less likely to eat chocolate in the first place. They are much more picky eaters, and some research has found that they can't taste sweetness. Dogs, on the other hand, are much more likely to sit at your feet with those big, mournful eyes begging for a taste of whatever you are eating, including chocolate. (They are also have been known to just swipe it off the counter when you're not looking.)
If your dog gets a hold of your favorite candy bar, it's best to get them to the vet within two hours. The theobromine is metabolized slowly, “therefore, if we can get it out of the stomach there will be less there to metabolize.”Topper says. Your vet might be able to induce vomiting and give activated charcoal to block absorption of the theobromine. Intravenous fluids can also help flush
56 billion U.S. dollars of the money What is the concept? It has been calculated that the • Bill Gates in the wealth can buy 31.57 spacecraft, the Boeing 344 or 747. 268 film "Titanic" buy 156,000 Rolls-Royce production Benteli continental luxury cars. "Forbes" magazine on March 8 released 2007 annual global billionaires list, • Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates consecutive 13 to become the world's richest people, Fortune has 56 billion U.S. dollars. Imagine so much money is the concept. If the money with a dollar banknotes one Zhang Lian Cheng received a long one, up two per minute, 24 hours a day. You have to do 851 years to pavements. It will be the length of 8.367 million kilometers to go to the moon 10.8 back. Let you from the March 13, 1986 seizure began, to 76 km per hour speed can be found to keep the seizure End. Straight up barrier height is 5848.7 km and 54,700 tons of weight, the volume of 27,000 cubic feet. can be filled with 79.4 Boeing 747-400 cargo aircraft, the aircraft will fly a result of overloading and fixed. To fly, a Boeing 442 used 747 -400 degree. If Bill money in mattresses all Cypriots, even if the United States has the largest bed (78 × 80 inches), Every morning he has a 14.7 km from the high bed "jump" to the floor. Bill assumed weight of 180 pounds, then his weight USD 20.45 million U.S. dollars worth, even more expensive than gold 68,400 times. He can be distributed worldwide to 5.95 billion nine U.S. dollars per head of population, but also left more than 30 million for himself. If distributed to 270 million Americans, each person can receive 198.24 U.S. dollars. Microsoft has over 27,000 employees (of which there are already 200 to be a millionaire), Bill can give each of them 1.96 million U.S. dollars. The United States has 760,000 homeless people, and Bill can be issued to each of them 70,600 yuan. or could have built more than one million sets of simple housing for the millions of people living; Relief hungry children in Africa to 240 U.S. dollars a year. Bill can help 223.6 million. United States four ball games (basketball, hockey, American football and baseball) of all major league teams in 1996 the total value of 16.5 billion yuan. Bill less than one-third of the property. Maiketaisen Helifeierde ears bitten because of a meat fined 3 million, assuming that the piece of meat is about half ounce weight, So long as the Bill is willing, he can eat the old Howard was 559 pounds of meat (enough of the Associated 23). Sports maximum annual salary of the Chicago Bulls Michael Jordan earned 31.3 million annually. he had 1,718 passing season (300 2) Bill can earn so much money. If replaced by the poor? United States statutory minimum wage is 5.15 yuan per hour, 24 hours a day of dry, dry seven days a week. to 119 years in it; If only a week of dry 40 hours, 499 million years must for us.